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View Full Version : John McCain appears to have won South Carolina!!!!!!

01-19-2008, 09:35 PM
I love John and have stated so several times on this board. John is an American Hero and one that really could in 2000 bring the parties together.

I'll never again misunderestimate the ignorance and hypocrisy of the rednecks in South Carolina.

Pale Rider
01-19-2008, 10:46 PM
I love John and have stated so several times on this board. John is an American Hero and one that really could in 2000 bring the parties together.

I'll never again misunderestimate the ignorance and hypocrisy of the rednecks in South Carolina.

If you love him so much, that should be PLENTY reason enough for any CONSERVATIVE to hate his freagin' guts. You're a prime example and living proof that liberals stick together.

01-19-2008, 10:50 PM
You've proven yourself a shithead on other issues as well, pr.

If you love him so much, that should be PLENTY reason enough for any CONSERVATIVE to hate his freagin' guts. You're a prime example and living proof that liberals stick together.

Pale Rider
01-19-2008, 11:06 PM
You've proven yourself a shithead on other issues as well, pr.

Hey, be cool. I wasn't calling you any names other than liberal, and that's why you like mccain. He's a liberal too.

Am I wrong?

01-19-2008, 11:27 PM
Don't tell me to "be cool" while you ain't no shining example of it, pr. I certainly noted your implication which I also note was not ignored by other readers.

Hey, be cool. I wasn't calling you any names other than liberal, and that's why you like mccain. He's a liberal too.

Am I wrong?

John McCain is no liberal and I certainly am a liberal at least in the extreme reich wing interpretation. You figure that one out for yourself.

John McCain is an American Hero. There are swift boaters among us that would have us believe otherwise. John Kerry is another American Hero. Who will ever forget those swift boaters?

Yes, you are wrong on this issue and as I implied you have been wrong on many others. Keep your tank between your legs and they won't call you a sissy, pr.

Pale Rider
01-19-2008, 11:42 PM
Don't tell me to "be cool" while you ain't no shining example of it, pr. I certainly noted your implication which I also note was not ignored by other readers.

John McCain is no liberal and I certainly am a liberal at least in the extreme reich wing interpretation. You figure that one out for yourself.

John McCain is an American Hero. There are swift boaters among us that would have us believe otherwise. John Kerry is another American Hero. Who will ever forget those swift boaters?

Yes, you are wrong on this issue and as I implied you have been wrong on many others. Keep your tank between your legs and they won't call you a sissy, pr.

OK then Pb, be a prick, you're good at it anyway.... YES, mclame IS a fucking liberal, and so are you. That is EXACTLY why you like him. He has a liberal agenda, has fought for and enacted liberal laws right along side even bigger liberals, like kennedy, feingold, and another liberal in disguise, lindsey graham.

He's a hero? Why? Because he was a POW? Is that the new litmus test for a "hero?" He did his job. Just like millions of others. Just like I did. Unless you did something extra ordinary, you're just another vet that did his job. I'll give him that.

Now I won't tell you to "cool it" anymore now that I know you won't. Do what the fuck you want. I could care less. But if you want a pissing contest, find someone that's full of piss, because I'm fresh out.

Kerry is a hero.... shit.... HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA.... what a fuckin' joke. :laugh:

01-19-2008, 11:50 PM
You are such a silly one, pr.

OK then Pb, be a prick, you're good at it anyway.... YES, mclame IS a fucking liberal, and so are you. That is EXACTLY why you like him. He has a liberal agenda, has fought for and enacted liberal laws right along side even bigger liberals, like kennedy, feingold, and another liberal in disguise, lindsey graham.

He's a hero? Why? Because he was a POW? Is that the new litmus test for a "hero?" He did his job. Just like millions of others. Just like I did. Unless you did something extra ordinary, you're just another vet that did his job. I'll give him that.

Now I won't tell you to "cool it" anymore now that I know you won't. Do what the fuck you want. I could care less. But if you want a pissing contest, find someone that's full of piss, because I'm fresh out.

Kerry is a hero.... shit.... HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA.... what a fuckin' joke. :laugh:

Get that gwb monkey off your back and get back on topic. I suspect you ran out of piss about the same time you ran out of excuses. I've run into your kind before and you really ain't no different.

John McCain and John Kerry will forever remain American Heroes in my eyes. You got something else to say about the real veterans, Mr. Peacetime Cowgirl?

01-19-2008, 11:53 PM
John mccain won, anyone wanna show me proof that any other republican left will be any tougher on illegals then a president mccain would be

just a thought and a challenge.

Im learning toward mccain but i havent voted yet, so no flaming :slap:

01-19-2008, 11:57 PM
Go for what you know, martin!!!!! Great Catch!!!!!!!!

John mccain won, anyone wanna show me proof that any other republican left will be any tougher on illegals then a president mccain would be

just a thought and a challenge.

Im learning toward mccain but i havent voted yet, so no flaming :slap:

Do you have any premonitions about the Dem races?

01-20-2008, 12:03 AM
hello good sir, I have alot of respect for mccain, he voted against the tax cuts BECAUSE they didnt include cutting government waste.

I agree with his decision based on moral ground, you cannot cut taxes and NOT cut spending.

as much as i disagree with mccain's bill on illegal aliens, he had the balls to try to solve a problem

mccain-feingold, same thing... im not sure how i feel about it, but the intentions were noble enough

And for some people on this board, they need to read a dam book, mccain refused to leave the pow camp, because other men would be left behind, and he suffered 5 years in a camp.

The I hate mccain vile is disgusting, however I do respect actual, civil, disagreement with his political policies

Thanks psycho, ive been wanting to say this for a while :)

Go for what you know, martin!!!!! Great Catch!!!!!!!!

Do you have any premonitions about the Dem races?

01-20-2008, 12:05 AM
as far as john kerry goes,

I think it is honestly debateable whether he was a hero

of course serving makes one a hero, but im talking about what he said on the hill.

He did have the balls, to be the only one to stand up for what he believed in, and what he thought was wrong.

However, some could say he ratted out troops.

I dont know if what kerry said was true or not

all who serve are heroes period

01-20-2008, 12:07 AM
I think hillary is gonna win because the clinton machine is tough.

But obama could still take it, you never know

edwards doesnt have enough support to win.

I could be wrong, its just an opinion

Go for what you know, martin!!!!! Great Catch!!!!!!!!

Do you have any premonitions about the Dem races?

01-20-2008, 12:27 AM
Your carrying on about Kerry is proof that the Swift Boaters succeeded in their lies and that you have never come to terms with them. John Kerry is a Great American and all the American Hero as anyone before or after him.

I think hillary is gonna win because the clinton machine is tough.

But obama could still take it, you never know

edwards doesnt have enough support to win.

I could be wrong, its just an opinion

I continue to have hope for Edwards and his populist appeal. We may have to wait another 12 or so years for that neo populism to come to fruition, however. Apparently there has not been sufficient suffering in the middle classes as caused by the neocons and the neoliberals to bring about significant change in Washington, DC. The messes in Iraq, the environment, the American jobplaces and even in the eyes of the world that still worship the miracle that made our country possible continue to cloud responsible and otherwise intelligent American voting practises.

01-20-2008, 12:29 AM
I love John and have stated so several times on this board. John is an American Hero and one that really could in 2000 bring the parties together.

I'll never again misunderestimate the ignorance and hypocrisy of the rednecks in South Carolina.

I'm glad McCain won over Mitt. :dance:

01-20-2008, 12:31 AM
Your carrying on about Kerry is proof that the Swift Boaters succeeded in their lies and that you have never come to terms with them. John Kerry is a Great American and all the American Hero as anyone before or after him.

So you think ALL of those veterans that spoke out against Kerry were liars? But career politician Kerry isn't one? :poke:

Kerry's own words:
"I didn't really want to get involved in the war"
"When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."

01-20-2008, 12:37 AM
Your carrying on about Kerry is proof that the Swift Boaters succeeded in their lies and that you have never come to terms with them. John Kerry is a Great American and all the American Hero as anyone before or after him.

me: I agree he served with honor, but some may have a low opinion of him for what he said about fellow soldiers, and for the record I dont know if what he said about the troops was true or not, i wasnt there

Me: I dont like the swift boaters, or any other so called true brigades on either side, these so called political groups can say whatever they want and i have no idea if what they say is true or crap.

I continue to have hope for Edwards and his populist appeal. We may have to wait another 12 or so years for that neo populism to come to fruition, however. Apparently there has not been sufficient suffering in the middle classes as caused by the neocons and the neoliberals to bring about significant change in Washington, DC.

me: I think americans want a change, we have suffered massively with jobs losses, and other economic down turns.

The messes in Iraq, the environment, the American jobplaces and even in the eyes of the world that still worship the miracle that made our country possible continue to cloud responsible and otherwise intelligent American voting practises.

me: I still believe there is a possibility iraq can be fixed, and americans want a leader, not a politician.

01-20-2008, 12:38 AM
Thanks, Hawk. The used car salesman couldn't make the sale in South Carolina, could he?

I'm glad McCain won over Mitt. :dance:

01-20-2008, 12:41 AM
I joined the Air Force in 1968, Hawk. Must we be brutally honest with ourselves. John Kerry found himself in a very precarious situation and he handled himself, his men and his duties admirably. I like to think I did equally as well but you may have another opinion.

So you think ALL of those veterans that spoke out against Kerry were liars? But career politician Kerry isn't one? :poke:

Kerry's own words:
"I didn't really want to get involved in the war"
"When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."

Care to share, chickenshit?

01-20-2008, 12:44 AM
America will never "fix" Iraq, martin, and as much as you don't want a politician in the White House I am afraid you're going to have one as long as we embrace the idea of democracy in this country.

me: I still believe there is a possibility iraq can be fixed, and americans want a leader, not a politician.

Perhaps you would prefer a dictator or maybe a king?

01-20-2008, 12:47 AM
I joined the Air Force in 1968, Hawk. Must we be brutally honest with ourselves. John Kerry found himself in a very precarious situation and he handled himself, his men and his duties admirably. I like to think I did equally as well but you may have another opinion.

Care to share, chickenshit?

I'm sure you did "equally as well" as Kerry did. :laugh2:

Whats with the name calling? :poke:

01-20-2008, 12:50 AM
I am trying to be honest with myself that their is a distinct possiblity 5 years from now, reconciliation will fail and we will still be there.

Maybe, im too optimistic, but i still feel 2 years minimum before a withdrawal.

People wanna make iraq such a simple issue, but its really complex.

Im not saying anything about you just thinking out loud

how do you feel about making iraq three countries.

do you believe iran will take over iraq if we leave?

how will the u.s. be hurt otherwise if we leave

Just curious :)

America will never "fix" Iraq, martin, and as much as you don't want a politician in the White House I am afraid you're going to have one as long as we embrace the idea of democracy in this country.

Perhaps you would prefer a dictator or maybe a king?

01-20-2008, 12:53 AM
Perhaps you would prefer a dictator or maybe a king?

Well we all know you would prefer the dictator Saddam be in power rather than us finally overthrowing him. What say you pb? Saddam or give the Iraqis a chance to govern themselves?

01-20-2008, 01:08 AM
Maybe I went a little overboard with the namecalling, hawk.

I'm sure you did "equally as well" as Kerry did. :laugh2:

Whats with the name calling? :poke:

Perhaps you are only an imbecile. Maybe even a chickenshit imbecile. Sometimes I mistakenly use verbs as nouns and that's where the confusion starts!!!!!!!!

Pale Rider
01-20-2008, 01:10 AM
You are such a silly one, pr.

Get that gwb monkey off your back and get back on topic. I suspect you ran out of piss about the same time you ran out of excuses. I've run into your kind before and you really ain't no different.

John McCain and John Kerry will forever remain American Heroes in my eyes. You got something else to say about the real veterans, Mr. Peacetime Cowgirl?

"Mr Peacetime Cowgirl?" You mean the two holes in my right lung that I got a Purple Heart for presented by my Squadron Commander is fake?

You really talk like a fucking idiot when you drink Pb. You can't even get off a decent insult. You just look fucking stupid.

Pale Rider
01-20-2008, 01:12 AM
I'm sure you did "equally as well" as Kerry did. :laugh2:

Whats with the name calling? :poke:

He's DRUNK again tonight, and working on another ban.

01-20-2008, 01:21 AM
I've got a few medals myself, Mr. Girlysgt pr. Just what kind of "company" were you in while in the Air Force? Seriously, I'd like to know about your "company"?

"Mr Peacetime Cowgirl?" You mean the two holes in my right lung that I got a Purple Heart for presented by my company commander is fake?

You really talk like a fucking idiot when you drink Pb. You can't even get off a decent insult. You just look fucking stupid.

You are a fake, pr, your medal might be real but you, sir, are truly a fake.

01-20-2008, 05:35 PM
I love John and have stated so several times on this board. John is an American Hero and one that really could in 2000 bring the parties together.

I'll never again misunderestimate the ignorance and hypocrisy of the rednecks in South Carolina. Just more proof McLame is a Leftest Liberal

01-20-2008, 07:29 PM
Perhaps you are only an imbecile. Maybe even a chickenshit imbecile. Sometimes I mistakenly use verbs as nouns and that's where the confusion starts!!!!!!!!

Curious to know why you think I am either an imbecile or a "chickenshit". Or is this how you normally address veterans that don't happen to be liberal?

01-20-2008, 07:34 PM
Seems PB was on a tear last night, but I think there was an apology from him to 'someone' early morning...