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View Full Version : Why I think Romney is the best choice now

01-20-2008, 08:30 PM
Romney is the best choice now. Look at what we have to choose from. McCain and Giuliani. Huckabee and Thompson wont pick up any more traction. And both have little money. Ron Paul never was going to do well (although he has done quite impressive).

The only thing McCain has for him is that he supported the surge. He has military experience. But he also has several national security weaknesses: Namely McCain-Kennedy. Illegal Immigraiton is a national security interest. We've put up with one Republican President who refused to deal with it. Why on earth should we elect another one? We may not get another chance to. If the Democrats win then we will see Amnesty and the Democrats control government for decades.

And we will still benefit from McCain's military experience as we have in the past as a Senator. Why do we need to elect him President to do what he can already do now when he brings absolutely nothing else to the table? And the republicans will keep the seat in Arizona

Giuliani will turn off social conservatives big time. Nor is he the strongest on immigration (although better than McCain). He is a good leader though and some strength with fiscal policy and foreign policy.

Romney is the only one who has incredible strength with economic policy. Which is what we are going to need if we head into a recession. He is a natural leader with experience negotiating business around the world. So he understands foreign situations. He isn't the strongest on the war, but neither was President Bush. However, Romney is the type to have alot of intelligent advisors, and would likely confer with Senator McCain as well before doing anything. And He won't turn off social conservatives because the man is the only candidate with experiencing fighting against gay marriage.

Let's face it. Romney is the best choice we have in a quality candidate that can unite the base. He is actually arguing conservative issues. I know some of you doubt his loyalty to those conservative principles. But would you rather have someone you think could govern as a conservative, or someone you know will govern as a liberal. There aren't any other viable choices left.