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View Full Version : Electability.. The GOP's Advantage

01-21-2008, 07:53 PM
Jon Chait at The New Republic brings Hillary supporters down to Earth... her negatives are nearly 50% and likely only to go higher because of her scorched-earth tactics towards Obama and his supporters. Thanks to "Billary", black voters (as well as old-school liberals and young people) could vote for the GOP candidate in record numbers in November.
He also points out the nightmare candidate for Democrats is McCain, since he's supported by so many independents and even Democrats.


That said, the available data here is not very ambiguous. Hillary Clinton is a highly unpopular figure. In the last Gallup survey, 50% of respondents have a favorable view of her, and 46% negative. Sometimes her averages goes higher, but sometimes it veers into negative territory. Obama has very high ratings. In the most recent poll, 59% view him favorably, 32% negatively. The difference between plus 4 and plus 27 is enormous--a Detroit Lions v. New England Patriots-size gap.

On top of that, independents who vote in the primaries and caucuses have shown a very strong preference for Obama over Clinton. That is the closest available approximation of a swing voter. (Some Clinton supporters have pointed to her strength among lower-income Democrats in the primary, but a low-income Democratic primary voter is not the same thing as a working class swing voter.)

In 2000, Clinton ran five points behind Al Gore in the state of New York, and it's not like Gore was the most popular politician who ever lived. That's who she is--a figure who is disliked by pretty much everybody who isn't a sure-fire Democrat, and even some people who are. You can imagine Obama running a horrible general election campaign and becoming less popular. No doubt his favorable ratings would drop a bit in the face of Republican attacks, as would hers. But for him to become as unpopular as Clinton already is--without months of nation-side attack ads--is a worst-case scenario.

It's entirely possible Clinton could win if given a favorable environment and/or a sufficiently weak opponent. (Whether she could bring along as many Democratic Senators and Representatives is more doubtful, which is why so many red state Democrats are endorsing Obama.) And I'm not saying electability has to be a first-order consideration--if you think Clinton would be a much better president than Obama and are willing to accept a higher risk of a Republican winning, then go for it.

That so many Democrats think this question is complicated suggests to me that maybe people aren't good at assessing the popularity of their co-partisans. To Democrats, it's perfectly obvious that the strongest Republican nominee is John McCain. He polls very highly, everybody knows Democrats and Independents who like him, and so on. But Republicans are constantly debating this. You see Republicans spinning horror scenarios of a McCain nomination leading to a splintering base or depressed turnout. To Democrats it's bewildering that they even debate this. Lots of Republicans feel the same way about the Clinton/Obama electability debate.

01-21-2008, 08:33 PM
Jon Chait at The New Republic brings Hillary supporters down to Earth... her negatives are nearly 50% and likely only to go higher because of her scorched-earth tactics towards Obama and his supporters. Thanks to "Billary", black voters (as well as old-school liberals and young people) could vote for the GOP candidate in record numbers in November.
He also points out the nightmare candidate for Democrats is McCain, since he's supported by so many independents and even Democrats.

What a coincidence, he is the nightmare candidate for Republicans as well.

01-21-2008, 08:38 PM
What a coincidence, he is the nightmare candidate for Republicans as well.

We can't agree :-). I do look forward to McCain or Romney tearing her limb for limb and leaving the Clintons in the ash heap of history.

I see a grand victory for McCain and a solid one for Romney. I want that grand one though... I want as many centrists and blacks as possible in the GOP. For better or worse, we're likely to lose many Hispanic votes. We need to make up for that without destroying our party.

01-21-2008, 08:39 PM
The only thing I see the next election proving is how much partisan hatred and fear exists. Votes against (R) wil be compared to votes against (D).

01-21-2008, 09:09 PM
We can't agree :-). I do look forward to McCain or Romney tearing her limb for limb and leaving the Clintons in the ash heap of history.

I see a grand victory for McCain and a solid one for Romney. I want that grand one though... I want as many centrists and blacks as possible in the GOP. For better or worse, we're likely to lose many Hispanic votes. We need to make up for that without destroying our party.McCain makes most conservative want to throw up so they wont turn out to vote for him and even if they do the Senate and House will be filled to the brim with Democrats in majority so he could only veto or go on his knees.

Romney could rally the conservatives and independents if he would attack the Democrats on illegal immigration and their refusal to allow the development of domestic energy. If Romney would hit hard he could rally the nation to elect Republican Senators and House Representatives and actually get something done for the people with a majority.

It absolutely doesnt matter if Senator McCain would become president with a Democratic majority in congress because he would be helpless and probably wrap an arm around Senator Kennedy and have senior moments as the people gather their pitchforks.

01-21-2008, 09:13 PM
McCain makes most conservative want to throw up so they wont turn out to vote for him and even if they do the Senate and House will be filled to the brim with Democrats in majority so he could only veto or go on his knees.

Romney could rally the conservatives and independents if he would attack the Democrats on illegal immigration and their refusal to allow the development of domestic energy. If Romney would hit hard he could rally the nation to elect Republican Senators and House Representatives and actually get something done for the people with a majority.

It absolutely doesnt matter if Senator McCain would become president with a Democratic majority in congress because he would be helpless and probably wrap an arm around Senator Kennedy and have senior moments as the people gather their pitchforks.

Again, why should I believe Romney when he had illegals working on his lawn the day after the debate where he was accusing Rudy & McCain of being soft on immigration.

Re: Democratic majority with a McCain-HRC race... not going to happen. Her negatives are entirely too high and a lot of people will vote straight ticket GOP against her. She doesn't have coattails, she has anchors, weighing down and drowning Democratic candidates, especially in red and purple states.

Why do think so many red/purple state Dems are supporting Obama over her? They realize they'll lose big-time if she's the nominee unless she faces an empty suit like Romney.

Though I still give him fair odds to beat her if he runs a fabulous campaign, which I doubt he could since he tries so hard to be everything to everyone everytime.

01-21-2008, 09:33 PM
Again, why should I believe Romney when he had illegals working on his lawn the day after the debate where he was accusing Rudy & McCain of being soft on immigration.

Re: Democratic majority with a McCain-HRC race... not going to happen. Her negatives are entirely too high and a lot of people will vote straight ticket GOP against her. She doesn't have coattails, she has anchors, weighing down and drowning Democratic candidates, especially in red and purple states.

Why do think so many red/purple state Dems are supporting Obama over her? They realize they'll lose big-time if she's the nominee unless she faces an empty suit like Romney.

Though I still give him fair odds to beat her if he runs a fabulous campaign, which I doubt he could since he tries so hard to be everything to everyone everytime.In my opinion if McCain is the nominee the Democratic Party will gain in the House, Senate and take the President. Even if Romney wins he has to rally the nation in a completely different direction to acquire gains in the House/Senate and become President. Damn, has no one noticed all of our candidates are broke and turnouts for Dems thus far has outnumbered the Republicans to the point of embarrassment? We have nothing to vote for unless we start a fight the independents join in on and the only thing they are interested in is Illegal Immigration, economy and health care. 90% of the Hispanic voters in Las Vegas were illegal, what the hell do people think will happen in CA, the illegal Mexican capitol of America?

01-21-2008, 09:37 PM
In my opinion if McCain is the nominee the Democratic Party will gain in the House, Senate and take the President. Even if Romney wins he has to rally the nation in a completely different direction to acquire gains in the House/Senate and become President. Damn, has no one noticed all of our candidates are broke and turnouts for Dems thus far has outnumbered the Republicans to the point of embarrassment? We have nothing to vote for unless we start a fight the independents join in on and the only thing they are interested in is Illegal Immigration, economy and health care. 90% of the Hispanic voters in Las Vegas were illegal, what the hell do people think will happen in CA, the illegal Mexican capitol of America?

You notice that in the open primary states thus far; independents have voted overwhelmingly for Obama or McCain. If HRC is the nominee and McCain is the GOP nominee, how does he not get those votes? She's going to win the Democratic primary at any cost, which will cost her the general election. If people thought they hated Billary before, the sequel is far worse and even Dems are smart enough to realize it needs to stop. Read Alter in Newsweek detailing Teddy & Rep. Emmanuel (the architect of the Dem victory in 2006) bitching at Bill to shut up and calm down.