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View Full Version : Blacks Film Selves Hitting Whites

Hugh Lincoln
01-21-2008, 08:17 PM

Pale Rider
01-21-2008, 09:11 PM

But that doesn't make them racist. Everybody knows only white people can be racist. There's people here on this board that will tell you the same thing HL. In fact, you posting this on the board was probably a racist thing to do in their opinion. To whom am I speaking of? They know who they are. I don't need to mention any names. But let's see if they have the BALLS to show up here and defend themselves.

My two cents on that video, some black walks past me like that and slaps me, there'll be one dead nigger. Yeah I said nigger, because that's the kind of person doing this. A decent "black" person will think it's just as vulgar of an action as I do.

I took the liberty of copying and emailing the link to that video to all the major new outlets HL. Lets see if this story ever gets any attention. My guess is it won't. The lame stream media is scared to fucking DEATH of ever showing black on white crime.

Hugh Lincoln
01-22-2008, 08:39 PM
My two cents on that video, some black walks past me like that and slaps me, there'll be one dead nigger. Yeah I said nigger, because that's the kind of person doing this. A decent "black" person will think it's just as vulgar of an action as I do.

I wish, but if you fight back, YOU are the one committing the "hate crime."

01-23-2008, 10:20 AM

Very brave of them to do this in groups of 4-5 to a single white person.

Hagbard Celine
01-23-2008, 10:45 AM
Yeah, I can't believe none of these people tried to fight back at all. These f*ckers would be dead if this happened to me. I'd stomp their skulls in.

01-23-2008, 11:55 AM
They are so very brave with skinny white boys, old men and a woman, running in a pack. They also make sure that there is nobody else to come to the aid of these people. They are chicken shits one on one, I see that all the time where I work. I'm gray haired and only 5'9" but have stood my ground and watched them back down. A lot like a pack of wild dogs.

You don't see shit like that too often in Texas, that old man just might be packing a Glock and the courts will definitely side on self defense against five assholes.

I want to see the video when they pick on the wrong guy. I'm sure after this video, the wrong guys are going to start riding on trains waiting for these asswipes to do it to them, then. kaboom..... oil slick on the tracks.

01-23-2008, 12:36 PM
**waits for blacks to find Hugh and drag him behind an old pick up truck**

01-23-2008, 01:47 PM
But that doesn't make them racist. Everybody knows only white people can be racist..

White people can be racist? No way! I've never met one.

Hugh Lincoln
01-23-2008, 08:33 PM
**waits for blacks to find Hugh and drag him behind an old pick up truck**

I think that's what Martin Luther King was talking about.

01-23-2008, 10:26 PM
**waits for blacks to find Hugh and drag him behind an old pick up truck**

more logical fallacies.....

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