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01-22-2008, 12:30 AM
He never let himself get drawn into the Hillary/Barack squabbles and he kept on point thoughout the debate. A man truly deserving of the Presidency of the United States Of America!!!!!!!!! Did any of you catch the CNN debate?

John McCain or any other Republican candidate will have no chance of beating John Edwards in 2008.

01-22-2008, 12:31 AM
He never let himself get drawn into the Hillary/Barack squabbles and he kept on point thoughout the debate. A man truly deserving of the Presidency of the United States Of America!!!!!!!!! Did any of you catch the CNN debate?

John McCain or any other Republican candidate will have no chance of beating John Edwards in 2008.

Grab a seat in your cell, Otis.

01-22-2008, 12:37 AM
pity he can not get any traction......

01-22-2008, 01:02 AM
He certainly has the best ideas for America, m'59, in my opinion. If he could get a break from the media he would be a much more formidable candidate, don't you agree?

pity he can not get any traction......

I still hold out hope for Super Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2008, 01:10 AM
Raising taxes is what all three wanna do, i fail to see how that will help especially when government cant spend enough

He certainly has the best ideas for America, m'59, in my opinion. If he could get a break from the media he would be a much more formidable candidate, don't you agree?

I still hold out hope for Super Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2008, 01:21 AM
He never let himself get drawn into the Hillary/Barack squabbles and he kept on point thoughout the debate. A man truly deserving of the Presidency of the United States Of America!!!!!!!!! Did any of you catch the CNN debate?

John McCain or any other Republican candidate will have no chance of beating John Edwards in 2008.

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:,stop it! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

01-22-2008, 01:33 AM
He never let himself get drawn into the Hillary/Barack squabbles and he kept on point thoughout the debate. A man truly deserving of the Presidency of the United States Of America!!!!!!!!! Did any of you catch the CNN debate?

John McCain or any other Republican candidate will have no chance of beating John Edwards in 2008.

Will you make up your damn mind? First it's Hitlery, then it's Obama Bin Laden, then Kookinich now Edwards.

Also Edwards won't win the primaries and would get killed during the general election.

01-22-2008, 01:39 AM
You're a liar, martin. Just give me a single quote where anyone besides your favorite newscasters have intimated a tax increase by any of these fine Democrats?

Raising taxes is what all three wanna do, i fail to see how that will help especially when government cant spend enough

I listen very closely and I have not heard such a proposal by anyone other than Huckabee to raise taxes. McCain has come close but he hasn't actually said it, yet.

Read my lips. No NEW taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2008, 01:43 AM
What the hell is this? nm going psycho on Psycho?

Will you make up your damn mind? First it's Hitlery, then it's Obama Bin Laden, then Kookinich now Edwards.

Also Edwards won't win the primaries and would get killed during the general election.

Edwards scares the shit out of you, doesn't he? Personally, I think a box of Quaker Oats can beat anything in the gop stable right now.

01-22-2008, 03:59 AM
What the hell is this? nm going psycho on Psycho?

Edwards scares the shit out of you, doesn't he? Personally, I think a box of Quaker Oats can beat anything in the gop stable right now.

Edward's does scare the shit out of the, this man barely has the IQ of a retard and he is running for President. Damn you Liberal's have low standards. Then you have a Muslim spearchucker running and a woman who wants to be the female version of Chavez. Yea you guy's are on a roll and you wonder why Republican's are scared?

Also you change candidates more then Multiple Choice Mitt switches his stances depending on which state he is in.

01-22-2008, 04:01 AM
can u tell me what you like about him.

the media tells us nothing about any of the candidates political beliefs, i feel like im watching my 7th grade presidential run.

where its who's the most liked/popular according to the media

He never let himself get drawn into the Hillary/Barack squabbles and he kept on point thoughout the debate. A man truly deserving of the Presidency of the United States Of America!!!!!!!!! Did any of you catch the CNN debate?

John McCain or any other Republican candidate will have no chance of beating John Edwards in 2008.

01-22-2008, 04:03 AM
Let me retract and clarify my statement.

But let me say, im not a liar. im not mad either, politics makes us passionate.

I have heard hillary say, she wants 5,000 per new baby.

I have heard they all want to raise taxes.

I shouldnt have said such an ignorant statement with backing it up, my bad.

sorry my friend.

You're a liar, martin. Just give me a single quote where anyone besides your favorite newscasters have intimated a tax increase by any of these fine Democrats?

I listen very closely and I have not heard such a proposal by anyone other than Huckabee to raise taxes. McCain has come close but he hasn't actually said it, yet.

Read my lips. No NEW taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2008, 04:07 AM
Whatching the Democratic debate is about as interesting as watching a retard trying to hump a door knob and surprisingly it has the same outcome.:laugh2:

01-22-2008, 04:22 AM
I found that debate very interesting. I was shocked that Bill didn't come running out and punch Obama. Man they were ripping each other's faces off! I thought it too funny when Obama brought up the 'fairy tale' and Hilliary claimed, "I didn't say that!" and Obama replied, "You're husband did!" Hillary, "Well I'm here, he isn't."

She wouldn't be there if she wasn't married to Billy. Whatever his deep flaws, he's an excellent politician; she may be smarter, but she's a lousy politician, she oozes meanness. So she can't run without him, he's trying to pull her over the finish line, yet she acts like he's like any other campaign flunky. It won't fly.

01-22-2008, 04:26 AM
I found that debate very interesting. I was shocked that Bill didn't come running out and punch Obama. Man they were ripping each other's faces off! I thought it too funny when Obama brought up the 'fairy tale' and Hilliary claimed, "I didn't say that!" and Obama replied, "You're husband did!" Hillary, "Well I'm here, he isn't."

She wouldn't be there if she wasn't married to Billy. Whatever his deep flaws, he's an excellent politician; she may be smarter, but she's a lousy politician, she oozes meanness. So she can't run without him, he's trying to pull her over the finish line, yet she acts like he's like any other campaign flunky. It won't fly.

Bill is to much of a wussy to punch Obama Bin Laden, although he would have his Secret Service detail do it. Hell, he would have them kill him and make it look like a suicide.

01-22-2008, 04:42 AM
Seriously, nm, you gotta be shittin' and you sure ain't shittin' me. Read your own g'damn post. You write like a madman.

Edward's does scare the shit out of the, this man barely has the IQ of a retard and he is running for President. Damn you Liberal's have low standards. Then you have a Muslim spearchucker running and a woman who wants to be the female version of Chavez. Yea you guy's are on a roll and you wonder why Republican's are scared?
Also you change candidates more then Multiple Choice Mitt switches his stances depending on which state he is in.

Get a grip, cowgirl, and hold on for the ride!!!!!!

01-22-2008, 04:47 AM
Seriously, nm, you gotta be shittin' and you sure ain't shittin' me. Read your own g'damn post. You write like a madman.

Get a grip, cowgirl, and hold on for the ride!!!!!!

I write like a madman? Try reading your posts when your sober, oh wait you would need to know how to read to do that. Sorry about your luck.:laugh2:

01-22-2008, 05:10 AM
You got some quotes, you little shit? I only have to reference your statement above to prove your dumb ass to be the madman that I suggest. I can produce other quotes but I'll let the present one suffice for now. In case you forgot I'll repeat your words for you:

"Edward's does scare the shit out of the, this man barely has the IQ of a retard and he is running for President. Damn you Liberal's have low standards. Then you have a Muslim spearchucker running and a woman who wants to be the female version of Chavez. Yea you guy's are on a roll and you wonder why Republican's are scared?
Also you change candidates more then Multiple Choice Mitt switches his stances depending on which state he is in."

I write like a madman? Try reading your posts when your sober, oh wait you would need to know how to read to do that. Sorry about your luck.:laugh2:

Luck? WTF are you talking about? I have never had any luck and I sure as hell ain't claiming any now. You are one sick puppy, nm.

01-22-2008, 10:28 AM
"John Edwards is da MAN!!!!!!!!!!" :lmao: Oh yeah...He's the man...uh-huh.... :lmao:

01-22-2008, 11:25 AM
John Edwards is da MAN!!!!!!!!!!

Delegates won so far (from CNN):

Hillary . . . . . 210
Obama. . . . . 123
Edwards. . . . . 52

Yup, Edwards is da man. :lol:

He just isn't da nominee, and won't be. :lame2:

Abbey Marie
01-22-2008, 01:56 PM
I found that debate very interesting. I was shocked that Bill didn't come running out and punch Obama. Man they were ripping each other's faces off! I thought it too funny when Obama brought up the 'fairy tale' and Hilliary claimed, "I didn't say that!" and Obama replied, "You're husband did!" Hillary, "Well I'm here, he isn't."

She wouldn't be there if she wasn't married to Billy. Whatever his deep flaws, he's an excellent politician; she may be smarter, but she's a lousy politician, she oozes meanness. So she can't run without him, he's trying to pull her over the finish line, yet she acts like he's like any other campaign flunky. It won't fly.

Since I heard that she failed the DC bar, the jury is out on how smart she really is. Now if you said she's very sneaky, I'd have to agree.