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View Full Version : Not Presidential election

01-22-2008, 04:19 PM
But i figured id let you guys know, I just picked up the petitions to be on the primary ballot to be a Pennsylvania RNC delegate.

Im nervous. this is the first time Ive ever tried this. I figure the worst that can happen is i lose and there goes $25

01-22-2008, 05:53 PM
Rock on! I was a delegate to the state GOP convention twice. It's fun.

01-22-2008, 05:54 PM
Rock on! I was a delegate to the state GOP convention twice. It's fun.

ive never done anything like this before. But i figured it was worth a try. the worst thing that happens is i lose the $25 application fee.

I want to see how this works. Besides, there is a certain young lady in Minnesota id like to see:-D

01-26-2008, 03:21 PM
So i spent my first day canvassing my area. there are not as many Republicans as i would have thought for a Republican area. alot of people werent home though.

Interesting experience, i ran into some movers asked them if any were Republican and they started railing against Bush. Apparently the Republicans are taking their money and sending one of the guys sons to fight in Iraq. And then he was like "bet you thought you were just going to find some stupid movers."

And i was walking away thinking, i wasnt before but i am now. Republicans taking their money? Who raises taxes? I almost laughed outloud at that.

And the guy whose son is fighting, well God bless the kid because his father doesnt understand the concept of a volunteer military. hope he doesnt give his son a hard time.