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01-22-2008, 09:06 PM
None of the candidates are talking real change in Washington. They continue to spout sound bites, petty insults, and typical party bickering. I think our candidates have lost or never had a true vision of how this country should be ran. In this mix, Republicans have lost their conservative bearings as they try to become "compassionate conservatives" or "progressive conservatives", etc. They have simply fell prey to the liberal media.

We need to get back to true conservative values......what are those values? Does today's generation even know what true conservatism is? at it's core?

I have started to write a series of blogs to describe true American conservatism and it's basic elements. I would be interested in your feedback. Liberals may want to ignore at this point.




01-25-2008, 12:34 AM
excellent, im only 27 so i wasnt old enough to see real conservatism.. atleast now you have given me the opportunity to read it.

None of the candidates are talking real change in Washington. They continue to spout sound bites, petty insults, and typical party bickering. I think our candidates have lost or never had a true vision of how this country should be ran. In this mix, Republicans have lost their conservative bearings as they try to become "compassionate conservatives" or "progressive conservatives", etc. They have simply fell prey to the liberal media.

We need to get back to true conservative values......what are those values? Does today's generation even know what true conservatism is? at it's core?

I have started to write a series of blogs to describe true American conservatism and it's basic elements. I would be interested in your feedback. Liberals may want to ignore at this point.




01-25-2008, 12:47 AM
Don't worry about it, martin. genie doesn't know what conservative values are either. Actually, they are simple and can be outlined similar to the 5 or 6 step outline that chesswarsnow likes to post. genie is just lookin' for a fight and I welcome that. How about you?

01-25-2008, 06:59 PM
I dont like fighting, learning is more fun :cheers2:

Don't worry about it, martin. genie doesn't know what conservative values are either. Actually, they are simple and can be outlined similar to the 5 or 6 step outline that chesswarsnow likes to post. genie is just lookin' for a fight and I welcome that. How about you?

01-28-2008, 07:02 PM
Don't let Psycho bother you....he's liberal so he's angry. That's another part of conservatism you will have to learn. Conservatism is deeply rooted in a strong, positive outlook for man and what he can accomplished. It is not an excuse based philosophy like liberalism....thus you will normally find that liberals are generally angry sarcastic people versus the generally positive, "can do" type of individuals you will find in conservatism.

I wrote another piece called "why liberals hate so much". I will try to post it in a day or two.

01-28-2008, 07:36 PM
None of the candidates are talking real change in Washington. They continue to spout sound bites, petty insults, and typical party bickering. I think our candidates have lost or never had a true vision of how this country should be ran. In this mix, Republicans have lost their conservative bearings as they try to become "compassionate conservatives" or "progressive conservatives", etc. They have simply fell prey to the liberal media.

We need to get back to true conservative values......what are those values? Does today's generation even know what true conservatism is? at it's core?

I have started to write a series of blogs to describe true American conservatism and it's basic elements. I would be interested in your feedback. Liberals may want to ignore at this point.




Ron Paul has these values that you talk of. Why is he not considered to be a presidential candidate?

I also question this statement from your blog...

Regarding abortion, the conservative recognizes a woman’s right to choose up to the point of conception. After conception, except in cases of rape, the woman has already made her choice and the rights of the unborn outweigh her right to reconsider her previous choices.

As a Conservative, I believe that a woman should have the right to do with her body as she chooses. Neither I nor the federal government should dictate her choices. Do I agree with abortion as a form of birth control? No. Do I feel that the government should decide this? No. This is an issue that needs to be decided at the state level.

01-30-2008, 08:19 PM
Ron Paul has these values that you talk of. Why is he not considered to be a presidential candidate?

I also question this statement from your blog...

As a Conservative, I believe that a woman should have the right to do with her body as she chooses. Neither I nor the federal government should dictate her choices. Do I agree with abortion as a form of birth control? No. Do I feel that the government should decide this? No. This is an issue that needs to be decided at the state level.

I appreciate your point above and I would say that abortion is one of the toughest issues we face. I guess my point is that I do agree that a woman (or a man for that matter) should always have complete control of their body. That is the truest form of freedom, isn't it? However, when two rights are in conflict with one another, such as in the woman's right to choose vs. the baby's right to life, I just believe you have to side on the right of life.

Hugh Lincoln
01-30-2008, 09:59 PM
Conservatism is about accepting facts. Liberalism is about ignoring them.

01-30-2008, 10:31 PM
I appreciate your point above and I would say that abortion is one of the toughest issues we face. I guess my point is that I do agree that a woman (or a man for that matter) should always have complete control of their body. That is the truest form of freedom, isn't it? However, when two rights are in conflict with one another, such as in the woman's right to choose vs. the baby's right to life, I just believe you have to side on the right of life.

The fetus isn't a baby until it's developed sufficiently to be viable. The courts are using that line to determine whether to charge someone who kills a pregnant woman with 2 counts instead of one. Any rights a fetus might have wouldn't start until that line is crossed at a minimum. Allowing abortions with restrictions on when they can be performed (IMO, only in the first trimester unless it's a medical necessity) is the only sensible approach.