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View Full Version : Hillary's Green Elixir

01-23-2008, 02:18 AM
y INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Politics: In pushing green-based government nostrums to stimulate the economy, Sen. Clinton has plunged headlong into the classic economic trap known as the Broken Window Fallacy.

Related Topics: Election 2008

She proposes pumping billions into a Washington fund to jump-start what Democrats romance as the "green economy," thereby creating "the jobs of the future."

"I do believe the green-collar job piece of this is important," she said in Monday's debate. "That's why I have $5 billion to do it."

"We could put hundreds and hundreds of young people to work right now, putting solar panels in, insulating homes," Clinton gushed. "That would give them jobs, and it would move us more quickly to a green economy."

Her husband has even sexier "green-collar jobs" in mind, such as laying sod on top of every flat-top roof in Manhattan, which will put people to work growing grass over blacktop while cutting down on AC output in those buildings. And if we replace incandescent light bulbs with eco-friendly (ignoring the mercury) compact fluorescent bulbs, we'll put even more people to work.

At the same time, Hillary's plan requires a new layer of bureaucracy to dole out the funds and train "green-collar" workers. The eco-crats employed by the government would produce nothing of worth for the nation's economy, but they would be a tax burden.

In the Clintons' utopian "green economy," we wouldn't actually make anything new. We'd just replace existing products — and recycle jobs lost in other industries.

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