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01-23-2008, 11:30 PM
Great stuff here... a lot more at the link.

Six Big Lies About John McCain
By Michael Medved
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
LIE #1: John McCain isn’t a loyal Republican.

TRUTH: McCain has been a stalwart Reagan Republican since he first entered politics in 1981.

He has never backed Democratic candidates for president or lesser posts – other than supporting his friend Joe Lieberman in his Independent campaign for US Senate in 2006. Over the years, he has campaigned tirelessly for Republican office-holders in every corner of the country – including vigorous campaigning that helped win elections for his former rival George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004.


LIE #2: McCain represents a betrayal and rejection of the Reagan coalition.

TRUTH: McCain is a consistent, passionate Reagan Republican who, like the greatest president of recent years, is unabashedly pro-life, pro-second amendment rights, pro-military, pro-peace through strength, pro-small government, pro-spending cuts, and pro-tax cuts.

Many leaders of the Reagan Revolution – Jack Kemp, Senator Phil Gramm, Senator Dan Coats, General Alexander Haig, George Shultz and many more – proudly back Senator McCain. The conservative Senators who know McCain best – John Kyl, Tom Coburn, Sam Brownback, Lindsey Graham, Trent Lott – support his presidential campaign after working with him in the Senate for years and seeing his commitment to Reaganism.



01-23-2008, 11:35 PM
Why did he flirt with the idea of becoming Kerry's choice for VP ?

01-24-2008, 12:55 AM
Great stuff here... a lot more at the link.


01-24-2008, 01:39 AM
Why did he flirt with the idea of becoming Kerry's choice for VP ?

The appeal of the Vietnam brotherhood?

I was amazed working with some of the contractors (all Vietnam vets) in 2004 who said they hated Kerry's guts and called him a traitor... then after the election they'd say "oh that was just old war stuff... he's still one of us, wayward or not".

I want to say because he knew 4 more years of Bush would be a disaster, which it has been (aside from us getting our judges). Maybe because Kerry offered to take his advice (You know McCain has been arguing for a surge and counterinsurgency doctrine to be applied since late 2003) about Iraq.

Part of it has to be anger and resentment at how Bush failed to unite the country after 9/11. That was anthemia to so much of McCain's beliefs...

I'll go to my grave convinced we could have had 16 years or more of Republican dominance if McCain had won 8 years in 2008 and then the right Bush, Jeb, assumed the party leadership in 2008-2016.

That's another day though. One has to figure anger over what Bush and the party did to him in SC and elsewhere in 2000 had to figure too...

01-24-2008, 08:48 AM
so basically, you have to lie about McCain's record to claim there are big lies about him.

He supported amnesty. He said it in his own words. You cant simply claim he didnt by denying that he did.

That Gang of 14 did compromise on Conservative judges. Had the Constitutional option been exercised qualified conservative judges would have been put on the bench. Because of John McCain many qualified conservative judges were denied seats.

You don't have to vote for higher taxes to support them. All you have to do is stand in the way of lowering them.

A federal court has just ruled that because of McCain Feingold a movie about Hillary Clinton is illegal because it "Violates campaigning laws" despite the fact that it doesnt encourage anyone to vote for or against anyone. It also outlaws the use of "attack" ads 30 days before an election. Apparently McCain and other politicians dont like the idea that they can be cricitized for their actions. Simply denying this fact, does not make it any less true. The man wrote a law that abridged free speech. You may find that unconsequencial because you are supporting him but i rather like my ability to speak freely and Im willing to protect it at all costs.

John McCain has been on the wrong side of almost every single conservative issue in the last decade. The only issue has has stood with us on is Iraq. Hell, he even submitted a brief defending abortion.

Staying Republican doesnt make you loyal to the cause or the Reagan Coalition when every single solitary effort you do attacks it.

Pale Rider
01-24-2008, 09:03 AM

Ya know.... posts like this in the quote above is a prime example of why people get sick of "post whores." It's absolutely useless.

01-24-2008, 09:07 AM

I've edited your post down to only the first "two lies". In order to remain in compliance with copyright restrictions, please limit the amount you quote from other sources to the first couple of paragraphs and link to the rest.


01-24-2008, 10:42 AM

I've edited your post down to only the first "two lies". In order to remain in compliance with copyright restrictions, please limit the amount you quote from other sources to the first couple of paragraphs and link to the rest.


Okay thank you. Sorry about that.

Avatar, I want documented proof of this stuff. I'm tired of the Hillary/Romney style innuendo that passes for proof in the political world today.

Btw, I do emphasize with the criticism of him on the campaign finance deal.

I actually got to ask Fred Thompson about that at a reasonably small event in Iowa in December while en route from Washington to North Carolina (and then back to Washington for 3 more weeks on the ship.)

His answer was honest and believable. Him, McCain and a number of others were freaking out over the scope of the campaign finance investigation stemming from Al Gore's Chinese connections and the Clintons ties to drug traffickers, Chinese military-owned corps. and even some Republicans who had seriously scary financial ties to (among others in his words) "Known KGB fronts, French investment banks with ties to Saddam & Iran and pathetically obvious laundered drug money fronts in shadow real estate in America".

He said that haste is sometimes worse than sloth, and there was a rush to "do something".

Hence the pooch was screwed on the deal. But the Senators who investigated that campaign finance scandal of the Clintons got a lot more than they bargained for. Their eyes got opened up to how dirty politics had really gotten on the money front. And they were scared. They screwed up.

01-28-2008, 11:14 AM
Are the following lies about McCain's record? Do these sound like conservative positions to you?

--He crusades against Guantanamo, favors constitutional rights for terrorists but opposes tough interrogation techniques
--was the ringleader of the Gang of 14, which legitimized the filibustering of judicial nominees
--is the godfather of political speech-suppressing and Democrat-favoring campaign-finance reform legislation
--has displayed contempt for conservative evangelicals
--opposed Bush's pro-growth tax cuts for reasons other than he says (spending)
--has engaged in class-warfare rhetoric like demonizing oil and drug companies
--co-sponsored the abominable McCain-Kennedy illegal immigrant-forgiveness/open-borders/Social Security zapping bill
--voted for the Specter amendment, which could have conferred consulting rights on Mexico concerning the erection of a southern border fence.
--sold out on global warming
--opportunistically opposed drilling in ANWR
--favors re-importation of drugs from Canada
--promoted the McCain-Kennedy-Edwards patients bill of rights
--opposes reversal of Roe vs. Wade and sided with anti-political speech zealots in filing an amicus brief against Wisconsin Right to Life.


In spite of all the above, I think I could vote for McCain. It just depends on how he conducts his campaign. Conservatives would have far more impact holding McCain's feet to the fire than the alternatives, where their impact would be absolutely nil.

01-28-2008, 11:33 AM
Everything you need to know about John McCain can be summed up in five words:

Juan Hernandez and Jerry Perenchio.

Juan Hernandez is, among other things, an open borders advocate who is working for the McCain campaign. I believe he also once served in Vicente Fox's cabinet.

Jerry Perenchio is the man who poured millions of dollars into fighting the California movement to teach schoolchildren English. He has also joined the McCain campaign.

McCain claims to have "learned" from the American people what it is they want in terms of the immigration problem. I think he has learned to hide his thoughts on the issue.

Now, before you start calling me a McCain hater know this, I supported this man hard eight years ago.

01-28-2008, 11:36 AM
I think the illegal immigration stance of Senator McCain is blurred in your link. I watched the debate on CSPAN 2 on immigration and McCain was willing to fold completely on illegals with Kennedy. This happened several times and a group by the name of NumbersUSA closed down the Senate switchboard with calls demanding it not pass. As written and endorsed by McCain the 12 million illegals would be able to invite extended family as they waited at the bottom of the list... there would be close to 50 million Mexicans more in, or on the way to the US today if the bill had gone forward.