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View Full Version : *True Colors Shinning Through: Liberals Are Racists*

01-24-2008, 05:52 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But now we are watching the real racists element in America.
2. They can not hide it forever, and seeing the two leading nominees can't hold back whats inside.
3. We can conclude they are nothing but racists, been using race as a tool for years, behind the the silver curtain of government.
4. Come on in racists, your party welcomes you into the racists table.
5. Where they can't stand each others skin color, babies within the wombs, or decent moral values like how they support gays attempt to ruin marriage, between a man and a women.
6. Where they want everyone sucking the tit of American Tax Dollars, unmarried single moms with nine children from nine different men, just keep voting for the liberal party is all they ask.
7. Socialism at its highest, and a new form of slavery.
8. Enslaving the souls of the mind numb powerless masses, who have no will to succeed in the Greatest Country that ever was.
9. Watching the Liberals unmask this election year, is one of the best things to happen to American Politics.
10. They are the Party that was before the Republicans ever were, and Abraham Lincoln had to stand against, creating a New Party.
11. They are the ones who stood up against the man when he paved the way for black people to go free.
12. Same as then same as now, you black uppity plantation workers need to get back on the farm, is being said all over again.


Pale Rider
01-24-2008, 09:47 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I thought you left.
2. Why are you back?


01-24-2008, 10:06 AM
C'mon guys, let's please do our best to discuss the topics from the original posts and avoid derailing threads.