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01-24-2008, 09:48 PM
anyone watching this......tim russert is great......this is a good debate.....

01-24-2008, 09:55 PM
anyone watching this......tim russert is great......this is a good debate.....

I'm watching it. Every time Rudy mentions terrorism or 9/11, I drink a shot. Kind of like the old Bob Newhart game.

01-24-2008, 09:58 PM
I'm watching it. Every time Rudy mentions terrorism or 9/11, I drink a shot. Kind of like the old Bob Newhart game.

lol.....tell me this who would not buy a used car from.....

also ron paul used to be an obgyn .....no wonder he is all cranky like he is....

01-24-2008, 10:06 PM
lol.....tell me this who would not buy a used car from.....

I wouldn't by a used car from Rudy or Ron. Rudy comes across as kind of slippery and Ron seems sort of shifty.

also ron paul used to be an obgyn .....no wonder he is all cranky like he is....

Makes me happy I didn't go into medicine. Apparently it is possible to get too much of a good thing.

01-24-2008, 10:17 PM
I am able to listen to Romney and not cringe. I might go with that.

Abbey Marie
01-24-2008, 10:33 PM
I wouldn't by a used car from Rudy or Ron. Rudy comes across as kind of slippery and Ron seems sort of shifty.

Makes me happy I didn't go into medicine. Apparently it is possible to get too much of a good thing.

I'm not sure that gyn issues, or the "business end" of child birth for that matter, are good things to witness.

Abbey Marie
01-24-2008, 10:36 PM
Btw, which network carried the debate? I'd like to try and catch the replay...

01-24-2008, 10:37 PM
Btw, which network carried the debate? I'd like to try and catch the replay...


Pale Rider
01-24-2008, 11:16 PM
Well they're saying Romney won the debate. I agree. He looked good tonight. He had the funniest line of the night. "I can't imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House.... *with nothing to do*." Got a pretty big laugh.

But then Ron Paul got the loudest applause of the evening... again.

01-24-2008, 11:34 PM
Well they're saying Romney won the debate. I agree. He looked good tonight. He had the funniest line of the night. "I can't imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House.... *with nothing to do*." Got a pretty big laugh.

But then Ron Paul got the loudest applause of the evening... again.

i would say tim russert got biggest applause when he asked.....

was iraq worth the blood and treasure.....

01-24-2008, 11:43 PM
Sorry, m'59. I posted this up in Current events as I didn't see your post here. I am impressed with your concern for the debates.

Here it is:

Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!!

The MSNBC debate team was purely biased towards Romney and Guiliani but the true heroes of the Republican Party Kicked their asses slam down!!!!!

I've got more to say about it and I will do so on edit and in the very near future!!!!!!!!

What a Great Debate for the MSM!!!!!!!! It didn't say much to me about how I think Americans feel.

On edit:

The lil' dawg strutted his stuff, didn't he!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He was given very little opportunity to speak but the few words he did speak meant very much to me. I disagree with him on a number of issues but I have no doubt his attention is on the betterment of America and the future that we leave behind for our children.

John McCain is a distant second, IMHO, and despite his recent butlicking of the shrub and the other idiots that killed his campaign in 2000 is every bit as American as anyone on the platform.

Ron Paul: What in hell can be said about Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul did his best to represent a very small portion of the American populace that thinks the rest of the word is their own problem without regarding that we might have been involved somehow in their presents plights. God Bless Him. They ignored him as well but his message rings strong and true to those that believe in him

Rudy Guiliani: Used car sales manager that will back up anything that the owner tells him he needs whether true or not.

Mitt Romney: Used car salesman that is only trying to make next weeks check. His ego is the sale and the sale is his life. Bullshit without redemption.

What do you think? Pretty accurate observations on my part so far it seems!!!!!!!

01-24-2008, 11:47 PM

can't disagree......but i can't vote to put a preacher in the white house

01-24-2008, 11:53 PM
I did like what Mitt said about Hillary, about her being a self-appointed General taking credit for what the soldiers have done.

01-24-2008, 11:54 PM
Are you not confident that the Constitution, Bill Of Rights or other Congressional efforts will successfully reign in the over reaching of a "preacher"?


can't disagree......but i can't vote to put a preacher in the white house

Bear with it, m'59. You ain't alone.

01-24-2008, 11:55 PM
I did like what Mitt said about Hillary, about her being a self-appointed General taking credit for what the soldiers have done.

it was a good line but should not a president speak about presidential issues.....

when my dad ran for office he would only speak about the issues.....he refused to wade into the muck.....

01-24-2008, 11:56 PM
Are you not confident that the Constitution, Bill Of Rights or other Congressional efforts will successfully reign in the over reaching of a "preacher"?

Bear with it, m'59. You ain't alone.

i am which is why i do not need a presdient focusing on issues which are not federal issues...

01-24-2008, 11:57 PM
I don't recall Hillary ever appointing herself a General and I further don't recall her attempting to take credit for anything our very proud, able and patriotic troops have done.

I did like what Mitt said about Hillary, about her being a self-appointed General taking credit for what the soldiers have done.

Do you have a link to that aspersion?

01-25-2008, 12:03 AM
I don't recall Hillary ever appointing herself a General and I further don't recall her attempting to take credit for anything our very proud, able and patriotic troops have done.
Do you have a link to that aspersion?

i link to his memory that hillary had never done such things......:laugh2:

01-25-2008, 12:24 AM
I'm usually a pretty bright guy, m'59, and I have gone back through the thread a couple times now but I can't find the "link" to which you refer.

i link to his memory that hillary had never done such things......:laugh2:

Could you refresh or illuminate my memory and understanding?

01-25-2008, 12:44 AM
Sorry, m'59. I posted this up in Current events as I didn't see your post here. I am impressed with your concern for the debates.

Here it is:

Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!!

The MSNBC debate team was purely biased towards Romney and Guiliani but the true heroes of the Republican Party Kicked their asses slam down!!!!!

I've got more to say about it and I will do so on edit and in the very near future!!!!!!!!

What a Great Debate for the MSM!!!!!!!! It didn't say much to me about how I think Americans feel.

On edit:

The lil' dawg strutted his stuff, didn't he!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He was given very little opportunity to speak but the few words he did speak meant very much to me. I disagree with him on a number of issues but I have no doubt his attention is on the betterment of America and the future that we leave behind for our children.

John McCain is a distant second, IMHO, and despite his recent butlicking of the shrub and the other idiots that killed his campaign in 2000 is every bit as American as anyone on the platform.

Ron Paul: What in hell can be said about Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul did his best to represent a very small portion of the American populace that thinks the rest of the word is their own problem without regarding that we might have been involved somehow in their presents plights. God Bless Him. They ignored him as well but his message rings strong and true to those that believe in him

Rudy Guiliani: Used car sales manager that will back up anything that the owner tells him he needs whether true or not.

Mitt Romney: Used car salesman that is only trying to make next weeks check. His ego is the sale and the sale is his life. Bullshit without redemption.

What do you think? Pretty accurate observations on my part so far it seems!!!!!!!

you got to be joking. They were delibrately tossing out questions to get Romney and Giuliani attacked. how can you possibly say they were biased towards them.

01-25-2008, 12:45 AM
I don't recall Hillary ever appointing herself a General and I further don't recall her attempting to take credit for anything our very proud, able and patriotic troops have done.

Do you have a link to that aspersion?

She was very vocal in taking credit for the capture of Saddam claiming she supported the policy that caused it.

Funny how she has changed her toon now isnt it?

01-25-2008, 12:45 AM
I'm usually a pretty bright guy, m'59, and I have gone back through the thread a couple times now but I can't find the "link" to which you refer.

Could you refresh or illuminate my memory and understanding?

i was taking the piss...there can not be a link to his memory that hillary had done no such thing....

01-25-2008, 01:09 AM
They got all the air time, a'21. You don't have much experience in entertainment, do you?

you got to be joking. They were delibrately tossing out questions to get Romney and Giuliani attacked. how can you possibly say they were biased towards them.

Lemme re-quote the post that got you stirred up:

Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!!

The MSNBC debate team was purely biased towards Romney and Guiliani but the true heroes of the Republican Party Kicked their asses slam down!!!!!

I've got more to say about it and I will do so on edit and in the very near future!!!!!!!!

What a Great Debate for the MSM!!!!!!!! It didn't say much to me about how I think Americans feel.

On edit:

The lil' dawg strutted his stuff, didn't he!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He was given very little opportunity to speak but the few words he did speak meant very much to me. I disagree with him on a number of issues but I have no doubt his attention is on the betterment of America and the future that we leave behind for our children.

John McCain is a distant second, IMHO, and despite his recent butlicking of the shrub and the other idiots that killed his campaign in 2000 is every bit as American as anyone on the platform.

Ron Paul: What in hell can be said about Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul did his best to represent a very small portion of the American populace that thinks the rest of the word is their own problem without regarding that we might have been involved somehow in their presents plights. God Bless Him. They ignored him as well but his message rings strong and true to those that believe in him

Rudy Guiliani: Used car sales manager that will back up anything that the owner tells him he needs whether true or not.

Mitt Romney: Used car salesman that is only trying to make next weeks check. His ego is the sale and the sale is his life. Bullshit without redemption.

What do you think? Pretty accurate observations on my part so far it seems!!!!!!!

How do you figure on the attack accusation, cowgirl?

01-25-2008, 01:28 AM
They got all the air time, a'21. You don't have much experience in entertainment, do you?

Lemme re-quote the post that got you stirred up:

Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!!

The MSNBC debate team was purely biased towards Romney and Guiliani but the true heroes of the Republican Party Kicked their asses slam down!!!!!

I've got more to say about it and I will do so on edit and in the very near future!!!!!!!!

What a Great Debate for the MSM!!!!!!!! It didn't say much to me about how I think Americans feel.

On edit:

The lil' dawg strutted his stuff, didn't he!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He was given very little opportunity to speak but the few words he did speak meant very much to me. I disagree with him on a number of issues but I have no doubt his attention is on the betterment of America and the future that we leave behind for our children.

John McCain is a distant second, IMHO, and despite his recent butlicking of the shrub and the other idiots that killed his campaign in 2000 is every bit as American as anyone on the platform.

Ron Paul: What in hell can be said about Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul did his best to represent a very small portion of the American populace that thinks the rest of the word is their own problem without regarding that we might have been involved somehow in their presents plights. God Bless Him. They ignored him as well but his message rings strong and true to those that believe in him

Rudy Guiliani: Used car sales manager that will back up anything that the owner tells him he needs whether true or not.

Mitt Romney: Used car salesman that is only trying to make next weeks check. His ego is the sale and the sale is his life. Bullshit without redemption.

What do you think? Pretty accurate observations on my part so far it seems!!!!!!!

How do you figure on the attack accusation, cowgirl?

simply repeating yourself doesn't make your original post any more credible.

There is a reason Pyscho likes Huckabee and McCain. and it's not because they are good candidates for Republicans.

01-25-2008, 02:24 AM
It got your attention and caused you to post it yet again, numbnuts.

simply repeating yourself doesn't make your original post any more credible.


Some folks are easy, others are just ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-25-2008, 06:13 AM
I don't recall Hillary ever appointing herself a General and I further don't recall her attempting to take credit for anything our very proud, able and patriotic troops have done.

Do you have a link to that aspersion?

I don't have a link because Mitt said it on TV. He was referring to the Dem debates a few nights back. The General part was a joke and a jab at Hillary, but apparently they did try to take credit for the surge by saying it only happened because they were demanding a pull out.

Anyone got a transcript of that Dem debate?

01-25-2008, 09:23 AM
I thought Huckabee sounded good.

My favorite part was when he was talking about the tax rebate and who's economy it was going to help. He mentioned Americans going out and buying products made in China as an example. Also a New Deal type of building plan to improve our roads.

Ron Paul needs to get off the stage, and I think Giuliani is done.