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View Full Version : Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!!

01-24-2008, 10:44 PM
The MSNBC debate team was purely biased towards Romney and Guiliani but the true heroes of the Republican Party Kicked their asses slam down!!!!!

I've got more to say about it and I will do so on edit and in the very near future!!!!!!!!

What a Great Debate for the MSM!!!!!!!! It didn't say much to me about how I think Americans feel.

On edit:

The lil' dawg strutted his stuff, didn't he!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He was given very little opportunity to speak but the few words he did speak meant very much to me. I disagree with him on a number of issues but I have no doubt his attention is on the betterment of America and the future that we leave behind for our children.

John McCain is a distant second, IMHO, and despite his recent butlicking of the shrub and the other idiots that killed his campaign in 2000 is every bit as American as anyone on the platform.

Ron Paul: What in hell can be said about Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul did his best to represent a very small portion of the American populace that thinks the rest of the word is their own problem without regarding that we might have been involved somehow in their presents plights. God Bless Him. They ignored him as well but his message rings strong and true to those that believe in him

Rudy Guiliani: Used car sales manager that will back up anything that the owner tells him he needs whether true or not.

Mitt Romney: Used car salesman that is only trying to make next weeks check. His ego is the sale and the sale is his life. Bullshit without redemption.