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View Full Version : With Obama's, Race Is Clearly The Issue

01-25-2008, 11:53 AM
If you don't think Barack doesn't care about race and is "above" that, think again. His wife is his race voice. Oh, she may not say it much to the "white" folk, but get her in a room with the "black" folk and the truth comes out, race matters and to the Obama's, you should vote based on the color of one's skin.

Not surprisingly, Michelle Obama resonates especially with black women, many of whom are torn between voting for the first woman President or the first black President. While Obama tries not to focus on race or the historic nature of his candidacy, his wife has no such qualms. In front of black audiences, like one at Benedict College in Columbia, she takes on a much more strident tone. There on Sunday she marveled at how a "little black girl from the south side of Chicago" could be "the next First Lady," she told the audience to a standing ovation - one of four she received during her that speech.

link (http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20080125/us_time/michelleobamafindshervoicetoo)