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01-26-2008, 12:51 PM
A must read in City Journal.... We have to take note and split the black vote for us not only on immigration but also on ending race-based affirmative action across the board.

The Rainbow Coalition Evaporates
Black anger grows as illegal immigrants transform urban neighborhoods.

Mexican gangs in Los Angeles, like Florencia 13, are waging a bloody campaign to drive blacks from neighborhoods.
Terry Anderson is angry. From his KRLA-AM radio perch in Los Angeles, the black talk-show host thunders, “I have gone on the streets and talked to people at random here in the black community, and they all ask me the same question: ‘Why are our politicians and leaders letting this happen?’ ” What’s got Anderson—motto: “If You Ain’t Mad, You Ain’t Payin’ Attention”—so worked up isn’t the Jena Six or nooses on Columbia University doorknobs; it’s the illegal immigrants who allegedly murdered three Newark college students last August. And when he excoriates politicians for “letting this happen,” he’s directing his fire at Congressional Black Caucus members who support open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. “Massive illegal immigration has been devastating to my community,” Anderson, a former auto mechanic and longtime South Central Los Angeles resident, tells listeners. “Black Americans are hit the hardest.”

Though blacks have long worried that the country’s growing foreign-born population, especially its swelling rolls of illegal immigrants, harmed their economic prospects, they have also followed their political leadership in backing liberal immigration policies. Now, however, as new waves of immigration inundate historically African-American neighborhoods, black opinion is hardening against the influx. “We will not lay down and take this any longer,” says Anderson. If he’s right, it could upend the political calculus on immigration.
More at the link....

Hugh Lincoln
01-26-2008, 02:17 PM
Black hatred for whites will always outpace their hatred for illegals and Hispanics, at least at the 'leadership' level.

Still, it's fun to watch.

Ain't diversity great?

01-26-2008, 02:19 PM
Black hatred for whites will always outpace their hatred for illegals and Hispanics, at least at the 'leadership' level.

Still, it's fun to watch.

Ain't diversity great?

ya--this multi-culturalism works great !! :laugh2:

01-26-2008, 04:50 PM
illegal aliens hurt blacks, not just blacks. They harm all americans. Just wanted to be clear and consistent.

A must read in City Journal.... We have to take note and split the black vote for us not only on immigration but also on ending race-based affirmative action across the board.

01-26-2008, 06:06 PM
illegal aliens hurt blacks.

And Whites too, they outwork both of em.

Hugh Lincoln
01-26-2008, 08:36 PM
illegal aliens hurt blacks.


So, you'd think blacks would be opposed to illegal aliens. But, like I said, the urge to bash whitey is stronger than the urge to bash Jose.

01-26-2008, 09:44 PM
And Whites too, they outwork both of em.

and they will be perfectly content to do shit work for slave labor forever !!!

NOT. Citizenship will give them all the ammo they need and I'm betting they can organize better than anyone.

01-26-2008, 10:15 PM
and they will be perfectly content to do shit work for slave labor forever !!!

NOT. Citizenship will give them all the ammo they need and I'm betting they can organize better than anyone.

Yep.. they can organize well.

Most blacks will be Republicans within 10 years. All its going to take is for some inventive leadership on our part to cross them over.

The biggest issue is just the political culture... they've been Dem for so long they've forgotten everything else.

01-26-2008, 10:57 PM
Yep.. they can organize well.

Most blacks will be Republicans within 10 years. All its going to take is for some inventive leadership on our part to cross them over.

The biggest issue is just the political culture... they've been Dem for so long they've forgotten everything else.

To be honest, it is your post that continues the "racism." Hugh may be right about "races" when you post stuff like this. "Blacks?" What is that? There is no doubt that "bloodlines" are important, but, to say that humans have evolved into a "race" is to capitulate to evolution.

This is not to say that people don't look at the color of your pigment.

01-26-2008, 11:17 PM
To be honest, it is your post that continues the "racism." Hugh may be right about "races" when you post stuff like this. "Blacks?" What is that? There is no doubt that "bloodlines" are important, but, to say that humans have evolved into a "race" is to capitulate to evolution.

This is not to say that people don't look at the color of your pigment.


Oh well. I'm not Bill Clinton laying out why blacks won't vote for him. I'm not Latinos scheming the affirmative action to screw blacks over. I'm not blacks claiming they're victimized at every step of the way by the white power structure.

I'm simply pointing out that the rainbow coalition is a fraud, and that black voters and power figures are slowly waking up to that realization. And I'm going out on a limb to say that given that their social mores are more conservative than Democrats, we conservatives need to be far smarter and more proactive in getting their support.

Pale Rider
01-27-2008, 01:37 PM
and they will be perfectly content to do shit work for slave labor forever !!!

NOT. Citizenship will give them all the ammo they need and I'm betting they can organize better than anyone.

Then why don't they do it in mexico?

Pale Rider
01-27-2008, 01:40 PM
A must read in City Journal.... We have to take note and split the black vote for us not only on immigration but also on ending race-based affirmative action across the board.

So this black talk show host in LA didn't give a shit about the illegal aliens effecting America "until" they started hurting blacks?

The more you listen to blacks, the more their racism becomes apparent.