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02-20-2007, 12:32 AM
Since I've seen so many discussions on the Confederate flag, I've decided to give one southerner's view on the whole thing.

First off is the Confederacy itself. Yes, the Confederacy allowed slavery throughout its borders, and that was wrong. To be fair, though, four Union states still allowed slavery, and those were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. In the Union, racism was still rampant, and a free black in the South enjoyed more liberties than a black in the North. The Confederacy, rather, was formed over states' rights. The South felt that the more populous Northern states were using their legislative power to overstep the Constitution and impose their will on the South. With Northern industry heavily dependant on Southern agriculture combined with Northern condescension towards Southerners, who they thought to be stupid (sound familiar), this was probably true.

The War Between the States. When the war started, it was in response to the Union leaving a fort (Fort Sumpter) manned, despite the fact that the land it was built on was still owned by the state of South Carolina, which had seceded from the Union. Although no person was killed in the assault on either side, Lincoln moved an army into the South, which was routed at Manassas (not Bull Run, Yankee retards. Manassas was where it happened. Bull Run was the nearest river). The Southerners fought valiantly to try to save their new nation, and outfought the Union on every battlefield, but the Union had more men and resources. Knowing that the world depended on their cotton crop, the Confederacy appealed to Great Britain and France for help (France was still worth talking to for help right up until they sunk all that money into the Maginot Line in the 20s and 30s). Britain hesitated, and France awaited Britain's answer.

The war was not about slavery. Yes, you heard that right. Slavery was far from the issue. In fact, despite the hype behind the (admirable) unit portrayed in the movie "Glory," that unit did not contain America's first black soldiers. Although Confederate military records were destroyed after the war (many think to cover up this fact), photographic and mail evidence clearly show that many Confederate units were mixed, with between 30,000 and 100,000 black soldiers fighting for the South, many in exchange for emancipation. With the war already going badly and appearing long and costly, Lincoln feared France and Britain entering the war, as they would force the Union to accept the Confederacy as an independant nation. To this end, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It was nothing more than a speech, and did not affect any slaves in the four Union slave states. However, Britain was a strongly abolitionist nation and, for appearance's sake, kept out of the war, as did France. In fact, General Ulysses S. Grant owned his own slaves until the 13th ammendment passed in 1865.

Following the war, Lincoln was willing to welcome back the Confederacy and get back to business as usual, with no penalties for former Confederates. He wanted the bloody business done and behind us, but before he could implement his plan, he was assassinated. His successors did not have such a merciful view. They were so forceful in freeing the slaves that many of them ended up starving on the streets, unable to return to their former masters for work. In addition to this, many Northern politicians created puppet governments through uneducated blacks, who now controlled most of the Southern vote. To protect the interests of the Southern states, the KKK was formed to combat the influence of Northern puppetteers and 'carpetbaggers,' so named for the luggage they carried, which was made from old carpet.

When the KKK formed, they were not racist in primary purpose, but were rather political. However, it did not take long for the goals of the KKK as a shadow political party to be hijacked by the many racists who had climbed to power in the organization. With their popularity declining, they adopted the symbol of the Confederacy, claiming they carried its legacy. Despite this, the KKK was eventually dissolved, mostly due to new laws designed specifically to bring it down. In the early 20th century, a new movie entitled "The Klansman" opened in theaters. This fictionalized version of the founding of the KKK protrayed all blacks and idiots and the KKK as being the only thing standing between white women and black rapists. It also caused the revival of the Klan, which took on not only the Confederacy, but adopted Christianity (specifically Protestantism) as another symbol, not because of religious endorsement, but to increase their popularity among the protestant majority of the South. Although it has died down from the pre-civil rights days of lynchings and partial political control of the South, the KKK still exists as a racist organization, now expanding further in its goals to take out not only blacks, but Jews, Mexicans, Asians, and even Catholics.

It is also worth noting that with few exceptions, the South integrated more swiftly and with less conflict than the North.

Now to the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag is the flag of a fallen nation. That nation fought for the rights of the states to be free from a federal government controlled by industrialists. Many of us (Southerners) have ancestors who fought for that nation, and we will not be ashamed. However, black race-baiters feed off of conflict, and portraying the South as the cause of all black problems is far easier than telling them what really happened and trying to move on. The fact that the KKK has also soiled our blessed flags in their dogmatic idiocy has not helped matters. However, given the true history of the Confederacy and the flag that the KKK adopted, it is clear that the Confederate flag is no more racist than the cross, another symbol adopted by the KKK. What needs to happen is not the politically motivated suppression of a historical symbol, but rather an abandonment of the attack on all things associated with the Confederate nation. The Confederacy is long dead, and its a horse that has been beaten for nearly 150 years, post mortem.

I, personally, have a full set of Confederate flags in my room, but they will never fly higher than the American flag also in my room, and I will never toss them aside just because some black guy doesn't want to be reminded of the country on which he blames all of his problems.

Mr. P
02-20-2007, 10:13 AM
Good job!:thumb:

02-20-2007, 10:16 AM
The General Lee was adorned with the Flag. Daisy Duke liked the Car. Daisy Duke is hot. Thus, the Flag is fine. :)

Hagbard Celine
02-20-2007, 10:42 AM
The General Lee was adorned with the Flag. Daisy Duke liked the Car. Daisy Duke is hot. Thus, the Flag is fine. :)

Damn it, I can't give you any more reputation points right now, but I wanted you to know that your reasoning here is flawless. :laugh:

02-20-2007, 10:46 AM
Damn it, I can't give you any more reputation points right now, but I wanted you to know that your reasoning here is flawless. :laugh:

:D Just knowing you care is enough. I don't need points.


02-20-2007, 04:13 PM
A note on the flag.

The national flag of the Confederacy looked like this:

The Confederacy's battle flag is the one popularly known as the Confederate flag, and is the one on the General Lee, etc. etc.

Hagbard Celine
02-20-2007, 04:48 PM
A note on the flag.

The national flag of the Confederacy looked like this:

The Confederacy's battle flag is the one popularly known as the Confederate flag, and is the one on the General Lee, etc. etc.

If you notice, the newest Ga flag is very similar. So is the Tx flag.

02-20-2007, 05:24 PM
If you notice, the newest Ga flag is very similar. So is the Tx flag.

The Texan flag (my native flag, thank you very much) is older by about 25 years. Interestingly, both flags are based off the Stars and Stripes.

02-20-2007, 06:42 PM
South Carolina should switch thier old Bonnie Blue Flag. Most people aren't familiar enough with history to recognize it.

02-20-2007, 08:46 PM
A note on the flag.

The national flag of the Confederacy looked like this:

The Confederacy's battle flag is the one popularly known as the Confederate flag, and is the one on the General Lee, etc. etc.

The Confederate States of America had three succeeding National flags.

What is now called the Confederate Battle Flag was actually one of many.


02-20-2007, 08:49 PM
If you notice, the newest Ga flag is very similar. So is the Tx flag.

The Texas flag has been in existence since 1839, and other than the colors, doesn't much resemble the GA or CSA flags. The Texas flag is a blue square with a white star, with one red and one white stripe to the right of it.

02-21-2007, 02:03 PM
The Stars and Bars, shown above, was the first of three officially adopted national flags. The primary problem with the Stars and Bars was that it was too easily mistaken for the Stars and Stripes, causing confusion in the ranks. In addition, it only had 7 stars, while the Confederacy eventually expanded to 13 states. The second national flag was a plain, white flag with the 13 star Confederate battle flag in the upper left corner. The flag was later modified to the third and final national flag of the Confederacy by adding a red stripe down the right side. It didn't represent anything new, but was instead added to ensure that it wasn't mistaken for another flag, the white flag of truce/surrender.

All of this and more can be found on the little information sheet that came with my set of 5 Confederate flags (the three mentioned above, the battle flag, and the Navy Jack) that I got at Lookout Mountain National Park.

There's also another state flag containing a tribute to the Confederacy that is often overlooked (thank God) by the race-baiters, and that is Arkansas. The Arkansas flag is, much like the national flag, pure symbolism. It uses red, white, and blue, and has a design that matches with the Confederate battle flag quite well.

http://wzus.ask.com/r?t=a&d=us&s=a&c=p&ti=1&ai=30751&l=dir&o=0&sv=0a300529&ip=4891b1c8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftennesseerader.com%2Fclipart%2FImag es%2FArkansas%2520Flag_thmb.gif

The diamond shape represents the fact that Arkansas is the only state in which diamonds may be found. The stars around the border represent the order Arkansas entered the Union. 25th state, 25 stars. The star above the word "Arkansas" represents the United States, the current nation Arkansas is in. The three stars under the word represent France, Spain, and *gasp* the Confederacy.

Many people mistakenly believe the star above Arkansas is the Confederacy. In fact, I heard Sean Hannity say it yesterday. It is, however, untrue. The star above represents our current nation, while the stars below represent past nations.

03-07-2007, 01:16 AM
Gotta love blatant racism in its truest form.

03-07-2007, 03:32 AM
Gotta love blatant racism in its truest form.

H Gabby. Glad you found us. Now, where exactly is the "blatant racism" in flying the Confederate flag?

03-08-2007, 07:18 PM
It's not just the flag. It's the attitude. The attitude of white supremicist bigotry. To many, the confederate flag stands for slavery and oppression. It represents those who continue to feel that whites are superior to other ethnic groups.
In other words, it is the flag of the mainstream Republican party.

03-08-2007, 09:37 PM
Gotta love blatant racism in its truest form.

Not anymore than I care for obvious idiocy.

03-08-2007, 09:40 PM
It's not just the flag. It's the attitude. The attitude of white supremicist bigotry. To many, the confederate flag stands for slavery and oppression. It represents those who continue to feel that whites are superior to other ethnic groups.
In other words, it is the flag of the mainstream Republican party.

And being the apologist, ass-kissing lib that you are, you think that because some take offense, the rest of us should tailor our lives around them. It doesn't represent racial superiority to anyone but non-whites and liberal apologist ass-kissers. Wonder why that is?

And I'm sure the republicans would rather fly this flag than that plain white one you libs keep on hand to hoist on a second's notice.

03-09-2007, 02:59 AM
It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth.

03-09-2007, 08:08 AM
It's not just the flag. It's the attitude. The attitude of white supremicist bigotry. To many, the confederate flag stands for slavery and oppression. It represents those who continue to feel that whites are superior to other ethnic groups.

"To many", huh, sounds like you may be the spokesman for bigotry.

It was explained to you what the Confederate flag represented, YOUR the one that added on the bigotry.:fu:

03-09-2007, 09:45 AM
It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth.

Keep thinking that all you want. Yankee bastards like you will never understand what it means, but at least the first ammendment means you can blow all the hot air you want and it doesn't mean crap. My ancestors fought and died under that flag, and I'm not gonna let some uptight faggot like you tell me that I have to be ashamed of that fact. :fu:

03-09-2007, 11:54 AM
Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

03-09-2007, 02:18 PM
Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

Stereotyping ignoranus. Why don't you go ask Jesse Jackson how much fried chicken and watermelon he eats on Sunday? Maybe he'll hit you hard enough to knock that pine cone out of your ass.

Not only am I not some redneck stereotype, I'm a lot smarter and classier than YOU. I'd love to stay and prove it, but you're a total bitch.

03-09-2007, 03:04 PM
Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but I was born in the South, have always called the South my home and I live in the South now. Like you, I have ancestors that fought on both sides of the Civil War issues and I proudly displayed that flag during many of the early years of my life. That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it. I decided as I believe now, that flag represents nothing for which I might be proud about now.

Keep thinking that all you want. Yankee bastards like you will never understand what it means, but at least the first ammendment means you can blow all the hot air you want and it doesn't mean crap. My ancestors fought and died under that flag, and I'm not gonna let some uptight faggot like you tell me that I have to be ashamed of that fact. :fu:

And get that Griese Dieck out of your mouth before you start calling people "faggot", OK?

03-09-2007, 03:35 PM
That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it...

That's unfair psychoblues. You would be requiring Hobbit to think.

03-09-2007, 03:47 PM
Well, the two of you sure set the bar "high", NOT.

Hobbit chooses to take some pride in his history, nothing wrong with that, period.

YOU aren't required to join in on his pride of the Confederate flag, and the TRUTH behind it.

You can now go on, and join the gay pride parade in San Francisco.

03-09-2007, 05:15 PM
Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but I was born in the South, have always called the South my home and I live in the South now. Like you, I have ancestors that fought on both sides of the Civil War issues and I proudly displayed that flag during many of the early years of my life. That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it. I decided as I believe now, that flag represents nothing for which I might be proud about now.

I call bullcrap on that.

And get that Griese Dieck out of your mouth before you start calling people "faggot", OK?

How classy of you. So I use the word faggot as one of many running gags, so that makes me gay. What flawless logic.

That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it...

That's unfair psychoblues. You would be requiring Hobbit to think.

Is it just me, or are their flawless, witty retorts reminding anybody else of an elementary school playground?

03-09-2007, 05:18 PM
Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

What's wrong with having some classics stored in the back somewhere?

03-09-2007, 05:28 PM
Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

You know the sad thing is that regardless of what someones "ancestors" did is completely irrelevant to the person at hand.

If Hobbit has 10 hound dogs that is his choice. I grew up with hunting dogs my whole life I personally dont have any but my parents and brother did. I know a lot of educated people who have always hunted with dogs and will continue to do so.

You are such a narrow minded holier than thou piece of shit go back to your la la land you call home.

03-09-2007, 07:45 PM
The flag is seen as racist, even though it was just a battle flag and not the actual flag of the Southern states.

If the KKK and other groups hadn't take it up as "their flag" I would say blacks have no reason to be offended. But they did, and now it's only seen as having a racist message.

Gabo: You would do yourself a world of good if you'd realize that everyone living in the south is not an inbread, coon hunting, highschool dropout. Please travel outside Cali and see the rest of the states.

03-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Nice story about the flag by the way but it's just a symbol that means nothing on its own. A piece of colored fabric ......

03-09-2007, 08:45 PM
It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth.

The Confederate Battle Flag represents my forefathers who fought against a bunch of Yankee industrialists trying to dictate how they should live, as it suited the agendas of the Yankee carpetbaggers. My ancestors were too poor to own slaves, so WHAT was it again they were fighting for?

I display a Scottish crest as well, even though the English long ago murdered off most of my clansmen, and the rest fled.

If the cause is just, so is the banner under which it was fought.

Any of you who can't figure that simple point out can kiss my ass.

03-09-2007, 08:48 PM
Hobbit, were you ancestors also slave owners? How big was their plantation?
I keep wondering how many ole hound dogs you own and how many cars you have up on blocks in your yard.

As previously stated, mine weren't. How many minorities is it you libs keep in mental slavery by creating such a welfare state they aren't even smart enough to get out from in front of a fucking Cat 5 hurricane?

03-09-2007, 09:16 PM
As previously stated, mine weren't. How many minorities is it you libs keep in mental slavery by creating such a welfare state they aren't even smart enough to get out from in front of a fucking Cat 5 hurricane?

Yea, I'd be MOST interested in hearing about that.:cheers2:

03-09-2007, 11:10 PM
The flag is seen as racist, even though it was just a battle flag and not the actual flag of the Southern states.

If the KKK and other groups hadn't take it up as "their flag" I would say blacks have no reason to be offended. But they did, and now it's only seen as having a racist message.

Yeah, but the difference is that there's a lot of stuff that offends me, but I don't ask the government to ban it. You don't have a right to not be offended, and I am here to ensure those non-rights are enforced.

03-10-2007, 09:59 AM
Yea, I'd be MOST interested in hearing about that.:cheers2:

You hear the crickets?

03-10-2007, 02:20 PM
You hear the crickets?

Thats what that was, thanks Gunny.:salute:

03-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Yeah, but the difference is that there's a lot of stuff that offends me, but I don't ask the government to ban it. You don't have a right to not be offended, and I am here to ensure those non-rights are enforced.

I think you jumped the gun a little. I never said the flag should be banned. I said it's not seen as just another flag, it's seen as racist because of the groups that ended up embracing it.

I will not call for it to be banned, especially since the gov. has decided that burning the American flag is aokay.

03-10-2007, 06:23 PM
I think you jumped the gun a little. I never said the flag should be banned. I said it's not seen as just another flag, it's seen as racist because of the groups that ended up embracing it.

I will not call for it to be banned, especially since the gov. has decided that burning the American flag is aokay.

I don't care what group has embraced the symbol. After all the KKK used the cross in its symbolism quite a bit, but nobody questions the church for having crosses prominently displayed and even incorporated into the architecture. You could also say the cross is a very negative symbol and even a racist symbol because it was once a tool of execution not used on Romans, who were thought to be the superior race. Just because one bad group uses it as a symbol doesn't mean I'm going to accept that as the entire meaning of the symbol or even as a meaning of the symbol.

03-11-2007, 04:55 AM
I am a hard core dirt track stock car fan, hibbit. I live and patronize many Southern tracks but I occasionally vist "Northern" tracks. The display of that horrendous symbol of racism, bigotry and hatred is about as equally spread in all venues of the most excellent sport of dirt track racing. Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but the rednecks are overwhelmingly afraid of the niggers. Dig it?

I don't care what group has embraced the symbol. After all the KKK used the cross in its symbolism quite a bit, but nobody questions the church for having crosses prominently displayed and even incorporated into the architecture. You could also say the cross is a very negative symbol and even a racist symbol because it was once a tool of execution not used on Romans, who were thought to be the superior race. Just because one bad group uses it as a symbol doesn't mean I'm going to accept that as the entire meaning of the symbol or even as a meaning of the symbol.

None of that stops me from attending and participating in dirt track stock car racing but I am reminded each time I am there in the midst just how ignorant, racist and blind many of my competitors really are. Usually, to be honest with you, that is an advantage for me and my teams. We already know how shallow and stupid they are. And we use that in extrapolation to kick their dumb, blind asses!!!!!!

03-11-2007, 09:46 AM
I am a hard core dirt track stock car fan, hibbit. I live and patronize many Southern tracks but I occasionally vist "Northern" tracks. The display of that horrendous symbol of racism, bigotry and hatred is about as equally spread in all venues of the most excellent sport of dirt track racing. Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but the rednecks are overwhelmingly afraid of the niggers. Dig it?

None of that stops me from attending and participating in dirt track stock car racing but I am reminded each time I am there in the midst just how ignorant, racist and blind many of my competitors really are. Usually, to be honest with you, that is an advantage for me and my teams. We already know how shallow and stupid they are. And we use that in extrapolation to kick their dumb, blind asses!!!!!!

Dirt track racing as well.

Damn, you DO get around!

Do you do your own engine work?

Body work?

03-11-2007, 11:02 AM
I don't see as well as I used to and my hand is not as steady as it once was but I do supervise the engine, sheet metal, set-up and frame work but only when needed. I keep some fairly competent people around so that I can concentrate on other issues like track strategies and the exploitation of the overlooked by others.

Dirt track racing as well.

Damn, you DO get around!

Do you do your own engine work?

Body work?

You win some and you lose some and dirt track racing is as fulfilling as anything I've ever done in my life and I've done a lot. My motto is, "If you ain't got dirt in your beer, you ain't at a real race track." BTW, I NEVER drink beer at a race track but if there is an afterhours bar somewhere close after the races are done I am GOOD TO GO!!!!!

03-11-2007, 11:49 AM
I am a hard core dirt track stock car fan, hibbit. I live and patronize many Southern tracks but I occasionally vist "Northern" tracks. The display of that horrendous symbol of racism, bigotry and hatred is about as equally spread in all venues of the most excellent sport of dirt track racing. Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but the rednecks are overwhelmingly afraid of the niggers. Dig it?


None of that stops me from attending and participating in dirt track stock car racing but I am reminded each time I am there in the midst just how ignorant, racist and blind many of my competitors really are. Usually, to be honest with you, that is an advantage for me and my teams. We already know how shallow and stupid they are. And we use that in extrapolation to kick their dumb, blind asses!!!!!!

Now you're a stock car racer too, huh? Why am I NOT surprised.:lame2:

03-11-2007, 12:01 PM
You are just a fuckin' liar and you misunderstand everything, gunny. Get a beer, kick back and enjoy your Sunday instead of fuckin' with the civilians and the otherwise out of your class.

Now you're a stock car racer too, huh? Why am I NOT surprised.:lame2:

I do love the smell of burning alcohol (and other racing fuels) on Friday and Saturday nights!!!!!!! Speaking of which, the season is upon us and I will be getting my money's worth for the next 5 or 6 months depending on how much stuff we tear up. Even if we have to break out of the competition, I'll be there in the stands. Ain't nothin' like a race track hamburger and a big 'ol lemonade!!!!!!

03-11-2007, 12:24 PM
You are just a fuckin' liar and you misunderstand everything, gunny. Get a beer, kick back and enjoy your Sunday instead of fuckin' with the civilians and the otherwise out of your class.

I do love the smell of burning alcohol (and other racing fuels) on Friday and Saturday nights!!!!!!! Speaking of which, the season is upon us and I will be getting my money's worth for the next 5 or 6 months depending on how much stuff we tear up. Even if we have to break out of the competition, I'll be there in the stands. Ain't nothin' like a race track hamburger and a big 'ol lemonade!!!!!!

DO be specific and point out exactly what I misunderstand and am lying about.

You're out of my class alright. So far down the ladder it'll take you week to climb to daylight.

03-11-2007, 02:13 PM
Do you know how to get people to stop calling you a liar?

DO be specific and point out exactly what I misunderstand and am lying about.

You're out of my class alright. So far down the ladder it'll take you week to climb to daylight.

STOP TELLING LIES, dipstick!!!!!!!!!

03-11-2007, 02:53 PM
Do you know how to get people to stop calling you a liar?

STOP TELLING LIES, dipstick!!!!!!!!!

Uuummm..... I really don't care much WHAT you call me. I would point out that the individual you does not represent the term "people;" which is plural.

Further, the term "liar" is not an appropriate response to a statement of fact. It is in fact, an insult and attempt at deflecting from the otherwise obvious fact that you have no legitimate argument.

03-11-2007, 03:07 PM
I wear my football shirt like I wear my flag, and I wear the cross of St George 'cos I am English, push me and I am British and United Kingdom, I am never European.:cool:

Macho pride is what flags are about a lot of the time, fogive me but we all thrive on rivalry, push the right buttons and the main flag take presidence.

03-11-2007, 03:10 PM
I wear my football shirt like I wear my flag, and I wear the cross of St George 'cos I am English, push me and I am British and United Kingdom, I am never European.:cool:

Macho pride is what flags are about a lot of the time, fogive me but we all thrive on rivalry, push the right buttons and the main flag take presidence.

I wear the St Andrew's cross on mine. F-in' limey.:poke:

03-11-2007, 03:47 PM
I wear my football shirt like I wear my flag, and I wear the cross of St George 'cos I am English, push me and I am British and United Kingdom, I am never European.:cool:

Macho pride is what flags are about a lot of the time, fogive me but we all thrive on rivalry, push the right buttons and the main flag take presidence.

like that bar code look do you?

i prefer red....

03-11-2007, 06:20 PM
You guys must be so honored that Ray Wiley Hubbard wrote that song about you.

03-11-2007, 06:21 PM
I am a hard core dirt track stock car fan, hibbit. I live and patronize many Southern tracks but I occasionally vist "Northern" tracks. The display of that horrendous symbol of racism, bigotry and hatred is about as equally spread in all venues of the most excellent sport of dirt track racing. Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but the rednecks are overwhelmingly afraid of the niggers. Dig it?

None of that stops me from attending and participating in dirt track stock car racing but I am reminded each time I am there in the midst just how ignorant, racist and blind many of my competitors really are. Usually, to be honest with you, that is an advantage for me and my teams. We already know how shallow and stupid they are. And we use that in extrapolation to kick their dumb, blind asses!!!!!!

Somehow, I doubt most of this. As far as 'symbold of racism, bigotry, and hatred,' you can believe it all you want and it won't make it true.

03-12-2007, 09:19 PM
The confederate flag is the American swastika.
My grandfather and my great uncle lived in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. They were proud of their country and fought to defend it. But when the war was over, my grandfather didn't bring any swastikas to the U.S. with him.

03-12-2007, 10:20 PM
The confederate flag is the American swastika.
My grandfather and my great uncle lived in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. They were proud of their country and fought to defend it. But when the war was over, my grandfather didn't bring any swastikas to the U.S. with him.

Bullshit! The Nazis wanted to take over the world and kill all the Jews, among others. They also had a horrible eugenics program in their platform. The South wanted independance from a Union that wanted to exploit their natural resources. They freed more slaves pre-13th ammendment than the North. They were seeking a peaceful end to slavery. They fought for states' rights. Comparing them to Nazis is insulting.

It's worth noting at this point that California was notorious for its exploitation of Chinese labor and that Chinese immigrants and Mexicans were little better than slaves. Then there's the genocide of the native population. You're not going to convince me that the Confederacy was anything evil just because they had slaves. The Union, the so-called 'saviors' in this case, were far from perfect and guilty of far worse than slavery.

03-12-2007, 11:34 PM
I agree. The Confederacy was an insult to my maternal homeland.
It's not much different. The Germans wants to wipe out the Jews. The Confeds want to wipe out blacks.
If nothing else, the Confederacy was guilty of insurrection and treason against the American union. They were 19th century insurgents.
In case you are ignorant of the fact, not all Germans were Nazis. The Nazis were a political party.
The concentration of poor black populations in the South, in places like Alabama, Mississippi and Southern Lousiana? Left over from the Confederacy, no?
It's a legacy of hate and prejudice that remains to this day.

03-13-2007, 12:38 AM
Ummmmm,,,,,so much ignorance and so little time.

Tell me what this means "I would point out that the individual you does not represent "?

Uuummm..... I really don't care much WHAT you call me. the term "people;" which is plural.

Further, the term "liar" is not an appropriate response to a statement of fact. It is in fact, an insult and attempt at deflecting from the otherwise obvious fact that you have no legitimate argument.

I have certainly given appropriate regard to the facts as presented in this discussion, gunny. Are you blind or just stupid?

03-13-2007, 01:58 AM
I agree. The Confederacy was an insult to my maternal homeland.
It's not much different. The Germans wants to wipe out the Jews. The Confeds want to wipe out blacks.
If nothing else, the Confederacy was guilty of insurrection and treason against the American union. They were 19th century insurgents.
In case you are ignorant of the fact, not all Germans were Nazis. The Nazis were a political party.
The concentration of poor black populations in the South, in places like Alabama, Mississippi and Southern Lousiana? Left over from the Confederacy, no?
It's a legacy of hate and prejudice that remains to this day.

It is more than obvious from this post that you have no clue what you're talking about.

No, not all Germans were Nazis, but a greater percentage of Germans were Nazis than Confederates that were slave owners.
The Confederacy was not interested in 'wiping out' anybody. In fact, a free black man in the South pre-war enjoyed more rights than a free black man in the north.
The concentration of blacks in the South has less to do with slavery than you seem to think. The reason so many blacks live here now is the same reason anybody else lives here. They *gasp* like it here.
The Confederacy was guilty of no rebellion. They were engaged in a voluntary contract and had ruled that the contract had been violated. As such, they exited that contract, forming a sovreign nation. The Union was upset at the loss of their natural resources, so they...invaded a sovreign nation. The Confederacy's war was a defensive war to attempt to maintain that sovreignty. It was not a rebellion, as they did not seek to overthrow the Union government, nor was it an insurgency (you still don't know what that means, do you?), as they were, once again, defending their sovreignty, not attacking their government.

Go do some research before you declare the Civil War to be what you want it to be in your little fantasy. The Confederates were not green-eyed monsters who lived off the flesh of black babies, nor were the Union soldiers perfect, angelic crusaders who died to free slaves.

03-13-2007, 03:11 AM

hibbit repeats the KKK and Aryan bullshit verbatim.

It is more than obvious from this post that you have no clue what you're talking about.

No, not all Germans were Nazis, but a greater percentage of Germans were Nazis than Confederates that were slave owners.
The Confederacy was not interested in 'wiping out' anybody. In fact, a free black man in the South pre-war enjoyed more rights than a free black man in the north.
The concentration of blacks in the South has less to do with slavery than you seem to think. The reason so many blacks live here now is the same reason anybody else lives here. They *gasp* like it here.
The Confederacy was guilty of no rebellion. They were engaged in a voluntary contract and had ruled that the contract had been violated. As such, they exited that contract, forming a sovreign nation. The Union was upset at the loss of their natural resources, so they...invaded a sovreign nation. The Confederacy's war was a defensive war to attempt to maintain that sovreignty. It was not a rebellion, as they did not seek to overthrow the Union government, nor was it an insurgency (you still don't know what that means, do you?), as they were, once again, defending their sovreignty, not attacking their government.

Go do some research before you declare the Civil War to be what you want it to be in your little fantasy. The Confederates were not green-eyed monsters who lived off the flesh of black babies, nor were the Union soldiers perfect, angelic crusaders who died to free slaves.

hibbit is an idiot and so are you, gabby, if you buy into any of the shit that was posted by the original idiot.

03-13-2007, 03:56 AM
Now, finally, here is a subject that I am overwhelmed with curiosity about. Why does the KKK "burn the cross"? Why are so many Southerners attracted to such a group that "burns the cross" and professes the belief of racial superiority and denies the equalities as guaranteed by our Constitution, resents the rights as afforded by our Declaration Of Independence, defies the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and on and on. It makes no sense to me,,,,at all!!!!

I don't care what group has embraced the symbol. After all the KKK used the cross in its symbolism quite a bit, but nobody questions the church for having crosses prominently displayed and even incorporated into the architecture. You could also say the cross is a very negative symbol and even a racist symbol because it was once a tool of execution not used on Romans, who were thought to be the superior race. Just because one bad group uses it as a symbol doesn't mean I'm going to accept that as the entire meaning of the symbol or even as a meaning of the symbol.

Folks, I am doing the very best that I can to provide for myself, my family and the times that hopefully I can call "retirement". I refuse to be afraid of the queers, I've known about them all my life, I refuse to be afraid of divorce as I had one over 30 years ago but have since remarrried for more than 30 years and am absolutely committed not by fear but by what I think is "love" and mutual respect and I genuinely "love", "respect" and cherish my step children, I refuse to be intimidated by politicians that scream at me about the pitfalls of the "other" party and I cannot abide the fears of the niggers as espoused by the Confederate flag bearers. Even if only in private!!!!!!!

This has been internal for me for years but I am not ashamed at all for bringing it all up now!!!!!!

Pardon my frankness, but you 'lil rebels can KISS MY ASS!!!!

03-13-2007, 09:24 AM

hibbit repeats the KKK and Aryan bullshit verbatim.

hibbit is an idiot and so are you, gabby, if you buy into any of the shit that was posted by the original idiot.

No, I state the truth. You state the utopian, liberal, hippie bullcrap verbatim. I can't say I hold it against you, though. You'd be hard pressed to find a place outside the South that will tell you the truth of the War Between the States.

03-13-2007, 10:09 AM
The confederate flag is the American swastika.

I agree. The Confederacy was an insult to my maternal homeland.
The Confeds want to wipe out blacks.
If nothing else, the Confederacy was guilty of insurrection and treason against the American union. They were 19th century insurgents.
The concentration of poor black populations in the South, in places like Alabama, Mississippi and Southern Lousiana? Left over from the Confederacy, no?
It's a legacy of hate and prejudice that remains to this day.

How ignorant can one person be... :lame2:

03-13-2007, 10:20 AM
Now, finally, here is a subject that I am overwhelmed with curiosity about. (1)Why does the KKK "burn the cross"? (2)Why are so many Southerners attracted to such a group that "burns the cross" and professes the belief of racial superiority and denies the equalities as guaranteed by our Constitution, resents the rights as afforded by our Declaration Of Independence, defies the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and on and on. It makes no sense to me,,,,at all!!!!

(1) Dunno. I guess I could Google for the answer though. Let's see....

Hmmmm.... A quick Google found a possible origin for the practice, as well as a dual-use of the burning cross by the KKK. The idea probably propagated from the Scottish Crann Tara (Fiery Cross) which was a symbol of unity and loyalty, as well as being a call to arms. The KKK probably adopted the burning cross as its symbol to promote the same ideal of belonging after the Civil War, plus they later added a "rider" which explained they weren't burning the cross, but lighting the cross on fire to profess their (Protestant) "faith." (Think along the lines of a candle under a bushel basket - let the world see your light (faith) shining strong.)

(2) Don't assume that the KKK is a "Southern-only" club. Sad to say there are KKK groups all over the USA, including the Northern states. I do agree however that differentiating based on skin color is stupid, after all, we are ALL human beings and we all bleed red.

Folks, I am doing the very best that I can to provide for myself, my family and the times that hopefully I can call "retirement". I refuse to be afraid of the queers, I've known about them all my life, I refuse to be afraid of divorce as I had one over 30 years ago but have since remarrried for more than 30 years and am absolutely committed not by fear but by what I think is "love" and mutual respect and I genuinely "love", "respect" and cherish my step children, I refuse to be intimidated by politicians that scream at me about the pitfalls of the "other" party and I cannot abide the fears of the niggers as espoused by the Confederate flag bearers. Even if only in private!!!!!!!

This has been internal for me for years but I am not ashamed at all for bringing it all up now!!!!!!

Pardon my frankness, but you 'lil rebels can KISS MY ASS!!!!

The bolded text tells me all I need to know about how you feel about homosexuals and blacks in general. For all your righteous indignation, you brought out the n-word. Kinda shoots your credibility all to hell now doesn't it? This is the closet racism and bigotry which makes the Democrats true hypocrites - despite their righteous indignation and vehement protests against such words, they revert to it themselves all too frequently.

Tell ya what, why don't you sober up and then come back and try to make some sense out of your postings, hmmm? Thanks, cupcake!

03-13-2007, 10:20 AM
How ignorant can one person be... :lame2:

You haven't been reading Psycho's posts lately have you? :coffee:

03-13-2007, 05:03 PM
There are some of us Southern California types who do wonder what the whole thing is about. We have to rely on informed postings such as this one:

So not only is the confederate flag the flag of racists, rednecks, and losers, it’s now officially the flag of white trash everywhere. Wear it with pride. This is why people from every other part of the country think everyone from the south is a toothless illiterate bumpkin. Trailer park trash, every last one of them.

03-13-2007, 05:09 PM
There are some of us Southern California types who do wonder what the whole thing is about. We have to rely on informed postings such as this one:

So not only is the confederate flag the flag of racists, rednecks, and losers, it’s now officially the flag of white trash everywhere. Wear it with pride. This is why people from every other part of the country think everyone from the south is a toothless illiterate bumpkin. Trailer park trash, every last one of them.

Yoos needs to git owt mor, sugah! Spend two much time in that fag-town, San Fran Sicko! :laugh2:

Mr. P
03-13-2007, 05:24 PM
There are some of us Southern California types who do wonder what the whole thing is about. We have to rely on informed postings such as this one:

So not only is the confederate flag the flag of racists, rednecks, and losers, it’s now officially the flag of white trash everywhere. Wear it with pride. This is why people from every other part of the country think everyone from the south is a toothless illiterate bumpkin. Trailer park trash, every last one of them.

Damn if the busiest International airport in the country ain’t right here in da south run by racists, redneck flag waven losers and those toothless illiterate trailer trash bumpkins. :laugh2:

03-13-2007, 07:51 PM
There are some of us Southern California types who do wonder what the whole thing is about. We have to rely on informed postings such as this one:

So not only is the confederate flag the flag of racists, rednecks, and losers, it’s now officially the flag of white trash everywhere. Wear it with pride. This is why people from every other part of the country think everyone from the south is a toothless illiterate bumpkin. Trailer park trash, every last one of them.

About as informed as you are.

Hugh Lincoln
03-19-2007, 07:16 PM
The Confederate flag and the Nazi swastika are demonized symbols today because they represent white resistance more than any specific policy pursued under them, respectively. I personally don't have a yen to invade Poland or enslave blacks, but I do see that whites, as a group, are being pushed up against the wall by the multiracial world order.

But when folks get wrapped up in "debates" about who's worse, Nazis or Confederates, they miss the point.

03-19-2007, 08:59 PM
The world collectively defeated the Nazi's and more indirectly the confederates.

The Confederate flag and the Nazi swastika are demonized symbols today because they represent white resistance more than any specific policy pursued under them, respectively. I personally don't have a yen to invade Poland or enslave blacks, but I do see that whites, as a group, are being pushed up against the wall by the multiracial world order.

But when folks get wrapped up in "debates" about who's worse, Nazis or Confederates, they miss the point.

Did it ever occur to you that the "world" comprises some pretty intelligent peoples?

I think maybe you are "missing the point, hl. Give it all a good and honest thought or two is all I ask.

03-20-2007, 11:35 AM
The Confederate flag and the Nazi swastika are demonized symbols today because they represent white resistance more than any specific policy pursued under them, respectively.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. The Confederacy was never about "white supremacy" or any crap like that. The KKK stole the image after the fact.

03-20-2007, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=Psychoblues;29206]The world collectively defeated the Nazi's and more indirectly the confederates.

The confederates lost because soldiers are more willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for human rights than for States Rights.

03-20-2007, 02:17 PM
The world collectively defeated the Nazi's and more indirectly the confederates.

The confederates lost because soldiers are more willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for human rights than for States Rights.

Actually, the confederates lost because an industrial nation is better equipped to fight a war than an agricultural nation. The North had triple the personell and 10 times the resources. (I might add, though that while the South was outnumbered and outgunned more than 3 to 1, they only suffered about a third of the military casualties of the war)

03-20-2007, 02:30 PM
Actually, the confederates lost because an industrial nation is better equipped to fight a war than an agricultural nation. The North had triple the personell and 10 times the resources. (I might add, though that while the South was outnumbered and outgunned more than 3 to 1, they only suffered about a third of the military casualties of the war)

And we still almost won at Gettysburg!

03-20-2007, 02:43 PM
Actually, the confederates lost because an industrial nation is better equipped to fight a war than an agricultural nation. The North had triple the personell and 10 times the resources. (I might add, though that while the South was outnumbered and outgunned more than 3 to 1, they only suffered about a third of the military casualties of the war)
That is certaintly true, but what is often not discussed is the fact that The South had relatively few supporters of the war. The money and political power was in the hands of only a few hundred land and slave owning families. Many in the piedmont and mountain counties either didn't want anything to do with the conflict or clandestinely supported the North.

In NC this division still exists today with red counties mainly in the Raleigh areas and east and blue counties mainly in the west.

The fact you stated about the relative casualties was due to the Southeners better marksmanship, boys grow'd up on shooting squirels and hunting.

03-20-2007, 06:16 PM
That is certaintly true, but what is often not discussed is the fact that The South had relatively few supporters of the war. The money and political power was in the hands of only a few hundred land and slave owning families. Many in the piedmont and mountain counties either didn't want anything to do with the conflict or clandestinely supported the North.

In NC this division still exists today with red counties mainly in the Raleigh areas and east and blue counties mainly in the west.

The fact you stated about the relative casualties was due to the Southeners better marksmanship, boys grow'd up on shooting squirels and hunting.

The North fared little better, except that those who opposed the war were jailed. Lincoln did everything he could to ensure victory (don't get me wrong, I think it was admirable) and was actually under investigation for overstepping his Constitutional bounds when he was shot.

Similarly, the Revolutionary War was only supported by about a third of the colonists.

03-22-2007, 03:21 AM
Humorous is about all I can say for the conversation so far.

The North fared little better, except that those who opposed the war were jailed. Lincoln did everything he could to ensure victory (don't get me wrong, I think it was admirable) and was actually under investigation for overstepping his Constitutional bounds when he was shot.

Similarly, the Revolutionary War was only supported by about a third of the colonists.

Couple all that has been said to the facts that the "Voting Rights Act" was not passed until 1964 and the "Civil Rights Act" was not passed until 1965 and then come back to me about tradition, history and other racist ideolgy of the preservation of the "Confederate Flag".

Really, somtimes some of you jerks almost make me piss on myself with laughter!!!!!!!

03-22-2007, 09:50 AM
Humorous is about all I can say for the conversation so far.

Couple all that has been said to the facts that the "Voting Rights Act" was not passed until 1964 and the "Civil Rights Act" was not passed until 1965 and then come back to me about tradition, history and other racist ideolgy of the preservation of the "Confederate Flag".

Really, somtimes some of you jerks almost make me piss on myself with laughter!!!!!!!

The North alone had the ability to get both of those acts passed without the support of the South, but it took the bigots up there 100 years to get off their duffs and do something. In the meantime, the spineless KKK kept the Southern whites from striving towards true greatness by blaming everything on the blacks, similar to what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are doing to blacks now. You don't know crap about this, Psycho. Stop pretending you do.

03-22-2007, 01:16 PM
The North fared little better, except that those who opposed the war were jailed. Lincoln did everything he could to ensure victory (don't get me wrong, I think it was admirable) and was actually under investigation for overstepping his Constitutional bounds when he was shot.

Similarly, the Revolutionary War was only supported by about a third of the colonists.

Interesting. Did not know that. Where is that stat from?

03-22-2007, 01:19 PM
The North alone had the ability to get both of those acts passed without the support of the South, but it took the bigots up there 100 years to get off their duffs and do something. In the meantime, the spineless KKK kept the Southern whites from striving towards true greatness by blaming everything on the blacks, similar to what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are doing to blacks now. You don't know crap about this, Psycho. Stop pretending you do. No kidding. Psychoblues: when was the first Civil Rights bill proposed and by which party?

03-22-2007, 02:01 PM
Interesting. Did not know that. Where is that stat from?

My elementary and high school history textbooks. I'd have to dig it up online, but about a third were in full support of the revolution. Another third supported the British Army, and the remainder was a mix of people who either wanted to stay out of it, or who sympathized with one side, but thought the violent conflict was unnecessary.

03-22-2007, 02:15 PM
My elementary and high school history textbooks. I'd have to dig it up online, but about a third were in full support of the revolution. Another third supported the British Army, and the remainder was a mix of people who either wanted to stay out of it, or who sympathized with one side, but thought the violent conflict was unnecessary. You don't need to look it up. Broken down like that it makes sense. Probably a fact that I forgot about. I just don't remember that from the last book I read about that subject, and that was less than a year ago.

03-22-2007, 02:28 PM
My elementary and high school history textbooks. I'd have to dig it up online, but about a third were in full support of the revolution. Another third supported the British Army, and the remainder was a mix of people who either wanted to stay out of it, or who sympathized with one side, but thought the violent conflict was unnecessary.

I've read similar stats in other books about the Revolution.

03-23-2007, 10:06 PM
Obvuscate all you want, republicon idiots.

I've read similar stats in other books about the Revolution.

The conversation is about the "Confederate Flag". That was like maybe 80 to 100 years later than the revolution?

But, thanks for the observations.

03-23-2007, 10:34 PM
Obvuscate all you want, republicon idiots.

The conversation is about the "Confederate Flag". That was like maybe 80 to 100 years later than the revolution?

But, thanks for the observations.

So you make the argument that the war was unjust because it was unsupported. I give you an example of a war that was unsupported, but was just, and you tell me it's invalid because it was a different war? Explain to me how that makes sense.

03-23-2007, 11:41 PM
Explain to me, sir, how you make sense? The conversation is about the Confederate Flag. You and others obfuscate the history and the implications of it and now you demand of me an explanation or the origin of your own arguments?

So you make the argument that the war was unjust because it was unsupported. I give you an example of a war that was unsupported, but was just, and you tell me it's invalid because it was a different war? Explain to me how that makes sense.

Kiss my ass, dearly misled one. You bit and swallowed the hook, line and sinker. I have not decided to take that bait.

03-24-2007, 12:20 AM
Explain to me, sir, how you make sense? The conversation is about the Confederate Flag. You and others obfuscate the history and the implications of it and now you demand of me an explanation or the origin of your own arguments?

Kiss my ass, dearly misled one. You bit and swallowed the hook, line and sinker. I have not decided to take that bait.

No, you're just being a jackass who can't stand it when we call you out on your constant lies, bullcrap, lack of logical thought, and misuse of the words obfuscate and innuendo. You need to get a dictionary before you start trying to be wordy, because being wordy and stupid only makes you look more stupid.

03-24-2007, 12:47 AM
OK, sir scholar, educate me and cause others to observe an equally poor view of my wordage and latent intelligence.

No, you're just being a jackass who can't stand it when we call you out on your constant lies, bullcrap, lack of logical thought, and misuse of the words obfuscate and innuendo. You need to get a dictionary before you start trying to be wordy, because being wordy and stupid only makes you look more stupid.

Now is your time, inhibbitt, put up or shut up is what I hear often in these republicon conversations.

03-24-2007, 12:54 AM
OK, sir scholar, educate me, and cause others to observe an equally poor view of my wordage (vocabulary) and latent intelligence.

Now is your time, inhibbitt (mispelled) ; put up or shut up is what I hear often in these republicon conversations.

Latent, yet another word you apparantly have no concept of the definition of.

Don't f*** with an English teacher's son.

03-24-2007, 01:08 AM
OK, I ain't ginin' up on a jerk that calls himself and English Teachers son but I'll give you this.

Latent, yet another word you apparantly have no concept of the definition of.

Don't f*** with an English teacher's son.

Have you ever considered the ignorance of a nation that could possibly even close to elect an ignoramous like gwb?

I didn't think so.

03-24-2007, 01:19 AM
OK, I ain't ginin' up on a jerk that calls himself and English Teachers son but I'll give you this.

Have you ever considered the ignorance of a nation that could possibly even close to elect an ignoramous like gwb?

I didn't think so.

Have you considered the hubris of an entire political movement which sees men of high intelligence vote for an ivy-league grad with an IQ well above average who supports most or all of their values and takes it as a sign of ignorance?

I didn't think so.

03-24-2007, 09:11 AM
Explain to me, sir, how you make sense? The conversation is about the Confederate Flag. You and others obfuscate the history and the implications of it and now you demand of me an explanation or the origin of your own arguments?

Kiss my ass, dearly misled one. You bit and swallowed the hook, line and sinker. I have not decided to take that bait.

Classic, textbook attempt at deflection in a lame endeavor to not face teh fact one's ass is getting KICKED.

03-24-2007, 09:14 AM
OK, I ain't ginin' up on a jerk that calls himself and English Teachers son but I'll give you this.

Have you ever considered the ignorance of a nation that could possibly even close to elect an ignoramous like gwb?

I didn't think so.

I'm just still trying to get past the part where a nation built on certain moral and social values allows people like you to exist within it and destroy sai dmorals/values.

The best thing you could do for the US is join AQ. You'd probably bring them to their knees trying to "help" them.

03-25-2007, 03:09 AM
Don't you ever get tired of saying your same ol' shit over and over, gunny. I fought to protect jeerks like you and would do it again. Are you telling me that you fought against jerks like me and would be willing to kill to eliminate me and others like me? You are just not any American with whom I want to associate.

I'm just still trying to get past the part where a nation built on certain moral and social values allows people like you to exist within it and destroy sai dmorals/values.

The best thing you could do for the US is join AQ. You'd probably bring them to their knees trying to "help" them.

03-25-2007, 09:36 PM
Don't you ever get tired of saying your same ol' shit over and over, gunny. I fought to protect jeerks like you and would do it again. Are you telling me that you fought against jerks like me and would be willing to kill to eliminate me and others like me? You are just not any American with whom I want to associate.

The only thing you ever fought was getting up in the morning.

03-25-2007, 10:13 PM
I suppose you think what you said was funny?

The only thing you ever fought was getting up in the morning.

I see you are still a liar and show every propensity of remaining one.

03-25-2007, 11:12 PM
Hobbit needs to give it up and start planning his annual vacation trip to Jaspar.

03-26-2007, 01:12 AM
Hobbit needs to give it up and start planning his annual vacation trip to Jaspar.

Were you born a complete and total jackass or did you have to try at it? I mean, seriously, if I totalled up all the substance in everything you ever posted, I'd arrive at the substance of about 30 seconds of Andy Rooney talking about horse droppings, if that.

03-26-2007, 02:11 AM
jihadisaurus the drive by poster. Never anything substantial to say. Just the usual insult and run.

03-26-2007, 03:35 AM
You jerks are completely pitiful. You got something to say about the attributes of the CONFEDERATE FLAG or are you just sniping towards individuals that give you heartburn?

03-26-2007, 08:15 AM
Maybe someone should just come out with a hybrid Nazi/Confederate flag. It could probably become more commercial than either/or?

03-28-2007, 01:05 AM
Seriously, Nuc, the idea has crossed many a business desk in the South.

Maybe someone should just come out with a hybrid Nazi/Confederate flag. It could probably become more commercial than either/or?

Most businessfolk realize it would be suicide but there has been that niche' bunch in the Pacific Northwest (Idaho) and occasionally here in the South where that "hybrid" you talk about is actually fact.

Go figure?

03-28-2007, 12:05 PM
I am waiting for the new Hog Hat, with the Confederate flag on one side and a lynched black person on the other side. Or perhaps the new model trucks that come with a trailer hitch specially designed to carry undesired folks behind it.

03-28-2007, 12:48 PM
H Gabby. Glad you found us. Now, where exactly is the "blatant racism" in flying the Confederate flag?

hey we cant even fly the st george flag in some parts of this country because of pc local goverment

Mr. P
03-28-2007, 01:06 PM
I am waiting for the new Hog Hat, with the Confederate flag on one side and a lynched black person on the other side. ....

PLEASE DO the world a favor and HOLD YER BREATH!:fu:

03-28-2007, 01:11 PM
PLEASE DO the world a favor and HOLD YER BREATH!:fu:

I haven't read through this thread, but just for Shattered if she reads this, that line alone is one of the reasons I missed some of the posters and asked Jim to return.

03-28-2007, 01:13 PM
I am waiting for the new Hog Hat, with the Confederate flag on one side and a lynched black person on the other side. Or perhaps the new model trucks that come with a trailer hitch specially designed to carry undesired folks behind it.

Did you have to work at being this stupid, or does it come naturally?

Hagbard Celine
03-28-2007, 02:35 PM
And being the apologist, ass-kissing lib that you are, you think that because some take offense, the rest of us should tailor our lives around them. It doesn't represent racial superiority to anyone but non-whites and liberal apologist ass-kissers. Wonder why that is?

And I'm sure the republicans would rather fly this flag than that plain white one you libs keep on hand to hoist on a second's notice.

I'm curious. Do the orderlies actually let you outside the grounds or do you just have a "yard" area where they let you walk out in the sunshine for an hour-a-day?

03-28-2007, 11:53 PM
The rules are not restrictive. They are always gives passes for cross burnings, white supremacy rallies and holiday meetings in Jaspar.

03-29-2007, 05:59 AM
I am waiting for the new Hog Hat, with the Confederate flag on one side and a lynched black person on the other side. Or perhaps the new model trucks that come with a trailer hitch specially designed to carry undesired folks behind it.
So you can sell it to Robert Byrd? :poke:

03-29-2007, 06:00 AM
I'm curious. Do the orderlies actually let you outside the grounds or do you just have a "yard" area where they let you walk out in the sunshine for an hour-a-day? He's got a yard and a weight room. :laugh2:

03-30-2007, 05:37 AM
Are we discussing the enormous benefits of the Confederate Flag to American ideologies or are we sniping at one another and dodging the question?

03-30-2007, 09:21 AM
Are we discussing the enormous benefits of the Confederate Flag to American ideologies or are we sniping at one another and dodging the question?

It's not so much the benefits of the Confederate flag, PB. It's the freedom to fly a flag that, to many people, stands for freedom from excessive government interference in one's life.

03-30-2007, 09:52 AM
I will buy into the "Freedom" thing anytime, anywhere and under any circumstance, Jeff. The "Confederate or Rebel" Flag does not represent freedom by any definition. This thread is proof of that.

It's not so much the benefits of the Confederate flag, PB. It's the freedom to fly a flag that, to many people, stands for freedom from excessive government interference in one's life.

It was soundly defeated in 1865 and it is still soundly defeated in this old Americans eyes. Other than, as I have alluded earlier, a museum piece, it is now flown as a point of radical and racial contention and is unwelcome in the America in which I reside. It was killed a long time ago for good reason.

It needs to die a final but respectful death.

03-30-2007, 10:01 AM
I will buy into the "Freedom" thing anytime, anywhere and under any circumstance, Jeff. The "Confederate or Rebel" Flag does not represent freedom by any definition. This thread is proof of that.Only in the eyes of a few like yourself who refuse to consider alternate points of view.

It was soundly defeated in 1865 and it is still soundly defeated in this old Americans eyes. Other than, as I have alluded earlier, a museum piece, it is now flown as a point of radical and racial contention and is unwelcome in the America in which I reside. It was killed a long time ago for good reason.

It needs to die a final but respectful death.
Again, your opinion which you seem to believe should be imposed on everyone else and free speech be damned. Kinda strange because I figured you for a free speech proponent.

03-30-2007, 10:35 AM
I have never suggested such an a thing, CSOB. How do you figure?

Only in the eyes of a few like yourself who refuse to consider alternate points of view.

Again, your opinion which you seem to believe should be imposed on everyone else and free speech be damned. Kinda strange because I figured you for a free speech proponent.

I believe, you don't. I am but you ain't. I do but somehow you don't.

Get back with me. You seriously misunderstand.

03-30-2007, 11:00 AM
I will buy into the "Freedom" thing anytime, anywhere and under any circumstance, Jeff. The "Confederate or Rebel" Flag does not represent freedom by any definition. This thread is proof of that.

It was soundly defeated in 1865 and it is still soundly defeated in this old Americans eyes. Other than, as I have alluded earlier, a museum piece, it is now flown as a point of radical and racial contention and is unwelcome in the America in which I reside. It was killed a long time ago for good reason.

It needs to die a final but respectful death.

I would say that you are wrong (gasp!) about the reason most people fly the Confederate flag. Most people fly it or display it as a sign of heritage, not hate.

I do find it funny how people will justify the burning of an American flag, saying that it's a freedom and a flag is just cloth, but when it comes to the Confederate flag a flag is suddenly a symbol.

03-30-2007, 11:11 AM
And I would say that you are one of two things. Ignorant or stupid.

I would say that you are wrong (gasp!) about the reason most people fly the Confederate flag. Most people fly it or display it as a sign of heritage, not hate.

I do find it funny how people will justify the burning of an American flag, saying that it's a freedom and a flag is just cloth, but when it comes to the Confederate flag a flag is suddenly a symbol.

That flag is simply history. It's resurrection is born of anti-Americanism and hatred and nothing else.

My heritage is in the confederacy and the Union. My alligeance is in the Union. You got a problem with that? Kiss my ass, confederate!!!!!!!

Abbey Marie
03-30-2007, 11:34 AM
I would say that you are wrong (gasp!) about the reason most people fly the Confederate flag. Most people fly it or display it as a sign of heritage, not hate.

I do find it funny how people will justify the burning of an American flag, saying that it's a freedom and a flag is just cloth, but when it comes to the Confederate flag a flag is suddenly a symbol.

Excellent point, J! One is the exercise of freedom of speech, and the other isn't? What a surprise. Between the two, burning a flag seems much more hate-filled than merely flying it. In fact, burning a flag is a world-wide symbol of hatred. It's akin to supporting pornography and 'art' such as "piss-christ", while crying foul over a nativity in the town square. Such hypocrisy.

03-30-2007, 11:45 AM
OK, Abbey, do you or do you not support the continued display of the Confederate battle flag? I will love you no more or any less depending on your answer.

Excellent point, J! One is the exercise of freedom of speech, and the other isn't? What a surprise. Between the two, burning a flag seems much more hate-filled than merely flying it. In fact, burning a flag is a world-wide symbol of hatred. It's akin to supporting pornography and 'art' such as "piss-christ", while crying foul over a nativity in the town square. Such hypocrisy.

Considering that love and respect are mutually self cancelling, the worst you can do here is retain my respect.

This is NO DEAL but can I have an answer?

03-30-2007, 11:54 AM
Before you answer, Abbey, be aware that I have no objection whatsoever for those that choose to display the defeated flag of the Confederacy. I do, however, have reservations as to the meaning, intelligence and gutteral attachment they might have to such a symbol of racism and defeat.

Please carry on, Abbey, as I am prone to absorb your words of diplomacy and reconciliation.

03-30-2007, 01:02 PM
I do, however, have reservations as to the meaning, intelligence and gutteral attachment they might have to such a symbol of racism and defeat.

You've missed the entire point of the thread. It might symbolize things like racism and defeat to you (which doesn't suprise me) but to many others it symbolizes something else. You obviously cannot accept that fact.

03-30-2007, 02:01 PM
I haven't read every post in the thread, so please forgive me if this has already been written.

People who think the Confederate Flag represents anything but treason, are delusional. Some people, both white and black, think that it does though. I grew up in the South and doing so has given me the opportunity to hear about this issue from a lot of different angles. (Not saying that those in the North don't have valid opinions)

Some whites do get a kick out of "Showing their Southern Pride" by waving this rag. And some whites waive it because they think it means "White Power". Neither are correct. Most blacks think that all whites who waive it are racists. That may be true, but not because the flag represents slavery, but because of the people who waive it. The flag represents treason. Nothing more, nothing less. If someone wants to celebrate their southern heritage, try flying the flag of which ever southern state you live in. ( I do think it is wrong for Mississippi to have the confederate flag as their state flag, but not because of black people whining).

03-30-2007, 02:42 PM
Grunt, I know that you are doing the very best that you can. But, for sake of Jesus Christ, don't come to a gun fight with only a knife in your satchel.

I haven't read every post in the thread, so pleasae forgive me if this has already been written.

People who think the Confederate Flag represents anything but treason, are delusional. Some people, both white and blacks, think that it does though. I grew up in the South and doing so has given me the opportunity to hear about this issue from a lot of different angles. (Not saying that those in the North don't have valid opinions)

Some whites do get a kick out of "Showing their Southern Pride" by waving this rag. And some whites waive it because they think it means "White Power". Neither are correct. Most blacks think that all whites who waive it are racists. That may be true, but not because the flag represents slavery, but because of the people who waive it. The flag represents treason. Nothing more, nothing less. If someone wants to celebrate their southern heritage, try flying the flag of which ever southern state you live in. ( I do think it is wrong for Mississippi to have the confederate flag as their state flag, but not because of black people whining).

Just kiding you, grunt. I never expect more than the very best that one can give. You done good.

03-30-2007, 02:49 PM
Grunt, I know that you are doing the very best that you can. But, for sake of Jesus Christ, don't come to a gun fight with only a knife in your satchel.

Just kiding you, grunt. I never expect more than the very best that one can give. You done good.

You're an idiot. Do you have anything to refute what I wrote about the Confederate flag or not?

03-30-2007, 03:40 PM
Nope. I wiped my ass with your last message.

You're an idiot. Do you have anything to refute what I wrote about the Confederate flag or not?

I'll wipe my dog's ass with this one. Go back and read, grunt, and come back with something comprehensive or take your dumb ass to the front lines and forget about it.

03-30-2007, 03:48 PM
Nope. I wiped my ass with your last message.

I'll wipe my dog's ass with this one. Go back and read, grunt, and come back with something comprehensive or take your dumb ass to the front lines and forget about it.

"comprehensive"?? I don't think you understand the meaning of this word.
Are you suggesting that I write a fucking book about every single meaning that the Confederate Flag may have and/or also include it's history or something?

You're a complete moron. Do you even know what you are talking about half the time? You constantly reply to my posts with drivel. Your replies don't have anything to do with the topics or they're so jumbled I have no idea what you're trying to say.


03-30-2007, 03:56 PM
I have never mentioned or directed a single one of my comments to any post of yours that was not directly aimed at ME, the Psychoblues.

"comprehensive"?? I don't think you understand the meaning of this word.
Are you suggesting that I write a fucking book about every single meaning that the Confederate Flag may have and/or also include it's history or something?

You're a complete moron. Do you even know what you are talking about half the time? You constantly reply to my posts with drivel. Your replies don't have anything to do with the topics or they're so jumbled I have no idea what you're trying to say.


So, who is delusional? You are I thinketh. I simply ask for clarification and you reply with spew and "drivel" as you like to say. I will agree with your premise. It is a shame.

04-05-2007, 06:25 AM
What in hell are you talking about you old drunk ass anti-ex-Military fool?

“Uuummm..... I really don't care much WHAT you call me. I would point out that the individual you does not represent the term "people;" which is plural.”

No answer required. I already know you.

Hugh Lincoln
04-05-2007, 08:04 PM
IMost blacks think that all whites who waive it are racists.

I wouldn't waive the Confederate flag.

04-05-2007, 08:21 PM
I haven't read every post in the thread, so please forgive me if this has already been written.

People who think the Confederate Flag represents anything but treason, are delusional. Some people, both white and black, think that it does though. I grew up in the South and doing so has given me the opportunity to hear about this issue from a lot of different angles. (Not saying that those in the North don't have valid opinions)

Some whites do get a kick out of "Showing their Southern Pride" by waving this rag. And some whites waive it because they think it means "White Power". Neither are correct. Most blacks think that all whites who waive it are racists. That may be true, but not because the flag represents slavery, but because of the people who waive it. The flag represents treason. Nothing more, nothing less. If someone wants to celebrate their southern heritage, try flying the flag of which ever southern state you live in. ( I do think it is wrong for Mississippi to have the confederate flag as their state flag, but not because of black people whining).

The only problem with your argument is that the Confederate Battle Flag was nothing more than that .... a battle flag. It was never the official flag of the CSA.

As far as your statement it represent "treason" .... I would like for you to show me anything prior to the conclusion of the US Civil War when it was a condition of readmittance to the Union, that said ANY state that entered the union freely and of their own accord, could not leave just as freely.

I'll tell you straight up ... you won't. The United States waged a war of aggression against those states that chose to voluntarily seceed from the US, and retained those states as part of the United States by military force.

04-05-2007, 08:24 PM
Grunt, I know that you are doing the very best that you can. But, for sake of Jesus Christ, don't come to a gun fight with only a knife in your satchel..

You mean like you continually come to an intellctual arguement without an intellect?

04-07-2007, 08:28 PM
You mean like you continually come to an intellctual arguement without an intellect?You should talk.


04-07-2007, 10:41 PM
The only problem with your argument is that the Confederate Battle Flag was nothing more than that .... a battle flag. It was never the official flag of the CSA.

As far as your statement it represent "treason" .... I would like for you to show me anything prior to the conclusion of the US Civil War when it was a condition of readmittance to the Union, that said ANY state that entered the union freely and of their own accord, could not leave just as freely.

I'll tell you straight up ... you won't. The United States waged a war of aggression against those states that chose to voluntarily seceed from the US, and retained those states as part of the United States by military force.

Now Guns, I realize that there is still no clear cut answer if succession is "treason". There are people of the "legal" community that say "yes", and those that say "no".

Here is what the Constitution reads: "Article III, Section 3:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Now, the Confederate did indeed wage war against the United States. Now, it's only confusing because in the Constitution there is no process for succession nor status of legality is mentioned let alone any mention of it being treason. This is why legal scholars and historians can't agree on whether or not treason was committed. You and I could sit here all day and disagree on what has been argued for 150yrs. And that is; is it legal to succeed or not? But, it seems, that the outcome of the Civil War would suggest that it is illegal. Now, if the CSA had of won, you'd be saying the same to me.

04-08-2007, 10:25 PM
grunt, I think what you are trying to say to these idiots is for them to move on. The Civil War is over. They can't move on and the conversation will not progress until somebody gets their ass kicked in a mano a mano fist fight or there is a piece of legislation passed forbidding the adamant display of that most dispicable symbol of American Institutionalized Racism and public ignorance.

Now Guns, I realize that there is still no clear cut answer if succession is "treason". There are people of the "legal" community that say "yes", and those that say "no".

Here is what the Constitution reads: "Article III, Section 3:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Now, the Confederate did indeed wage war against the United States. Now, it's only confusing because in the Constitution there is no process for succession nor status of legality is mentioned let alone any mention of it being treason. This is why legal scholars and historians can't agree on whether or not treason was committed. You and I could sit here all day and disagree on what has been argued for 150yrs. And that is; is it legal to succeed or not? But, it seems, that the outcome of the Civil War would suggest that it is illegal. Now, if the CSA had of won, you'd be saying the same to me.

This is a free country? Correct? Glorifying slavery, war and ignorance is not my idea of projecting the ideals of the America that I believe in.

04-08-2007, 10:32 PM
grunt, I think what you are trying to say to these idiots is for them to move on. The Civil War is over. They can't move on and the conversation will not progress until somebody gets their ass kicked in a mano a mano fist fight or there is a piece of legislation passed forbidding the adamant display of that most dispicable symbol of American Institutionalized Racism and public ignorance.

This is a free country? Correct? Glorifying slavery, war and ignorance is not my idea of projecting the ideals of the America that I believe in.

The Confederate flag does not represent slavery. I don't think it should be illegal for a private citizen to wave, fly or tattoo on their face a Confederate flag. When will people learn that the Civil war was not fought over slavery?

04-09-2007, 01:56 AM
Actually, I agree with most of what you say. I agree that it should not and presently is not illegal to fly that dispicable rag commonly referred to as the Confederate Flag.

The Confederate flag does not represent slavery. I don't think it should be illegal for a private citizen to wave, fly or tattoo on their face a Confederate flag. When will people learn that the Civil war was not fought over slavery?

But, to say that it does not represent a particular liking of the ideology of slavery or a commonly known attachment to dominance over others is ridiculous.

Although I kidded a little earlier in this thread, I would not wipe my ass on that rag. It is shameful, a poor example of American History and an insult to the ideals this country was built upon and embraces to this day.

04-09-2007, 09:04 AM
Now Guns, I realize that there is still no clear cut answer if succession is "treason". There are people of the "legal" community that say "yes", and those that say "no".

Here is what the Constitution reads: "Article III, Section 3:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Now, the Confederate did indeed wage war against the United States. Now, it's only confusing because in the Constitution there is no process for succession nor status of legality is mentioned let alone any mention of it being treason. This is why legal scholars and historians can't agree on whether or not treason was committed. You and I could sit here all day and disagree on what has been argued for 150yrs. And that is; is it legal to succeed or not? But, it seems, that the outcome of the Civil War would suggest that it is illegal. Now, if the CSA had of won, you'd be saying the same to me. As no one was tried for it, it clearly was not considered treason.

04-09-2007, 12:43 PM
As no one was tried for it, it clearly was not considered treason.

re-read my last post. There is still arguing to this day by legal people and historians on whether or not the Confederates committed treason.

04-09-2007, 01:05 PM
re-read my last post. There is still arguing to this day by legal people and historians on whether or not the Confederates committed treason.
That's my point exactly. If there was anything at all to all this talk, then the perps would have been tried.

The Founding Fathers were very careful with the definition of Treason, as King George would have definitely charged then with it under his definition.

04-09-2007, 02:13 PM
Even though my position on social issue (but NOT fiscal ones) is very liberal, I'm inclined to think that the Confederate flag controversy is overblown. Much like Jesse Jackson complaining about the use of the word "niggardly," sometimes people really do go too far.

And no, I don't think southerners are stupid, but one southern boy is usually at least as stubborn as 10 mules. Plus their weather stinks; that's why I moved back to Cali. :)

04-09-2007, 02:23 PM

And no, I don't think southerners are stupid, but one southern boy is usually at least as stubborn as 10 mules. Plus their weather stinks; that's why I moved back to Cali. :)

I'll consider the stubborness a compliment. Our Southern weather is excellent, and so unlike the perpetual drought that y'all Californians live through. :D

04-09-2007, 03:49 PM
I'll consider the stubborness a compliment. Our Southern weather is excellent, and so unlike the perpetual drought that y'all Californians live through. :DYour weather is so dang humid that 90 degrees out there is equivalent to 115 out here. You call THAT excellent?!

04-09-2007, 04:01 PM
Your weather is so dang humid that 90 degrees out there is equivalent to 115 out here. You call THAT excellent?! That's simply not true. 90 and humid is warm: plants grow well and people go about their business, sipping more tea than usual. 115 and dry creates a desert and is life threatening. Also, when it’s 90 in Charlotte its 70 in the mountains, a mere two hours away.

But then again, you should pour yourself a nice hot cup of shut the hell up and enjoy your fry-pan weather.

04-09-2007, 04:14 PM
That's simply not true. 90 and humid is warm: plants grow well and people go about their business, sipping more tea than usual. 115 and dry creates a desert and is life threatening. Also, when it’s 90 in Charlotte its 70 in the mountains, a mere two hours away.

But then again, you should pour yourself a nice hot cup of shut the hell up and enjoy your fry-pan weather.A nice cold cup with lots of ice goes much better with the summer high-pressure cells... :cool:

04-09-2007, 07:54 PM
You should talk.


If I were you I'd change tactics. The one you are currently pursuing got you pwned on USMB. I have absolutely no problem with showing you for the blithering fool you are here as well, should you choose to persist.

04-09-2007, 07:57 PM
Now Guns, I realize that there is still no clear cut answer if succession is "treason". There are people of the "legal" community that say "yes", and those that say "no".

Here is what the Constitution reads: "Article III, Section 3:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Now, the Confederate did indeed wage war against the United States. Now, it's only confusing because in the Constitution there is no process for succession nor status of legality is mentioned let alone any mention of it being treason. This is why legal scholars and historians can't agree on whether or not treason was committed. You and I could sit here all day and disagree on what has been argued for 150yrs. And that is; is it legal to succeed or not? But, it seems, that the outcome of the Civil War would suggest that it is illegal. Now, if the CSA had of won, you'd be saying the same to me.

"Treason" is not even an option, IMO. If I voluntarily join in some venture with you, and later opt out and no legal documents prevent me ffrom doing so, does that give you the right to kick in my front door and drag me back by force?

04-09-2007, 08:03 PM
Even though my position on social issue (but NOT fiscal ones) is very liberal, I'm inclined to think that the Confederate flag controversy is overblown. Much like Jesse Jackson complaining about the use of the word "niggardly," sometimes people really do go too far.

And no, I don't think southerners are stupid, but one southern boy is usually at least as stubborn as 10 mules. Plus their weather stinks; that's why I moved back to Cali. :)

I didn't like California weather, Northern or Southern Cal. And I really hate the fact you can freeze your butt off in the ocean in July.

Plus y'all's politics are all jacked up.:poke:

04-09-2007, 08:23 PM
If I were you I'd change tactics. The one you are currently pursuing got you pwned on USMB. I have absolutely no problem with showing you for the blithering fool you are here as well, should you choose to persist.
Owned in your alcohol dimmed brain, perhaps. But reality is quite different, old boy.

04-09-2007, 08:26 PM
Owned in your alcohol dimmed brain, perhaps. But reality is quite different, old boy.

I really don't get people like you. You're dumber than a red brick and let your mouth flat outrun your mind every time you open it. You got your sorry ass whipped by anyone and everyone on USMB, and got banned for attempting to abuse the rep system.

Just what is it you DON'T get?

04-09-2007, 08:32 PM
I really don't get people like you. You're dumber than a red brick and let your mouth flat outrun your mind every time you open it. You got your sorry ass whipped by anyone and everyone on USMB, and got banned for attempting to abuse the rep system.

Just what is it you DON'T get?
Now that its after 9 and you're lit, lets go with that one, Gunny. So exactly how much practical college education you got, boy? Then we'll compare that with mine.

Missed you at Sand Pit Road the other day. :poke:

04-09-2007, 08:47 PM
Now that its after 9 and you're lit, lets go with that one, Gunny. So exactly how much practical college education you got, boy? Then we'll compare that with mine.

Missed you at Sand Pit Road the other day. :poke:

You can compare whatever you want to claim. I didn't go to college. All you're going to prove is that someone wasted a whole lot of money on an education obviously wasted on you.

And you didn't miss me .... you'll never see me coming, toad.

04-09-2007, 09:01 PM
You can compare whatever you want to claim. I didn't go to college. All you're going to prove is that someone wasted a whole lot of money on an education obviously wasted on you.

.... So you didn't go to college, now live in po-dunk Texas, while I graduated Cum Laude, went on to grad school and made my tuition back a thousand times over, and you call me dumb. You are a funny guy, Gunny.

04-09-2007, 09:10 PM
So you didn't go to college, now live in po-dunk Texas, while I graduated Cum Laude, went on to grad school and made my tuition back a thousand times over, and you call me dumb. You are a funny guy, Gunny.

LOL ... I guarantee you "Po-dunk" Texas is bigger than any city in your state, Mr Boondocks Cosmopolitan.

So you went to college and made your tuition back ... or so you claim anyway. That makes you educated, and dumber'n a red brick.

04-09-2007, 09:20 PM

04-09-2007, 09:47 PM
I didn't like California weather, Northern or Southern Cal. And I really hate the fact you can freeze your butt off in the ocean in July.That's why we wear wetsuits, Sarge.:banana:
Plus y'all's politics are all jacked up.:poke:I like 'em that way... :dunno:

04-09-2007, 09:55 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v64/mmlnt/bricks.gif Looks like my red brick's got you covered, Gunny. :laugh2:

04-09-2007, 09:59 PM
Looks like my red brick's got you covered, Gunny. :laugh2:

This old, alcoholic gunny can STILL break a brick with a punch. So, I don't think so.

04-09-2007, 10:41 PM
My bets on Gunny....

And what does a college education prove? That you read some books that were assigned? I have two degrees....I know people with none who know a lot more about a lot more than i do. :slap:

04-09-2007, 11:07 PM
Looks like my red brick's got you covered, Gunny. :laugh2:

Or, it means you got buried in your own stupidity. ;)

04-10-2007, 05:44 AM
This old, alcoholic gunny can STILL break a brick with a punch. So, I don't think so. Have fun punching walls. :poke:

04-10-2007, 05:49 AM
Or, it means you got buried in your own stupidity. ;) Since Gunny compared me to a red brick, and you showed us a cartoon of someone getting buried by them, the only logical conclusion is that I have buried Gunny. :coffee:

But then again, logic amongst the cheerleaders is rare.

04-10-2007, 08:01 AM
Have fun punching walls. :poke:

I don't punch walls.

04-10-2007, 08:04 AM
Since Gunny compared me to a red brick, and you showed us a cartoon of someone getting buried by them, the only logical conclusion is that I have buried Gunny. :coffee:

But then again, logic amongst the cheerleaders is rare.

Keep dreaming, chump. It's about as close as you're ever likely to get.

04-10-2007, 08:07 AM
My bets on Gunny....

And what does a college education prove? That you read some books that were assigned? I have two degrees....I know people with none who know a lot more about a lot more than i do. :slap:

Knowledge is cool, and a powwerful tool. IF it can be applied. Obviously in his case, the knowledge insofar as political debate is concerned was completely wasted.

04-10-2007, 08:17 AM
Since Gunny compared me to a red brick, and you showed us a cartoon of someone getting buried by them, the only logical conclusion is that I have buried Gunny. :coffee:

But then again, logic amongst the cheerleaders is rare.


How much did you say you spent on tuition again?

04-10-2007, 08:23 AM
Knowledge is cool, and a powwerful [sic] tool. ..... :laugh2:

04-10-2007, 08:27 AM

How much did you say you spent on tuition again?

1. I am happy that we agree.
2. I didn't. What I said is that I made it back many times over. Therefore Gunny was incorrect by his statement that the money was wasted. Simple. Logical.

04-10-2007, 08:30 AM
1. I am happy that we agree.
2. I didn't. What I said is that I made it back many times over. Therefore Gunny was incorrect by his statement that the money was wasted. Simple. Logical.

We don't agree - you're just a little to thick to understand anything else.

You've stooped to picking on a typo; it doesn't make you look any more intelliigent, but it does make it seem like that's the best you've got. :slap:

04-10-2007, 08:42 AM
We don't agree - you're just a little to thick to understand anything else.

You've stooped to picking on a typo; it doesn't make you look any more intelliigent, but it does make it seem like that's the best you've got. :slap: Leave poor typo out of this. :slap:

04-10-2007, 08:43 AM
Leave poor typo out of this. :slap:

Practice what you preach. :slap:

04-10-2007, 09:19 AM

Best you can do, huh?:lame2:

04-10-2007, 11:23 AM
Best you can do, huh?:lame2: You don't rate more than a casual backhander. :coffee:

04-10-2007, 11:26 AM
Knowledge is cool, and a powwerful tool.
Hey, you made a rhyme! :clap:

04-10-2007, 11:30 AM
Hey, you made a rhyme! :clap: Gunny the rapper.


04-10-2007, 01:34 PM
You don't rate more than a casual backhander. :coffee:

As if you could. :lol:

04-10-2007, 04:49 PM
As if you could. :lol: Yes, I forgot. Last time we tangled you pulled out your gun and I had to shoot you. :slap:

04-10-2007, 08:23 PM
Yes, I forgot. Last time we tangled you pulled out your gun and I had to shoot you. :slap:

You keep thinking that, wannabe.

04-10-2007, 08:41 PM
You keep thinking that, wannabe.

Gunny..did glock shoot you?

04-10-2007, 08:55 PM
Yes, I forgot. Last time we tangled you pulled out your gun and I had to shoot you. :slap:

Question: is the fact that Gunny survived your shooting a sign that you only fire blanks? Or that you can't hit the broad side of the barn? Neither is a very attractive option for you.


04-10-2007, 08:55 PM
You keep thinking that, wannabe. Wannabe what? Drunk? OIC, its after 9. :pee:

04-10-2007, 08:57 PM
Question: is the fact that Gunny survived your shooting a sign that you only fire blanks? Or that you can't hit the broad side of the barn? Neither is a very attractive option for you.

:poke: Or, he's a tough old bugger, that Gunny. :coffee:

04-10-2007, 09:24 PM
Gunny..did glock shoot you?

Glock is one of those armchair warriors that lives out his wannabe fantasies on the net because he doesn't have to back up his mouth.

If I drew a weapon on him he'd be dead -- one round, one body. Simple as that.

04-11-2007, 07:28 AM
Glock is one of those armchair warriors that lives out his wannabe fantasies on the net because he doesn't have to back up his mouth.

If I drew a weapon on him he'd be dead -- one round, one body. Simple as that.
If you got that far. :laugh2:

04-11-2007, 07:45 AM
If you got that far. :laugh2:

You're interrupting adults having a conversation.:slap:

I find it laughable as Hell that some slimey civilian armchair warrior presumes to think he's going to take me on playing my game by my rules and win.

You'd never hear the shot. End of story.

04-11-2007, 07:50 AM
You're interrupting adults having a conversation.:slap:

I find it laughable as Hell that some slimey civilian armchair warrior presumes to think he's going to take me on playing my game by my rules and win.

You'd never hear the shot. End of story.

Speaking of weaponry, I'm amazed at the accuracy over large distances of some of the new armaments. The charges in the cartridge must require some extremely accurate placement and shaping to fly that true.

And yeah, he'd never hear it coming. The sound of his body hitting the floor would be heard next to the body before the sound of the shot even had a chance to propagate to the body.

04-11-2007, 08:03 AM

You'd never hear the shot. .... You were proved wrong on the other board. :coffee:


04-11-2007, 08:41 AM
You were proved wrong on the other board. :coffee:

Once again, something you refuse to let seep into that screwball brain of yours ... it's there for everyone to see. It's not real hard to figure out you need to take up a hobby other than debating geopolitics. I expected at least some sort of an argument. All I got was talking points you couldn't substantiate with fact.

Kind of hard for me to lose when I never even had to do anything but point that fact out.

04-11-2007, 08:44 AM
Once again, something you refuse to let seep into that screwball brain of yours ... it's there for everyone to see. It's not real hard to figure out you need to take up a hobby other than debating geopolitics. I expected at least some sort of an argument. All I got was talking points you couldn't substantiate with fact.

Kind of hard for me to lose when I never even had to do anything but point that fact out.

You are talking about another issue now, and incorrect on that as well. In your hung-over state you are more delirious than usual. I figured you would be, so I clarified my post exactly 1 minute before your response.

04-11-2007, 08:52 AM
You are talking about another issue now, and incorrect on that as well. In your hung-over state you are more delirious than usual. I figured you would be, so I clarified my post exactly 1 minute before your response.

Oh please, do tell how this proves me wrong? All I see is you running your suck on the internet while hiding behind it.

And it's pretty pathetic I argued the liberal side of an argument and you STILL couldn't win.

04-11-2007, 09:18 AM
Sorry if this has allready been talked about in this thread,but I don't think it has.

Did any of you hear a few weeks ago about the Cincinnati pops orchestra cancelling a show that was supposed to have Tom Schnieder and Tom Wopat form the Dukes of Hazzard in it? It may pretty big news here in Cincinnati. Their reasoning was that the two had starred in a show with racist overtones or some crap like that. The guy that played Cooter was on O Reilly talking about it a few weeks ago. Obviously,they were pretty upset about being cancelled. Had something to do with the ol General Lee. How stupid is that?!!

04-11-2007, 09:43 AM
Sorry if this has allready been talked about in this thread,but I don't think it has.

Did any of you hear a few weeks ago about the Cincinnati pops orchestra cancelling a show that was supposed to have Tom Schnieder and Tom Wopat form the Dukes of Hazzard in it? It may pretty big news here in Cincinnati. Their reasoning was that the two had starred in a show with racist overtones or some crap like that. The guy that played Cooter was on O Reilly talking about it a few weeks ago. Obviously,they were pretty upset about being cancelled. Had something to do with the ol General Lee. How stupid is that?!!

REALLY stupid. If anything, the show was guilty of playing to Southern, "good ol' boy" stereotypes, one of which was the General Lee had a Confederate Battle Flag on the roof.

Some people just get too full of themselves.

04-11-2007, 11:08 AM
Oh please, do tell how this proves me wrong? All I see is you running your suck on the internet while hiding behind it.

And it's pretty pathetic I argued the liberal side of an argument and you STILL couldn't win.
Deflection, anger, pulling an algore. Not even arguing the correct issue. How sad you have become.

04-11-2007, 11:11 AM
Deflection, anger, pulling an algore. Not even arguing the correct issue. How sad you have become.

Both issues covered nicely, thanks. Better get your head back in the sand before some oxygen gets to your brain and with it some reality seeps in. You'd be too embarrassed to ever come back.

04-11-2007, 11:23 AM
Both issues covered nicely, thanks. Better get your head back in the sand before some oxygen gets to your brain and with it some reality seeps in. You'd be too embarrassed to ever come back.
And the cycle repeats itself.... :laugh2:

04-13-2007, 11:47 PM
Some people just get too full of themselves.

Dang, I actually agree with Gunny on something.
I also believe that Gunny would kick Glock's arse with minimum time wasted. :cheers2:

04-15-2007, 01:40 PM
Dang, I actually agree with Gunny on something.
I also believe that Gunny would kick Glock's arse with minimum time wasted. :cheers2: He'd never get near my skinny ass.


04-16-2007, 01:34 AM
You are right, glockmail. gunny would never get past me.

He'd never get near my skinny ass.


Isn't warring retarded?

04-16-2007, 07:56 AM
You are right, glockmail. gunny would never get past me.

Isn't warring retarded?

Bullys and war are part of life. Deal with it. Best to stay on the offensive, use your God-given talents and resources, and keep your enemies in their place. I dealt with bullies in many times in my life and have yet to be bested. I could tell you some funny ass stories, boy oh boy!

I don't have a problem with Gunny. He's an alpha type and for the most part, deserves it. Sure he's a prick sometimes but I'm guilty as charged then too. He's never crossed the line in my book; never come close.

There have been other posters on "the other board" that have crossed the line by attacking my family. When they have done that more than once I have forayed over to pound on them. I shouldn't have done that but I did and that's that.

We have a current crop of Liberals here that are mean and hateful. They look like fools IMO.:laugh2:

04-16-2007, 09:49 AM
No one is being mean and hateful. We just choose to think. As opposed to merely whipping out a gun and shooting indiscriminately.
I hardly ever agree with Gunny, but he is one tough SOB who has earned his stripes. There are not many others who can say the same.

04-17-2007, 10:37 PM
gunny is OK with me too!!! He typifies about everything I think is wrong in this country and demonstrates that he is stupid enough to break the law just to prove his point. As I have said many times, "Stupid is as Stupid Does" as taken fron the Forrest Gump Movie even though I have heard that phrase many times for the last 58 years.

Bullys and war are part of life. Deal with it. Best to stay on the offensive, use your God-given talents and resources, and keep your enemies in their place. I dealt with bullies in many times in my life and have yet to be bested. I could tell you some funny ass stories, boy oh boy!

I don't have a problem with Gunny. He's an alpha type and for the most part, deserves it. Sure he's a prick sometimes but I'm guilty as charged then too. He's never crossed the line in my book; never come close.

There have been other posters on "the other board" that have crossed the line by attacking my family. When they have done that more than once I have forayed over to pound on them. I shouldn't have done that but I did and that's that.

We have a current crop of Liberals here that are mean and hateful. They look like fools IMO.:laugh2:

There is no meanness or hatefulness that can compare with the current crop of neocons that presently reside in our White House and serve in our congress. These jerks will not give up until they are all jailed and most should be hanged in accordance with the traditions they so adamantly defend.

But, we're above all that, correct?

04-18-2007, 01:25 AM
I posted this many days ago. There has been no opposition. Heads, hearts or asses?

"It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth."

Where would you wear it?

04-18-2007, 07:39 AM
I posted this many days ago. There has been no opposition. Heads, hearts or asses?

"It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth."

Where would you wear it?

Flying on my flag pole out front. :poke:

04-18-2007, 07:45 AM
I posted this many days ago. There has been no opposition. Heads, hearts or asses?

"It was defeated 142 years ago. It has nothing to do with heritage or history except that it was rightfully defeated 142 years ago. It serves today as a honest display of history by very few outside museums but is proudly displayed by many that would have preferred an entirely different outcome from the Civil War of the United States Of America.

I've heard all the arguments and seen all the results. Idiots that continue to wear the defeated Flag of the Confederacy on their heads and chests may just as well be wearing it across their asses. That's about what it is worth."

Where would you wear it?

Trying to restir some shit you helped hijack the first time?:laugh2:

I'd wear it anywhere I felt like. A Confederate Battle Flag is not the "defeated flag of the Confederacy." The CSA had several flags, none of which was this particular battle flag.

I'd wear it wherever and however I wanted. Used to have a motorcycle helmet that visually was a rebel flag.

Why? Used to just be a symbol of Southern pride. Now it's a symbol of pissing off all you PC ninnies who get your panties in a bunch and cry "racism" over it. That alone makes it worth its weight in gold.

04-18-2007, 07:46 AM
My avatar is still flying just fine.

Here ya go, Psycho. Because you need it more than breakfast again today.


04-18-2007, 08:05 AM
.... Now it's a symbol of pissing off all you PC ninnies who get your panties in a bunch and cry "racism" over it. That alone makes it worth its weight in gold. :laugh2:

04-20-2007, 12:07 AM
What? What? What "first time", gunny? I contributed to a conversation all the way through this and now you ignorantly accuse me of "hijack the first time" and other equally as incomprehensive bullshit?

Trying to restir some shit you helped hijack the first time?:laugh2:

I'd wear it anywhere I felt like. A Confederate Battle Flag is not the "defeated flag of the Confederacy." The CSA had several flags, none of which was this particular battle flag.

I'd wear it wherever and however I wanted. Used to have a motorcycle helmet that visually was a rebel flag.

Why? Used to just be a symbol of Southern pride. Now it's a symbol of pissing off all you PC ninnies who get your panties in a bunch and cry "racism" over it. That alone makes it worth its weight in gold.

I love the "Rebel Flag". It immediately identifies the public displayers as idiots, thieves, racists, cheaters, probably incest originated and a lot more to me, gunny. In other words, gunny, I have no respect whatsoever for any person that somehow now finds it "American" to publicly and adamantly profess any symbol of the misery and national unfaithfulness as demonstrated by the "Confederate Flag".

04-20-2007, 06:32 AM
What? What? What "first time", gunny? I contributed to a conversation all the way through this and now you ignorantly accuse me of "hijack the first time" and other equally as incomprehensive bullshit?

Try some 3rd grade reading and comprehension, please. I accused you of doing nothing on your own.

I love the "Rebel Flag". It immediately identifies the public displayers as idiots, thieves, racists, cheaters, probably incest originated and a lot more to me, gunny. In other words, gunny, I have no respect whatsoever for any person that somehow now finds it "American" to publicly and adamantly profess any symbol of the misery and national unfaithfulness as demonstrated by the "Confederate Flag".

Stereotyping bigot.

04-20-2007, 07:31 AM
I love the "Rebel Flag". It immediately identifies the public displayers as idiots, thieves, racists, cheaters, probably incest originated and a lot more to me, gunny. In other words, gunny, I have no respect whatsoever for any person that somehow now finds it "American" to publicly and adamantly profess any symbol of the misery and national unfaithfulness as demonstrated by the "Confederate Flag".

Nice to know you are a close-minded bigot, Psycho.

Oh yeah, since you obviously skipped your breakfast yet again... :slap:

You're welcome! :fu:

04-23-2007, 12:10 AM
As I said earlier in this thread, csob and gunny, I used to display that horrendous flag myself and was tremendously proud of it. But, then I started thinking about it.

Nice to know you are a close-minded bigot, Psycho.

Oh yeah, since you obviously skipped your breakfast yet again... :slap:

You're welcome! :fu:

Seriously, I wouldn't wipe my ass on that flag at this stage of my life and each time I see on the head, chest, automobile or even front yard of any American citizen I am reminded that all the things to which I alluded earlier are still alive, well and interfering in the progression of American civilization.

I continue to profess my admiration of the flag in question in the context of a museum piece as representative of a dark and unjust period of American life. The current propagation of the attributes of it it disgust me to no end and represent a very current ignorance and disrespect for the aspiring United States Of America.

Go ahead and wear it, display it on your bodies, vehicles and properties. I already know what idiots you are before I ever speak to you. Have completely at it with your god-damned flag. I represents no Christian or American ideology that I hold in my heart.

04-23-2007, 06:28 AM
As I said earlier in this thread, csob and gunny, I used to display that horrendous flag myself and was tremendously proud of it. But, then I started thinking about it.

Seriously, I wouldn't wipe my ass on that flag at this stage of my life and each time I see on the head, chest, automobile or even front yard of any American citizen I am reminded that all the things to which I alluded earlier are still alive, well and interfering in the progression of American civilization.

I continue to profess my admiration of the flag in question in the context of a museum piece as representative of a dark and unjust period of American life. The current propagation of the attributes of it it disgust me to no end and represent a very current ignorance and disrespect for the aspiring United States Of America.

Go ahead and wear it, display it on your bodies, vehicles and properties. I already know what idiots you are before I ever speak to you. Have completely at it with your god-damned flag. I represents no Christian or American ideology that I hold in my heart.

*YAWN* Still running around without having your breakfast I see. When will you learn. And more to the point, when will you stop beating a dead horse? You're obviously not going to change my mind, and your posts contain nothing new - just restatements of your beliefs (of which we are all aware by now).

Get a clue, and then have some breakfast.


04-29-2007, 11:51 PM
You are so stupid, csob. I haven't intended or implied to change the mind of you or anyone else in this thread.

*YAWN* Still running around without having your breakfast I see. When will you learn. And more to the point, when will you stop beating a dead horse? You're obviously not going to change my mind, and your posts contain nothing new - just restatements of your beliefs (of which we are all aware by now).

Get a clue, and then have some breakfast.


I have only attempted to describe my own attitudes past and present about a pitiful time and symbol of American history. Your ignorance and obfuscation astounds me.

I've had my breakfast, do you care for lunch?

04-29-2007, 11:57 PM
You are so stupid, csob. I haven't intended or implied to change the mind of you or anyone else in this thread.

I have only attempted to describe my own attitudes past and present about a pitiful time and symbol of American history. Your ignorance and obfuscation astounds me.

I've had my breakfast, do you care for lunch?

Are you still harping on those of use who actually no the significance of the Confederate flag? Don't you have anything better to do?

04-30-2007, 12:10 AM
The thread hangs on it's own rope, hibbitt.

Are you still harping on those of use who actually no the significance of the Confederate flag? Don't you have anything better to do?

Thanks for posting it. It is genuinely a subject worthy of thought by thoughtful Americans.

04-30-2007, 09:28 PM
It sure is nice to see that you children have learned to get along so well. Different board................same shit.

200 entries and not ONE single debate point made. If you guys were a debating team you sadly were defeated gents.

Just my opinion, and I didn't have to call anyone a name to do it!:

:pee: this debate

04-30-2007, 10:40 PM
It sure is nice to see that you children have learned to get along so well. Different board................same shit.

200 entries and not ONE single debate point made. If you guys were a debating team you sadly were defeated gents.

Just my opinion, and I didn't have to call anyone a name to do it!:

:pee: this debate

Yeah, well Psycho keeps skipping his breakfast and needs his daily slap upside the back of his noggin. :laugh2:

05-01-2007, 05:54 AM
I've noticed that the confederate flag is more often than not displayed at the front of trailer homes and crappy old pickups. So make mine the red/ white/ blue. :laugh2: :salute:

05-01-2007, 11:58 AM
I've noticed that the confederate flag is more often than not displayed at the front of trailer homes and crappy old pickups. So make mine the red/ white/ blue. :laugh2: :salute:

Trust me, we sons of the Confederacy loathe the inbred swine for adopting our symbol as their own.

05-01-2007, 12:13 PM
Trust me, we sons of the Confederacy loathe the inbred swine for adopting our symbol as their own.

The pot calls the kettle black...again.

05-01-2007, 02:38 PM
Trust me, we sons of the Confederacy loathe the inbred swine for adopting our symbol as their own. I bet y'all do. :salute:

05-01-2007, 04:17 PM
Tis rather ironic to have someone from Arkansas accusing someone of being an "inbred swine" :laugh2:

05-01-2007, 09:09 PM
Tis rather ironic to have someone from Arkansas accusing someone of being an "inbred swine" :laugh2:

How long again before you and your city go surfing?

05-01-2007, 10:22 PM
Tis rather ironic to have someone from Arkansas accusing someone of being an "inbred swine" :laugh2:

Or somebody from California calling anybody stupid.

For the record, anybody who believes the idiotic stories about Arkansas being a redneck pit full of uneducated hillbillies has obviously never been there.

05-02-2007, 07:38 AM

For the record, anybody who believes the idiotic stories about Arkansas being a redneck pit full of uneducated hillbillies has obviously never been there.

Yeah. Bill Clinton is from there and except for one documented occurance, he bred exclusively outside the family. :laugh2:

05-02-2007, 10:27 AM
Yeah. Bill Clinton is from there and except for one documented occurance, he bred exclusively outside the family. :laugh2:

Arkansans such as myself have been trying to dispel the myth that Arkansas is just like Mississippi and Alabama for decades. Bill Clinton set us back by at least 10 years.

Hagbard Celine
05-02-2007, 10:34 AM
Arkansans such as myself have been trying to dispel the myth that Arkansas is just like Mississippi and Alabama for decades. Bill Clinton set us back by at least 10 years.

Only in your world. :rolleyes:

05-02-2007, 03:28 PM
Only Arkansas would have Bill Clinton as its most well known and well respected citizen. Some states preserve the original houses of native presidents. Arkansas has about a dozen such historical markers:
"Bill Clinton slept here. With whom we don't know" :laugh2:

05-02-2007, 05:09 PM
Only Arkansas would have Bill Clinton as its most well known and well respected citizen. Some states preserve the original houses of native presidents. Arkansas has about a dozen such historical markers:
"Bill Clinton slept here. With whom we don't know" :laugh2:

Actually, that title belongs to Sam Walton. Clinton was an embarassment. Walton brought low prices to the entire world (though the quality has certainly declined since his death).

I should probably also mention John Tyson.

Hagbard Celine
05-02-2007, 05:17 PM
Actually, that title belongs to Sam Walton. Clinton was an embarassment. Walton brought low prices to the entire world (though the quality has certainly declined since his death).

I should probably also mention John Tyson.

So Arkansans celebrate mega-consumerism of cheap, Chinese-made merchandise and cheap, low-nutrition processed food?

05-02-2007, 05:22 PM
Or somebody from California calling anybody stupid.

For the record, anybody who believes the idiotic stories about Arkansas being a redneck pit full of uneducated hillbillies has obviously never been there.Really? Here's conclusive proof (http://chrisevans3d.com/files/iq.htm) that Californians are significantly smarter than Arkansans. :D

05-02-2007, 06:30 PM
Arkansans such as myself have been trying to dispel the myth that Arkansas is just like Mississippi and Alabama for decades. Bill Clinton set us back by at least 10 years. Do y'all drive pickups with astro turf in the back? :laugh2:

05-02-2007, 08:15 PM
Do y'all drive pickups with astro turf in the back? :laugh2:

It's called a portable driving range....

05-02-2007, 10:35 PM
Really? Here's conclusive proof (http://chrisevans3d.com/files/iq.htm) that Californians are significantly smarter than Arkansans. :D

Only idiots from California actually believe everything they hear on internet. My high school was 6th in the NATION in ACT scores, with my graduating class averaging 31, which was my score. 3 of our students made perfect scores, 1 of which also made a 1600 (out of 1600) on the SAT. The University of Arkansas also has one of the best Engineering and one of the best (and near best-funded) Business schools in the country.

P.S. I don't expect you to believe that, because you have probably lived your entire life thinking Larry the Cable Guy is just like an average Arkansan, but it is the truth.


05-02-2007, 10:55 PM
Only idiots from California actually believe everything they hear on internet. My high school was 6th in the NATION in ACT scores, with my graduating class averaging 31, which was my score. 3 of our students made perfect scores, 1 of which also made a 1600 (out of 1600) on the SAT. The University of Arkansas also has one of the best Engineering and one of the best (and near best-funded) Business schools in the country.

P.S. I don't expect you to believe that, because you have probably lived your entire life thinking Larry the Cable Guy is just like an average Arkansan, but it is the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/ballot/stateiq.aspThe fact that you even took my last post seriously already demonstrates some cognitive problems that reflect badly on Arkansans. :poke:

05-02-2007, 11:10 PM
The fact that you even took my last post seriously already demonstrates some cognitive problems that reflect badly on Arkansans. :poke:

You made no indication that you doubted the word of the link you posted, and given your past record, I could only assume that you had been bamboozled by it.

05-03-2007, 12:57 AM
My dear Hobbit:
U.S. News and World Report is widely accepted as the arbiter of college rankings in all categories. It is the most used and most widely referenced. If you check their rankings for various categories, Arkansas is not listed among the top 50 schools in business or engineering. Among the top five in BOTH categories are Cal-Berkeley and Stanford, BOTH of which are located in California. Also listed are UCLA and USC.

I went to an under performing high school in Anaheim. I scored 1540 on the SAT and received a full academic scholarship to Cal-Berkeley. Which just happens to be rated as the TOP public university in the U.S. I graduated with full honors.
My husband also went to an under performing high school in Anaheim. He scored 1560 on the SAT, received a full academic scholarship to UCLA, and graduated with a 4.0 average

Larry the Cable Guy is a fictional character. He is probably too intellectual to represent the average Arkie. :laugh2:

05-03-2007, 01:04 AM
It's called a portable driving range.... Good one. Nice nuance!

05-03-2007, 01:11 AM
You made no indication that you doubted the word of the link you posted, and given your past record, I could only assume that you had been bamboozled by it.Of course I made an indication: :D

05-03-2007, 03:13 AM
My dear Hobbit:
U.S. News and World Report is widely accepted as the arbiter of college rankings in all categories. It is the most used and most widely referenced. If you check their rankings for various categories, Arkansas is not listed among the top 50 schools in business or engineering. Among the top five in BOTH categories are Cal-Berkeley and Stanford, BOTH of which are located in California. Also listed are UCLA and USC.

I went to an under performing high school in Anaheim. I scored 1540 on the SAT and received a full academic scholarship to Cal-Berkeley. Which just happens to be rated as the TOP public university in the U.S. I graduated with full honors.
My husband also went to an under performing high school in Anaheim. He scored 1560 on the SAT, received a full academic scholarship to UCLA, and graduated with a 4.0 average

Larry the Cable Guy is a fictional character. He is probably too intellectual to represent the average Arkie. :laugh2:

I somehow doubt those test scores, or else your husband married far beneath himself, but your continued assault at my home state seems to have no purpose other than to try to piss me off. Have you ever been to Arkansas? Do you know anybody from Arkansas directly? Do you have any vested interest in Arkansas?

As for Berkeley, it is #21 overall, and not in the top 5 for engineering. I can't get anything else without paying for a subscription. I also wasn't talking about the U.S. News rankings which rank based on selectivity, class size, faculty/student ratio, and graduation rate, and little else. What isn't shown is how many people are hired straight out of college and at what pay. Large companies, and not all of them local, come from far and wide to snatch up Arkansas graduates at high-paying jobs. In fact, the computer program at Arkansas (which I'm in and will resume this fall) has a 100% hire rate with an average of about $60K/year starting pay.

Somehow, I doubt someone of the intellect you claim to be would have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night than look up excuses to make fun of a state you know absolutely nothing about, and I find your air of condescention towards me because of that state to be nothing short of bigoted, not to mention that you'll derail just about any thread as soon as you find any excuse to slam Arkansas.

As such, this is the last time I will ever respond to anything you say. You never post anything of substance. You never show any intent other than to piss people off. You're nothing but a pathetic troll who gets kicks out of setting other people off. When there's news articles talking about how many assholes have emerged due to the anonymity of the internet, they're talking about you. I'm beginning to even doubt you're female, and you're less of a lady than George Carlin. That being the case, half the stuff you have dared utter about the land that I call home would have resulted in a broken nose, had it not been said through this device. If you want to be that insulting, be brave enough to do it face to face. You may not even have pride in your own country, but I'm damn proud of who I am and where I come from. You, on the other hand, are one of those pathetic souls who can only live with herself by belittling others, and you will one day die a sad and lonely death, knowing that you have accomplished nothing in your short stay on this planet. I don't care if you're rich beyond imagination with a trophy husband who has a Nobel Prize. You lack even the most basic respect and esteem for anybody but yourself, and I'd rather be a retarded, dirt-farming Mississippian who takes pride in everything he does that to spend one minute in your self-righteous, holier-than-thou ivory tower, and until you're ready to humble yourself long enough to apologize for your relentless attack on everything from our school mascot to the level of intelligence you (wrongly) think is exhibited in my state, then I have nothing to say to you. And before you get on another holier-than-thou rant about how I need to learn to 'laugh at myself' and 'take a little ribbing,' don't. Your assault on all things Arkansan is no gentle ribbing and the utter contempt you have shown for me and mine is more than anybody with any sense of pride can take before getting violent. Now either say you're sorry or drag your miserable self back up into that little tower...alone.

Of course I made an indication:

A big smilie is not the universal symbol for sarcasm, and once again, given your prior record of believing anything it takes to belittle those who disagree with you, I saw no reason to take your post as anything but serious.

Besides, more people I've talked to who saw that believed it than didn't. I even first saw it by being shown by a rather intelligent friend of mine who believed it, and I was apparantly the first person he'd seen who saw it for what it was.

05-03-2007, 05:50 AM
How many californians does it take to change a light bulb?

05-03-2007, 10:34 AM
Dear Hobbit, go get the college rankings issue. You can read for yourself.
I post intelligent things all the time. You are unable to comprehend them. You love to poke fun at liberals and California, yet you are unable to take it when someone pokes back at you.
I've never been to Arkansas. I am sure that Arkansas is full of wonderful people. Just like California is. I have said nothing worse about Arkansas than you have said about California. You see, I am proud of where I was born as well. Just as my parents were proud to be born in Texas. My mom is proud to be German.
I find it ridiculous that look down on females like you do. Some of us have worked very hard to become what we are.
Message boards are an outlet. When I am not working or attending school, I post on this board. It's all discussion, a give and take of ideas. It's not meant to be reality.
You should be proud of my husband. He achieved wealth in the manner that you promote -- he worked for it. Four years of high school, four years of college, an unpaid internship and a competitive interview/hiring process. When I met him, he was working for minimum wage at an auto parts store.
Hobbit, perhaps you will understand this if you ever get married. It's a 50-50 partnership. You marry for love, not money or social standing. Both parties pledge to love, honor and obey, til death do you part. There has never been a divorce in my immediate family.

Always remember that, if you poke fun at someone, occasionally they will poke back at you. If you offer stereotypes and generalities, they are going to be thrown back at you. For every California joke/insult, there is an Arkansas joke/insult out there. Probably more.

Now go clean your cement pond. It's almost summer. :laugh2:

05-03-2007, 11:30 AM
How many californians does it take to change a light bulb?Only one, as long as the lightbulb genuinely wants to change. :cool:

05-03-2007, 01:18 PM
Only one, as long as the lightbulb genuinely wants to change. :cool: Wrong-o. The correct answer is four: 1 to change the bulb, and three to share in the experience.

05-04-2007, 05:55 AM
Wrong-o again, gm.

Wrong-o. The correct answer is four: 1 to change the bulb, and three to share in the experience.

In the genuinely indoctrinated rEpublican world it only takes 2 (two). One to mix the martini's and another to call the electrician.

This and the subject of the Confederate flag as discussed here prove to me that the comedian (I don't recall his name) on the Comedy channel said "You Can't Fix Stupid" was correct.

Get over to the Lounge, have a drink on me and contribute to the Daily Thread.

05-04-2007, 07:59 AM
Wrong-o again, gm.

In the genuinely indoctrinated rEpublican world it only takes 2 (two). One to mix the martini's and another to call the electrician.

This and the subject of the Confederate flag as discussed here prove to me that the comedian (I don't recall his name) on the Comedy channel said "You Can't Fix Stupid" was correct.

Get over to the Lounge, have a drink on me and contribute to the Daily Thread. Sorry friend, too early for cocktails. I'm drinking this stuff now:

05-04-2007, 11:20 PM
I know what you mean, gm.

Sorry friend, too early for cocktails. I'm drinking this stuff now:

I'll never forget how happy I was when I found out beer was not just a breakfast drink anymore.

05-05-2007, 01:24 AM
How many Conservatives Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?

None -- they get the Mexican housekeeper to do it.

05-05-2007, 08:51 AM
How many Conservatives Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?

None -- they get the Mexican housekeeper to do it.

Like that late, great conservative Republican Lyndon Baines Johnson?

05-05-2007, 10:47 AM
You are really dating yourself on that one, Sarge. :laugh2:

Hugh Lincoln
05-06-2007, 08:31 PM
How many Conservatives Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?

None -- they get the Mexican housekeeper to do it.

I think you mean neocons. True conservatives, you'll have to agree, never wanted the Mexicans here to begin with.

Also I think Mexicans are too short to change light bulbs.

05-07-2007, 01:40 AM
Since gabby is no longer with us I'll have to defend her analogy for her.

I think you mean neocons. True conservatives, you'll have to agree, never wanted the Mexicans here to begin with.

Also I think Mexicans are too short to change light bulbs.

The neocons are the present day scapegoats for the failures of the "true conservatives." The neocons ARE the "true conservatives". Period.

But the people that built this country and are respponsible for everything good that has ever happened in this country are catching on to the lies as told by present day rEpublican politicians and are now rejecting the excuses now told by the rEpublican Leadership that it has anything to do with their default scapegoats for their own failures, the "neocons". The true conservatives and wayyyy too many even more liberally minded Americans are gladly willing to hire an illegal anybody for a cut rate price to do their dirty work. "Dirty work" is my description for anything that you don't want to do for yourself.

05-07-2007, 11:07 AM
Since gabby is no longer with us I'll have to defend her analogy for her.

The neocons are the present day scapegoats for the failures of the "true conservatives." The neocons ARE the "true conservatives". Period.

But the people that built this country and are respponsible for everything good that has ever happened in this country are catching on to the lies as told by present day rEpublican politicians and are now rejecting the excuses now told by the rEpublican Leadership that it has anything to do with their default scapegoats for their own failures, the "neocons". The true conservatives and wayyyy too many even more liberally minded Americans are gladly willing to hire an illegal anybody for a cut rate price to do their dirty work. "Dirty work" is my description for anything that you don't want to do for yourself.So, back to the topic, how many neocons does it take to change a lightbulb? :)