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View Full Version : Old Israel thread that got derailed...

01-28-2008, 08:49 PM
wow, that really added to the post. Are you gonna prove how the u.n. is not biased against israel or just continue your diarhea of the mouth, which for you means talking

U.N. bias against Israel? Are you kidding me?

Little factoid....if there were no U.N. there would be no Israel.

01-28-2008, 08:56 PM
wow, that really added to the post. Are you gonna prove how the u.n. is not biased against israel or just continue your diarhea of the mouth, which for you means talking

Sorry, I forgot that comprehension is not real strong amongst people with your disease.

The post means that Israel owes the U.N everything and should quit pissing and moaning.

After 47 shots of cuervo my posts still make much more sense than any of the crap your diseased ass spouts.

01-28-2008, 09:00 PM
I dare u to make a thread with a post, who's threads make more sense, and then we'll see who is smarter.

I didnt know u were an alcoholic, but i thought you could read, and had some understanding of history

dolt :slap:

Sorry, I forgot that comprehension is not real strong amongst people with your disease.

The post means that Israel owes the U.N everything and should quit pissing and moaning.

After 47 shots of cuervo my posts still make much more sense than any of the crap your diseased ass spouts.

01-28-2008, 09:03 PM
I dare u to make a thread with a post, who's threads make more sense, and then we'll see who is smarter.

I didnt know u were an alcoholic, but i thought you could read, and had some understanding of history

dolt :slap:

Whats making a thread with a post? LMFAO!:laugh2::laugh2:

*oca shakes head in disbelief*

01-28-2008, 09:04 PM
Raymond just admit it, you don't have a clue as to the history of Israel and that makes you a bad Jew.

01-28-2008, 09:21 PM
dont talk about my jewiness, you greek homo.


and we'll see who the board thnks is the better poster/smarter

that is if your NOT scared to see the results

Raymond just admit it, you don't have a clue as to the history of Israel and that makes you a bad Jew.

01-28-2008, 09:27 PM
dont talk about my jewiness, you greek homo.


and we'll see who the board thnks is the better poster/smarter

that is if your NOT scared to see the results

Let er rip Ray and meet the same fate as cheesedick!:laugh2::laugh2:

I'm gonna try and find some of your greatest hits to post, you know, the ones where your tourettes kicked in.