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01-29-2008, 10:02 AM
I like that I'm not late, I think it's rude. I don't get mad at my friends when they are late, I know who is likely to be and I adjust my times to avoid anger. My sister-in-law is the inverse of myself and I always invite her at least an hour before I want her to show, only once has she shown up early from my guess, by 15 minutes. ;)

Now me, I have the opposite problem. 15 minutes ago I left for the doctor's office for a 10am appointment, less than 5 minutes away. I knew it was at 10, so why did I leave at 8:40? Because I was obsessing on not forgetting to go. It wasn't until I saw kids waiting for the bus to pick them up that I went, "Oh". So here I am, to repeat again in about 1/2 hour. :laugh2:

I do the same with school. Have to be there at 7:40, I usually get there at 6-6:30. I get seriously panicked if I don't leave my house before 6:10.

Invited to someone's home, I'm driving around their neighborhood for 15-30 minutes, I don't want to 'show up early', that would be really rude! But since I only accept invitations to friends and family, I often wonder if they've looked out the window and wonder why I'm driving around. :cool:

01-29-2008, 10:15 AM
Let's face it Kate, you're an oddball and eccentric. That's why we love you.

01-29-2008, 10:22 AM
Let's face it Kate, you're an oddball and eccentric. That's why we love you.

'Tis true! I can remember my kids in the back seat saying, "Mom, that's Uncle Jimmy's house!" I'd respond, "Yeah, I know. I just want to drive around some..." For some reason now, like on Thanksgiving they say, "You go Mom, we'll catch up." We walk in at the same time. :laugh2:

01-29-2008, 10:25 AM
Let's face it Kate, you're an oddball and eccentric. That's why we love you.I had a Command Sergeant's Major that demanded all leaders follow Joe Lombardi's time and be where we were appointed to be at least ten minutes before scheduled time. No excuses, be early and if the traffic is heavy or a flat tire you should still be on time. Ever since then I'm at least ten minutes early for every appointment, my wife is the same but more like Kate, she is even more to the extreme for appointments. Almost all Puerto Ricans are at least 30 to 45 minutes late to anything that is scheduled and that really make my wife unique.

01-29-2008, 10:30 AM
I had a Command Sergeant's Major that demanded all leaders follow Joe Lombardi's time and be where we were appointed to be at least ten minutes before scheduled time. No excuses, be early and if the traffic is heavy or a flat tire you should still be on time. Ever since then I'm at least ten minutes early for every appointment, my wife is the same but more like Kate, she is even more to the extreme for appointments. Almost all Puerto Ricans are at least 30 to 45 minutes late to anything that is scheduled and that really make my wife unique.

That's it! I panic that I'll get caught up in traffic, so better to leave at 5:45 am, when there's little to worry about. What if I catch a train, then another? Well it's time to try again for doc, in 5 minutes or so. No tracks and little traffic at this time. ;)

Mr. P
01-29-2008, 10:45 AM
I didn't know other folks had this problem (if it can be called a problem).

Over the years I've been able to gain some control. Watch the clock and wait, wait, wait...NOW GO! I still arrive early! :laugh2:

01-29-2008, 10:47 AM
I don't like to arrive anywhere more than 5 minutes early. Most of the time you still have to wait and wait either way tho.

01-29-2008, 11:28 AM
I had a Command Sergeant's Major that demanded all leaders follow Joe Lombardi's time and be where we were appointed to be at least ten minutes before scheduled time. No excuses, be early and if the traffic is heavy or a flat tire you should still be on time. Ever since then I'm at least ten minutes early for every appointment, my wife is the same but more like Kate, she is even more to the extreme for appointments. Almost all Puerto Ricans are at least 30 to 45 minutes late to anything that is scheduled and that really make my wife unique.

That's a good gawddamn rule, gawddammit!

I use to be early but after moving South everyone is more relaxed about things like that. Now I'm just as lax about it as they are I suppose. Although I still beat myself up a little even if I'm a little bit late.

Heck, when most of the airlines can't take off on time then what difference does it make!

01-29-2008, 01:05 PM
That's a good gawddamn rule, gawddammit!

I use to be early but after moving South everyone is more relaxed about things like that. Now I'm just as lax about it as they are I suppose. Although I still beat myself up a little even if I'm a little bit late.

Heck, when most of the airlines can't take off on time then what difference does it make!

Well for me, it seems it makes a difference with my blood pressure. ;) Needless to say, I was about 15 minutes early, but they called me early. Now I'm sure it was a combo of anxiety about doc and kidney and getting back to work. I've always had low blood pressure, today 155/85 when I got in. :(
The nurse said, "We're doing it again before you leave."

Well met the doctor, I've not had a primary doctor since I moved here. He was nice and best of all, I could hear him! He's not a woman, but I can handle that. His first question, "What's been going on over the past year?" That was a good place to start! With that he said, "We're not going to put you on blood pressure meds, let's see if we can't get it down without it. I think it may just be a backlash on all the stuff that's been going on." I think I've found the guy!

Anyhow, kidney infection seems to be receding, but temperature had risen while I was there. They gave me liquid Motrin and no return to school until Monday. My prince is not going to be happy. Back to doc on Friday, white blood cell count still too high. Kidney still too tender. Best of all, tomorrow I can walk up to a mile at the gym, I don't think the back pain will let me get that far though and walk in water all I like. No whirlpool though! Steam room ok. Can anyone tell me the difference on those two regarding blood pressure?
Which was 138/70 at the end of visit. ;)

01-29-2008, 01:33 PM
I like that I'm not late, I think it's rude. I don't get mad at my friends when they are late, I know who is likely to be and I adjust my times to avoid anger. My sister-in-law is the inverse of myself and I always invite her at least an hour before I want her to show, only once has she shown up early from my guess, by 15 minutes. ;)

Now me, I have the opposite problem. 15 minutes ago I left for the doctor's office for a 10am appointment, less than 5 minutes away. I knew it was at 10, so why did I leave at 8:40? Because I was obsessing on not forgetting to go. It wasn't until I saw kids waiting for the bus to pick them up that I went, "Oh". So here I am, to repeat again in about 1/2 hour. :laugh2:

I do the same with school. Have to be there at 7:40, I usually get there at 6-6:30. I get seriously panicked if I don't leave my house before 6:10.

Invited to someone's home, I'm driving around their neighborhood for 15-30 minutes, I don't want to 'show up early', that would be really rude! But since I only accept invitations to friends and family, I often wonder if they've looked out the window and wonder why I'm driving around. :cool:

I am laughing because you just described me. Arriving late is not an option for me. I have learned to control it to some extent, but I still allow way more time than I normally need to get somewhere.

01-29-2008, 01:48 PM
I'm always around 10 min early. I have to try to not leave early for Dr appointments, I sit there and tell myself "you'll only have to wait longer", usually it helps.

My younger sister is always late by 1/2 hour, although she's getting better. We used to joke she'd be late to her own wedding, thanks to the rest of us she made it on time.:laugh2:

01-29-2008, 01:53 PM
I am so glad I'm not the only neurotic around here! :laugh2: Thanks all, for making me feel not quite so odd!

01-29-2008, 01:54 PM
. Almost all Puerto Ricans are at least 30 to 45 minutes late to anything that is scheduled and that really make my wife unique.

This is so true.

My parents lived in the Dominican for 2 years and it took my mom a while to adjust to the people always coming an hour late.

She also realized some cultural differences. She invited a group to dinner, they arrived 1 hour late so my mom wanted to eat right away since dinner had gotten a little over done. The Dominicans were insulted and left right after eating. Mom later found out that Dominicans talk for hours when they visit, and when your ready for people to leave you serve dinner, which is exactly the opposit here.

My parents went to the house of work friends and showed up on time, the hostess was still up stairs getting ready, she was a little put off.

01-29-2008, 02:17 PM
Wow...I am soo the opposite. If I have to be anywhere that takes 2o mins to get to, well I leave 20 mins before I have to be there. I sure hope I dont catch any lights!! :laugh2:

01-29-2008, 02:18 PM
Wow...I am soo the opposite. If I have to be anywhere that takes 2o mins to get to, well I leave 20 mins before I have to be there. I sure hope I dont catch any lights!! :laugh2:

You're usually on time? Just want to know, so I'd know what time to tell you the 7 o'clock party begins. ;)

01-29-2008, 02:28 PM
When I was working, was always there an hour early - but mainly so I could get a good parking spot. I still leave way early to go to the doctor - why I don't know, just paranoid about being late. My last appt. with the surgeon was last week, where the said they would squeeze me in at 1:10! My friend and I got a little lost, but made it there by 1 - to find there was not another soul in the waiting room!!

01-29-2008, 02:34 PM
When I was working, was always there an hour early - but mainly so I could get a good parking spot. I still leave way early to go to the doctor - why I don't know, just paranoid about being late. My last appt. with the surgeon was last week, where the said they would squeeze me in at 1:10! My friend and I got a little lost, but made it there by 1 - to find there was not another soul in the waiting room!!

Another great example of the benefits of leaving early! Why am I not surprised you would be an early bird too? :laugh2: :cheers2:

Abbey Marie
01-29-2008, 03:32 PM
I wonder if there is a correlation between compulsively early arrivals, and a tendency towards people pleasing?

01-29-2008, 03:33 PM
I wonder if there is a correlation between compulsively early arrivals, and a tendency towards people pleasing?

I'm compulsively early. Any other questions? :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
01-29-2008, 03:40 PM
I'm compulsively early. Any other questions? :laugh2:


01-29-2008, 04:21 PM
Well for me, it seems it makes a difference with my blood pressure. ;) Needless to say, I was about 15 minutes early, but they called me early. Now I'm sure it was a combo of anxiety about doc and kidney and getting back to work. I've always had low blood pressure, today 155/85 when I got in. :(
The nurse said, "We're doing it again before you leave."

Well met the doctor, I've not had a primary doctor since I moved here. He was nice and best of all, I could hear him! He's not a woman, but I can handle that. His first question, "What's been going on over the past year?" That was a good place to start! With that he said, "We're not going to put you on blood pressure meds, let's see if we can't get it down without it. I think it may just be a backlash on all the stuff that's been going on." I think I've found the guy!

Anyhow, kidney infection seems to be receding, but temperature had risen while I was there. They gave me liquid Motrin and no return to school until Monday. My prince is not going to be happy. Back to doc on Friday, white blood cell count still too high. Kidney still too tender. Best of all, tomorrow I can walk up to a mile at the gym, I don't think the back pain will let me get that far though and walk in water all I like. No whirlpool though! Steam room ok. Can anyone tell me the difference on those two regarding blood pressure?
Which was 138/70 at the end of visit. ;) The body / mind is a complex thing and the holistic approach works best, IMO. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better.

Abbey Marie
01-29-2008, 04:29 PM
Kathianne, I noticed a couple of people called you 'Kate'.
Do you like that? I think it fits you; kind of a Kate Hepburn thang...

01-29-2008, 04:32 PM
The body / mind is a complex thing and the holistic approach works best, IMO. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better.

Yep I'm like medsaphobic! I avoid an aspirin whenever possible, though with arthritis it's not always possible. I liked that he put the chart down though and said, 'Tell me about the last year,' right off the bat. I also liked that he said before the second test, 'we're not putting you on meds for the blood pressure, at least not until we have time to try other ways and let you calm down.' He did say that stopping smoking would probably put it down close to normal or normal, I liked that too! No harassment, just a statement of fact.

For two months my little finger and the one next to it have been 'tingly' and cold, sort of like I hit my funny bone. It's very annoying and I was afraid it could mean some neurological problem. Got up the gumption to mention it, he said it could be arthritis, more likely I've been applying pressure to a bone in the elbow somehow, that a nerve connects to those two fingers. We figured out it's probably my car rest. He said, 'Put a towel in the car tied like you were going to the pool, use it to cushion the elbow. I started laughing and he said, "Let's get your blood pressure, now." :laugh2:

Anyhow I've met my deductible in a week and looks like I have a lot of catching up to do with tests. Won't let check ups wait this long again.

01-29-2008, 04:47 PM
You're usually on time? Just want to know, so I'd know what time to tell you the 7 o'clock party begins. ;)

Well, by on time what do you mean?? Hahahaha I am on time if you go by my definition. Up to 10 after is still on time. :)

01-29-2008, 05:04 PM
Yep I'm like medsaphobic! I avoid an aspirin whenever possible, though with arthritis it's not always possible. I liked that he put the chart down though and said, 'Tell me about the last year,' right off the bat. I also liked that he said before the second test, 'we're not putting you on meds for the blood pressure, at least not until we have time to try other ways and let you calm down.' He did say that stopping smoking would probably put it down close to normal or normal, I liked that too! No harassment, just a statement of fact.

For two months my little finger and the one next to it have been 'tingly' and cold, sort of like I hit my funny bone. It's very annoying and I was afraid it could mean some neurological problem. Got up the gumption to mention it, he said it could be arthritis, more likely I've been applying pressure to a bone in the elbow somehow, that a nerve connects to those two fingers. We figured out it's probably my car rest. He said, 'Put a towel in the car tied like you were going to the pool, use it to cushion the elbow. I started laughing and he said, "Let's get your blood pressure, now." :laugh2:

Anyhow I've met my deductible in a week and looks like I have a lot of catching up to do with tests. Won't let check ups wait this long again. I've had that happen in my finger as well. I think its due to inactivity, working on a computer with my elbow on my desk, that sort of thing. I worked out in anticipation for ski season and its been gone since then.

01-29-2008, 05:35 PM
Well, by on time what do you mean?? Hahahaha I am on time if you go by my definition. Up to 10 after is still on time. :)

Yeah, 15 minute parameters! :laugh2:

01-29-2008, 05:38 PM
I've had that happen in my finger as well. I think its due to inactivity, working on a computer with my elbow on my desk, that sort of thing. I worked out in anticipation for ski season and its been gone since then.

Well actually that was what was freaking me out, I was working out in the water and walking with hand weights. From what he said, got to relieve the source of what is causing the pressure on the ulna, (I think that's the bone in the elbow, the 'funny bone'?) He had first thought computer, but my elbows don't touch anything but air when I'm on.

01-30-2008, 05:15 PM
My mother is habitually early. It's irritating!

01-31-2008, 03:24 AM
Kathianne, I noticed a couple of people called you 'Kate'.
Do you like that? I think it fits you; kind of a Kate Hepburn thang...

I just noticed this, I think I'm getting better! Of course it's nearly 2:30 am and I've was sleeping a lot of yesterday. No one in real life has ever called me Kate, but I've always liked the name. Those here that do, have all been folks I like so it doesn't bother me. A couple have called me Kat, which is fine too.

On the other hand, when someone new or someone is being nasty in tone, then it can get the hackles up, but heh, I'm sensitive! :laugh2:

01-31-2008, 07:08 AM
Your new avatar, Kate.

01-31-2008, 07:12 AM
Your new avatar, Kate.

LOL! She has character! On the other hand, I'm old enough and not going to the 40's.

01-31-2008, 07:17 AM
LOL! She has character! On the other hand, I'm old enough and not going to the 40's. She's timeless. The most gorgeous woman in Hollywood that ever will be.