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01-30-2008, 02:13 AM
I like the perspecitve:


A Modest Proposal for Middle East Peace
The U.N. need only take five simple steps.

By Victor Davis Hanson

There seems to be a growing renewed animus against Israel lately. Arun Gandhi, grandson of the purported humanist Mahatma Gandhi, thinks Israel and Jews in general are prone to, and singularly responsible for, most of the world’s violence. The Oxford Union is taking up the question of whether Israel even has a right to continue to exist. Our generation no longer speaks of a “Palestinian problem,” but rather of an “Israeli problem.” So perhaps it is time for a new global approach to deal with Israel and its occupation.

Perhaps we ought to broaden our multinational and multicultural horizons by transcending the old comprehensive settlements, roadmaps, and Quartet when dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, a dispute which originated with the creation of Israel...


...In other words, after a half-century of failed attempts to solve the Middle East crisis in isolation, isn’t it time we look for guidance in a far more global fashion, and in contexts where more lives have been lost, more territory annexed, and more people made refugees in places as diverse as China, Russia, and the broader Middle East?

The solutions that these countries have worked out to deal with similar problems apparently have proven successful — at least if the inattention of the world, the apparent inaction of the United Nations, and the relative silence of European governments are any indication.

So let the international community begin its humanitarian work!

Greek Cypriots can advise Israel about concessions necessary to Muslims involving a divided Jerusalem. Russians and Syrians can advise the IDF on how to deal properly and humanely with Islamic terrorists. Poland, Russia, China, and Armenia might offer the proper blueprint for giving back land to the defeated that they once gained by force. A North Korea or Pakistan can offer Israel humanitarian lessons that might blunt criticisms that such a recently created country has no right to exist. Iraq and Egypt would lend insight about proper reparation and the rights of return, given its own successful solutions to the problems of their own fleeing Jewish communities.

But why limit the agenda to such a small array of issues? The world has much to teach Israel about humility and concessions, on issues ranging from how other countries in the past have dealt with missiles sent into their homeland, to cross-border incursions by bellicose neighbors.

No doubt, Middle East humanitarians such as Jimmy Carter, Arun Gandhi, and Tariq Ramadan could preside, drawing on and offering their collective past wisdom in solving such global problems to those of a lesser magnitude along the West Bank.

01-31-2008, 10:43 PM
The primary problem with the Israeli and Palestinian governments is that the moderate factions are unable to reign in the extremist factions. Which is why both endorse terrorism to get their dirty work done.
There will always be Israeli hardliners who want to destroy the Palestinian state. There will also be Palestinians who oppose an Israeli state.
As long as we favor one side over the other, we will never solve the problem.

01-31-2008, 10:54 PM
The primary problem with the Israeli and Palestinian governments is that the moderate factions are unable to reign in the extremist factions. Which is why both endorse terrorism to get their dirty work done.
There will always be Israeli hardliners who want to destroy the Palestinian state. There will also be Palestinians who oppose an Israeli state.
As long as we favor one side over the other, we will never solve the problem.

There is NO Palestinian state. Only a territory.

Please show an example of Israeli terrorists attacking anywhere? Air strikes by the military don't count.

As long as there are muslims we will never solve the problem.

01-31-2008, 11:00 PM
Go to ANY camp on the Gaza strip and you will find evidence of Israeli military reprisals. You don't hear about it much because the Israeli military has a habit of shooting journalists.

The Israelis have nothing on the Muslims. They just have different methods of killing their opponents.

01-31-2008, 11:04 PM
first off it is not our problem to solve it is their problem....

second there is no such country called palestine....

third....if the palestinians stop blowing up buses the israelies would stop trying to kill the murderers (see northern ireland)

01-31-2008, 11:08 PM
The IDF treat all arabs in occupied territories like shit. I have seen it first hand. The shit they give every car at every checkpoint is extraordinary... and the vast majority of the passengers in those cars are arabs coming over into Israel to do the shit work that Israelis won't do for themselves.

01-31-2008, 11:10 PM
The IDF treat all arabs in occupied territories like shit. I have seen it first hand. The shit they give every car at every checkpoint is extraordinary... and the vast majority of the passengers in those cars are arabs coming over into Israel to do the shit work that Israelis won't do for themselves.

sorry but if arabs were trying to kill you every day i am sure you would not give them hugs....norther ireland used to be like this.....the agressor must change their stripes.....palestinians have been killing jews for 50 years.....how is that working out for them....

01-31-2008, 11:14 PM
Go to ANY camp on the Gaza strip and you will find evidence of Israeli military reprisals. You don't hear about it much because the Israeli military has a habit of shooting journalists.

The Israelis have nothing on the Muslims. They just have different methods of killing their opponents.

As I said military strikes don't count. And if the IDF was shooting journalist you would hear about it on every news channel. They don't take kindly to their people getting shot up. Your either lying or badly misinformed. If your going to make statements like this you need to back them up.

01-31-2008, 11:19 PM
sorry but if arabs were trying to kill you every day i am sure you would not give them hugs....norther ireland used to be like this.....the agressor must change their stripes.....palestinians have been killing jews for 50 years.....how is that working out for them....

and I am sure that if you got frisked and manhandled every day on the way to work to clean up toilets for Israels that you would really give a shit if your more radical buddies got payback. The vast majority of palestinians have not been involved in killing jews, yet they are all punished. All I am saying is that Israelis hands ain't clean here. Lots of homes have been bulldozed because a adult fedayeen's parents live there...and they had long since lost any influence over their son..but Israel punished them nonetheless. Bad idea.

01-31-2008, 11:22 PM
The IDF treat all arabs in occupied territories like shit. I have seen it first hand. The shit they give every car at every checkpoint is extraordinary... and the vast majority of the passengers in those cars are arabs coming over into Israel to do the shit work that Israelis won't do for themselves.

And you saw this when you were....in lebanon?

Unlike this country the Israelis have no problem with profiling. When ALL terrorists in your country are arabs you check out every arab very carefully. The arabs know why they are being checked. If they don't like it they can stay out. They go into Israel to do the shit jobs because there are no jobs where they come from. The only thing palestine produces is jihad.

01-31-2008, 11:32 PM
And you saw this when you were....in lebanon?

Unlike this country the Israelis have no problem with profiling. When ALL terrorists in your country are arabs you check out every arab very carefully. The arabs know why they are being checked. If they don't like it they can stay out. They go into Israel to do the shit jobs because there are no jobs where they come from. The only thing palestine produces is jihad.

When I worked in southern Lebanon - which was one half of my two year tour - I lived in northern Israel and, given the duty rotation I was able to spend a lot of time in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. What is the basis for YOUR experience?

01-31-2008, 11:35 PM
and I am sure that if you got frisked and manhandled every day on the way to work to clean up toilets for Israels that you would really give a shit if your more radical buddies got payback. The vast majority of palestinians have not been involved in killing jews, yet they are all punished. All I am saying is that Israelis hands ain't clean here. Lots of homes have been bulldozed because a adult fedayeen's parents live there...and they had long since lost any influence over their son..but Israel punished them nonetheless. Bad idea.

if it is so bad why do they stay....why not return to palestine....they good ones should rise up and stop the bad ones.....yet they do not....why is that....

02-01-2008, 01:55 AM
Reprisals, you are saying that intentionally targetting innocent civilians is the morally equivalent a.k.a. the same as targetting terrorists, who hide out in civilian populations?

People like you should not be able to breed, because a retard has more critical thinking skills then you do

enjoy the kool aid, retard

Go to ANY camp on the Gaza strip and you will find evidence of Israeli military reprisals. You don't hear about it much because the Israeli military has a habit of shooting journalists.

The Israelis have nothing on the Muslims. They just have different methods of killing their opponents.

02-01-2008, 01:59 AM
Nah youre right, better let the palestinians move about freely so they can shoot at, blow up and kill as many jews as possible.

Its sad that many palestinians will continue to aid, abet, and condone actions, even if they dont do it themselves.

But i prefer our ally israel exist, and for you to make excuses for the pales, and suggest israel has nothing better to do then make sure they survive, is foolish.

It is not collective punishment it is survival, unless you wanna frisk every palestinian and hope not to get blown up, or how about u live in israel, and ask yourself, would i want palestinians moving freely, not knowing where the next bomb is coming from

the majority of jews want peace, the extremists are on the fringe, while the palestinian are not a fringe, atleast 40-60 % suppport killing the jews.

and anyone who says otherwise, gets an honor killing.

and I am sure that if you got frisked and manhandled every day on the way to work to clean up toilets for Israels that you would really give a shit if your more radical buddies got payback. The vast majority of palestinians have not been involved in killing jews, yet they are all punished. All I am saying is that Israelis hands ain't clean here. Lots of homes have been bulldozed because a adult fedayeen's parents live there...and they had long since lost any influence over their son..but Israel punished them nonetheless. Bad idea.

02-01-2008, 02:03 AM
I will never understand the palestinian apologists, they want to explain away, excuse, and outright lie or distort facts on israel, or just say ignorant statements, to try and turn us against israel.

Im not suggesting israel is perfect, but the fact is, if the palestinians had their way, their would be no jewish state, all the jews would be pushed into the sea.

Israel has to be more concerned with killing the jihadists, and protecting itself from palestinian terrorists, then playing niceties, and politial correctness.

The Number of jewish terrorism against palestinians, (NO not military, that is to stop terrorism, and to kill terrorists), is so minute, it barely exists, while the palestinians teach every child jihad is the way, even fatah is a terrorist group.

In israel, you can say make peace

arabs say it, they get a free bullet

02-01-2008, 02:05 AM
exactly, jews understand you do whatever it takes to stop your child from being brought home maimed or having to go to the hospital to see your blown up child, because god forbid they went to a disco tech

but the palestinian sypathizers, and apologists, are so ignorant, arrogant, and stupid, that any death of a palestinian, is equal to any death of a jew

its classic lazy liberal thinking

Their is no such thing as moral equivalence.

And you saw this when you were....in lebanon?

Unlike this country the Israelis have no problem with profiling. When ALL terrorists in your country are arabs you check out every arab very carefully. The arabs know why they are being checked. If they don't like it they can stay out. They go into Israel to do the shit jobs because there are no jobs where they come from. The only thing palestine produces is jihad.