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View Full Version : The Presidents Senate strategy

01-30-2008, 07:31 AM
In the State of the Union President Bush made two key points that I think are part of a larger strategy. First, FISA re-authorization must be passed to provide protection from foreign terrorists. And, the passing of the stimulus package as agreed to in the House of Representatives...

First Senate Majority Leader Reid has painted himself into a corner with FISA. Yesterday the Senate was at a standstill because Reid would not allow votes for FISA to go forward. Minority Leader McConnell agreed to allow a 15 day extension to the existing Protect America Act since the House of Representatives is taking the week off on a retreat. But, nothing will change between now and the three week deadline, FISA will go through the Senate exactly as it would have yesterday had Senator Reid allowed it.

Second, the Senate is going totally wacko on both sides of the isle on the stimulus package. The Democrats will offer so many changes to the stimulus package that the President will reject it and let the American people know that it is the Senate Democrats fault they will not receive the money promised. The Democrats will show FISA weakness in the House and Senate and then be blamed for causing the stimulus package and the money not to be sent out. The Democratic party will be labeled the obstructionists of national security and the roadblock for economic recovery. Democratic Party will lose the majority in the Senate as a result of this miscalculation and regardless of who is elected president all forward liberal motion will be ended... 2010 will see the House of Representatives go to the Republicans and then in 2012 Jeb Bush will be elected president.