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View Full Version : Democratic Governor's son sells 'Don't Drop the Soap'

01-30-2008, 09:46 AM
Story Highlights

Kansas governor's son selling prison-themed board game
"Don't Drop the Soap" goal is to win parole
Methods: Slip glass into a mob boss' lasagna, steal drugs from nurse
Game tokens include bag of cocaine, handgun

John Sebelius, 23, has the backing of his mother and father, U.S. Magistrate Judge Gary Sebelius. The governor's spokeswoman, Nicole Corcoran, said both parents "are very proud of their son John's creativity and talent."

John Sebelius is selling the game on his Internet site for $34.99, plus packaging, shipping and handling. The contact information on the Web site lists the address of the governor's mansion. Corcoran said the address will change when John Sebelius moves.

"Fight your way through 6 different exciting locations in hopes of being granted parole," the site says. "Escape prison riots in The Yard, slip glass into a mob boss' lasagna in the Cafeteria, steal painkillers from the nurse's desk in the Infirmary."

The game includes five tokens representing a bag of cocaine, a handgun and three characters: wheelchair-using 'Wheelz," muscle-flexing "Anferny" and business suit-clad "Sal 'the Butcher."'

Full Story................

Talk about sick, twisted and no maturity. Talk about no moral's, values or class. Talk about glorifying prison, drugs and violence. This guy is probably creating this game from experience.

The sad and scary thing is his father is a judge. To be exact he is a U.S. Magistrate Judge. His mother is one of the most powerful Democrat's right now. She is even in talks to be the running mate of whoever gets the nomination. So basically another wack job like Al Gore with a severly screwed up son as second in command in our country. Also if everyone remembers she gave the Democratic response to President Bush's latest State Of The Union Address.

If I were a tax payer in Kansas I would be furious. They have to pay for his twenty three year old boy who cant make it on his own so he lives with mommy and daddy in a house and meals that taxpayers pay for. He is also producing this ludicris game at the Governor's Mansion which in a round about way the tac payers are paying for. At the very least this is unethical, but can you expect anything more from a Democrat?

Once again a Democrat milks the tax payers for their own personal gain.

Also this sounds like a take off of Monopoly and im sure Parker Brothers will be happy. Hopefully he gets sued to stop production.

Also look at the price tag, $34.99 for a board game, talk about a rip off. You would have to be a complete sucker to pay that kind of money for a some what of a small game(only three characters) that glorifies violence, killing and prison.

01-30-2008, 09:58 AM
There are no spelling mistakes in your editorial. Where did you copy it from? Knowing how you post, these are not your words. You copied them.

01-30-2008, 10:32 AM
There are no spelling mistakes in your editorial. Where did you copy it from? Knowing how you post, these are not your words. You copied them.

The only thing I copied is parts of the article. The rest is mine all mine.

01-30-2008, 07:46 PM
The only thing I copied is parts of the article. The rest is mine all mine.
