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View Full Version : Help american patriots from the racist latino groups and their sympathizers

01-30-2008, 03:02 PM
Discrimination is illegal in America, period. And discrimination based on Politics is deplorable in the middle of a heated Presidential race. Perhaps Pedro has forgotten that. He and Enrique Morones (Mexican Govt. employee) have teamed up to violate the civil rights of Americans, especially our dozens of Hispanic Americans like our Director of Highway Operations, Francisca Galvan. We look forward to a huge victory in Federal Court soon! Big Mistake by the state of California!

There are and have been absolutely no safety issues on our adopted freeway since we took it over 2 months ago and terrorist threats from Mexican activists still cannot violate our civil rights and equal protection under the LAW. Besides, even Enrique or his most dangerous Brown Beret friends would think twice about committing any crimes near a CHP Station. The false "safety concerns" ares a disgusting smoke screen by state Government employees who will likely be named in the lawsuit. Above is Steve Saville, PIO for San Diego District of Caltrans. Steve has been telling me for the past two weeks that our permit was 100% safe and they had no concerns from the pro-illegal alien threats and complaints they were receiving. Even after Enrique put out his press release Monday saying our highway was revoked, Steve assured me that "nothing has changed". Many of you have seen that email he sent me. Then Pedro emailed me the attached letter full of lies and vague false allegations at 6pm Monday. I would think state employees lying about the status of our highway and then taking it away from us without any prior warning is a pretty serious matter. I wonder what the courts will think?

This dirty little deal was all done in the shadows to please the Reconquista agents in San Diego who operatate with impunity (see our website for the long list). It also appears that some state legislators in the "Latino Caucus" got involved and helped spread lies about us and pressure Caltrans to reverse their previous statement that we fully met all criteria (WHICH WE DO!). Pedro Delgado has managed to do something very few others ever have. He has pissed off 300 million American citizens with his horrible and apparently politically motivated decision.

We call on Caltrans to give us back our highway IMMEDIATELY. We still have a scheduled clean up this weekend!

01-30-2008, 03:03 PM
SDMM Legal Defense Fund: www.SanDiegoMinutemen.com

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call and email this asshole

619-688-6668. •. Email: pedro.orso-delgado@dot.ca.gov.