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01-30-2008, 07:53 PM
Please feel free to agree or disagree but please be civil

I believe, we should leave iraq in no more then 2 years from now. With the surge giving iraqi's a chance to reconcile. I believe we have bigger problems at home, such as using our military to secure our border, from criminals and terrorists who can sneak into america now, and plot attacks against us.

Do you agree with me, or disagree with me and why?

02-01-2008, 12:57 PM
Please feel free to agree or disagree but please be civil

I believe, we should leave iraq in no more then 2 years from now. With the surge giving iraqi's a chance to reconcile. I believe we have bigger problems at home, such as using our military to secure our border, from criminals and terrorists who can sneak into america now, and plot attacks against us.

Do you agree with me, or disagree with me and why?

Why not just issue a hunting license?? Just shoot e mall and let god sort it out. When they realized that they are not wanted they will stop trying to cross??

02-01-2008, 06:52 PM
A good portion of the troops will probably be leaving iraq by this fall. They are not needed along our border, they are for fighting wars. They need to be refitted and ready to go into iran next. Followed by north korea and syria. The border can be handles by the border patrol if they are allowed to do their job. Cracking down on employers will dry up the work available to illegals and they won't bother coming or staying.

02-01-2008, 07:09 PM
Please feel free to agree or disagree but please be civil

I believe, we should leave iraq in no more then 2 years from now. With the surge giving iraqi's a chance to reconcile. I believe we have bigger problems at home, such as using our military to secure our border, from criminals and terrorists who can sneak into america now, and plot attacks against us.

Do you agree with me, or disagree with me and why?

Military should not be used to police the border. Troops are not police. Maybe they could be used to build the wall but in all likelyhood that work will be contracted out by the government like most one time jobs are these days and also because the only types of military whose jobs are construction are civil engineers, and there aren't large numbers of those types. What we need, are more border patrol agents.