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Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 08:05 PM
.... and it's down to four people. Giuliani is out.

01-30-2008, 08:06 PM
gee, and i wonder who your not pulling for.

im watching it too :)

do you care what paul says, or should he get out ?

.... and it's down to four people. Giuliani is out.

01-30-2008, 08:19 PM
I refuse to watch ANYTHING on the Klintoon News Network...:laugh2:

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 08:24 PM
gee, and i wonder who your not pulling for.

im watching it too :)

do you care what paul says, or should he get out ?

I care very much what Paul has to say, because I agree with 90% of it.

mclame already sounds like a rambling, old, idiot.

At this point... it's anybody but him. I'd vote for Romney, Paul, or Huckabee over mccain.

01-30-2008, 08:24 PM
Is McCain chewing tobacco?

Abbey Marie
01-30-2008, 08:26 PM
I refuse to watch ANYTHING on the Klintoon News Network...:laugh2:

I wish I could come up to Alaska, and have a drink with you, Steph. We'd have a blast :beer:

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 08:26 PM
Is McCain chewing tobacco?

I think he's sucking on his tongue.

01-30-2008, 08:30 PM
Ron Paul is the only real conservative on the stage, but goddamn, he needs elocution lessons and public speaking practice really badly.

01-30-2008, 08:35 PM
Pretty funny hearing a member of the Keating 5 talking to me about banking.

01-30-2008, 08:38 PM
I wish I could come up to Alaska, and have a drink with you, Steph. We'd have a blast :beer:

You be welcome anytime.....would be fun..:cheers2:

01-30-2008, 08:50 PM
Thank you for showing up Congressman Paul. Now just shut the fuck up and sit there.

Anyone else get that feeling?

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 08:51 PM
Ron Paul is the only real conservative on the stage, but goddamn, he needs elocution lessons and public speaking practice really badly.

And he's gotten to speak four times, while the rest have spoken a dozen or more, and on top of that, he's either been cut off or interrupted twice in those four times.

This "debate" so far, is a lop sided sons a bitchin' sham. Paul is displaying an immense amount of patience in my opinion. I'd be like, "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK, WHEN DO I GET TO SPEAK?!"

01-30-2008, 09:02 PM
Unfortunately I got to sit through American Idol.

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 09:05 PM
I think Romney should just bitch slap that asshole mccain. mccain is REALLY losing points tonight.

01-30-2008, 09:07 PM
I think Romney should just bitch slap that asshole mccain. mccain is REALLY losing points tonight.

Can I do it?

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 09:08 PM
Can I do it?

I'll tell ya, the crowd is NOT liking what is going on... they've made audible GROANS twice now listening to mccain.

01-30-2008, 09:14 PM
I'll tell ya, the crowd is NOT liking what is going on... they've made audible GROANS twice now listening to mccain.

I thought he had gas. :laugh2:

01-30-2008, 09:22 PM
Mitt looks like he wants to give McLiberal a Left hook :clap:

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 09:22 PM
I thought he had gas. :laugh2:

I want to puke every time he starts talking. He's a broken record, and isn't saying anything that's new or inspiring. It all sounds like the same old same old, business as usual, Washington double talk.

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 09:24 PM
Mitt looks like he wants to give McLiberal a Left hook :clap:

I wish he would.

01-30-2008, 09:51 PM
I only saw a few minutes of it and i was cringing and had to channel flip, the bickering was awful the few momments that i watched, it was uncomfortable to say the least imo.

01-30-2008, 09:52 PM
I want to puke every time he starts talking. He's a broken record, and isn't saying anything that's new or inspiring. It all sounds like the same old same old, business as usual, Washington double talk.

Thats because it IS the same old Washington double talk-----great choice by the GOP when the public wants change.

01-30-2008, 09:54 PM
I got to watch the last half hour. Here are my thoughts:

Romney: seems very much like a CEO. He actually has a plan to end our involvement in Iraq, unlike McCain.
McCain: sounded extremely arrogant the entire time, like he was the heir apparent and everyone else on stage was a pissant getting in his way.
Paul: I agree with the guy, but he's got to learn how to sound less academic and more in touch with the issues of the day.
Huckabee: the most likable of the four. His answer to the "would Reagan endorse you" question was a home run, and a great note for him to end the debate on.

01-30-2008, 09:55 PM
Oh, and Paul and Huckabee got screwed on time, at least during the last half hour. They got about one minute of airtime for every two minutes that McCain and Romeny got.

01-30-2008, 10:05 PM
"Let me note if you get endorsed by The New York Times you're probably not a conservative," Romney said.


Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 10:10 PM
I only saw a few minutes of it and i was cringing and had to channel flip, the bickering was awful the few momments that i watched, it was uncomfortable to say the least imo.
I watched the Fox News Focus Group questioning after the debate. EVERYONE said the bickering between mccain and Romney as horrible, and NO ONE liked it. For that reason I think mccain and Romney, mccain especially, lost a lot of points tonight. He's arrogant, and sounds like a broken record. When asked direct questions about his liberal dealings, he side steps and goes off on, "oh I'm the war hero and I'm tough on terrorism." Well ya know what johnny, that line is getting pretty stale.

Thats because it IS the same old Washington double talk-----great choice by the GOP when the public wants change.
Really makes ya wonder doesn't dillo... :dunno:

I got to watch the last half hour. Here are my thoughts:

Romney: seems very much like a CEO. He actually has a plan to end our involvement in Iraq, unlike McCain.
McCain: sounded extremely arrogant the entire time, like he was the heir apparent and everyone else on stage was a pissant getting in his way.
Paul: I agree with the guy, but he's got to learn how to sound less academic and more in touch with the issues of the day.
Huckabee: the most likable of the four. His answer to the "would Reagan endorse you" question was a home run, and a great note for him to end the debate on.
I think that's a real good assessment Jeff. Ron Paul and Huckabee got totally totally screwed while mccain and Romney bickered about who said what. It was a complete disappointment and a joke, when they SHOULD have been talking about ISSUES instead.

Oh, and Paul and Huckabee got screwed on time, at least during the last half hour. They got about one minute of airtime for every two minutes that McCain and Romney got.
They got screwed right from the beginning. Ron Paul got to speak four times, and in those four times he was cut off once and interrupted a second time. It was shameful. I wanted... EXPECTED to hear much more from Paul, but CNN really fucked that up, bad. I've already sent my nasty gram to CNN voicing my outrage and displeasure.

01-30-2008, 10:14 PM
mcain may be too liberal for you all.....but has always been what he is....

tell me how does a conservative like romney get elected in massachusetts.....oh that is easy....he was a liberal then.....i am curious who he really is.....no question he is a good ceo and could make a good pres.....not sure he is a conservative as you all seem to believe.....he is a politican after all.....

paul is great....pity he can't speak like romney.....

huckabee is very likable .... don't like his record or his ideas though ....

Mr. P
01-30-2008, 10:15 PM
Unfortunately I got to sit through American Idol.

HA! You lucky bastard! I wanted to she didn't! So I had to hear the BS!

Any GOOD singers?

01-30-2008, 10:16 PM
How'd Ron Paul and Huckabee get screwed? It's not as if anyone gives a damn what they have to say anyway.. .both of them need to drop out of the race asap...

Pale Rider
01-30-2008, 10:16 PM
mcain may be too liberal for you all.....but has always been what he is....

tell me how does a conservative like romney get elected in massachusetts.....oh that is easy....he was a liberal then.....i am curious who he really is.....no question he is a good ceo and could make a good pres.....not sure he is a conservative as you all seem to believe.....he is a politican after all.....

paul is great....pity he can't speak like romney.....

huckabee is very likable .... don't like his record or his ideas though ....

I like the flat tax that Huckabee proposes, and I like the fact that it pisses him off when somebody say's, "ya but you can't do that."

01-30-2008, 10:17 PM
I like the flat tax that Huckabee proposes, and I like the fact that it pisses him off when somebody say's, "ya but you can't do that."

agreed..... i do like his flat tax idea.....

Mr. P
01-30-2008, 10:25 PM
I like the flat tax that Huckabee proposes, and I like the fact that it pisses him off when somebody say's, "ya but you can't do that."

What flat tax? I thought he supported the Fair tax?

01-30-2008, 10:30 PM
What flat tax? I thought he supported the Fair tax?

you are correct it is called fair tax....still like his ideas on that though

01-30-2008, 10:36 PM
How'd Ron Paul and Huckabee get screwed? It's not as if anyone gives a damn what they have to say anyway.. .both of them need to drop out of the race asap... :clap: And the sooner the Better

01-30-2008, 10:43 PM
I loved Ron Paul's answer about a President being a manager of the economy. Thats is not in the Constitution!

And he is so right about our dollar problems and not being on the gold standard!

01-30-2008, 10:46 PM
What flat tax? I thought he supported the Fair tax?What's the difference Mr. P? or at least the few key note differences?

I think the Fair tax gives some sort of exemption via a credit for those that make the least, or something like that? Immanuel read the book and we discussed it a while back so i don't remember too much about it but i do remember not understanding how it would work on realestate and also had a concern on whether services also would be taxed....?

(P.S. HEY, maybe this topic can break your writer's block on the blog thingy? ;) )


Mr. P
01-30-2008, 11:02 PM
you are correct it is called fair tax....still like his ideas on that though

It's da BOMB, although they're not his ideas. I've supported this tax method for years. Glad to see a politician finally bring it to the view of the electorate during a Campaign.

Mr. P
01-30-2008, 11:10 PM
What's the difference Mr. P? or at least the few key note differences?

I think the Fair tax gives some sort of exemption via a credit for those that make the least, or something like that? Immanuel read the book and we discussed it a while back so i don't remember too much about it but i do remember not understanding how it would work on realestate and also had a concern on whether services also would be taxed....?

(P.S. HEY, maybe this topic can break your writer's block on the blog thingy? ;) )


You'll find all the answers here:

01-31-2008, 12:24 AM
I love most of what paul says, I wont pull out of iraq now, but i dont want to be there forever, i say 2 years tops, but ill support them staying there for awhile

just not too long, we cant be there forever, u feel me :laugh2:

I care very much what Paul has to say, because I agree with 90% of it.

mclame already sounds like a rambling, old, idiot.

At this point... it's anybody but him. I'd vote for Romney, Paul, or Huckabee over mccain.

01-31-2008, 12:30 AM
ronnie was right about that, the moderator was a complete fool

I loved Ron Paul's answer about a President being a manager of the economy. Thats is not in the Constitution!

And he is so right about our dollar problems and not being on the gold standard!

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 03:04 AM
ronnie was right about that, the moderator was a complete fool

It's CNN... these guys should already know that's a hostile environment. Frankly, I think they should tell CNN to go fuck themselves.

Have the dems had a debate sponsored by Fox News yet? I don't recall...

01-31-2008, 04:17 AM
It's CNN..Have the dems had a debate sponsored by Fox News yet? I don't recall...

their afraid they'll have to answer REAL questions about their socialist policies they have in store for us...

At their debates they get questions like.....do you prefer diamonds or pearls, and I believe that question was not only asked of the Shrill...it was directed at all the men on the stage also..:laugh2:

01-31-2008, 04:21 AM
their afraid they'll have to answer REAL questions about their socialist policies they have in store for us...

At their debates they get questions like.....do you prefer diamonds or pearls, and I believe that question was not only asked of the Shrill...it was directed at all the men on the stage also..:laugh2:

If I remember correctly last summer the DNC said they would not participate in any FOX debates, I bet they are sorry now, really. Have you noticed how much time Hillary has been spending at that evil network? The best debate formats have come from FOX and the toughest questions too. Not unfair, but not lightweight which has been the tendency by CNN and ABC on the Democrats. It hasn't helped them get their message out.

01-31-2008, 06:28 AM
I just ran across this, having watched quite a bit of the debate last night, til falling asleep once again, I thought it pretty accurate:


Debate Drunkblogging — The Wrap!

Posted by Stephen Green on 30 Jan 2008 at 08:10 pm

While we wait for Loud Dobbs to shut up and go away (and wait and wait), let’s take a look at who’s here tonight and why.

We’ll start with John McCain. War hero. Maverick senator. Keeps winning, although not by huge amounts, and never by better than a plurality. Got endorsed by Rudy Giuliani today. Can raise money, attract independents, and trample the First Amendment in a single bound. Media darling. George Will calls him “Clintonian,” and he doesn’t mean that as a compliment.

We’ve got Mitt Romney, because he has a fair amount of money and delegates, won Michigan, and came in a very close second place last night in Florida. He also is the favorite of self-described conservative Republicans, even if they aren’t exactly enthused by Mitt. Romney is in an uphill battle after losing a close one in Florida.

Way on down the line is Mike Huckabee. Huck hasn’t won anything since Iowa, and Iowa picks almost nothing but losers. Or at best, candidates who you wish had lost. Huckabee is also broke. He was last seen campaigning in Missouri and Kentucky, asking fellow evangelicals for gas money.

Finally we get to Ron Paul, bringing up the rear, refusing to quit despite his 0-8 campaign record. Why does he stay in? Because he can. As the only anti-war Republican (and also the only libertarian) in the race, Paul has a national constituency eager to keep him going. And unlike most libertarians, who thrive in ever-smaller splinter groups, Paul is inclusive. Racists, neo-Nazis, conspiracy nuts, 9/11 “truthers” — they’re all welcome at Camp Paul. (Y’all come back now, y’hear?)


01-31-2008, 07:29 AM
You guys make some great assessments. Never be afraid to watch a liberal news channel, you need to see how others are brainwashed so you can better understand them.

I watched the entire debate and thought that Romney ate McCain's lunch, he called him a liar for his deceitful way he painted him as a cut and runner, called him a liberal and got a standing debate stopping congratulations on his stance on illegal immigration. They all have to go... those recent arrived go right away... those been here for a while must go after the school year ends and those who have been here for a long time will be given time to wrap up their affairs, but they must go back to the country they came from and sign up on the list will legal immigrant wannabees!

I thought the Huckster was the best speaker, that dude has a silver tongue! He is more slippery than a greased hog and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

01-31-2008, 09:12 AM
For anyone interested that missed the debate it is now being shown on CSPAN2.

01-31-2008, 10:35 AM
You guys make some great assessments. Never be afraid to watch a liberal news channel, you need to see how others are brainwashed so you can better understand them.

I watched the entire debate and thought that Romney ate McCain's lunch, he called him a liar for his deceitful way he painted him as a cut and runner, called him a liberal and got a standing debate stopping congratulations on his stance on illegal immigration. They all have to go... those recent arrived go right away... those been here for a while must go after the school year ends and those who have been here for a long time will be given time to wrap up their affairs, but they must go back to the country they came from and sign up on the list will legal immigrant wannabees!

I thought the Huckster was the best speaker, that dude has a silver tongue! He is more slippery than a greased hog and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

The problem with Romney's immigration 'plan' is that there is no way in hell we could enforce throwing people out of the country in 90 days. We're talking about millions of people, what is he going to do? Use the military to route Mexican familys out of their homes, round 'em up into camps and then deport them? Of course like a typical liberal, he doesn't really say how exactly he is going to accomplish this enormous task, he just says we'll make em leave in 90 days because thats what everyone wants to hear.

I think Arizona's plan would work best. First we do need to secure the border(which McCain says he'll do now), then go after the businesses with laws like the one passed in Arizona. Once businesses are forced to fire their illegals, they'll go home. That will work for the type of illegals that come here to work. As for the criminals, once they are picked up for their crime and do their time, when they get deported the fence will keep them out.

01-31-2008, 10:52 AM
You guys make some great assessments. Never be afraid to watch a liberal news channel, you need to see how others are brainwashed so you can better understand them.

I watched the entire debate and thought that Romney ate McCain's lunch, he called him a liar for his deceitful way he painted him as a cut and runner, called him a liberal and got a standing debate stopping congratulations on his stance on illegal immigration. They all have to go... those recent arrived go right away... those been here for a while must go after the school year ends and those who have been here for a long time will be given time to wrap up their affairs, but they must go back to the country they came from and sign up on the list will legal immigrant wannabees!

I thought the Huckster was the best speaker, that dude has a silver tongue! He is more slippery than a greased hog and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Exactly how does Romney fullfill this statement: they all have to go? you know, even under the amnesty plan.....they all have to go, they all have to return to mexico and reenter our country....

Honestly though, sounds like a bunch of words that will later be "reclarrified" by Romney to "say what he really meant" crapola....

Romney is a chameleon, and who knows, maybe this is what we need as a president? I am not so certain though....


Sir Evil
01-31-2008, 10:58 AM
Honestly though, sounds like a bunch of words that will later be "reclarrified" by Romney to "say what he really meant" crapola....

Romney is a chamelon, and who knows, maybe this is what we need as a president? I am not so certain though....


Now if that is not a familiar scenario! Someone actually clarifying "what they really meant". :rolleyes:

01-31-2008, 11:09 AM
The problem with Romney's immigration 'plan' is that there is no way in hell we could enforce throwing people out of the country in 90 days. We're talking about millions of people, what is he going to do? Use the military to route Mexican familys out of their homes, round 'em up into camps and then deport them? Of course like a typical liberal, he doesn't really say how exactly he is going to accomplish this enormous task, he just says we'll make em leave in 90 days because thats what everyone wants to hear.

I think Arizona's plan would work best. First we do need to secure the border(which McCain says he'll do now), then go after the businesses with laws like the one passed in Arizona. Once businesses are forced to fire their illegals, they'll go home. That will work for the type of illegals that come here to work. As for the criminals, once they are picked up for their crime and do their time, when they get deported the fence will keep them out.Please take a look at Romney's website page on this issue and comment... http://www.mittromney.com/Issues/immigration Scroll down to mid way The Romney Plan

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:16 AM
Ya know, when I read rants like this one below....

Finally we get to Ron Paul, bringing up the rear, refusing to quit despite his 0-8 campaign record. Why does he stay in? Because he can. As the only anti-war Republican (and also the only libertarian) in the race, Paul has a national constituency eager to keep him going. And unlike most libertarians, who thrive in ever-smaller splinter groups, Paul is inclusive. Racists, neo-Nazis, conspiracy nuts, 9/11 “truthers” — they’re all welcome at Camp Paul. (Y’all come back now, y’hear?)

... it just tells me that Ron Paul has to the one true enemy of the liberal left. Not the other three Republican candidates, Ron Paul. Because the article above is less than true, and to say his support is "ever-smaller splinter groups" is less than accurate. I think it would be more accurate to say his support is "growing."

01-31-2008, 11:22 AM
The problem with Romney's immigration 'plan' is that there is no way in hell we could enforce throwing people out of the country in 90 days. We're talking about millions of people, what is he going to do? Use the military to route Mexican familys out of their homes, round 'em up into camps and then deport them? Of course like a typical liberal, he doesn't really say how exactly he is going to accomplish this enormous task, he just says we'll make em leave in 90 days because thats what everyone wants to hear.

I think Arizona's plan would work best. First we do need to secure the border(which McCain says he'll do now), then go after the businesses with laws like the one passed in Arizona. Once businesses are forced to fire their illegals, they'll go home. That will work for the type of illegals that come here to work. As for the criminals, once they are picked up for their crime and do their time, when they get deported the fence will keep them out.After reading Romney's position on immigration go to McCain's site and read his suck up position on immigration and realize he is lieing about immigration... http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/68db8157-d301-4e22-baf7-a70dd8416efa.htm

01-31-2008, 11:23 AM
Ya know, when I read rants like this one below....

... it just tells me that Ron Paul has to the one true enemy of the liberal left. Not the other three Republican candidates, Ron Paul. Because the article above is less than true, and to say his support is "ever-smaller splinter groups" is less than accurate. I think it would be more accurate to say his support is "growing."

Actually PR, it says just what you are saying:

Paul has a national constituency eager to keep him going. And unlike most libertarians, who thrive in ever-smaller splinter groups, Paul is inclusive. Racists, neo-Nazis, conspiracy nuts, 9/11 “truthers” — they’re all welcome at Camp Paul. (Y’all come back now, y’hear?)

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:28 AM
Please take a look at Romney's website page on this issue and comment... http://www.mittromney.com/Issues/immigration Scroll down to mid way The Romney Plan

And here is another good place to see how the candidates score on illegal aliens... http://www.betterimmigration.com/candidates/2006/prez2008.html

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:30 AM
Actually PR, it says just what you are saying:

I don't know what you see Kath, but "ever-smaller" say's to me the author wanted you to believe his support is waining, not growing. I guess we see two different things.

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:33 AM
After reading Romney's position on immigration go to McCain's site and read his suck up position on immigration and realize he is lieing about immigration... http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/68db8157-d301-4e22-baf7-a70dd8416efa.htm

John mccain is mister amnesty, period. His policies concerning illegal aliens are parallel to that of the liberals. If you want 20 million illegal aliens to remain indefinitely in this country, vote for mister amnesty, vote for john mccain.

You can read all about his "ABYSMAL" rating here... http://www.betterimmigration.com/candidates/2006/prez2008.html

01-31-2008, 11:35 AM
After reading Romney's position on immigration go to McCain's site and read his suck up position on immigration and realize he is lieing about immigration... http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/68db8157-d301-4e22-baf7-a70dd8416efa.htmGood Morning Classact,

Can any President institute their immigration plan? I think NOT, and any president that claims that they are the "sollution" to the situation is being disingenuous, to say the least. imo

Congress is who will have to legislate anything...no? and sure the President can make the Justice dept do the job that is required of them by the Law itself instead of ignoring the laws on the books like they seem to have been instructed to do by this administration and others, but i believe congress can find a way to do that too...or might have to legislate stronger laws that have fewer loopholes.

i guess it does depend on whether the Senate Dems get a super majority or not, if NOT, then maybe the repubs can put enough pressure on the dems to go along with a republican president's plan, but who knows for sure?


Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:36 AM
Good Morning Classact,

Can any President institute their immigration plan? I think NOT, and any president that claims that they are the "sollution" to the situation is being disingenuous, to say the least. imo

Congress is who will have to legislate anything...no? and sure the President can make the Justice dept do the job that is required of them by the Law itself instead of ignoring the laws on the books like they seem to have been instructed to do by this administration and others, but i believe congress can find a way to do that too...or might have to legislate stronger laws that have fewer loopholes.

i guess it does depend on whether the Senate Dems get a super majority or not, if NOT, then maybe the repubs can put enough pressure on the dems to go along with a republican president's plan, but who knows for sure?


The President has the power to either sign or veto a bill JD. That's pretty much the last say so, is it not?

01-31-2008, 11:43 AM
The President has the power to either sign or veto a bill JD. That's pretty much the last say so, is it not?

Except for an override, which is where the 'super majority' comes into play.

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 11:50 AM
Except for an override, which is where the 'super majority' comes into play.

How many times have we seen that? Very rare.

Abbey Marie
01-31-2008, 12:36 PM
"Let me note if you get endorsed by The New York Times you're probably not a conservative," Romney said.

:clap: Yurt, I am liking this guy more and more.

Abbey Marie
01-31-2008, 12:40 PM
I don't know what you see Kath, but "ever-smaller" say's to me the author wanted you to believe his support is waining, not growing. I guess we see two different things.

I read it as Kathianne does, Pale. They are contrasting Paul with those who thrive with smaller groups.

01-31-2008, 12:46 PM
How many times have we seen that? Very rare.

Because neither party has had a super majority in years. The Dems have a good shot at it in November.

01-31-2008, 12:49 PM
Check out this video on the sparring between Romney and Mclame:

01-31-2008, 12:55 PM
:clap: Yurt, I am liking this guy more and more.

Come on Over Abbey, the water is warm!


01-31-2008, 12:59 PM
Good Morning Classact,

Can any President institute their immigration plan? I think NOT, and any president that claims that they are the "sollution" to the situation is being disingenuous, to say the least. imo

Congress is who will have to legislate anything...no? and sure the President can make the Justice dept do the job that is required of them by the Law itself instead of ignoring the laws on the books like they seem to have been instructed to do by this administration and others, but i believe congress can find a way to do that too...or might have to legislate stronger laws that have fewer loopholes.

i guess it does depend on whether the Senate Dems get a super majority or not, if NOT, then maybe the repubs can put enough pressure on the dems to go along with a republican president's plan, but who knows for sure?

jdGood afternoon jd! Here's the deal with immigration and the power of the president. If a president wanted to end illegal immigration he would take half of the Border Patrol and train them to assist busting employers that hire illegal immigrants. If the entire Border Patrol were to enforce illegal hiring of illegals they would be more effective than working on the border.

Congress could say absolutely nothing about enforcing existing law and if they did they would be removed from office by the people that put them there.

The illegals would flee to Mexico in 90 days if the President started with a ten thousand enforcement force at the Canadian border and worked their way south. Then sort out those that came here from other nations and overstayed visas and send them home on the next thing smoking to their country.

Abbey Marie
01-31-2008, 01:00 PM
Come on Over Abbey, the water is warm!


Sure, I was already most of the way there. Now we need to convince Jeff; he's gone from Huckabee to Paul. :D

01-31-2008, 01:03 PM
Sure, I was already most of the way there. Now we need to convince Jeff; he's gone from Huckabee to Paul. :D

Yeah... he needs to rally behind someone who's actually electable...:)

01-31-2008, 01:08 PM
Sure, I was already most of the way there. Now we need to convince Jeff; he's gone from Huckabee to Paul. :D

He said, 'real Americans would vote for Paul.' :(

01-31-2008, 01:11 PM
Hire ten thousand unemployed factory workers, give them training and issue them Official IRS Credentials and send them to workplaces with suit, tie badge and a fucking clipboard that would put the fear of god in a employer that would think of hiring an illegal.

Abbey Marie
01-31-2008, 01:24 PM
He said, 'real Americans would vote for Paul.' :(

Do we need to do an intervention?

01-31-2008, 01:25 PM
This entire website "is" Ron Paul but I have selected the key part that Ron is talking about. http://www.svpvril.com/OACL.html#StolenGold

I've read every word and link on this website and it took me two weeks to do so. It is an excellent read and will leaving you in support of Ron Paul... now if we can get every voting American to spend two weeks reading this site Ron could actually win in Nov.

01-31-2008, 01:35 PM
This entire website "is" Ron Paul but I have selected the key part that Ron is talking about. http://www.svpvril.com/OACL.html#StolenGold

I've read every word and link on this website and it took me two weeks to do so. It is an excellent read and will leaving you in support of Ron Paul... now if we can get every voting American to spend two weeks reading this site Ron could actually win in Nov.

It's not most of the message that's the problem. I've read enough about Paul and know more about libertarianism.

01-31-2008, 01:41 PM
It's not most of the message that's the problem. I've read enough about Paul and know more about libertarianism.Go to that same site and read the article on The Story of The Buck Act and see if it doesn't sound like Paul wrote the article? It is about an inch from the bottom of the same link if you scroll down.

01-31-2008, 01:45 PM
Go to that same site and read the article on The Story of The Buck Act and see if it doesn't sound like Paul wrote the article? It is about an inch from the bottom of the same link if you scroll down.

Seriously, I've read nearly all those letters, not my cup of tea. Doesn't matter if he wrote some, most, all. The fact that he kept at it and taking the proceeds for nearly 20 years, maintains friendships with those that wrote them, if he didn't, says enough for me.

Abbey Marie
01-31-2008, 01:46 PM
Seriously, I've read nearly all those letters, not my cup of tea. Doesn't matter if he wrote some, most, all. The fact that he kept at it and taking the proceeds for nearly 20 years, maintains friendships with those that wrote them, if he didn't, says enough for me.

If that is the case, then it's no dfferent from Obama and his Farrakhan-loving church.

01-31-2008, 01:48 PM
If that is the case, then it's no dfferent from Obama and his Farrakhan-loving church.

That is exactly the point I made this morning! :laugh2: Over on another site, I really posted most of the Paul stuff. I don't like cross posting, I think it's confusing and not fair to any site.

01-31-2008, 01:59 PM
Please take a look at Romney's website page on this issue and comment... http://www.mittromney.com/Issues/immigration Scroll down to mid way The Romney Plan

Unfortunately his website says the same thing he did at the debate. Use biometrics? Do you have any idea how much thats going to cost to implement in EVERY work place? What the hell makes him think illegals are going to go get a biometric ID card? He has absolutely NO idea what it would take to install a system of that magnitude across the ENTIRE country. I work in the government in computer networking and you wouldn't believe how SLOW, and EXPENSIVE, and HARD it is to implement any type of new system, and thats just within one branch of the military. His idea makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and would cost a trillion dollars and many YEARS to implement and ENFORCE.

Whereas the alternative is to pass federal laws much like Arizona's that WORKS and doesn't require all this biometrics nonsense.

01-31-2008, 03:11 PM
Romney won the debate aparently, i didnt see it but im looking at some of the feedback clips


01-31-2008, 03:31 PM
Romney won the debate aparently, i didnt see it but im looking at some of the feedback clips


hands down

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 05:56 PM
I read it as Kathianne does, Pale. They are contrasting Paul with those who thrive with smaller groups.

Ya know... I reread it, and yeah I think I comprehended it wrong.

Pale Rider
01-31-2008, 05:57 PM
Because neither party has had a super majority in years. The Dems have a good shot at it in November.

Which in turn gives the President the proverbial "last say." So we went full circle with that. Did you learn anything? I didn't.

01-31-2008, 08:28 PM
He said, 'real Americans would vote for Paul.' :(

No, no, I said "Real Republicans would vote for Ron Paul." Perhaps I should amend that and say "Libertarian-leaning Republicans would vote for Ron Paul." In any case, no offense was meant.

01-31-2008, 08:29 PM
Sure, I was already most of the way there. Now we need to convince Jeff; he's gone from Huckabee to Paul. :D

Yeah... he needs to rally behind someone who's actually electable...:)

If Romney wins the primary, I might vote for him. McCain? No way.

01-31-2008, 08:30 PM
No, no, I said "Real Republicans would vote for Ron Paul." Perhaps I should amend that and say "Libertarian-leaning Republicans would vote for Ron Paul." In any case, no offense was meant.

Thank you, I'm sorry if my memory failed. I'm quite libertarian-leaning, with Paul it's the man and the foreign policy. More the former. ;)

02-01-2008, 06:53 AM
Unfortunately his website says the same thing he did at the debate. Use biometrics? Do you have any idea how much thats going to cost to implement in EVERY work place? What the hell makes him think illegals are going to go get a biometric ID card? He has absolutely NO idea what it would take to install a system of that magnitude across the ENTIRE country. I work in the government in computer networking and you wouldn't believe how SLOW, and EXPENSIVE, and HARD it is to implement any type of new system, and thats just within one branch of the military. His idea makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and would cost a trillion dollars and many YEARS to implement and ENFORCE.

Whereas the alternative is to pass federal laws much like Arizona's that WORKS and doesn't require all this biometrics nonsense.First off McCain said in the debate that he would use biometrics...

If you look at what Romney said in the debate then it would go like this... Everyone would have to return to Mexico or country of origin and then ICE would issue biometric ID's to those visiting workers and legal immigrants to enter the US. There is no doubt that the government is just too damned sluggish to do the job of biometrics but a contract could be given to do the job. I worked with a private contractor fielding computer systems for the Army following my retirement and yes, the Army civilians that made the system couldn't keep up with technology because of bureaucracy and unions that would justify more and more union positions to do the work required. If the Army had used it's staff to field the system it would have cost the tax payers four times as much and they probably still wouldn't have the antique system fielded and that was in the late 80's and early 90's.

If you asked the federal government to design a credit card it would take them fifteen years and billions of dollars... it has to be passed to a low bid quality contractor and could be done in weeks.

02-01-2008, 10:57 AM
The President has the power to either sign or veto a bill JD. That's pretty much the last say so, is it not?Good morning Pale!

no...there is ONE MORE step after the president vetos it....the congress can OVERRIDE the presidential veto with 2/3's of their members voting to do such in each chamber.

Congress has not been able to do this with the president because the senate does not have a super majority of Democrats to over ride a veto....or even to call a filibuster to cloture.

This has given the Republicans in the Senate a great deal of power, minority power to stop legislation from moving forward that they disagree with and also has stopped the threat of an over ride of a bush veto.

IF the Democrats this coming election obtains a super majority in the Senate, and the house stays with thier existing majority, then the Democrats in Congress can OVER RIDE any veto that the president makes, if they wish to do so!

So, no, it is not the final word when the president vetos, we the people have the last word, with our representation in congress.


02-01-2008, 11:08 AM
Good afternoon jd! Here's the deal with immigration and the power of the president. If a president wanted to end illegal immigration he would take half of the Border Patrol and train them to assist busting employers that hire illegal immigrants. If the entire Border Patrol were to enforce illegal hiring of illegals they would be more effective than working on the border.

Congress could say absolutely nothing about enforcing existing law and if they did they would be removed from office by the people that put them there.

The illegals would flee to Mexico in 90 days if the President started with a ten thousand enforcement force at the Canadian border and worked their way south. Then sort out those that came here from other nations and overstayed visas and send them home on the next thing smoking to their country.Good Morning Classact!

Gosh! I agree with your first point, using some of border control to help bust the employers hiring illegals sounds like a great idea!

I actually think the key to eliminating most all of the illegals is to go after the American citizens breaking our laws by hiring in mass, illegals as their workers.

The jobs MUST dry up....this is almost MORE KEY than the fence imo....because they will find ways around the fence if the chance of a better job than at home is waiting for them.

Though the fence is a key part also.

And so is reforming our immigration quotas for legal migration.


Pale Rider
02-01-2008, 12:23 PM
Good morning Pale!

no...there is ONE MORE step after the president vetos it....the congress can OVERRIDE the presidential veto with 2/3's of their members voting to do such in each chamber.

Congress has not been able to do this with the president because the senate does not have a super majority of Democrats to over ride a veto....or even to call a filibuster to cloture.

This has given the Republicans in the Senate a great deal of power, minority power to stop legislation from moving forward that they disagree with and also has stopped the threat of an over ride of a bush veto.

IF the Democrats this coming election obtains a super majority in the Senate, and the house stays with thier existing majority, then the Democrats in Congress can OVER RIDE any veto that the president makes, if they wish to do so!

So, no, it is not the final word when the president vetos, we the people have the last word, with our representation in congress.


Well thank you for all that jd, but if you'd read the thread from where you last posted, you'd have seen that we already covered everything you just posted... :slap:

02-01-2008, 09:30 PM
Well thank you for all that jd, but if you'd read the thread from where you last posted, you'd have seen that we already covered everything you just posted... :slap:

Could you kindly not be so OBVIOUS when pointing out my ditziness? :laugh2:

Thank you in advance!
