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View Full Version : Two Interesting Takes-One I Should Have Thought Of

02-01-2008, 03:28 AM
The other I did. (http://debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=193752#post193752) ;)

1st choice Romney, 2nd Obama:


Why I Am Endorsing Romney Now - Obama A Strong Second Choice

My mention of Obama as an alternate in the title is not a joke, or an anti-McCain vote. My rationale for both that and for endorsing Romney now are below.

Before pundits crown John McCain inevitable, or the primary season ends, the Republican Party would be smart to engage in some internal straight talk of its own. Perhaps only they, as a combined force, can alter this race. Already it has begun telling ardent supporters like me, the problem is us, not the party itself. Yet, in a rare year with a wide open race - no likely heir to assume the crown - the Republican Party's defined process has so far failed to produce a viable candidate who can speak from the heart to convince the base he deserves their support. Without that support, they cannot win in the Fall.

Perhaps it is overly dependent on open primaries, some reports now suggest as much as twenty percent of the vote in Florida's purportedly closed primary was cast by Independents and Democrats. That's more than enough to give any candidate a win.

But the over-all failure is not one of any particular candidate, or the base itself - the current failure results from a corrupted party establishment that too often abandoned, if not betrayed, conservatism; was arrested, more than proclaimed; and grew government, over spent and mis-managed America and, to some extent, a war - precisely as one would expect from liberal Democrats. Despite newly-assumed positioning and protestations to the contrary, John McCain is far more indicative of that problem, than a potential cure. He has been a part of Washington for far too long, as have many, unfortunately.

Party big wigs, hot shots and tavern-weary, inside the beltway, pundits will say either - conservatism has changed, what's wrong with you? Or, can't you see John McCain's a fine man who is one of your own? He's not a too long in the tooth DC politician, part and parcel of the establishment and its problem; he's the cure....

.....My first choice for President in 2008 is Mitt Romney and my second choice is Barack Obama. And that would not be an anti-McCain vote. Like Romney, Obama is a man of vision and character and electing the first black president would ultimately do more to pry away black and other minority voters from a decadent American liberalism, than would anything else.

Certainly it would do more in that regard than anything any Conservative could hope to say - media darling, or not. One could no longer make the argument that America is racist, or unfair. Not when a black man has risen to the highest office in the land. And he will have done it without the need for some futuristic utopia which the Left insists we need. He would be a self-made man and his own worst enemy when arguing for a socialist-like, or welfare state. Also, multiculturalism cannot ultimately exist within a nation in which all races are seen as one. Has that not always been a conservative value and vision? I would assert it has.

My long-term goal is and will always be the furtherance of solid conservative principles that no more require modernization, than the Constitution itself. And I vote for people and to win. Right now, there are two people worthy of my support in this race. Both decisions would represent my belief in conservative principles and a forwarding of the Movement's agenda, long-term.....

Here's something obvious I didn't think of and haven't seen posted:


Mark Tapscott is editorial page editor of The Washington Examiner and tracks the internet revolution in media and government. He is a member of the National Freedom of Information Hall of Fame and a member of the Media Bloggers Association board of directors. He is also a founding member and host of NewsTrust.net, as well as a visiting journalism fellow at The Heritage Foundation think tank.
Is Romney the 'real' Florida GOP primary winner? (UPDATED: Riehl goes for Romney, Obama)
January 30, 8:25 AM
Joshua Trevino says yes and he makes a strong case for the proposition that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is becoming THE conservative choice. Not sure I quite agree but it's definitely an interesting take on an otherwise dispiriting outcome.

PREDICTION: McCain is now established as the clear front runner and that means he will soon experience a depth of analysis and critique from the mainstream media and the Right side of the Blogosphere that he has never before had to endure.

Two things will follow: First, the more typical Republican voters know about McCain's views, the less likely they will be to vote for him, and, second, as this process become more evident, McCain's legendary temper will manifest itself in ways that are extremely damaging to him.

Result? It is quite conceivable that McCain will self-destruct and Romney will win the GOP presidential nomination.... Whoops, maybe I did see this. (http://debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=11366)