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View Full Version : positive or negative campaigning

02-01-2008, 11:47 AM
i have been asking lots of questions of poster here recently about thier candidate or their hatred of another candidate.....

just try to understand their posistion.....

first off thank you for your patience.....

second .... out in the real world if you want to convince someone to vote your way ....

berating and insulting someone does not draw them to your cause .....

berating and insulting their candidate does not draw them to your cause .....

there are two posters here penguine and avatar ..... that pretty much only post the facts as they see them of what their guys will do ..... and they are both good at it .....

so if you want to draw someone into your camp to vote the way you are .....

i would suggest you look to their technique and apply it to your man ..... or lesbian (sorry i couldn't resist) ....


02-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Too bad you didn't post this four year ago, when the lying out their ass swift boaters were around.

02-01-2008, 07:59 PM
Too bad you didn't post this four year ago, when the lying out their ass swift boaters were around.

After 7 years of Bush bashing you have the gall to say this?

02-01-2008, 08:17 PM
Too bad you didn't post this four year ago, when the lying out their ass swift boaters were around.

what i am talking about is individuals trying to persuade other individuals.....

02-01-2008, 08:24 PM
what i am talking about is individuals trying to persuade other individuals.....

is that not what the "swift boaters" did? individuals questioning the veracity of ho chee min kerry?