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Pale Rider
02-02-2008, 10:31 AM
The Conservative Case Against John McCain In 2008

There is no Republican up on Capitol Hill more disliked by his own GOP brethren than John McCain. That's why, despite the size of his fan club in the mainstream media, McCain seems rather unlikely to capture the party's nomination for President in 2008.

Here's a short, but sweet primer that may help explain why so many conservatives believe John McCain would be a very poor choice as the Republican nominee in 2008.

The Age Issue

John McCain will be 72 years old in 2008, which will make him 3 years older than Ronald Reagan was when he became the oldest man to ever be inaugurated as president back in 1981. In the Senate, where doddering fossils like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd can be elected over and over, McCain looks like a spring chicken in comparison. But, Reagan's age turned out to be a campaign issue and McCain, who would be 80 years old at the end of his 2nd term, would certainly have a lot of people questioning --with good reason -- whether he's up to the job. Were McCain to be the nominee, his age could be the deciding factor that puts a Democrat in office.

How Electable Is McCain Really?

The mainstream media loves John McCain and they regularly write fawning articles referring to him as a "maverick" and a "straight-talker." Because of this, McCain polls well among Democrats and Independents.

However, the reason McCain is so well liked by the media is because they're liberals and they love it when he trashes other Republicans. But, what would happen if John McCain actually became the Republican nominee? The same members of the mainstream media who gush over him today would turn on him in a Minnesota minute and once his great press ended, his poll numbers with Independents and Democrats would start to drop precipitously.

Moreover, it's no big secret that McCain is roundly despised by more than a few conservatives. The thinking there usually goes, "Well, what are they going to do, vote for Hillary?" No, they won't, "vote for Hillary," but will they contribute money to McCain, volunteer for his campaign, or defend him from attacks made by Democrats or the press? No, they won't.

More importantly, they may throw their votes away by voting Libertarian or for the Constitution Party in 2008. Given that the outcome of three of the last four elections may have been decided by these sorts of protest votes (for Perot in '92 and '96 and Nader in 2000), this is not an issue that should be taken lightly.

MUCH more here, a must read... (http://www.rightwingnews.com/category.php?ent=5365)

02-02-2008, 11:49 AM
"The age issue"? Are they suggesting Reagan was a bad President because of his age? How rediculous is that? He turned out to be one of the best Presidents we've had in the last 60 years.

02-02-2008, 05:40 PM
"The age issue"? Are they suggesting Reagan was a bad President because of his age? How rediculous is that? He turned out to be one of the best Presidents we've had in the last 60 years.

McCain would be 73 when he was inaugurated. The average life span for American males is 75, so he may or may not live out his whole term.

02-02-2008, 05:44 PM
too old...

too black....

too female....

too white male....

how we just pick who is too qualified....

Pale Rider
02-02-2008, 06:20 PM
too old...

too black....

too female....

too white male....

how we just pick who is too qualified....

You missed too liberal... :D

02-03-2008, 02:40 AM
McCain would be 73 when he was inaugurated. The average life span for American males is 75, so he may or may not live out his whole term.

I'd take his VP over Hitlery or The Hussein any day.

Pale Rider
02-03-2008, 08:41 AM
I'd take his VP over Hitlery or The Hussein any day.

He's already stated he wouldn't ever be anyones VP. He wants to either be top dog or not in the dog house. His ego could never handle it. He's not humble enough.

02-03-2008, 09:04 AM
the article says the GOP in Washington doesn't like him....in fact, it goes so far as to say that twice....doesn't say who, wish it did......I know DeLay doesn't like him.....(add ten points to McCain's side...the guy who orchestrated the GOP's abandonment of fiscal conservativism doesn't like him)........who else in the GOP doesn't like him...maybe I will vote for him twice.......

Pale Rider
02-03-2008, 09:31 AM
the article says the GOP in Washington doesn't like him....in fact, it goes so far as to say that twice....doesn't say who, wish it did......I know DeLay doesn't like him.....(add ten points to McCain's side...the guy who orchestrated the GOP's abandonment of fiscal conservativism doesn't like him)........who else in the GOP doesn't like him...maybe I will vote for him twice.......

Surprise, surprise... you've demonstrated time and again you lean to the left further than you do to the right pmp. What a shocker you're all about voting for this liberal scum bag.

Sir Evil
02-03-2008, 09:35 AM
Surprise, surprise... you've demonstrated time and again you lean to the left further than you do to the right pmp. What a shocker you're all about voting for this liberal scum bag.

:laugh2: like you are not leaning slightly to the left yourself!

Pale Rider
02-03-2008, 09:47 AM
:laugh2: like you are not leaning slightly to the left yourself!

What kind of fuckin' drugs you on this morning? :laugh:

02-03-2008, 10:41 AM
Surprise, surprise... you've demonstrated time and again you lean to the left further than you do to the right pmp. What a shocker you're all about voting for this liberal scum bag.

please explain to me how being disappointed in DeLay throwing away the opportunity to change the country, with control of both the House, Senate, and the presidency.....and instead spending money like a drunken Democrat.....all while McClain complained about them spending too much.......and that makes me more liberal than you?.......if you ever realize how far you are from being a REAL conservative you'll probably crap in your saddle......

02-03-2008, 11:28 AM
"The age issue"? Are they suggesting Reagan was a bad President because of his age? How rediculous is that? He turned out to be one of the best Presidents we've had in the last 60 years.

That whole article is bunko. There is no Republican in Capitol Hill who is respected more. Senator McCain has made some real enemies because he wouldn't be a "Yes Man" for the Republican party.

02-03-2008, 11:30 AM
:laugh2: like you are not leaning slightly to the left yourself!

He is extremly Liberal and a sore loser.

02-03-2008, 01:16 PM
What Americans need to realize is John McCain is Liberal in maybe Half his views Were Osama or Hitliry Are 110 % Liberal. Do we want half a Libturd or a full blown one ? myself in this case 1/2 a Conservative is better then none. BUT I'M still hoping Romney defeats McLiberal

02-03-2008, 01:22 PM
What Americans need to realize is John McCain is Liberal in maybe Half his views Were Osama or Hitliry Are 110 % Liberal. Do we want half a Libturd or a full blown one ? myself in this case 1/2 a Conservative is better then none. BUT I'M still hoping Romney defeats McLiberal

Perhaps. His temper more than gives me pause. We are living in dangerous times and his past indicates woe to the general or foreign leader that crosses him.

Pale Rider
02-03-2008, 01:37 PM
Perhaps. His temper more than gives me pause. We are living in dangerous times and his past indicates woe to the general or foreign leader that crosses him.

And I think this leads directly back to his days as a POW. He was probably mistreated, and that's still all up there in his head. I think he's not above doling out a little pay back. Anybody mess with him once he gets the power to strike back and watch out. All that deep rooted anger inside himself will manifest itself in military action and here we go, another war.


02-03-2008, 02:26 PM
And I think this leads directly back to his days as a POW. He was probably mistreated, and that's still all up there in his head. I think he's not above doling out a little pay back. Anybody mess with him once he gets the power to strike back and watch out. All that deep rooted anger inside himself will manifest itself in military action and here we go, another war.

BUT my question is do you think America can handle 4 years of a Democratic controlled administration ? House Senate and White house ? with these socialist in charge we might not survive 4 years

Pale Rider
02-03-2008, 02:38 PM
BUT my question is do you think America can handle 4 years of a Democratic controlled administration ? House Senate and White house ? with these socialist in charge we might not survive 4 years

You may as well include mccain in that question when referring to "democrats."

By the way, I like your sig line.

red states rule
02-05-2008, 05:08 AM
Another proud member of the liberal media gives their support to McCain

LAT Endorses McCain: Weak on Fences, Strong on Global Warming
By Mark Finkelstein | February 2, 2008 - 14:40 ET
The LA Times has endorsed John McCain in the GOP primary, and at least two of its reasons for doing so should give conservatives pause: the liberal paper likes McCain because he's weak on border fences and strong on global warming.


As the Republican field indulged this campaign season in an orgy of ignorance on immigration, McCain stood his ground, sponsoring legislation that would provide a route to citizenship for the 11 million to 12 million immigrants here illegally. His rivals have argued for mass deportations and strong border fences.

Similarly, McCain has led his party in its halting effort to confront the reality of climate change. He introduced the Senate's first attempt to address the problem legislatively in 2003, and although that bill failed, McCain has supported cap-and-trade systems that could reduce greenhouse gases, and he has stayed that course despite criticism from fellow Republicans.




Pale Rider
02-05-2008, 07:01 AM
Another proud member of the liberal media gives their support to McCain

LAT Endorses McCain: Weak on Fences, Strong on Global Warming
By Mark Finkelstein | February 2, 2008 - 14:40 ET
The LA Times has endorsed John McCain in the GOP primary, and at least two of its reasons for doing so should give conservatives pause: the liberal paper likes McCain because he's weak on border fences and strong on global warming.


As the Republican field indulged this campaign season in an orgy of ignorance on immigration, McCain stood his ground, sponsoring legislation that would provide a route to citizenship for the 11 million to 12 million immigrants here illegally. His rivals have argued for mass deportations and strong border fences.

Similarly, McCain has led his party in its halting effort to confront the reality of climate change. He introduced the Senate's first attempt to address the problem legislatively in 2003, and although that bill failed, McCain has supported cap-and-trade systems that could reduce greenhouse gases, and he has stayed that course despite criticism from fellow Republicans.




There's never been a senator more hated by his own party than mccain. But then again no other senator in American history has had a worse track record of sticking it to his party than mccain. He should have just switched to being a democrat when he was thinking about it, because his actions have. Now he's just a RINO.

red states rule
02-05-2008, 07:03 AM
There's never been a senator more hated by his own party than mccain. But then again no other senator in American history has had a worse track record of sticking it to his party than mccain. He should have just switched to being a democrat when he was thinking about, because his actions have. Now he's just a RINO.

If McCain wins, he will be another Bob Dole and the Republicans will be crushed in November

I am shocked so many conservatoves are backing this liberal loser

02-05-2008, 07:32 PM
There's never been a senator more hated by his own party than mccain. But then again no other senator in American history has had a worse track record of sticking it to his party than mccain. He should have just switched to being a democrat when he was thinking about, because his actions have. Now he's just a RINO.

I think Jim Jeffords was just a bit more disliked... but then, he never sought the Presidency.

02-05-2008, 08:55 PM
BUT my question is do you think America can handle 4 years of a Democratic controlled administration ? House Senate and White house ? with these socialist in charge we might not survive 4 years
I'm leaning towards letting those bastards have it and let them screw things up royally like Carter did. Then we can have a second conservative revolution. Its time for blood to spill, metaphorically speaking.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 06:28 AM
I'm leaning towards letting those bastards have it and let them screw things up royally like Carter did. Then we can have a second conservative revolution. Its time for blood to spill, metaphorically speaking.

With McCain driving the Republican bus over the cliff - it seems that is all we can do

It will be a replay of Pres Peanut Carter

We will have higher taxes, higher unemployment, negative economic growth, and terrorists who will jumping for joy the Defeatocrats are running things

Pale Rider
03-02-2008, 02:22 AM
With McCain driving the Republican bus over the cliff - it seems that is all we can do

It will be a replay of Pres Peanut Carter

We will have higher taxes, higher unemployment, negative economic growth, and terrorists who will jumping for joy the Defeatocrats are running things

This country is going to get exactly what it deserves. Somebody is voting for hussein, for hitlery, and mclame. So if that's what people want, that's what people are going to get. So if the country goes to pot, they'll only have themselves to blame. Me... I'll laugh and say, "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen."