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02-02-2008, 09:06 PM
The Candidates on Immigration
Updated: January 18, 2008


Democratic Candidates
Joseph Biden, Jr.
Hillary Clinton
Christopher Dodd
John Edwards
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson

Republican Candidates
Sam Brownback
Rudolph Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson
Tommy Thompson

The rise of globalization, combined with growing concerns over security and terrorism, has transformed immigration into an issue with significant foreign policy implications. In the 2006 midterm elections, immigration emerged as a significant issue in a number of campaigns, although it is not clear how decisive a role it played. The importance of a reformed immigration policy in a broader homeland security strategy has made it a major subject of debate in the 2008 presidential election. This debate escalated recently surrounding the controversial immigration reform legislation that would have granted temporary guest status to millions of illegal immigrants. That bill stalled in the Senate June 7, 2007 after a cloture motion was rejected, although nearly all of the presidential candidates currently serving as senators voted for that motion.

Think immigration reform is important ?? Forget it.

02-02-2008, 09:21 PM
and here is the CFR's dossier on Iraqs pre war WMDs

In conclusion, war, sanctions and inspections have reversed and retarded, but not
eliminated Iraq’s nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and long range missile
capacities, nor have they removed Baghdad’s enduring interest in developing these
capacities. The retention of WMD capacities by Iraq is self-evidently the core
objective of the regime, for it has sacrificed all other domestic and foreign policy
goals to this singular aim. It has retained this single objective, and pursued it in
breach of the ceasefire and UN Security Council Resolutions that brought a
conditional end to the 1991 Gulf War. Over more than eleven years the Iraqi regime
has sought to evade its obligations and undermine support for the sanctions and
inspections regime meant to eliminate its WMD capacities and contain its ambitions.
Iraq has fought a relatively successful diplomatic war of attrition. It is worth recalling
that the international debate 18 months ago was centred on how sanctions against
Iraq might be relaxed, and inspections concluded with some dispatch in light of the
dwindling willingness to support the containment policy developed in 1991.
Today, after four years without inspections, there can be no certainty about the
extent of Iraq’s current capacities. A reasonable net assessment is that Iraq has no
nuclear weapons but could build one quickly if it acquired sufficient fissile material.
It has extensive biological weapons capabilities and a smaller chemical weapons
stockpile. It has a small force of ballistic missiles with a range of 650km, that are
capable of delivering CBW warheads, and has prepared other delivery methods for
CBW, including manned aircraft and UAVs. Sooner or later, it seems likely that
the current Iraqi regime will eventually achieve its objectives.
In compiling this Strategic Dossier, the IISS has sought to put the best available facts
on this difficult issue before the wider public. This Strategic Dossier does not
attempt to make a case, either way, as to whether Saddam Hussein’s WMD arsenal
is a casus belli per se. Wait and the threat will grow; strike and the threat may be
used. Clearly, governments have a pressing duty to develop early a strategy to deal
comprehensively with this unique international problem.


02-03-2008, 11:31 PM
Sure looks like the CFR, unknowingly to its members perhaps, puts a "mind set of group think" out there with influential people on both sides of the aisle, so that their agenda is achieved.


02-04-2008, 12:04 AM
Sure looks like the CFR, unknowingly to its members perhaps, puts a "mind set of group think" out there with influential people on both sides of the aisle, so that their agenda is achieved.


and the aclu and corporations and BANKERS etc etc etc.
I'm not gonna freak out with a conspirac theory here but I would like to know more about them and what they actually do. I mean all the presidential candidates except Paul and Kucinich?

02-04-2008, 12:31 AM
and the aclu and corporations and BANKERS etc etc etc.
I'm not gonna freak out with a conspirac theory here but I would like to know more about them and what they actually do. I mean all the presidential candidates except Paul and Kucinich?

paul was on the list..ummmmmmmm...so was the dude married to the hot red head....

02-04-2008, 12:33 AM
paul was on the list..ummmmmmmm...so was the dude married to the hot red head....

I just noticed I got some conflicting info posted too----I'll check on her---errrr I mean on it.

02-04-2008, 12:38 AM
I just noticed I got some conflicting info posted too----I'll check on her---errrr I mean on it.

Ron Paul nor Kucinich is a CFR member---my bad !