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View Full Version : inside advantage poll Georgia - Romney up

02-03-2008, 09:39 PM

Romney 30.1
McCain 28.9
Huckabee 27.9
Paul 2.4
Other .4
Undecided 10.3

This is the first poll from Georgia I've seen Romney over McCain. However, even in the other polls Romney is close to McCain.

With 10% still undecided it's still anyone's state. But I am wondering how many other states are going to be closer like this than previously expected.


Looks like there has been a momentum shift towards Romney in the polls in Georgia. In all the polls, even the only where McCain is slightly ahead. I am also surprised that Huckabee looks like he is losing support. I think people realize that Huckabee doesnt have much of a shot and are wavering between voting for Huckabee or switching to Romney to stop McCain.

Interesting isnt it?