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View Full Version : Will McCain's efforts in Mass. backfire?

02-04-2008, 05:20 PM

I think this article articulates a number of problems i see with McCain running in Mass.

It’s odd that on the eve of Super Tuesday, the 71-year-old Republican front-runner would be here, in his top challenger’s home state, where he’s running a mere 32 points behind.

Why isn’t he stumping in California, the nation’s biggest state? Out there he’s running neck and neck, or just a little behind, Mitt Romney ahead. If Mitt somehow pulls out a victory in the Golden State tomorrow, he stays alive.

McCain’s already wrapped up the three big winner-take-all states on the East Coast - New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He shouldn’t be within three time zones of here. He ought to be out in L.A. trying to give Mitt a headshot, rather than kicking him in the groin back here in Boston.

Especially when the local team was playing in the Super Bowl. Did McCain think he was going to get a big ride on the 11 o’clock news last night?

Now I could see why Romney would stump in Arizona, since he has quite a base there, still unlikely to win though. but i dont see why McCain is trying to campaign in Mass. during the superbowl.

Pale Rider
02-04-2008, 09:17 PM

I think this article articulates a number of problems i see with McCain running in Mass.

Now I could see why Romney would stump in Arizona, since he has quite a base there, still unlikely to win though. but i dont see why McCain is trying to campaign in Mass. during the superbowl.

Even if mccain does win the big three, the delegates are divided up and given out according to states won, which is by far more fair. Romney could still win, and win big if he takes all the middle America states, which he more than likely will.