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View Full Version : Official DP Blog

02-05-2008, 10:28 AM
I am pleased to announce the "opening" of the official Debate Policy blog!

I actually attempted to start this about a year ago and it never took off. I have now changed the direction and hope to make it a successful addition to our community.

The entries are being posted solely by DP members. I have chosen a handful of members to kick things off. These are members from various political leanings, as well as members that have shown the ability to have a unique writing style. Our writers will write about whatever they choose and won't be dictated by us in any way. Categories will include politics, military, elections, sports, humor, education, family & much more as we progress.

Each writer gets credit for their own entries as they are logging in and posting on the blog with their forum usernames. Their opinions are theirs and not necessarily the opinions of the entire community. Hopefully as we go forward we will see more posts from our community members.

The blog can be found at the following link, as well as by clicking on a new banner I am adding to the top of the board.


Please give me some feedback in this thread as to what you like and dislike about our new blog and we will work to make it something the entire community will enjoy.

Also, if you have an interest in being an author for the blog, please shoot me a PM.


02-05-2008, 10:37 AM
Before anyone asks... What is the purpose of the blog when a member can just post their thoughts in the forum?

For starters, it gives our members a unique opportunity to post their points of view without comments/participation from others. No threads getting derailed, no fighting - just plain 'ol points of view from authors I feel can write well. It gives chosen members a place to stand on a podium and be "heard" and noticed for their writing abilities. I'm hoping it will be a collection of some of the better writings that our members have to offer.

It also set this site apart from others as offering our viewers a chance to read material from others without having to go through pages of debates in order to read an op/ed piece.

It's also a great way to get the community and our writers noticed. Yes, it helps with search engines, which in turn helps the entire community by engaging new viewers and hopefully new members to the community.

02-05-2008, 06:37 PM
Sounds like fun to me!

02-05-2008, 07:20 PM
what great articles by immmie, kath and avatar very nice

(i am sure i forgot someone now i will take fire)