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02-05-2008, 10:32 PM
How can Mitt's candidacy survive if he only wins one state on Super Tuesday?
If he loses in California, he should give it up. Especially if Huckabee and McCain are forming an unholy alliance.

Pale Rider
02-05-2008, 10:34 PM
He's speaking right now, and is vowing to go all the way to the convention, no matter what the outcome of today is.

02-05-2008, 10:37 PM
Mitt is a joke. If it wasn't for his millions to buy up TV ads he woudn't even be in this race. Looks like he's getting his ass kicked from coast to coast tonight.

Hopefully this gasbag liberal in millionaire's clothing will call it quits in the morning. :cheers2:

02-05-2008, 10:42 PM
How can Mitt's candidacy survive if he only wins one state on Super Tuesday?
If he loses in California, he should give it up. Especially if Huckabee and McCain are forming an unholy alliance.

he's already won Mass., Utah, and North Dakota.

He is winning in Minn and Montana.

They havent called Arizona yet for some reason so it looks like its close there too.

And california hasnt finished voting. I dont think Alaska's started.

He isnt out yet. but he might have been hurt bad today.

02-05-2008, 10:42 PM
So you are saying that Mitt and McCain are BOTH liberals??
What is the Republican party coming to? :lmao:

Pale Rider
02-05-2008, 10:44 PM
So you are saying that Mitt and McCain are BOTH liberals??
What is the Republican party coming to? :lmao:

I believe you answered your own question with this... *:lmao:*

02-05-2008, 10:50 PM
For some reason, much of Mitt's expected support in California failed to materialize.
Also, the Mexican vote is going heavily for McCain.

02-05-2008, 10:52 PM
So you are saying that Mitt and McCain are BOTH liberals??
What is the Republican party coming to? :lmao:

Its becoming LIBERAL !! :laugh2:

The Demcratic party on the other hand, appears to be going full moonbat liberal. Hillary would lose to a cow with B.J.'s policy record. And Barack, who is supposedly running on "change", has voted how the party dictated 65 out of 66 times. Hardly sounds like much difference than the rest of the party.

02-05-2008, 10:57 PM
It's a terrible thing, isn't it Hawk? Wait until 2009, when we libs begin our long-awaited quest to turn conservatives into second class citizens.
Don't worry though. I'll put in a good word for you with the illegal immigrants who are taking over the country.

02-05-2008, 11:05 PM
It's a terrible thing, isn't it Hawk? Wait until 2009, when we libs begin our long-awaited quest to turn conservatives into second class citizens.
Don't worry though. I'll put in a good word for you with the illegal immigrants who are taking over the country.

When we've bankrupt social security and health care, when the dollar becomes worthless, when our enemies abroad get nuclear and attack us, we'll all be second class citizens.

02-06-2008, 12:21 AM
It's a terrible thing, isn't it Hawk? Wait until 2009, when we libs begin our long-awaited quest to turn conservatives into second class citizens.
Don't worry though. I'll put in a good word for you with the illegal immigrants who are taking over the country.

wait? don't you watch the news "now"

02-06-2008, 12:39 AM
For some reason, much of Mitt's expected support in California failed to materialize.
Also, the Mexican vote is going heavily for McCain.

Wow what a surprise, Mexicans voting for Casper the amnesty ghost. The media is excited as are the Democrats, their strategy is working to get one of the worst pilots in the Navy(destroyed a minimum of 4 planes, his own, the defense contractors love him) and an even worse Senator in a campaign against 2 of the strongest candidates the Dems have ever run(empty suits but that is what libs like). The Dems are licking there proverbial chops.

This election is a joke and that is about how I will continue to look at the idiots in the Republican party. Yea, lets give the 72 year old the nomination, we owe him for his sacrifices....... worked well with Bob Dole didn't it. NIMRODS! As far as the religious right........ :fu:....... your ripoff tax free collection baskets are going to be empty because of your idiot propping up of your preacher dimwit. Your votes will insure the economy will be in the toilet within a year....... dumbasses!

I'm so very pissed at the Republicans that I will definitely vote for Hillary. I'm going to get a bumper sticker tomorrow.

02-06-2008, 01:08 AM
How can Mitt's candidacy survive if he only wins one state on Super Tuesday?
If he loses in California, he should give it up. Especially if Huckabee and McCain are forming an unholy alliance.

Multiple Choice Mitt when down like the Titanic tonight.

02-06-2008, 01:12 AM
Multiple Choice Mitt when down like the Titanic tonight.

not quite sporto, even my wife noticed how spread out the repubs are compared to the dems. don't be a dick about mccain's "win" all you have done is put a dem in power

02-06-2008, 01:43 AM
How can Mitt's candidacy survive if he only wins one state on Super Tuesday?
If he loses in California, he should give it up. Especially if Huckabee and McCain are forming an unholy alliance.

The only reason for Mittler to stay in now is to spite Schmuckabee.


02-06-2008, 01:45 AM
not quite sporto, even my wife noticed how spread out the repubs are compared to the dems. don't be a dick about mccain's "win" all you have done is put a dem in power

Don't be all butt hurt, and im not being a dick about anything, I am simply pointing out the obvious, but it is ok for everyone to attack Senator McCain and say he wasn't going to do well but when I say I told you so im being a dick about it? :laugh2:

02-06-2008, 02:52 AM
im being a dick about it


02-06-2008, 02:56 AM
"Zat all you got to say, zero?


Do you have more cartoons?

red states rule
02-06-2008, 06:41 AM
McCain will be the 2008 version of Bob Dole. He will give Hillary or Obama a one way ticket to the White House

Then we will have to endure higher taxes, higher unemployment, negative economic growth, and terrorists no longer having to fear the US

We will have a replay of the Peanut Carter economy, and then Republicans have to find a true conservative to step up to the plate and clean up the mess

Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 06:47 AM
McCain will be the 2008 version of Bob Dole. He will give Hillary or Obama a one way ticket to the White House

Then we will have to endure higher taxes, higher unemployment, negative economic growth, and terrorists no longer having to fear the US

We will have a replay of the Peanut Carter economy, and then Republicans have to find a true conservative to step up to the plate and clean up the mess

Couldn't have possibly said it better myself. Only thing is, "I'M NO LONGER A REPUBLICAN." I want nothing more to do with this FUCKED UP PARTY!

Just as soon as I can take care of it, I will register either Independent or Libertarian. I haven't decided yet, but I am NO LONGER a reFUCKlican. FUCK that party and the RETARDED SONS A BITCHES LIKE NM that vote for LIBERALS like mcillegal. What a goddamn bunch of moronic gas bags.

02-06-2008, 06:48 AM
Couldn't have possibly said it better myself. Only thing is, "I'M NO LONGER A REPUBLICAN." I want nothing more to do with this FUCKED UP PARTY!

Just as soon as I can take care of it, I will register either Independent or Libertarian. I haven't decided yet, but I am NO LONGER a reFUCKlican. FUCK that party and RETARDED SONS A BITCHES LIKE NM that vote for LIBERALS like mcillegal. What a goddamn bunch of moronic gas bags.

I was thinking of you earlier. Not a good night, for sure.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 06:51 AM
Couldn't have possibly said it better myself. Only thing is, "I'M NO LONGER A REPUBLICAN." I want nothing more to do with this FUCKED UP PARTY!

Just as soon as I can take care of it, I will register either Independent or Libertarian. I haven't decided yet, but I am NO LONGER a reFUCKlican. FUCK that party and RETARDED SONS A BITCHES LIKE NM that vote for LIBERALS like mcillegal. What a goddamn bunch of moronic gas bags.

I am not ready to leave the party, I will do what I can to take it back with real conservatives

I know how you feel PR - it is distressing to know the Dems are going to tax the hell out of us, drag down the US economy, and coddle terrorists who want all of us dead

Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 06:55 AM
I was thinking of you earlier. Not a good night, for sure.

I've been leaning Independent or Libertarian through this whole process Kath. Yesterday did it. I'm done. No more republican for me. I don't care if I'm the only one to leave the party. I'm gone.

I can't WAIT to hear Rush today. The true conservative backlash is going to be horrendous.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 06:56 AM
I've been leaning Independent or Libertarian through this whole process Kath. Yesterday did it. I'm done. No more republican for me. I don't care if I'm the only one to leave the party. I'm gone.

If a true conservative Republican comes along, I would hope you would vote for him/her

02-06-2008, 07:00 AM
I've been leaning Independent or Libertarian through this whole process Kath. Yesterday did it. I'm done. No more republican for me. I don't care if I'm the only one to leave the party. I'm gone.

Everyone needs to make their own choices, that's what the country is all about. As I've written scores of times, GW that arrived in office, was not the one I thought I'd worked and voted for. He performed better than I could've hoped after 9/11, but domestically he's been a disaster.

I've really been someone who could've gone libertarian a long time ago, unfortunately they have never put up a candidate that I could vote for. Now the Republicans have one of the Libertarian previous losers and some of those I've considered knowledgeable have backed him, regardless of what I consider as morally repugnant ties as Clinton's scandals back in Arkansas. It's all very depressing, but somehow we'll soldier on. If there comes a real alternative to the GOP, I'll join up.

Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 07:01 AM
If a true conservative Republican comes along, I would hope you would vote for him/her

There was, and I had planned on it. Started with Tancredo, then Hunter, then Thompson, now Ron Paul. But the republican party would rather have a bunch of piece of shit liberals for their leaders instead of a REAL CONSERVATIVE. That's not the kind of party I want to associate myself with brother. Fuck the republican party.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 07:03 AM
There was, and I had planned on it. Started with Tancredo, then Hunter, then Thompson, now Ron Paul. But the republican party would rather have a bunch of piece of shit liberals for their leaders instead of a REAL CONSERVATIVE. That's not the kind of party I want to associate myself with brother. Fuck the republican party.

I will be here to welcome you back in 2012 when we have to fire another tax and spend liberal President that wrecks the economy with high taxes and insane and expensive handouts

Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 07:03 AM
Everyone needs to make their own choices, that's what the country is all about. As I've written scores of times, GW that arrived in office, was not the one I thought I'd worked and voted for. He performed better than I could've hoped after 9/11, but domestically he's been a disaster.

I've really been someone who could've gone libertarian a long time ago, unfortunately they have never put up a candidate that I could vote for. Now the Republicans have one of the Libertarian previous losers and some of those I've considered knowledgeable have backed him, regardless of what I consider as morally repugnant ties as Clinton's scandals back in Arkansas. It's all very depressing, but somehow we'll soldier on. If there comes a real alternative to the GOP, I'll join up.

Well said, and I feel much the same way. That's why I think being an independent is going to be best for me from this point on.

Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 07:05 AM
I will be here to welcome you back in 2012 when we have to fire another tax and spend liberal President that wrecks the economy with high taxes and insane and expensive handouts

I don't think the republican party is going to recover rsr. After tonight, I think it's permanently fractured beyond repair.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 07:07 AM
I don't think the republican party is going to recover rsr. After tonight, I think it's permanently fractured beyond repair.

I will admit PR it does not look good. Here are people I respected, and read what they said last night

It is like I am in the Twilight Zone

Liberal & Conservative CNN Analysts Hit Conservatives
By Brad Wilmouth | February 6, 2008 - 03:37 ET
During CNN's Super Tuesday election coverage, both liberal and conservative commentators took shots at conservatives as liberal Paul Begala declared that Mike Huckabee "don't believe in evolution or photosynthesis or gravity or anything," and liberal Carl Bernstein declared that Republican candidates were "trying to satisfy Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham rather than the people of the country." Conservative Bill Bennett quipped that conservative opposition to John McCain is a "kind of Trotskyism," and a "purification" of the Republican party.


Pale Rider
02-06-2008, 07:19 AM
I will admit PR it does not look good. Here are people I respected, and read what they said last night

It is like I am in the Twilight Zone

Liberal & Conservative CNN Analysts Hit Conservatives
By Brad Wilmouth | February 6, 2008 - 03:37 ET
During CNN's Super Tuesday election coverage, both liberal and conservative commentators took shots at conservatives as liberal Paul Begala declared that Mike Huckabee "don't believe in evolution or photosynthesis or gravity or anything," and liberal Carl Bernstein declared that Republican candidates were "trying to satisfy Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham rather than the people of the country." Conservative Bill Bennett quipped that conservative opposition to John McCain is a "kind of Trotskyism," and a "purification" of the Republican party.


Those are cheap shots, at people like me. My decisions don't have a damn thing to do with Limbaugh or Ingram. They have to do with me and my own decision making process, which all boils down to solid, conservative values, and who's got them. These foul gas bag pundits smell blood within republican party, and they're piling on to inflict more damage while it's wounded. Me, I'm bailing. They want the republican party to become some sort of middle wing to the democrat party, and after yesterday, that's what it's looking like, because that's what mccain is. I only have one thing to say to them.... b,bye.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 07:22 AM
Those are cheap shots, at people like me. My decisions don't have a damn thing to do with Limbaugh or Ingram. They have to do with me and my own decision making process, which all boils down to solid, conservative values, and who's got them. These foul gas bag pundits smell blood within republican party, and they're piling on to inflict more damage while it's wounded. Me, I'm bailing. They want the republican party to become some sort of middle wing to the democrat party, and after yesterday, that's what it's looking like, because that's what mccain is. I only have one thing to say to them.... b,bye.

You nailed it

It is one thing to try and work with the Dems on the issues - it is another when you cave and submit to liberal principals like McCain has done

It seems the conservatives who once stood up to Dems and fought them over their liberalism are now only interested in winning - and willing to sacrifice Ronald Reagan conservatism in the process

02-06-2008, 08:42 AM
You nailed it

It is one thing to try and work with the Dems on the issues - it is another when you cave and submit to liberal principals like McCain has done

It seems the conservatives who once stood up to Dems and fought them over their liberalism are now only interested in winning - and willing to sacrifice Ronald Reagan conservatism in the process

so...if McCain is the republican nominee, will you leave your party? who will you vote for, or will you just sit home?

red states rule
02-06-2008, 08:46 AM
so...if McCain is the republican nominee, will you leave your party? who will you vote for, or will you just sit home?

You must be sufferuing from Alzheimer's. I have said I will vote for other candidates on the ballot - but not vote for either McCain or Hillary/Obama. That I will leave blank

02-06-2008, 08:49 AM
so...if McCain is the republican nominee, will you leave your party? who will you vote for, or will you just sit home? I suppose that you'd be willing to take it up the ass for your party, but not us men of principle.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 08:50 AM
I suppose that you'd be willing to take it up the ass for your party, but not us men of principle.

With MM, it is always party before country

02-06-2008, 08:50 AM
You must be sufferuing from Alzheimer's. I have said I will vote for other candidates on the ballot - but not vote for either McCain or Hillary/Obama. That I will leave blank

so...as far as the president is concerned, you will effectively "stay home".

red states rule
02-06-2008, 08:51 AM
so...as far as the president is concerned, you will effectively "stay home".

Not at all. I have said I will vote - not for McCain or Hillary/Obama

Unlike you, I have principals I will not compromise

02-06-2008, 08:52 AM
With MM, it is always party before country Plus he likes taking it in the ass.

02-06-2008, 08:52 AM
With MM, it is always party before country

no so...fortunately for me, both of the candidates who are in the running for the democratic nomination are representative of my party's platform...which I believe is much better for my country than the platform of the other party.

02-06-2008, 08:53 AM
Plus he likes taking it in the ass.

how tasteful and adult of you. tell daddy you're using his log on again.... :lol:

red states rule
02-06-2008, 08:54 AM
no so...fortunately for me, both of the candidates who are in the running for the democratic nomination are representative of my party's platform...which I believe is much better for my country than the platform of the other party.

Yea , a $1 trillion Social Security tax increase (Obama)

Rangal wants another $1 trillion tax increase

About $800 billion in news spending programs (Hillary and Obama)

Yes, you are a tax and spend liberal

02-06-2008, 09:01 AM
how tasteful and adult of you. tell daddy you're using his log on again.... :lol: My son's at school now so you can't insult him. You'll just have to keep your pedophile dreams to yourself.

02-06-2008, 09:02 AM
Yea , a $1 trillion Social Security tax increase (Obama)

Rangal wants another $1 trillion tax increase

About $800 billion in news spending programs (Hillary and Obama)

Yes, you are a tax and spend liberal

as opposed to a tax and borrow republican? :laugh2: Did you SEE the size of Dubya's last budget????

I believe my party's platform is better for america... we obviously have a difference of opinion...but that does not mean that I am not supportive of my nation or want its success.

red states rule
02-06-2008, 09:09 AM
as opposed to a tax and borrow republican? :laugh2: Did you SEE the size of Dubya's last budget????

I believe my party's platform is better for america... we obviously have a difference of opinion...but that does not mean that I am not supportive of my nation or want its success.

The incrase in the budget was due to entitlements - something libs have yet to do anything about

How are the workers going to afford those tax increases?

We are in for another Pres peanut Carter economu with a Dem run government

02-06-2008, 09:22 AM
The incrase in the budget was due to entitlements - something libs have yet to do anything about

How are the workers going to afford those tax increases?

We are in for another Pres peanut Carter economu with a Dem run government

and it will be even tougher for YOU to afford to pay taxes (and concurrently easier for ME) after you have paid ME the $500 you will owe me when we retain congress and win the white house!:laugh2:

02-06-2008, 09:24 AM
There was, and I had planned on it. Started with Tancredo, then Hunter, then Thompson, now Ron Paul. But the republican party would rather have a bunch of piece of shit liberals for their leaders instead of a REAL CONSERVATIVE. That's not the kind of party I want to associate myself with brother. Fuck the republican party.

How about the Constitution Party?


02-06-2008, 10:36 AM
Wow what a surprise, Mexicans voting for Casper the amnesty ghost. The media is excited as are the Democrats, their strategy is working to get one of the worst pilots in the Navy(destroyed a minimum of 4 planes, his own, the defense contractors love him) and an even worse Senator in a campaign against 2 of the strongest candidates the Dems have ever run(empty suits but that is what libs like). The Dems are licking there proverbial chops.

This election is a joke and that is about how I will continue to look at the idiots in the Republican party. Yea, lets give the 72 year old the nomination, we owe him for his sacrifices....... worked well with Bob Dole didn't it. NIMRODS! As far as the religious right........ :fu:....... your ripoff tax free collection baskets are going to be empty because of your idiot propping up of your preacher dimwit. Your votes will insure the economy will be in the toilet within a year....... dumbasses!

I'm so very pissed at the Republicans that I will definitely vote for Hillary. I'm going to get a bumper sticker tomorrow.Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth! I owe you a dozen reps but I'm too pissed to post right now. 100 million MEXICANS in America by the time my sons are thirty. Fuck McCain, Fuck the Huckster and fuck the Republican liberals!

02-06-2008, 12:11 PM
How about the Constitution Party?


When I move to wherever it is I end up, I'll register either as Constitution Party or Libertarian.

02-06-2008, 12:47 PM
how tasteful and adult of you. tell daddy you're using his log on again.... :lol:
Leave it to glockspam to try to get every thread he doesn't like moved into the Steel Cage. What a fucking baby...

02-06-2008, 12:56 PM
Couldn't have possibly said it better myself. Only thing is, "I'M NO LONGER A REPUBLICAN." I want nothing more to do with this FUCKED UP PARTY!

Just as soon as I can take care of it, I will register either Independent or Libertarian. I haven't decided yet, but I am NO LONGER a reFUCKlican. FUCK that party and the RETARDED SONS A BITCHES LIKE NM that vote for LIBERALS like mcillegal. What a goddamn bunch of moronic gas bags.

Bye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!

My daughter doesn't even throw temper tantrums like you do.

02-06-2008, 01:03 PM
Bye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!

My daughter doesn't even throw temper tantrums like you do.

you realize that you are exactly the reason people are leaving the party. RINOs like you who want to betray conservatives every time they get the chance.

I hope you are happy with a Clinton or Obama presidency.

02-06-2008, 01:05 PM
you realize that you are exactly the reason people are leaving the party. RINOs like you who want to betray conservatives every time they get the chance.

I hope you are happy with a Clinton or Obama presidency.

the problem really is that hard right politics no longer appeal to a majority of americans.....

so the real question is should the people serve the gop or should the gop serve the people.....

i think what we are watching is the emergance of a centrist party.....

02-06-2008, 01:06 PM
Leave it to glockspam to try to get every thread he doesn't like moved into the Steel Cage. What a fucking baby...
Pot, meet kettle. :lol:

02-06-2008, 01:18 PM
the problem really is that hard right politics no longer appeal to a majority of americans.....

so the real question is should the people serve the gop or should the gop serve the people.....

i think what we are watching is the emergance of a centrist party.....

the very problem is politics. we dont like politics. we like people doing whats right.

02-06-2008, 01:26 PM
Republicans? We don't need no stinkin Republicans!

red states rule
02-07-2008, 06:08 AM
Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth! I owe you a dozen reps but I'm too pissed to post right now. 100 million MEXICANS in America by the time my sons are thirty. Fuck McCain, Fuck the Huckster and fuck the Republican liberals!

More liberals backing McCain - they are leading the lamb to slaughter

Analysis: John McCain - New Face Of GOP
Vaughn Ververs Says Path To Nomination For Romney, Huckabee Is Challenging At Best


In the end, Romney has been stymied by better-known, more able candidates. He may also be the victim of a serious misunderstanding about what conservatism means today. Romney has sought to cast the race as being about who is more conservative, amplifying the mantra started by angry talk-show hosts protesting that McCain was not one of them.

But Romney seems to have missed his own stump speech in which he frequently talks about the three legs of the conservative coalition - economic, national security and social issues.

Among Republican primary voters nationwide voting on Super Tuesday, McCain won among those who cited the economy as their biggest concern, even as they thought Romney the best candidate to deal with it, according to CBS News exit polls. Whether those voters were conservative or not, they are speaking for the Republican Party.

McCain also won among those who cited national security as their top concern but finished third among those seeking a candidate who shares their values. In other words, McCain won two of the three legs of conservatism. Most importantly, McCain won the delegate rich (and winner-take-all) states giving him a big leg up on getting to the 1,191 needed to lock up the nomination.

McCain is for sure the choice of moderate and independent-minded Republican voters. There is also some evidence that he’s not the overwhelming choice among them.


02-07-2008, 06:33 AM
Did you SEE the size of Dubya's last budget????

lol, did you hear all the liberals shouting that it was too large and needed to be cut?.....or did you hear bitching that there wasn't enough spending for X, Y, and Z.........

red states rule
02-07-2008, 06:39 AM
lol, did you hear all the liberals shouting that it was too large and needed to be cut?.....or did you hear bitching that there wasn't enough spending for X, Y, and Z.........

Even though the budget calls for a 5% increase in spending for SS and Medicare, the liberla media and Dems call them cuts

The reason, the Dems wanted a 7.2% increase and did not get it
