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View Full Version : Bushies to allow more "guest workers"

02-05-2008, 11:39 PM
Relaxing immigration guidelines is always a good idea in an election year.


02-05-2008, 11:44 PM
i have no problem with guest workers and employers that play by the rules and pay taxes......

02-06-2008, 01:29 AM
Anything to keep wages, benefits and YOU down. They call it business. I call it immoral.

02-06-2008, 11:45 AM
There are already 12 million illegals in America, and Bush wants to bring in more immigrants? WTF?

02-06-2008, 12:08 PM
"There is huge potential here to replace the massive illegal workforce with a legal one," said Leon Sequeira, an assistant secretary at the Department of Labor.

should have done this 7 years ago.....

02-06-2008, 12:16 PM
So you are sitting at Yahoo and know layoffs are comming. The maneger stops at your box with another person and says" this is so and so could you show her the ins and outs of what you do? You ask her if she is a writer and in broken english says yes.

That is an H-1 b visa sucking the life out of computer tech! Layoff my ass it is a backstabbing kick in the ass out the door for cheap and no one else can do the job immigrent!

02-06-2008, 01:35 PM
So you are sitting at Yahoo and know layoffs are comming. The maneger stops at your box with another person and says" this is so and so could you show her the ins and outs of what you do? You ask her if she is a writer and in broken english says yes.

That is an H-1 b visa sucking the life out of computer tech! Layoff my ass it is a backstabbing kick in the ass out the door for cheap and no one else can do the job immigrent!

It's "politcally correct" slavery. Mexico deports their poverty and criminals because Americans like cheap stuff. Slaves just get better benefits than they used to.

02-06-2008, 01:45 PM
It's "politcally correct" slavery. Mexico deports their poverty and criminals because Americans like cheap stuff. Slaves just get better benefits than they used to.Thanks for the insight!

02-06-2008, 01:50 PM
So you are sitting at Yahoo and know layoffs are comming. The maneger stops at your box with another person and says" this is so and so could you show her the ins and outs of what you do? You ask her if she is a writer and in broken english says yes.

That is an H-1 b visa sucking the life out of computer tech! Layoff my ass it is a backstabbing kick in the ass out the door for cheap and no one else can do the job immigrent!

What's a maneger?

02-06-2008, 02:11 PM
I had this discussion with PR sometime ago about the circumstances of our small business of around 50 employees. In the end we had to agree to disagree. We depend on these visas to fill positions that we are not able to get locals to do. Admittedly the work is not glamorous (its farm work) but it offers a fair wage and lots of benefits. Recently we received word that the H2B visas that we depend on may not be available. We stepped up our advertising to try to attract people to fill ten openings. After going over applications, we interviewed 26 people. We have made job offers to 12 of them. Of the twelve, six showed up for work and only one has made it past one week.

I cant begin to tell you the level of frustration we go through with this problem. Small businesses like ours play by the rules[B] We refuse to hire illegals, we dont pay in cash, and do everything by the book.

In my opinion, we should send the illegals home. How you ask? One at a time. If I dont pay my taxes the government certainly doesnt have a problem finding me. If I break the law, they will find me. I say send them home and punish the shit out of anyone that employs them. Make it an advantage to be a [B]legal immigrant worker.

I am so fed up with politicians ignoring the illegal immigrant problem I could puke. Sadly not one of the presidential candidates will do anything about it.
To not allow legal foreign labor is a huge disservice to lots of small businesses, just like ours.