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View Full Version : Huckabee "Nobody turns down a VP Job"

02-06-2008, 10:17 AM
What a little weezle.... what a POS.....


I can see the slogan now “McBoob/Huckaboob ‘08”

02-11-2008, 03:13 PM
I didn't vote for Bush senior either time. I voted independent because when he was running against Reagan back in 80 he said he would never accept the VP position. When Reagan announced Bush as his VP he almost tripped over his feet to run up and shake hands.

Huck has been saying the same thing and now back peddling. If they can't stand on one principle they don't need to be in the office.

02-11-2008, 03:55 PM
Huckabee might be able to pull in the republicans who dislike McCain. IMO they're trying to salvage a republican win.

I can't stand McCain, if Huckabee is the VP I might reconsider voting for him.