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View Full Version : Guess Who Didn't Vote In The Senate Today? 'Stimulus Package'

02-06-2008, 08:59 PM
Yep, John M. Only one not to show up, why? Vote yes or no? Either way a problem for him. Oh yeah, he was at Dulles. Luckily the Republicans did hold the line on the added costs:


...Just to underscore:

The Republicans who caved: Coleman, Collins, Dole, Domenici, Grassley, Smith, Snowe, Specter.

Not voting: John McCain


Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois flew to Washington for the vote. Clinton and Obama voted yes on the measure; GOP front-runner John McCain did not vote, reports CBS Radio News’ John Hartge.

So much for “leadership” from McCain on one of his core issues–fiscal responsibility and holding the line against special interests.

The climactic vote came after an intense lobbying effort by Democrats to convert wavering Republicans, including those facing tough re-election fights. Their efforts got a boost from outside groups leaning on senators to back the package, including home builders, manufacturers and the powerful seniors lobby.

Republicans were under enormous pressure from their own leaders not to support the Democrats’ plan.

At least there were other GOP Senators around to carry the fight:

Republican leaders objected to add-ons such as a $14.5 billion unemployment extension for those whose benefits have run out, $1 billion in heating aid for the poor and tax breaks for renewable energy producers and coal companies. The measure builds upon a $161 billion House-passed bill providing $600-$1,200 checks to most taxpayers and tax breaks to businesses investing in new plants and equipment. The Senate version would provide checks of $500-$1,000 to a broader group that includes 20 million elderly people, 250,000 disabled veterans and taxpayers making up to $150,000 for singles - or $300,000 for couples. It would extend unemployment benefits for an additional 13 weeks for those whose benefits have run out, with 13 more weeks available in states with the highest jobless rates. The bill also includes $10 billion in tax-free mortgage revenue bonds to help homeowners refinance subprime loans.

Reid denied Republicans an opportunity to offer changes to the measure, provoking the filibuster. The calculus was that enough Republicans would relent in the face of political pressure to support unemployment insurance and heating aid to join Democrats and force the measure through.

Chalk up another Reid calculation gone awry.

You know what? Republicans should act like Republicans more often. It’s good for the soul and the pocketbook.


Why was McCain the only one who didn’t make the vote? Looks like we need some straight talk:

Republican presidential candidate John McCain skipped a difficult Senate vote Wednesday on whether to make 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans eligible for rebate checks as part of a proposed economic stimulus package.

The Arizona senator’s decision to miss the vote appeared to come at the last minute, after his plane had landed at Dulles International Airport outside Washington just before the proceedings opened on the Senate floor.

Asked Wednesday morning to comment on the pending vote, McCain talked about the need to pass a stimulus measure quickly. Later, on his plane, he said he was not sure he would make the vote.

“I haven’t had a chance to talk about it at all, have not had the opportunity to, even,” McCain said. “We’ve just been too busy, focused on other stuff. I don’t know if I’m doing that. We’ve got a couple of meetings scheduled.”

Whichever way McCain may have voted, it would have been a difficult choice given his status as the Republican presidential front-runner.

Senate Democrats cleverly bundled the rebates for seniors and veterans, key voting blocs, with expanded unemployment benefits and home heating subsidies for the jobless and poor.

President Bush and Republican leaders, as well as conservatives McCain was scheduled to woo on Thursday, vehemently oppose the expanded benefits and subsidies.

That put McCain in a bad political spot.

Voting “no” with Republican leaders would have offended millions of Social Security recipients and the disabled veterans not scheduled to receive rebates. Voting “yes,” on the other hand, risked alienating Bush, GOP leaders and conservatives already suspicious of McCain’s political leanings. McCain was speaking Thursday before a meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference, a group that booed him last year in absentia.

For McCain, not voting meant not going on the record either way. He has missed all eight Senate roll call votes this year…

… There was confusion among McCain’s his staff about whether he would make the vote. Campaign spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker said when he landed that she believed he was headed to the Capitol to vote, but a second spokeswoman, Brooke Buchanan, said later that he would not make it.

Leadership, anyone?

02-06-2008, 09:13 PM
MSM Assessment:


Fate Of Rebate Checks In Limbo After Vote
Senate Republicans Block Democrats' Attempt To Give $44B To Elderly, Disabled, Unemployed

The fate of $600-$1,200 rebate checks for more than 100 million Americans is in limbo after Senate Democrats failed Wednesday to add $44 billion in help for the elderly, disabled veterans, the unemployed and big business to the House-passed economic aid package.

Republicans banded together to block the $205 billion plan from advancing Wednesday, leaving Democrats with a difficult choice either to quickly accept a House bill they have said is inadequate or risk being blamed for delaying a measure designed as a swift shot in the arm for the lagging economy....

02-06-2008, 11:10 PM
Wow. Way for the GOP leader to take a stand on an economic issue.

02-07-2008, 03:38 AM
Wow. Way for the GOP leader to take a stand on an economic issue.

Perhaps some do 'feel the wind'?


Boehner and Blunt: House GOP Will Force Vote TOMORROW on Immediate Earmark Moratorium
Leaders Say GOP Will Force House to Confront Earmark Issue as Bill Containing Higher Education Slush Fund Hits Floor

Washington, Feb 6 -

Disappointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) rejection of House Republican calls for an immediate moratorium on all taxpayer-funded earmarks, House Republicans will force a vote on the issue tomorrow, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) announced this afternoon. The leaders said House Republicans will force the earmark reform vote as a higher education authorization bill comes to the floor containing what many argue is a taxpayer-funded slush fund for colleges and universities.

“House Republicans regret Speaker Pelosi’s decision to keep the earmark factory open. Middle-class families are fed up with Washington politicians squandering their hard-earned money, particularly at a time when families are struggling with the rising cost of living. We need to bring fundamental change to the way Washington spends the American people’s money, but this change cannot begin until the earmarks stop. Republicans hope rank-and-file Democrats will honor the promises they made in 2006, and join us in voting to halt the broken earmark process so it can be reformed,” Boehner said.

“It’s become evident to the American people, as well as a good many of us in Congress, that the system Congress uses to dole out earmarks is badly broken and in need of thorough, fundamental reform. Unfortunately, it’s also evident that Democrats in Congress have demonstrated neither the will nor the appetite to work with Republicans in bringing about that change voluntarily. So it’s incumbent upon us to use every opportunity available to speak up for the millions of Americans who have had enough,” said Blunt.

The House is scheduled to vote Thursday on legislation that would reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA), including part of the law known as the Fund for Improving Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), which many reform advocates argue is a taxpayer-funded slush fund for higher education earmarks.

Three GOP members of the House Appropriations Committee — Reps. Jack Kingston of Georgia, Frank Wolf of Virginia and Zack Wamp of Tennessee — have authored legislation that would bring the earmark process to a halt and establish a panel to identify ways to permanently change the spending process. Kingston-Wolf-Wamp has been cosponsored by 129 House Republicans, including the entire House Republican leadership team. However, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who as leader of the Democrat-controlled House has the power to shut down the chamber’s earmarking process immediately, declined to support the measure or the proposed moratorium.

02-07-2008, 11:54 PM
The package is heading for the president's desk as we speak. And he say's he will sign it!!!!!! Don't cry and don't pout. It is the correct thing to do.