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Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:13 AM
McCain Voted "Most Unacceptable" — By His Own County

The media is about ready to crown John "Lettuce" McCain the Republican nominee. Too bad voters nationwide don't know him as well as the folks who put him in office. In McCain's own Maricopa County, a Republican Party Straw Poll elected him "Most Unacceptable."

This could have something to do with the way he has stabbed Arizona in the back on the illegal immigration issue. We've also had a chance to notice that on virtually every topic except the war in Iraq — drilling in the ANWR wasteland, buying into the economically menacing global warming hoax, waterboarding terrorists, closing Club Gitmo, Bush's tax cuts, the "campaign finance" assault on the First Amendment — McCain has been a reliable liberal. If McCain is a Republican, so is Joe Lieberman.


red states rule
02-07-2008, 05:48 AM
But McCain is acceptable (for the time being) to the liberal media

No Longer the Insurgent, McCain Courts Wary Party

BOSTON — He says he is not enough of a masochist to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He jokes at a Republican dinner about a looming foreign policy crisis: “I have a four-hour speech on the North Korean nuclear buildup that I know you’ve been waiting for.” And he still treats the media as his No. 1 constituency, plying them with nonstop talk and stories, like one about a date from his Navy days who cleaned her nails with a switchblade.

But now the money is rolling in, more than $7 million in January alone. The candidate jets around the country on a White House-like charter with security, baggage handlers and flowing food and drink. He is reveling in big-time Republican endorsements that may soon include, he hopes, support from the National Rifle Association.

for the complete article


Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 01:07 PM
But McCain is acceptable (for the time being) to the liberal media

Liberals period. That's the only people he's acceptable to, because he doesn't have the conservative support, and he's not going to get it either. The liberal media knows this, and they know with that, he can't win the general election. So expect the liberal media to step up their coverage of him. They want this man on the republican ticket, because they know that means a democrat in the White House come November.

red states rule
02-08-2008, 06:39 AM
Liberals period. That's the only people he's acceptable to, because he doesn't have the conservative support, and he's not going to get it either. The liberal media knows this, and they know with that, he can't win the general election. So expect the liberal media to step up their coverage of him. They want this man on the republican ticket, because they know that means a democrat in the White House come November.

PR, the liberal media will turn on McCain now that he has it all but wraped up

A former CBS employee admuts it as well

CBS News Alum Goldberg Predicts Media Will Turn Against McCain
By Brent Baker | February 8, 2008 - 01:39 ET
Noting presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain “gets good treatment” from journalists, former CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg predicted on Thursday's O'Reilly Factor that since the “media like him because he's the one who pokes his thumb in Republican and conservative eyes, mostly conservative eyes,” that's "going to end" and so “as soon as it's McCain against Obama or Clinton the media goes over to the other side.”

In his weekly Thursday appearance with Jane Hall on the FNC show's segment assessing media behavior, Goldberg agreed with Bill O'Reilly that McCain has received favorable press, and then offered his forecast for how the media will turn on McCain as soon as he stands in the way of liberal becoming President:

I do think he gets good treatment. And I'll tell you precisely, I'll you the second, that's going to end: When the campaign starts for real between one Democrat and one Republican. That's when you're going to hear stories about “Is he too old?” “Is his temper such that he shouldn't be President?” The media like him because he's the one who pokes his thumb in Republican and conservative eyes, mostly conservative eyes. But as soon as it's McCain against Obama or Clinton the media goes over to the other side.


Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:20 PM
They'll wait until he's got it all locked up, but yes, they'll turn on him like a rabid dog. They have to.

Too bad more people didn't listen when this was all being explained.

02-08-2008, 01:05 PM
They'll wait until he's got it all locked up, but yes, they'll turn on him like a rabid dog. They have to.

Too bad more people didn't listen when this was all being explained.

they've already started it

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 01:52 PM
they've already started it

I've heard. But this is just a prelim. It's going to get a whole lot worse, and then all those middle of the roaders and sell outs that were so easily lead by the nose to vote for mccain are going to start wondering, "gee, what the fuck did I do?" Yeah... well... I can answer that... you let the liberal media pump your head full of mush, and now you're going to pay for it.

red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:02 PM
They'll wait until he's got it all locked up, but yes, they'll turn on him like a rabid dog. They have to.

Too bad more people didn't listen when this was all being explained.

Need proof how the liberal reporters vote. I suspect they will not vote for McCain, despite the praise they are giving him now

Time Reporters Admit They Voted for Obama, Hillary
By Tim Graham | February 8, 2008 - 09:08 ET
Should liberal reporters bare all on their voting records? Time TV writer James Poniewozik not only declared that he voted for Obama, but that other reporters should do the same: "Writing about election coverage, I have disclosed, probably to the point of tediousness, that I voted for Obama. I think it's a good thing for you to know, but I really do it for me. It's important to me that I have enough perspective to critique campaign coverage whether it works for my candidate or against him. Having you know more about where I'm coming from helps you keep me honest and forces me to police myself."

Time reporter Lisa Takeuchi Cullen did the same: she voted for Hillary. "Last Tuesday, I voted in my state's primary. I'll even tell you who I voted for: Hillary Clinton. I'm a registered Democrat, and I've been voting for nearly 20 years, ever since I came to this country. In past presidential elections, I voted for Kerry, Gore, Clinton and Clinton."


02-09-2008, 12:25 AM
They'll wait until he's got it all locked up, but yes, they'll turn on him like a rabid dog. They have to.

Too bad more people didn't listen when this was all being explained.

You were expecting voters to LISTEN, Pale?!

But...that just isn't done in this country! :bang3:

red states rule
02-09-2008, 09:45 AM
Now the liberal media is attacking those who oppose Mccain. It is a matter of time when they start atacking McCain

McCain Opposed by 'Hard-Line GOP Conservatives' and 'Far Right'
By Brent Baker | February 8, 2008 - 07:16 ET
Implying those on the right opposed to John McCain's Republican presidential bid are extremists beyond the politically acceptable, fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Harry Smith on Thursday night warned that McCain “still faces a tough battle to win the support of hard-line GOP conservatives.” Smith's characterization came a day after Time magazine's Web site headlined a Wednesday posting by Washington Bureau Chief Jay Carney, “McCain: Frail with the Far Right.” In the Thursday night CBS story in which Jeff Greenfield avoided pejorative labeling, Nicole Wallace, a CBS News political analyst who was Director of Communications for the Bush White House in 2005-2006, discounted those troubled by McCain -- whom she called “ABM Voters: Anybody But McCain” -- as “a smaller sliver of the party than we give them credit for being.”

That's the second time in eight days a former Bush operative turned network television analyst has dismissed or denigrated conservative concerns about McCain.


02-09-2008, 09:58 AM
In McCain's own Maricopa County, a Republican Party Straw Poll elected him "Most Unacceptable."

can't argue with numbers....it's true....420 people of the 750 who participated voted him the Most Unacceptable.......