View Full Version : Pure double talk from GOP leader

02-07-2008, 06:59 AM
You have to read the whole thing...It's funny but then again...so true..:wink2:

By Michael Graham
Thursday, February 7, 2008 - Updated 13h ago
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Michael Graham hosts a talk show on 96.9 WTKK.
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This afternoon, Sen. John McCain is scheduled to appear at the Conservative Political Action Conference - the single most prominent gathering of conservatives in America. Many GOP officials want McCain to use this opportunity to reach out to the disaffected conservative base of the GOP.

What follows is the speech conservatives would like to hear from McCain, but never will.

My friends:

I was wrong.

I was wrong about illegal immigration, because I was more worried about appearing intolerant than I was about the rule of law and national security.

I was wrong about campaign finance reform, because I cared more about positive press than protecting the First Amendment.

I was wrong when I opposed, as I called them at the time, tax cuts for the rich, because I wanted to please the New York Times [NYT], not promote conservative economics.

But now, I understand. Thanks to your principled opposition, I have seen the error of my ways. In fact, just moments ago in the green room, Mike Huckabee led me through the sinners prayer, hallelujah.

I am a changed man. I love tax cuts. I can’t wait to build a border fence. And when it comes to waterboarding terrorists, well, if we catch some al-Qaeda wannabe who knows about an imminent terrorist attack, I’ll hold the little (expletive deleted’s) head under the water myself.

And I will proudly do so under the watchful eye of my choice for Vice President, Rush Limbaugh.

This, on the other hand, is the speech Sen. McCain would love to give at CPAC, but never will.

Hello, losers!

Now that I’ve kicked your conservative aspirations up and down the Electoral College map, let’s get a few things straight: I never liked you, either.

You talk-radio yahoos and Bible-thumping rubes can squeal like the cast of “Deliverance” - or as you call it, video from your last family reunion - but I don’t care. I’m not one of you. Never have been.

Why do you think I keep going out of my way to pick fights with you? Seriously - campaign finance reform, the Gang of 14 fight over conservative judges, illegal immigration? This is stuff that only two groups of people care about: right-wing nuts like you, and members of the mainstream media.

You think I am really pumped up about promoting illegal immigration? I’m from Arizona, for cryin’ out loud. Of course allowing 12 million illegal immigrants to stay in this country, make money and receive tax-funded services, is amnesty. I only deny it because it drives you cranks completely crazy.

read the rest..

02-07-2008, 07:02 AM
The second sounds like him alright.

red states rule
02-07-2008, 07:06 AM
Mr Graham has always been blunt with his comments. I used to listen to him on WMAl - before he was fired for speaking his mind on CARE

Talk Show Host Graham Fired By WMAL Over Islam Remarks

By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 23, 2005; Page C01

Washington radio station WMAL-AM fired talk show host Michael Graham yesterday after he refused to soften his description of Islam as "a terrorist organization" on the air last month.

Graham had been suspended without pay from his daily three-hour show since making his comments July 25. The station had conditioned his return to the midmorning shift on reading a station-approved statement in which Graham would have said that his anti-Muslim statements were "too broad" and that he sometimes uses "hyperbole" in the course of his program. WMAL also asked Graham to speak to the station's advertisers and its employees about the controversy.

for the complete article


02-07-2008, 12:45 PM
This is funnier. And a lot more truthful:
(this post dedicated to Stephanie, because I know she has been missing Rude Pundit :) )

Whenever George W. Bush prays, somewhere out in the ether, Jesus Christ vomits. It's a nearly Pavlovian response, and, fortunately for Jesus, unless he's out in public, Bush rarely ever prays. This morning, though, Jesus's guts twisted in retching as the President spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. "Aw, fuck," Jesus thought as his throat burned from the acid puke, "should have checked his schedule," remembering having that extra serving of falafel, slugging back the extra glass of wine last night.

Jesus tried to listen to the prayer without gagging. He got through Bush's initial words, but when Bush tried to explain the gathering, saying, "We believe that the Almighty hears our prayers -- and answers those who seek Him. That's what we believe; otherwise, why come?", well, even the strongest stomach would throw up.

"Wait, wait, wait," Jesus called out to God, who was catching up on American Idol on the Tivo, "did he just say the only reason to come together and pray is to get stuff? Aw, fuck." And he ran into the bathroom.

"Pick up the seat," God mumbled. People used to be kinder to Jesus when he blew holy chunks. Mary Magdelene would hold back his hair, but now that whore's too busy watching Obama speak. Besides, God thought, Jesus should have learned to stop being such a sensitive pussy a long time ago.

Bush continued, "In prayer, we grow in meekness and humility. By approaching our Maker on bended knee, we acknowledge our complete dependence on Him. We recognize that we have nothing to offer God that He does not already have -- except our love. So we offer Him that love, and ask for the grace to discern His will. We ask Him to remain near to us at all times. We ask Him to help us lead lives that are pleasing to Him. We discover that by surrendering our lives to the Almighty, we are strengthened, refreshed, and ready for all that may come."

That's some sick shit, Jesus thought. Coming from a man who specifically authorized that other men be drowned for information, a man who reserves the right to do it again if he wants to, it's just a fuckin' lie. And, seriously, man, Jesus wanted to tell Bush, that's some Taliban-soundin' fucktardery. Besides, Jesus thought, he doesn't have a Wii yet; can't he get a goddamn Wii before he gets any more love? "Aw, fuck," Jesus yelled, another wave of heaves hitting him. "Why doesn't he fuckin' stop?"

Said Bush, "We ask Him to heal the sick, and comfort the dying, and sustain those who care for them. We ask Him to bring solace to the victims of tragedy, and help to those suffering from addiction and adversity. We ask him to strengthen our families, and to protect the innocent and vulnerable in our country. We ask Him to protect our nation from those who wish us harm -- and watch over all who stepped forward to defend us. We ask Him to bring about the day when His peace shall reign across the world -- and every tear shall be wiped away."

Jesus wondered, between technicolor yawns, why every time conservatives talk about prayer, they make it sound like people can't do shit for themselves, but when it comes to the government actually doing shit to, you know, "help those suffering" and protecting "the innocent and vulnerable," it's all, "Hey, motherfuckers, do that shit on your own." Or pray. It's a vicious circle.

Bush went on: "Experiencing the presence of God transforms our hearts -- and the more we seek His presence, the more we feel the tug at our souls to reach out to the poor, and the hungry, the elderly, and the infirm. When we answer God's call to love a neighbor as ourselves, we enter into a deeper friendship with our fellow man -- and a deeper relationship with our eternal Father."

Jesus yelled at his computer, "No, no, no, you don't get to say this shit when you veto a bill to give more children health care because you're afraid some adults might get to go to the doctor, too. Fucker. Aw, fuck." And it was his no-longer-thorned-crowned head back into the porcelain. "Can you stop this?" Jesus called out to God.

"What do you want? I'm out of tornadoes right now. Besides, he's almost done," God answered, turning up the volume so he could drown out his son's horrible roars of puke.

Bush ends by saying how much prayer has helped him be President. One last dry heave and Jesus Christ knew he was done for the day. "I'm gonna go get lit," he told his father, heading into his room for his holy water-filled bong.
