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02-07-2008, 12:02 PM
If Hillary is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with Republicans ferociously opposing her, followed by Republicans zooming back into power, as we did in 1980 and 1994, and 2000. (I also predict more Oval Office incidents with female interns.)

If McCain is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with the Republicans in Congress co-opted by "our" president, followed by 30 years of Democratic rule.

There's your choice, America.


02-07-2008, 12:04 PM
Poor Ann. This is driving her insane. Which is a good thing. :laugh2:

02-07-2008, 12:20 PM
Poor Ann. This is driving her insane. Which is a good thing. :laugh2:

Do you realize that a person can not be driven someplace that he/she is already at? ;)


02-07-2008, 12:30 PM
Poor Ann. This is driving her insane. Which is a good thing. :laugh2:

short trip.

02-07-2008, 12:49 PM
Coulter nails it again. I too considered that the most poignant passage in her article. With those two paragraphs, she goes a long way toward convincing me to vote Democrat for the first time in my life. If I can hold my nose and vote for McCain, maybe I can manage to cut my nose off, cement the hole shut, don a suit of armor, and vote for Hillary.


Sort of like taking ipecac to make youself throw up, for the purpose of purging the entire body of something even worse that would otherwise ultimately destroy it.

But it won't be fun. Nor, as Coulter points out, will the ensuing four years.

02-07-2008, 01:20 PM
Hell, we've already had 16 straight years of liberal/Democrat control and now she wants to make it 4 more? WTF(udge)?


02-07-2008, 01:25 PM
Poor Ann. This is driving her insane. Which is a good thing. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss, I am told, and you are living proof of that.

02-07-2008, 01:29 PM
I just heard Romney's suspension speech and he makes more sense. The #1 priority for the next president is to continue the WOT in Iraq, which Hillary/ Obama would not do. Get out the clothes pins.

02-07-2008, 01:29 PM
Do you realize that a person can not be driven someplace that he/she is already at? ;)


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's just so funny of you. I realize that Ann pulls out unwanted eyebrow hair that has more creative thought and intelligence than this statement shows that you possess, too bad you don't understand that. You and that imbecile Gabalot should get together and play with the lint in your navels.

02-07-2008, 01:31 PM
That said, it remains that the disaster under Hillary would be far worse than the (not inconsiderable) disaster under McCain.

For seven years now, we have ALREADY had a President who opposes the 2nd amendment, favors letting the 20M illegal aliens to stay in this country, favors more entitlement spending (and even campaigned on it), and favors censorship of political speech in violation of the 1st amendment (he signed the McCain-Feingold bill into law). But that same President also cut taxes, appointed two law-abiding Supreme Court justices (plus many such lower judges), and presented unwavering, stalwart defense against terrorists in the face of a hostile Congress.

With McCain, we'd basically be getting more of the same, with a little "man caused global warming" weirdness thrown in.

With Hillary, we're guaranteed to get all that bad stuff and NONE of the good.

And the stuff that would hit us the hardest long-term, is in (a) appeasement of terrorists and (B) reversal of the law-abiding court trend. The latter might be more permanent - we can fight the terrorists later after letting up on them for four years (or sooner if Hillary suspends domestic defense and they blow up a few shopping malls, killing hundreds more American civilians), but court judges get lifetime appointments.

And we are particularly vulnerable to the judical-appointments disaster. Three of the most liberal (i.e. constitution-distorting or -ignoring) Supreme Court justices are far bayond normal retirement age, and at least two of those are in precarious health. It is likely that they are hanging on only in hopes that a liberal President will be elected, who can then select their replacements. It may even be that they will not last another four or eight years, regardless of who is elected. William Rehnquist DIED in office, though during the tenure of a semi-conservative President who then replaced him with an excellent, law-abiding justice. The liberal justices may not be far behind.

The selection of the person who will appoint their replacements, is possibly the most critical question of the 2008 election, next to defense against terrorists.

Recall that the entire massive Big Government we have today, got its start not from a Depression or even from a massive war, but from FDR's personal attacks and intimidation of a Supreme Court that had heretofore stopped the trend in its tracks. Oly when certain critical Justices started changing their previous votes and ruling various unconstitutional programs constitutional, did the New Deal take root, with all the liberalism and coercion such socialistic programs carry with them.

Today we are on the verge of kicking out the last of the liberal justices on the Court... or perhaps appointing three new, young, even-more-liberal replacements who will be there the rest of their lifetimes.

The 2008 Presidential election will directly determine which of those it will be.

Electing Hillary will indeed be a disaster, as Coulter states. She maintains it will be a necessary catharsis. But can the patient take THAT much harm and still recover at all?

02-07-2008, 01:32 PM

I think Johnnys finger is for you.

His was the liberal voice of country music, opposing the Vietnam War and supporting racial equality.

In 1980 he became the youngest inductee to the Country Music Hall of Fame.

He also campaigned for prison reform, corresponded with inmates and helped many to return to society.

02-07-2008, 01:40 PM
.....The 2008 Presidential election will directly determine which of those it will be.
What makes you think that McCain would select constitutionalists?

02-07-2008, 01:42 PM

I think Johnnys finger is for you.

His was the liberal voice of country music, opposing the Vietnam War and supporting racial equality.

In 1980 he became the youngest inductee to the Country Music Hall of Fame.

He also campaigned for prison reform, corresponded with inmates and helped many to return to society.

He's dead....... I just liked the shot. I couldn't care less what he had to say with his "music", I hated the simpleton prison crap he put out.

02-07-2008, 01:45 PM
I just heard Romney's suspension speech and he makes more sense. The #1 priority for the next president is to continue the WOT in Iraq, which Hillary/ Obama would not do. Get out the clothes pins.

I would agree with half of that. I think continuing the war on terror is essential. I fervently believe that trying to do so in Iraq is counterproductive.

I believe that both of the democratic candidates would aggessively pursue islamic extremism... which is what ought to be done.

02-07-2008, 01:45 PM
His was the liberal voice of country music, opposing the Vietnam War and supporting racial equality.

In 1980 he became the youngest inductee to the Country Music Hall of Fame.

He also campaigned for prison reform, corresponded with inmates and helped many to return to society.

1. You seem to forget that Vietnam was prosecuted by Democrats, and that Democrats were against civil rights legislation.
2. Country music has always been a venue for conservatives in the music industry.
3. Promotion of self-relaince has always been a hallmark of the GOP.

Me thinks TruthMatters should take a high school history class.

02-07-2008, 01:47 PM
I believe that both of the democratic candidates would aggessively pursue islamic extremism... which is what ought to be done.

Wow. I know Obama has Muslim roots, but you think Hillary would put on a burka?

02-07-2008, 01:50 PM
1. You seem to forget that Vietnam was prosecuted by Democrats, and that Democrats were against civil rights legislation.
2. Country music has always been a venue for conservatives in the music industry.
3. Promotion of self-relaince has always been a hallmark of the GOP.

Me thinks TruthMatters should take a high school history class.
Vietnam was very bipartisan...
democrats - bigoted racist southern democrats - WERE against civil rights legislation. But now we have changed direction in OUR party (kinda like you have - away from the fiscal conservatism of Goldwater)...and the fact that the overwhelming percentage of minority voters vote democratic today is proof of our change.... a $3.1T budget and bridge to nowhere are good indicators of how YOUR party changed too!

02-07-2008, 01:52 PM
Wow. I know Obama has Muslim roots, but you think Hillary would put on a burka?

lame excuse for comedy when intelligent thought is unavailable....

that, and indignant gay melodrama are your stock in trade!

02-07-2008, 02:02 PM
democrats - bigoted racist southern democrats - WERE against civil rights legislation. But now we have changed direction in OUR party ....and the fact that the overwhelming percentage of minority voters vote democratic today is proof of our change....

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc (http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.html#Cum%20hoc%20ergo%20propter%20hoc)

02-07-2008, 02:06 PM
What makes you think that McCain would select constitutionalists?

The fact that he has voted Yes on most such appointments in the past.

He also presently swears up, down, and sideways that he will do exactly that if elected in November. Of course, trusting what any politician says, can be the height of foolishness. But if his promises match what he has actually DONE in the past, there may be some grounds for believing him.

The only reason I have to think he might not, is an unpublished report from one person (John Fund?) who said he had heard McCain say that Roberts was a fine appointment but that Alito "tends to wear his conservatism on his sleeve" - apparently a remark made in denigration. McCain says he never said that, but Fund maintains he did.

A politician's past behavior is a much better indicator of what he will do in the future, than his promises are. Past behavior shows much in McCain's favor for judicial appointments. It's certainly not a guarantee, but ti's something.

And it's a lot more than Hillary will ever give us.

This is a critical time, especially for judicial appointments. But it's always a critical time for *something*. We may eventually have to scuttle a few "critical" things, to purge the government of the cancer of liberalism.

Coulter says that time is now. I'm not sure I agree.

02-07-2008, 02:13 PM
The fact that he has voted Yes on most such appointments in the past.

He also presently swears up, down, and sideways that he will do exactly that if elected in November. Of course, trusting what any politician says, can be the height of foolishness. But if his promises match what he has actually DONE in the past, there may be some grounds for believing him.

The only reason I have to think he might not, is an unpublished report from one person (John Fund?) who said he had heard McCain say that Roberts was a fine appointment but that Alito "tends to wear his conservatism on his sleeve" - apparently a remark made in denigration. McCain says he never said that, but Fund maintains he did.

A politician's past behavior is a much better indicator of what he will do in the future, than his promises are. Past behavior shows much in McCain's favor for judicial appointments. It's certainly not a guarantee, but ti's something.

And it's a lot more than Hillary will ever give us.

This is a critical time, especially for judicial appointments. But it's always a critical time for *something*. We may eventually have to scuttle a few "critical" things, to purge the government of the cancer of liberalism.

Coulter says that time is now. I'm not sure I agree. Here's Coulter's take on it, linked from the OP
Of course the most important issue for pro-lifers is the Supreme Court. As long as Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, it doesn't matter how many hearts and minds we've changed. So it's not insignificant that McCain has called Justice Samuel Alito too conservative.

We ended up with David Hackett Souter when a Republican president was actually looking for an Alito. Imagine how bad it will be when the "Republican" president isn't even trying.

McCain uses the boilerplate language of all Republicans in saying he will appoint "strict constructionists." This is supposed to end all discussion of the courts. But if he's picking strict constructionists, he will have to appoint judges who will commit to overturning McCain-Feingold.

02-07-2008, 02:21 PM
But if he's picking strict constructionists, he will have to appoint judges who will commit to overturning McCain-Feingold.
She's 100% correct.

Note that GWB signed McCain-Feingold into law (his most egregious single act as President)... and then appointed two USSC justices who will likely overturn it.

It happens.

Anybody think Hillary will appoint justices better than, or even as good as, McCain's?

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 02:36 PM
Put Anne down all you want, but given the same scenario, I'd like to see anyone here give a more accurate assessment of what will happen....

If Hillary is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with Republicans ferociously opposing her, followed by Republicans zooming back into power, as we did in 1980 and 1994, and 2000. (I also predict more Oval Office incidents with female interns.)

If McCain is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with the Republicans in Congress co-opted by "our" president, followed by 30 years of Democratic rule.

02-07-2008, 03:11 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's just so funny of you. I realize that Ann pulls out unwanted eyebrow hair that has more creative thought and intelligence than this statement shows that you possess, too bad you don't understand that. You and that imbecile Gabalot should get together and play with the lint in your navels.

I"m sorry. Did I offend your beloved?

She's a moron and she hasn't said anything funny or productive in 1,000 years. How you can worship her, I'll never know. She's full of hatred and she is not in any stretch of the imagination, indicative of conservative thought. She is a bigot which is the anti-thesis of consevatism.


Abbey Marie
02-07-2008, 03:16 PM
I"m sorry. Did I offend your beloved?

She's a moron and she hasn't said anything funny or productive in 1,000 years. How you can worship her, I'll never know.


Immie, you may strongly disagree with her, even find her disgusting, whatever, but calling her a moron is simply silly. She is obviously a very intelligent woman.

02-07-2008, 03:20 PM
I"m sorry. Did I offend your beloved?

She's a moron and she hasn't said anything funny or productive in 1,000 years. How you can worship her, I'll never know. She's full of hatred and she is not in any stretch of the imagination, indicative of conservative thought. She is a bigot which is the anti-thesis of consevatism.



if you two were girls, I'd say there is some sorta cat fight going on here!!! lol

And i agree with you regarding Ann Coulter Immie!

Yea!!! lol, something I can actually agree with you on!!! Though i do think she is intelligent, as Sitarro has mentioned, she is also, all of the above, on your list of assets!! imo ;)


02-07-2008, 03:26 PM
Immie, you may strongly disagree with her, even find her disgusting, whatever, but calling her a moron is simply silly. She is obviously a very intelligent woman.

Well maybe moron is not the correct term, then. I meant it as an anti-social person who is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted. My apologies for not making that clear. Basically, she's a bigger bitch than the bitch that wants to be President.

Then again anyone who is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted is mentally retarded making them a moron so I was correct in the first place.


02-07-2008, 03:49 PM
Well maybe moron is not the correct term, then. I meant it as an anti-social person who is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted. My apologies for not making that clear. Basically, she's a bigger bitch than the bitch that wants to be President.

Then again anyone who is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted is mentally retarded making them a moron so I was correct in the first place.


You dissapoint me. You can't back up your claims about her.

02-07-2008, 04:01 PM
You dissapoint me. You can't back up your claims about her.

Sorry, to disappoint you, but let me assure you that you are not the first! :D

You didn't ask me to back it up. What do you want me to back up? The statement that she is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted? Do I really need to link even one of her writings? Let's see, I remember a recent comment about the conversion of Jews, that should be enough. Want me to look it up for you?


02-07-2008, 04:02 PM
Sorry, to disappoint you, but let me assure you that you are not the first! :D

You didn't ask me to back it up. What do you want me to back up? The statement that she is extremely rude, hateful and bigoted? Do I really need to link even one of her writings? Let's see, I remember a recent comment about the conversion of Jews, that should be enough. Want me to look it up for you?

Immie Pick one, and I'll show you how you misinterpreted it.

02-07-2008, 04:06 PM
Well, looks like this thread is dissolving into the usual Yes-you-said-that-No-I-didn't-Yes-you-did-But-I-meant-something-else-Prove-it-No-YOU-prove-it pissing contest.

Damned shame, it had potential. Even if most of the "contributions" were the usual namecalling and mindless denigration against Coulter, along with one side against the other sniping.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:10 PM
Well, looks like this thread is dissolving into the usual Yes-you-said-that-No-I-didn't-Yes-you-did-But-I-meant-something-else-Prove-it-No-YOU-prove-it pissing contest.

Damned shame, it had potential. Even if most of the "contributions" were the usual namecalling and mindless denigration against Coulter, along with one side against the other sniping.

Alright... skip "your opinion," that she's hateful, bigoted, blah, blah, because I don't think that at all, and just tell us how she's wrong here....

If Hillary is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with Republicans ferociously opposing her, followed by Republicans zooming back into power, as we did in 1980 and 1994, and 2000. (I also predict more Oval Office incidents with female interns.)

If McCain is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with the Republicans in Congress co-opted by "our" president, followed by 30 years of Democratic rule.

02-07-2008, 04:55 PM
Alright... skip "your opinion," that she's hateful, bigoted, blah, blah,
More pissing contest BS. BTW, that's not my opinion.

because I don't think that at all,
Yet more.

and just tell us how she's wrong here....


But I already have. See posts 5, 10, 20, and 22.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 05:07 PM
More pissing contest BS. BTW, that's not my opinion.

Yet more.


But I already have. See posts 5, 10, 20, and 22.

L-A... I don't mean to disappoint you but, I'm not into pissing for any other reason but to relieve my bladder. However, I owe you an apology. You've made your case quite clear, and it is my fault for mistaking things said by Immie for you. Sorry.

Carry on...

02-07-2008, 05:46 PM
Pick one, and I'll show you how you misinterpreted it.


My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Geez, just think if you or a loved one worked in the NYT building.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

Wow, guess innocent lives don't mean a damned thing to her.

I'll just skip the 16 or so comments on that page that show hatred of liberals as if hatred of liberals is a good thing. I mean what red-blooded American doesn't hate liberals?


"Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males." Ann Coulter writing in her column again

You do realize that not all Arabs are evil or even Muslim don't you? Obviously she does not.

"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo." Ann Coulter writing in her column on 21/12/05

I am sure she only means spying on Arabs (which in and of itself is bigoted) after all they're only Arabs... hmmm, wasn't that the kind of statement we used to justify slavery? It wasn't right then and it is not right now.

"Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims." Ann Coulter writing in her column on 28/09/01 (she has obviously never heard of the IRA or ETA)

Timothy McVeigh? Again, this comment is bigoted. I know you understand what bigotry and racism are all about. I can't believe you would justify it even as humor, BTW humorous it is not!

Sorry, I don't find this woman funny at all. I find her to be one of the most bigoted people in the world. She ranks right up there with Osama Bin Laden in her hatred of people not like her. That is not conservatism! That is not decency. That is pure unadulterated hatred!

And in respect to the conversion of Jews (rest assured, I did not misinterpret her meaning) here is the link to the article and the transcript of the interview:


Might want to read the entire transcript:

COULTER: But yeah, I think that's reflective of what's going on in the culture, but it is completely striking that at these huge megachurches — the idea that, you know, the more Christian you are, the less tolerant you would be is preposterous.

This coming from the most outlandishly bigoted celebrity in America! She's as intolerant as the Feminists of NOW.

COULTER: Do you know what Christianity is? We believe your religion, but you have to obey.

I'd have to ask her if she knows what Christianity is.

COULTER: No, we think — we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.

DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?

COULTER: Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws. We know we're all sinners —

DEUTSCH: In my old days, I would have argued — when you say something absurd like that, there's no —

COULTER: What's absurd?

DEUTSCH: Jews are going to be perfected. I'm going to go off and try to perfect myself —

COULTER: Well, that's what the New Testament says.

No, that is not what the New Testament teaches! The NT Testament teaches that one must believe and be baptized to be saved. It does not teach that one must convert to a particular religion especially not one that is represented by a bigot.

DEUTSCH: Ann Coulter, author of "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans," and if Ann Coulter had any brains, she would not say Jews need to be perfected. I'm offended by that personally. And we'll have more "Big Idea" when we come back.

And rightfully he should be! I am a Christian and that comment offended me as well!

DEUTSCH: Welcome back to "The Big Idea." During the break, Ann said she wanted to explain her last comment. So I'm going to give her a chance. So you don't think that was offensive?

COULTER: No. I'm sorry. It is not intended to be. I don't think you should take it that way, but that is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews. We believe the Old Testament. As you know from the Old Testament, God was constantly getting fed up with humans for not being able to, you know, live up to all the laws. What Christians believe — this is just a statement of what the New Testament is — is that that's why Christ came and died for our sins. Christians believe the Old Testament. You don't believe our testament.

I'd like to ask her how she feels a slave in the 1800's should have taken the statements made by white men that black men were only 2/3's human. That is just exactly what she is stating here about Jews.

DEUTSCH: You said — your exact words were, "Jews need to be perfected." Those are the words out of your mouth.

COULTER: No, I'm saying that's what a Christian is.

DEUTSCH: But that's what you said — don't you see how hateful, how anti-Semitic —


No? Is she blind?

DEUTSCH: How do you not see? You're an educated woman. How do you not see that?

COULTER: That isn't hateful at all.

Like hell it isn't. Attempt to justify it all you want, but that was a hateful statement.

DEUTSCH: But that's even a scarier thought. OK —

COULTER: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want you being offended by this. This is what Christians consider themselves, because our testament is the continuation of your testament. You know that. So we think Jews go to heaven. I mean (Jerry) Falwell himself said that, but you have to follow laws. Ours is "Christ died for our sins." We consider ourselves perfected Christians. For me to say that for you to become a Christian is to become a perfected Christian is not offensive at all.

I'll bet you slave owners told their property, "I don't want you to be offended by this but you are not fully human".

Right here, Ann proves she doesn't know a darned thing about my faith. She says, "you have to follow laws". The fact is my faith and the faith she is attempting to portray believes that no one on earth can live a sinless life and follow God's laws. We are all sinners.

The Old Testament itself makes this statement:

Isaiah 53:6

We all, like sheep, have gone astray [broken God's laws], each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity [sins] of us all.

This passage would be well known to Mr. Duetsch and her comments in and of themselves would be extremely offensive to the Jew who was still waiting for the Messiah.

Glock, I'm sorry, but I don't believe even your most eloquent writings will be able to convince me that Ann Coulter is not a bigot and a bigot of the worst kind if you ask me.


02-07-2008, 06:05 PM
L-A... I don't mean to disappoint you but, I'm not into pissing for any other reason but to relieve my bladder. However, I owe you an apology. You've made your case quite clear, and it is my fault for mistaking things said by Immie for you. Sorry.

Carry on...

Well, in reference to that, you are welcomed to your opinion even when it is wrong! :D

So, with that said, do you disagree with me? I say Ann Coulter is a bigot as proven by my last post and nothing you or Glock can say can convince me a) otherwise, or b) to vote for Hillary because after four years of Hillary the Democratic Party will have self-destructed.

To b, I have something further to add, "Promises... promises". ;)

Little-Acorn... please accept my apologies. I was not trying to get you in trouble with PR. Heck! I wasn't even trying to get myself in trouble with him. Honestly, I wasn't even trying to call Ann names.

Post #3 was a joke. I say it everytime someone around me says, "You're driving me insane."

Post #6 was how I really feel about this issue. We've had 16 years of liberal control... yes, in my humble opinion GWB is a liberal and has done everything in his power to destroy true conservatism.

Sitarro got pissed off at me because I made a stupid joke about his beloved. Didn't realize it would offend him so much, therefore, I owe him an apology. Note to self: remember to send Sitarro a personal apology. I never intended to offend him or anyone else

However, when I am told that I am a bigot because I am a conservative and then there are morons like Ann Coulter and George W. Bush that everyone points to as conservative... well, I just get a bit pissed.

In post #28 - 30 Glockmail asked me to back up my statements. There are few things I hate more on these sites than for people to ignore posts that are made to them. Many liberals (and I imagine a few conservatives) on this site do that quite often. You know that they read your post and saw your questions, but they deliberately skip over it and go on from there. What is even more irritating is when they quote that very post, ignore your comments and ask you questions without commenting on your statements or answering your questions. So I felt compelled to reply to Glock's request!

I did not intend for this to turn in to be a beat up Ann Coulter conversation. I simply find her repulsive in everything she says. Intolerance is not a conservative value! Ann Coulter is not a conservative. Ann Coulter is at the very least intolerant which makes her a bigot!


02-08-2008, 09:01 AM
My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Geez, just think if you or a loved one worked in the NYT building.

Sorry I said pick one. I don't respond to scrolls of the same thing.

In this case she was obviously making a joke. Conservatives aren't allowed to make jokes?

02-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Sorry I said pick one. I don't respond to scrolls of the same thing.

In this case she was obviously making a joke. Conservatives aren't allowed to make jokes?

All I can say about your reply is... You Coward! :D

With your reply you could have simply said, "everyone one of those were just jokes. Conservatives aren't allowed to make jokes?".

You took the easy way out. I answered your post. I want a real reply. :laugh2: But, honestly, I didn't intend this to get into a pissing contest. I don't like Ann. I'm sure there are lots and lots of conservatives that do and that is their right. I believe she represents humanity at its worst.


02-08-2008, 09:21 AM
All I can say about your reply is... You Coward! :D

With your reply you could have simply said, "everyone one of those were just jokes. Conservatives aren't allowed to make jokes?".

You took the easy way out. I answered your post. I want a real reply. :laugh2: But, honestly, I didn't intend this to get into a pissing contest. I don't like Ann. I'm sure there are lots and lots of conservatives that do and that is their right. I believe she represents humanity at its worst.


She's like Rush. She is blunt and exaggerates for effect. Some people don't get it and respond to her style instead of following through with the point she's trying to make.

02-08-2008, 09:25 AM
All I can say about your reply is... You Coward! :D

With your reply you could have simply said, "everyone one of those were just jokes. Conservatives aren't allowed to make jokes?".

You took the easy way out. I answered your post. I want a real reply. :laugh2: But, honestly, I didn't intend this to get into a pissing contest. I don't like Ann. I'm sure there are lots and lots of conservatives that do and that is their right. I believe she represents humanity at its worst.

Immie Coward or time-waster me not. I didn't reply to every one, just the first one. If you take stuff out of context then you don't get its full meaning.

For some of the others, Coulter presents an extreme argument to invite debate. Liberals don't want to debate so they call her "hateful". She has thus demonstrated their intolerance. She is masterful at leading them off the proverbial cliff.

02-08-2008, 09:32 AM
Coward or time-waster me not. I didn't reply to every one, just the first one. If you take stuff out of context then you don't get its full meaning.

For some of the others, Coulter presents an extreme argument to invite debate. Liberals don't want to debate so they call her "hateful". She has thus demonstrated their intolerance. She is masterful at leading them off the proverbial cliff.

Sorry, but that is a crock of shit.

So you're telling me she is just a sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly, doesn't hate anyone, isn't a bigot but only wants to spark debate? Boy, does she have you snowed under! She represents the worst humanity has to offer. If it is just a persona, then fine, but she represents intolerance and hatred in everything she does.


Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 11:37 AM
Well, in reference to that, you are welcomed to your opinion even when it is wrong! :D

So, with that said, do you disagree with me? I say Ann Coulter is a bigot as proven by my last post and nothing you or Glock can say can convince me a) otherwise, or b) to vote for Hillary because after four years of Hillary the Democratic Party will have self-destructed.

big·ot (bĭg'ət) Pronunciation Key
n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Well, judging by the deffinition of "bigot," I'd have to say that "at times," I'm a bigot myself. I'd have to say that "at times," there's hardly a person here that's NOT a bigot. But I think "passion" for ones views can be twisted into being termed bigoted by the listener when he/she doesn't agree with the person purporting the views. So it's a two way street. You have to be careful calling someone a bigot, hence you become the bigot yourself.

Personally, I like Ann Coulter. I think she's awesome. I also like Michele Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingram.

02-08-2008, 11:41 AM
Well, judging by the deffinition of "bigot," I'd have to say that "at times," I'm a bigot myself. I'd have to say that "at times," there's hardly a person here that's NOT a bigot. But I think "passion" for ones views can be twisted into being bigoted by the listener when he/she doesn't agree with the person purporting the views. So it's a two way street. You have to be careful calling someone a bigot, hence you become the bigot yourself.

Nah! Just intolerant of bigotry.

And yes, we ALL are pregidous (I don't think that is spelled right, but don't have time to look it up) in some respects. I'm no different. Where I AM different is that I have learned that it is my problem and I have learned to keep it to myself. This is a lesson that Ann has never learned.


02-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Nah! Just intolerant of bigotry.

And yes, we ALL are pregidous (I don't think that is spelled right, but don't have time to look it up) in some respects. I'm no different. Where I AM different is that I have learned that it is my problem and I have learned to keep it to myself. This is a lesson that Ann has never learned.

ImmiePrejudice....with a "j", think of "prejudge" when spelling it...:)


Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 11:56 AM
So then you're bigoted towards bigotry.

Nah! Just intolerant of bigotry.

And yes, we ALL are pregidous (I don't think that is spelled right, but don't have time to look it up) in some respects. I'm no different. Where I AM different is that I have learned that it is my problem and I have learned to keep it to myself. This is a lesson that Ann has never learned.


She gets paid to be the way she is, and quite well I might add. If people didn't want to listen to her, or if people didn't agree with her, she wouldn't be where she's at.

I don't like rap music either... but it's a billion dollar a year industry because there's other people that do like it. Same thing. You don't like Ann. Others do. The same story is repeated over and over in America hundreds of thousands of times a day. The world is FULL of bigots. So what? Being a bigot is not the worst thing in the world when you consider there's animals like the islamo jihadists walking around that will SAW YOUR FREAGIN' HEAD OFF if you disagree with them. I haven't heard of Ann Coulter sawing anybody's head off.

02-08-2008, 12:04 PM
So then you're bigoted towards bigotry.

She gets paid to be the way she is, and quite well I might add. If people didn't want to listen to her, or if people didn't agree with her, she wouldn't be where she's at.

I don't like rap music either... but it's a billion dollar a year industry because there's other people that do like it. Same thing. You don't like Ann. Others do. The same story is repeated over and over in America hundreds of thousands of times a day. The world is FULL of bigots. So what? Being a bigot is not the worst thing in the world when you consider there's animals like the islamo jihadists walking around that will SAW YOUR FREAGIN' HEAD OFF if you disagree with them. I haven't heard of Ann Coulter sawing anybody's head off.

Well, I never called for her to be censored, nor have I called for that other bastion of hatred, Randi Rhodes, to be censored either.

The fact that they do get paid so well is just one more sad commentary on the state of human depravity, if you ask me.


02-08-2008, 12:07 PM
Prejudice....with a "j", think of "prejudge" when spelling it...:)


Duh! As soon as I saw it in your post it looked right. Prejudge? I doubt I will forget it again, kind of like when someone alerted me to the fact that there is "a rat" in separate seeing how so many people spell it seperate.

Thanks a million,


Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:07 PM
Well, I never called for her to be censored, nor have I called for that other bastion of hatred, Randi Rhodes, to be censored either.

The fact that they do get paid so well is just one more sad commentary on the state of human depravity, if you ask me.


It doesn't take much looking around to find lots of people you don't like in this world Immie... I do it all the time... :D

02-08-2008, 12:10 PM
It doesn't take much looking around to find lots of people you don't like in this world Immie... I do it all the time... :D

Okay, besides, Randi, George, and Ann name one person I don't like? :D


PS no searching back in my posts either!


PPS Damn! Hope he hasn't read any of my posts about John McCain! :D

02-08-2008, 12:10 PM
I like Ann Coulter and I also used to use her methods to spur debate on other debate sites loaded to the hilt with liberals. Liberals function on "feelings" and feelings alone... they refuse to look at facts or any explanation of reality so if you can say something abstract they will blurt out their true feelings so you can debate them.

In the case of a polarized party with people at extremes of views using strong statements draws attention to the issue "she" wants to bring attention to.

If you scream out all illegal immigrants must go back to Mexico and their fuck trophies do not deserve citizenship then you have everyone's attention. Thirty percent of the Democrats will agree with you and perhaps 70% of Republicans will agree with you. But no one will listen to you if you ask what is your opinion on illegal immigration.

I don't think her method is based on hatred but on getting peoples attention so a debate may start.

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:12 PM
Okay, besides, Randi, George, and Ann name one person I don't like? :D


PS no searching back in my posts either!


PPS Damn! Hope he hasn't read any of my posts about John McCain! :D

I have... you filthy BIGOT! :laugh2: I'm right there with ya Immie... :beer:

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:15 PM
I like Ann Coulter and I also used to use her methods to spur debate on other debate sites loaded to the hilt with liberals. Liberals function on "feelings" and feelings alone... they refuse to look at facts or any explanation of reality so if you can say something abstract they will blurt out their true feelings so you can debate them.

In the case of a polarized party with people at extremes of views using strong statements draws attention to the issue "she" wants to bring attention to.

If you scream out all illegal immigrants must go back to Mexico and their fuck trophies do not deserve citizenship then you have everyone's attention. Thirty percent of the Democrats will agree with you and perhaps 70% of Republicans will agree with you. But no one will listen to you if you ask what is your opinion on illegal immigration.

I don't think her method is based on hatred but on getting peoples attention so a debate may start.
She says what some people are too afraid to say, but are thinking. Not popular with some, very popular with others.

02-08-2008, 12:31 PM
She says what some people are too afraid to say, but are thinking. Not popular with some, very popular with others.Because of her statement she got more national air time on TV than many of the conservative radio folks... well she provoked the 24/7 news to talk about how much some Republicans despise McCain... I'd say every newspaper, radio station and TV station has repeated her statement of supporting Clinton if McCain were to be the nominee... That is just plain powerful air time that McCain has to live down and a concern for the Democratic Party also... because they also don't want someone on their side coming out with a similar statement about one of their candidates. It is simply brilliant!

02-08-2008, 12:36 PM
The next time Ann Coulter makes sense will be the first time. Coulter and Malkin are paid attack dogs. They say whatever gets them attention and makes them money.

02-08-2008, 12:43 PM
The next time Ann Coulter makes sense will be the first time. Coulter and Malkin are paid attack dogs. They say whatever gets them attention and makes them money.Jealousy is such flattery. I think the Democrats have a bald headed guy from LA that used to use the same methods on the CNN Crossfire program, or not? That dude is married to a conservative too, wow that has to be a fun marriage.

Ann and Malkin and others give the people voice that don't have access to a microphone, a voice that needs to be heard.

02-08-2008, 12:49 PM
The next time Ann Coulter makes sense will be the first time. Coulter and Malkin are paid attack dogs. They say whatever gets them attention and makes them money.

It would appear that some here, mostly from the fragile liberal side, don't understand sarcasm........ Ann Coulter is a master at it. Rush Limbaugh is too. I would imagine that you would also think Don Rickles was and still is a racist bigot. Grow up.

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 01:43 PM
Jealousy is such flattery. I think the Democrats have a bald headed guy from LA that used to use the same methods on the CNN Crossfire program, or not? That dude is married to a conservative too, wow that has to be a fun marriage.

Ann and Malkin and others give the people voice that don't have access to a microphone, a voice that needs to be heard.

You're thinking of James Carville. He's the venom spitting paid liberal attack dog, and he makes Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin look like a couple of nuns.

02-08-2008, 02:03 PM
You're thinking of James Carville. He's the venom spitting paid liberal attack dog, and he makes Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin look like a couple of nuns.

He was a great guest on Crossfire. He made the discusssions lively to say the least, but he was also a jerk. I don't agree with your statement about making Ann look like a nun though.

I quit watching Crossfire about the time Tucker Carlson became the conservative host. Gosh, that's been a while now. Carlson was such a wimp.

I used to say it would be fun to be a fly on the wall at his house when both he and Mary Madelin were home.


02-08-2008, 02:20 PM
He was a great guest on Crossfire. He made the discusssions lively to say the least, but he was also a jerk. I don't agree with your statement about making Ann look like a nun though.

I quit watching Crossfire about the time Tucker Carlson became the conservative host. Gosh, that's been a while now. Carlson was such a wimp.

I used to say it would be fun to be a fly on the wall at his house when both he and Mary Madelin were home.


speaking of being a fly on the wall........ wouldn't it be fun to be in the residence of the Clintons to hear how often the word nigger is used in reference to Obammy about now. I would bet it goes something like this...... "that prick little punk ass nigger is getting me more pissed than usual, is there some way we could stage a lynching where the Republicans get the blame? That uppity nigger boy needs to be taught a lesson and shown where his nigger assed place is, get to work on it Bill.......NOW!":laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

02-08-2008, 03:44 PM
speaking of being a fly on the wall........ wouldn't it be fun to be in the residence of the Clintons to hear how often the word nigger is used in reference to Obammy about now. I would bet it goes something like this...... "that prick little punk ass nigger is getting me more pissed than usual, is there some way we could stage a lynching where the Republicans get the blame? That uppity nigger boy needs to be taught a lesson and shown where his nigger assed place is, get to work on it Bill.......NOW!":laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I can't believe that you would have the audacity and bad taste to post such a hate filled, bigoted, racist diatribe! What is wrong with you Sitarro, did your mother take you off the breast milk too early. To actually claim that the future first woman President and the first black President could even entertain such garbage is sacrilegious! You will burn in hell for this you son of Satan!

02-08-2008, 03:51 PM
I can't believe that you would have the audacity and bad taste to post such a hate filled, bigoted, racist diatribe! What is wrong with you Sitarro, did your mother take you off the breast milk too early. To actually claim that the future first woman President and the first black President could even entertain such garbage is sacrilegious! You will burn in hell for this you son of Satan!

You know, I was trying to think of how I could say this nicely, but I think you did very well. Thanks for helping me come up with the words. :clap:


02-08-2008, 04:17 PM
You know, I was trying to think of how I could say this nicely, but I think you did very well. Thanks for helping me come up with the words. :clap:


I don't want to say you're reactions are predictable, but.............

02-08-2008, 07:16 PM
I don't want to say you're reactions are predictable, but.............

You sure don't know how to take any razzing do you?


02-08-2008, 07:54 PM
Coward or time-waster me not. I didn't reply to every one, just the first one. If you take stuff out of context then you don't get its full meaning.

For some of the others, Coulter presents an extreme argument to invite debate. Liberals don't want to debate so they call her "hateful". She has thus demonstrated their intolerance. She is masterful at leading them off the proverbial cliff.

she should try a diffent tact......she is shrill and insulting.....when she comes on i change the channel

02-08-2008, 08:24 PM

02-08-2008, 08:49 PM

30 seconds with Photoshop and a Wacom tablet. Hell, in photoshop one could make Hillary look like a woman or McCain look like the walking dead...... one could even make Barrack look like a white woman.

02-08-2008, 09:06 PM

looks interesting

02-08-2008, 09:11 PM
i would be afraid.....she looks like she bites.....


looks interesting

02-08-2008, 09:22 PM
i would be afraid.....she looks like she bites.....

and not in the good way

looks like something around the adam's apple area on the throat if you ask me

02-08-2008, 09:24 PM
Phil Michelson has breasts........

02-08-2008, 09:26 PM
and not in the good way

looks like something around the adam's apple area on the throat if you ask me

mAnn Coulter

02-08-2008, 09:27 PM
and not in the good way

looks like something around the adam's apple area on the throat if you ask me

who cares......she is mean a mean spirited person.....actually if she used to be a dude it kind explains the personality......

02-08-2008, 09:36 PM
Phil Michelson has breasts........

And he wears a bro. :laugh2:

02-08-2008, 09:38 PM
And he wears a bro. :laugh2:

saw him play as an amature at the olympic club in sf.....hit a shot from his knees from about 180 out from under a tree put it inside 10 feet.....

02-08-2008, 09:58 PM
saw him play as an amature at the olympic club in sf.....hit a shot from his knees from about 180 out from under a tree put it inside 10 feet.....

so was it the bro that supported him?

02-08-2008, 10:26 PM
saw him play as an amature at the olympic club in sf.....hit a shot from his knees from about 180 out from under a tree put it inside 10 feet.....

I was always a fan of his, wished him well but after the utter stupidity on his and his caddy's part in the 2006 U.S. Open....... I gave up. He just can't seem to course manage at all. If I would have been his caddy, I would of pulled a Cheech Marin move from Tin Cup when he asked for the driver on 18. All he needed was a 4 to win the tournament! Bogie would have kept him in it. He had hit 2 fairways all day and he wants to hit Driver?????? He just doesn't have a head. Tiger would have split the fairway with a 2 iron and probably birdied it in the same circumstance.

I've seen guys paralyzed from the waste down that strap themselves to the side of a cart and hit 250 yard drives with a draw..... some amazing shots made out there.

02-09-2008, 01:02 PM
This is interesting if you haven't seen it ... Ann at CPAC (sort of) it is pretty long but considering the writers were on strike she's really good! http://www.townhall.com/blog/g/b9769a28-f1fa-4ee9-af17-c9955af1a2e5

02-12-2008, 06:58 AM
Sorry, but that is a crock of shit.

So you're telling me she is just a sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly, doesn't hate anyone, isn't a bigot but only wants to spark debate? Boy, does she have you snowed under! She represents the worst humanity has to offer. If it is just a persona, then fine, but she represents intolerance and hatred in everything she does.


Prove any one of your silly accusations.

02-12-2008, 07:01 AM
i would be afraid.....she looks like she bites.....

and not in the good way

looks like something around the adam's apple area on the throat if you ask me

It takes a real man to handle a woman like that. I don't blame y'all for being afraid of her. :laugh2:

02-12-2008, 07:57 AM
Prove any one of your silly accusations.

I already have straight from her own pen or mouth depending on the particular quote.


02-12-2008, 08:23 AM
I already have straight from her own pen or mouth depending on the particular quote.

Interpreted by you, making hateful assumptions.

02-12-2008, 08:47 AM
Interpreted by you, making hateful assumptions.

Hateful assumptions?

I can no more read her mind than you. You make loving assumptions because you worship her. You assume that she is only joking when she spreads her hate. I simply take her words at face value. Now, who is assuming?


02-12-2008, 08:53 AM
Hateful assumptions?

I can no more read her mind than you. You make loving assumptions because you worship her. You assume that she is only joking when she spreads her hate. I simply take her words at face value. Now, who is assuming?

Immie You are. Now you assume that I "worship" her. :cuckoo:

02-12-2008, 12:53 PM
You are. Now you assume that I "worship" her. :cuckoo:

Well, since you are assuming that her words are filled with love and teasing, when she is clearly spouting venom, what else can I take from that? It is pretty evident that you do worship her.


Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 02:27 PM
Well, since you are assuming that her words are filled with love and teasing, when she is clearly spouting venom, what else can I take from that? It is pretty evident that you do worship her.


Ya know what... I wish we had a few more like Coulter around. We need good conservatives like Anne to offset caustic, venom spitting, hateful, liberal assholes like James Carvill, Al Franken, Bill Maher, Susan Sarandon, Cher, Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Hanio Jane Fonda, Ed Asner, Janeane Garofalo, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Conan O'Brien, etc.. Shall I go on?

Little Anne Coulter standing against a crowd a like that. Shit... I respect the hell out of her for it.

02-12-2008, 02:33 PM
Ya know what... I wish we had a few more like Coulter around. We need good conservatives like Anne to offset caustic, venom spitting, hateful, liberal assholes like James Carvill, Al Franken, Bill Maher, Susan Sarandon, Cher, Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Hanio Jane Fonda, Ed Asner, Janeane Garofalo, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Conan O'Brien, etc.. Shall I go on?

Little Anne Coulter standing against a crowd a like that. Shit... I respect the hell out of her for it.

I wish we had less of both sides.


Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 02:35 PM
I wish we had less of both sides.


Any less conservatives and we wouldn't have any.

02-12-2008, 02:43 PM
Any less conservatives and we wouldn't have any.

I disagree... um, maybe you are right, since hatred and intolerance are not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. That would mean that neither Anne nor Michael Savage or anyone else like them are actually conservative.


02-12-2008, 02:52 PM
Well, since you are assuming that her words are filled with love and teasing, when she is clearly spouting venom, what else can I take from that? It is pretty evident that you do worship her.

Immie Again, you can't back up your claims on either one of us. But by demonizing or suggesting some weird behavior you get to avoid actually having to think or debate. :fu:

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 02:56 PM
I disagree... um, maybe you are right, since hatred and intolerance are not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. That would mean that neither Anne nor Michael Savage or anyone else like them are actually conservative.


Your stretching now Immie. You can find hatred and bigotry in every walk of life. You and I both know it, and there's plenty of blame to go around, liberal and conservative alike.

02-12-2008, 03:14 PM
Your stretching now Immie. You can find hatred and bigotry in every walk of life. You and I both know it, and there's plenty of blame to go around, liberal and conservative alike.

True, there is hatred and bigotry in every walk of life, but the world would be a hell of a lot better place without people spreading it around like Ann Coulter and Randi Rhodes.

I never said there weren't liberals that do the same thing, just that I don't need Ann Coulter to pretend that her brand of hatred and venom spewing is what makes up conservative values. It is hard enough standing up against the hatred of the left let alone doing so with people like Ann making us sound no different than the intolerant left.


02-12-2008, 03:21 PM
Well, since you are assuming that her words are filled with love and teasing, when she is clearly spouting venom, what else can I take from that? It is pretty evident that you do worship her.


You keep PMing me about this yet offer no proof to your claims. In fact you insist that I prove you wrong. Fuck you- you made the accusation so it's up to you to prove it. Then you spout off that we should all improve the quality of debate. That's complete bullshit. :pee:

02-12-2008, 03:23 PM
You keep PMing me about this yet offer no proof to your claims. In fact you insist that I prove you wrong. Fuck you- you made the accusation so it's up to you to prove it. Then you spout off that we should all improve the quality of debate. That's complete bullshit. :pee:

Post #35!

At least two links from her very own pen and lips.

Especially her hate-filled remarks about Jews.

You saw the post because you answered it.


02-12-2008, 03:27 PM
Post #35!

At least two links from her very own pen and lips.

Especially her hate-filled remarks about Jews.

You saw the post because you answered it.

Immie Yes, and you had no substantive response to my explanation. :pee:

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 04:11 PM
True, there is hatred and bigotry in every walk of life, but the world would be a hell of a lot better place without people spreading it around like Ann Coulter and Randi Rhodes.

I never said there weren't liberals that do the same thing, just that I don't need Ann Coulter to pretend that her brand of hatred and venom spewing is what makes up conservative values. It is hard enough standing up against the hatred of the left let alone doing so with people like Ann making us sound no different than the intolerant left.


I think you're letting your emotions play a little into this hatred you have for Anne. I don't think she's even a fraction as bad as you're trying to make her out as here.

She fills a niche, and does a good job of it. She's wildly popular and a best selling author. Obviously there's millions of people that disagree with you, including me.

02-12-2008, 04:54 PM
Yes, and you had no substantive response to my explanation. :pee:

This from a person who NEVER posts his own point of view.

You had absolutely zero evidence to back up your statements about her. Nothing at all to prove anything you said. I gave evidence. You gave, "Can't you take a joke?"

You are a cut-and-paste-aholic. If it isn't spelled out for you on a right wing webpage, you can't figure it out. You don't have the balls to post your own point of view. When asked to back up your positions, you don't have the class to do so.

After I posted backup to my claim that your goddess is a hateful bigot, I asked you to back up your claim that she is only joking. You never even tried. Because you can't do so even if it were right there in front of your lazy ass, you could not put it into your own words.

You don't have the mental capacity to form your own opinions.

:fu: Right back at you from your sorry assed replies to my pm's. :pee:


02-12-2008, 04:59 PM
I think you're letting your emotions play a little into this hatred you have for Anne. I don't think she's even a fraction as bad as you're trying to make her out as here.

She fills a niche, and does a good job of it. She's wildly popular and a best selling author. Obviously there's millions of people that disagree with you, including me.

And obviously there are millions of people who disagree with you.

That's the beauty of living in a free country. We are welcomed to have our own point of view unless of course it differs from Glock's. If so, you get nasty notes in your rep file.

That niche you think she fills doesn't need to be filled. We already have millions of people thinking that conservatives are Satan's spawn. We don't need her to prove it.


02-12-2008, 05:09 PM
This from a person who NEVER posts his own point of view.

You had absolutely zero evidence to back up your statements about her. Nothing at all to prove anything you said. I gave evidence. You gave, "Can't you take a joke?"

You are a cut-and-paste-aholic. If it isn't spelled out for you on a right wing webpage, you can't figure it out. You don't have the balls to post your own point of view. When asked to back up your positions, you don't have the class to do so.

After I posted backup to my claim that your goddess is a hateful bigot, I asked you to back up your claim that she is only joking. You never even tried. Because you can't do so even if it were right there in front of your lazy ass, you could not put it into your own words.

You don't have the mental capacity to form your own opinions.

:fu: Right back at you from your sorry assed replies to my pm's. :pee:


You've got your head up your ass today pal. Me, no balls to post my point of view? No mental capacity to form opinions? What planet are you on? :laugh2:

Thanks for the hateful opinion, BTW. :laugh2:

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 05:18 PM
And obviously there are millions of people who disagree with you.

That's the beauty of living in a free country. We are welcomed to have our own point of view unless of course it differs from Glock's. If so, you get nasty notes in your rep file.

That niche you think she fills doesn't need to be filled. We already have millions of people thinking that conservatives are Satan's spawn. We don't need her to prove it.


Well if it wasn't her filling it then it would just be someone else. Listen... I get it Immie. You hate her. Well, there's a lot more liberals on the other side that I hate just as much, and even though I wish they'd all fuck off and die, I don't expect them to, and I'd never ask them to. And THAT is also the beauty of living in a free country. It's called free speech.

So I'll just agree to disagree with you about Anne Coulter. I like her, you don't. Alls good.

02-12-2008, 05:27 PM
So I'll just agree to disagree with you about Anne Coulter. I like her, you don't. Alls good.
Why are you so friggin' tolerant today Pale? This asshole doesn't understand her, so has resorted to demonizing her, and claiming that it is she who uses hate speech.

02-12-2008, 05:30 PM
Why are you so friggin' tolerant today Pale? This asshole doesn't understand her, so has resorted to demonizing her, and claiming that it is she who uses hate speech.

she is rude and she is mean and she does say hateful things.....

however, it is all part of her schtik.....

personally i can't watch her and i would never defend her because i don't like how she presents her ideas....

02-12-2008, 07:15 PM
she is rude and she is mean and she does say hateful things.........
Nah- she's a loveable little puff ball.

02-12-2008, 07:18 PM
Nah- she's a loveable little puff ball.

badgers are furry little puff balls as well....

02-12-2008, 07:23 PM
You've got your head up your ass today pal. Me, no balls to post my point of view? No mental capacity to form opinions? What planet are you on? :laugh2:

Thanks for the hateful opinion, BTW. :laugh2:

You are very welcome. Push my buttons and I can hate almost as much as you do. BTW Just because you pissed me off, doesn't mean I hate you. My brothers used to do it all the time. I don't hate one of them.

As for your mental capacity and balls, I am fairly certain they are lacking. I've never seen you post anything substantive from your own point of view. You claimed I did not post anything substantive to your childish reply to my proof that Ann is full of hate and bigotry, yet, your "can't you take a joke?" was far from substantive.

Well if it wasn't her filling it then it would just be someone else. Listen... I get it Immie. You hate her. Well, there's a lot more liberals on the other side that I hate just as much, and even though I wish they'd all fuck off and die, I don't expect them to, and I'd never ask them to. And THAT is also the beauty of living in a free country. It's called free speech.

So I'll just agree to disagree with you about Anne Coulter. I like her, you don't. Alls good.

Me hating Ann is a very strong way to put it. I don't like her methods. I think she's crass and that she presents a very negative impression of conservatives.

She's not the least bit funny. I have never been one that thought that racism, racist jokes or bigotry of any kind was funny. I have never been one that thought that the intolerance of the left was funny and I sure do not like seeing it from people that claim to represent my point of view. Bigotry of any kind is UNACCEPTABLE.

Believe it or not, liberals are people too. They deserve to live freely just as much as you and I do. It is not, "the only good liberal is a dead liberal"... geez didn't Ann say something like that?

Yeah, I don't like her. True, I wish she'd STFU in the same way that I feel that Randi Rhodes should STFU. But, I don't hate her. I hate her message. Just as I hate the message that all Mexicans are lazy SOB's who given the opportunity will come to this country illegally in order to steal our tax dollars. Just as I hate the message that all Jews are power hungry people that want to control the world. Just as I hate the message that all blacks are petty thieves that would cut your throat for a nickel. Just as I hate the message that all Christians are stupid because they believe that God said, "Let there be light" and there was light.

Bigotry has only one place in America and that is at the bottom of a trash heap.

Why are you so friggin' tolerant today Pale? This asshole doesn't understand her, so has resorted to demonizing her, and claiming that it is she who uses hate speech.

If you love her so much why don't you post something, anything at all, that shows that she is not what I have shown her to be?
