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View Full Version : Why im supporting mccain, & more importantly why you should too

02-07-2008, 04:01 PM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

02-07-2008, 04:05 PM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

I don't agree that he can admit his mistakes, or that he respects conservatives, or that he will close the border, but either Democrat would be far, far worse.

02-07-2008, 04:10 PM
I respect your opinion, as a friend, and the fact youre one of the best posters on here.

I am glad, that unlike most democrats, most conservatives can disagree, and still work together, and still be friends


I don't agree that he can admit his mistakes, or that he respects conservatives, or that he will close the border, but either Democrat would be far, far worse.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:13 PM
This is the most conservative you will EVER see mccain, because once he gets where he wants to be, he'll be right back to his liberal self. And even though he just gave a speach to CPAC and promised to seal the border, he did NOT say he WOULDN'T GIVE AMNESTY TO THE ILLEGALS! On top of that, he didn't say one damn thing that impressed me in the slightest, or that would make me even consider changing my mind. It was all fluff, and nothing of substance.

Mccain will never have my support, ever, period. He's not going to snow job me with his acting trying to hide twenty years of, "sticking it to his party."

Fuck him. End of story.

02-07-2008, 04:16 PM
This is the most conservative you will EVER see mccain, because once he gets where he wants to be, he'll be right back to his liberal self. And even though he just gave a speach to CPAC and promised to seal the border, he did NOT say he WOULDN'T GIVE AMNESTY TO THE ILLEGALS!

Mccain will never have my support, ever, period. He's not going to snow job me with his acting trying to hide twenty years of, "sticking it to his party."

Fuck him. End of story. He did say that he would veto pork barrel legislation, something that Bush has not done.

I think that you need to look at what is driving your decision, emotions or pragmatism, then decide which would be the better path.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:19 PM
He did say that he would veto pork barrel legislation, something that Bush has not done.

Whoooptie freagin' doo...

Sorry... I respect both you and anm, but the man is a turd. You can polish him up and pretend he's a rose, but I'm not going to.

Twenty years of him "sticking it to his party" is driving my decision, and one feel good speech with nothing of substance in it isn't going to even begin to change my mind.

02-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Whoooptie freagin' doo...

Sorry... I respect both you and anm, but this man is a turd. You can polish him up and pretend he's something else, but I'm not going to. I don't think there's any chome there to polish. Nor am I pretending anything.

I agree with you on the amnesty thing. I don't like it one bit. But that's not the only issue. Either Democrat will abandon our efforts in Iraq and thus declare surrender to the terrorists. On that one issuse alone I have to support McCain now that he's the defacto GOP nom.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:31 PM
I don't think there's any chome there to polish. Nor am I pretending anything.

I agree with you on the amnesty thing. I don't like it one bit. But that's not the only issue. Either Democrat will abandon our efforts in Iraq and thus declare surrender to the terrorists. On that one issuse alone I have to support McCain now that he's the defacto GOP nom.

You have to be pretending if you think he's a true conservative.

And I don't believe we should have gone into Iraq in the first place. Second, not only have we already been there too long, but third and forth, we can't afford to be there any longer, and we don't have the personal in the military to keep this up. We need to get out of Iraq and quit this war mongering. That does not mean surrender. If we're attacked again, we fight. But no more of this occupying and nation building. It's against our constitution, and we can't afford it. No wonder half the piece loving nations of the world hate our guts the way we throw our military power in their face. I think we ought to back off for awhile.

02-07-2008, 04:31 PM
This is the most conservative you will EVER see mccain,

me: thats possible

because once he gets where he wants to be, he'll be right back to his liberal self.

me: thats possible

And even though he just gave a speach to CPAC and promised to seal the border, he did NOT say he WOULDN'T GIVE AMNESTY TO THE ILLEGALS!

Me: thats true, but i do trust the american people will do the same thing the last time he tried to give amnesty away.... stop him

On top of that, he didn't say one damn thing that impressed me in the slightest,

me: what about no earmarks?, winning the war in iraq, with a democrat, youll get more government, and a withdrawal.

or that would make me even consider changing my mind.

me: i respect youre opinion, as a friend, and one of my favorite posters, because of your honesty, and integrity, when it comes to your believes

It was all fluff, and nothing of substance.

me: it was part fluff, but i think he gets, he needs us, and I think he will make a better president then any democrat.

Mccain will never have my support, ever, period.

me: I cant ask you to vote against your conchence, and if you decide not to vote, you dont need mine or anyone's elses approval

He's not going to snow job me with his acting trying to hide twenty years of, "sticking it to his party."

me: he cant be any worse then bush, and i believe he will be better

Fuck him. End of story.

me: thanks for your thoughts pale, I enjoy your contributions

02-07-2008, 04:34 PM
...but either Democrat would be far, far worse.

Agree completely so that is why I will make an effort to vote for McCain with the hope that, if he's elected, conservatives will bombbard him and their elected reps vigorously with mail, telephone calls, faxes, etc. everytime he just thinks about making a turn to the left. The power still rests with the people, but they have to use it to show the "powers that be" in Washington who is boss.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:36 PM
Agree completely so that is why I will make an effort to vote for McCain with the hope that, if he's elected, conservatives will bombbard him and their elected reps vigorously with mail, telephone calls, faxes, etc. everytime he just thinks about making a turn to the left. The power still rests with the people, but they have to use it to show the "powers that be" in Washington who is boss.

Right... like this has made a big difference with bush... ain't gonna happen. Once a President is elected, he's got four years to not give a fuck what you think.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:40 PM
me: thanks for your thoughts pale, I enjoy your contributions

I like ya anm, and know that you're just trying to sort this out and do the right thing. But I've read REAMS on just how big of a bastard mccain really is. He's the most HATED senator by his own party in over a hundred years. He revels in his reputation as a maverick, and sticking it to his party. I just say, don't be taken in by all this feel good campaign talk. He isn't a new person. He's the same mccain that's been sleeping the democrats for twenty years, and even thought about switching parties at one time. He hasn't changed nor is he going to change. Think about it...

02-07-2008, 04:42 PM
I think the question is....

who will do a better job?

with illegals: slight advantage mccain

with the economy: big advantage mccain

with the war: huge advantage.

I am just as unhappy about mccain defeating romney and hunter and tancredo, believe me.

Id like to be able to shoot all illegals crossing into this country

he is better then any democrat, even if he is less the desirable.

I cant ask people to vote for anyone they dont want to, so i honestly respect where youre coming from.

Right... like this has made a big difference with bush... ain't gonna happen.

02-07-2008, 04:43 PM
I will always think about, and sincerely consider what you say.

You are one of the most intelligent, passionate, sincere posters here.

And whether people like your style or not, they should respect you

I like ya anm, and know that you're just trying to sort this out and do the right thing. But I've read REAMS on just how big of a bastard mccain really is. He's the most HATED senator by his own party in over a hundred years. He revels in his reputation as a maverick, and sticking it to his party. I just say, don't be taken in by all this feel good campaign talk. He isn't a new person. He's the same mccain that's been sleeping the democrats for twenty years, and even thought about switching parties at one time. He hasn't changed nor is he going to change. Think about it...

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:45 PM
I think the question is....

who will do a better job?

with illegals: slight advantage mccain

with the economy: big advantage mccain

with the war: huge advantage.

I am just as unhappy about mccain defeating romney and hunter and tancredo, believe me.

Id like to be able to shoot all illegals crossing into this country

he is better then any democrat, even if he is less the desirable.

I cant ask people to vote for anyone they dont want to, so i honestly respect where youre coming from.

I won't vote for mccain anm... under any circumstances, and then live with my conscience. I'll probably not vote at all in November.

What I plan to do though is get out of the republican party. I want nothing more to do with it. I'll be registering Independent.

02-07-2008, 04:45 PM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

Don't forget the next President will likely nominate 2 or 3 Supreme Court judges, and McCain is pro-life.

The best chance to overturn Roe v Wade will be in the next 8 years.

02-07-2008, 04:52 PM
You have to be pretending if you think he's a true conservative.

And I don't believe we should have gone into Iraq in the first place. Second, not only have we already been there too long, but third and forth, we can't afford to be there any longer, and we don't have the personal in the military to keep this up. We need to get out of Iraq and quit this war mongering. That does not mean surrender. If we're attacked again, we fight. But no more of this occupying and nation building. It's against our constitution, and we can't afford it. No wonder half the piece loving nations of the world hate our guts the way we throw our military power in their face. I think we ought to back off for awhile.
I never once said or insinuated that he is a "true conservative". I am simply being pragmatic about the current situation. And I have to disagree that we should leave Iraq for the same pragmatism. The issue that we should have gone in or not is moot based on the present.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 04:56 PM
I never once said or insinuated that he is a "true conservative". I am simply being pragmatic about the current situation. And I have to disagree that we should leave Iraq for the same pragmatism. The issue that we should have gone in or not is moot based on the present.

Well... I'm too "left brainded" to be pragmatic. I don't want to have to chose between what I see as the lessor of two evils. I want to vote for someone that I see as fully representing my values, not the other way around... or just "close." All this talk about "hold your nose and vote," and "party loyalty." Where has john mccain's "party loyalty" been if I'm going to be asked for mine?

I guess we disagree on Iraq too. Just another reason I can't support mccain.

02-07-2008, 04:58 PM
Right... like this has made a big difference with bush... ain't gonna happen. Once a President is elected, he's got four years to not give a fuck what you think.

It worked with Bush and with Congress when people made their voices heard regarding amnesty. Also Bush changed course in Iraq when people made their displeasure with the administration of the war known. The people still holds the power in this country.

With Bush, the people just learned too late that they have to speak up and not silently accept what comes out of Washington as "gospel". Now that we've learned that lesson, we can make a difference in what direction McCain takes this country (if he's elected), but we have to continue make the effort to make our voices heard.

02-07-2008, 05:05 PM
that is completely acceptible, to not want to vote for the lesser of two evils.

NO one should make you feel pressured to go against your conchence.

you have to live with yourself, not us and if you truly feel it is the right thing to do, then as your friend i support you, and i feel fellow conservatives should too.

Well... I'm too "left brainded" to be pragmatic. I don't want to have to chose between what I see as the lessor of two evils. I want to vote for someone that I see as fully representing my values, not the other way around... or just "close." All this talk about "hold your nose and vote," and "party loyalty." Where has john mccain's "party loyalty" been if I'm going to be asked for mine?

I guess we disagree on Iraq too. Just another reason I can't support mccain.

02-07-2008, 05:09 PM
Don't forget the next President will likely nominate 2 or 3 Supreme Court judges

actually, probably not....Ginsburg is currently the oldest and unless a Democrat is elected she wouldn't be retiring during the next president's term or two.....

unexpected consequences aside I look for the current bench to stick around for a decade or so.....

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 05:14 PM
It worked with Bush and with Congress when people made their voices heard regarding amnesty. Also Bush changed course in Iraq when people made their displeasure with the administration of the war known. The people still holds the power in this country.

With Bush, the people just learned too late that they have to speak up and not silently accept what comes out of Washington as "gospel". Now that we've learned that lesson, we can make a difference in what direction McCain takes this country (if he's elected), but we have to continue make the effort to make our voices heard.

No, it hasn't worked with bush, especially on amnesty. Conservatives around the country bombarded Washington with enough emails, snail mail, bricks and phone calls and basically crippled it. But had that bill made it through, bush WOULD have signed it.

And the Iraq war, bush has done exactly as he's seen fit there ever since he started it. What you or I think he should be doing hasn't influenced him in the slightest.

02-07-2008, 06:13 PM
You have to be pretending if you think he's a true conservative.

And I don't believe we should have gone into Iraq in the first place. Second, not only have we already been there too long, but third and forth, we can't afford to be there any longer, and we don't have the personal in the military to keep this up. We need to get out of Iraq and quit this war mongering. That does not mean surrender. If we're attacked again, we fight. But no more of this occupying and nation building. It's against our constitution, and we can't afford it. No wonder half the piece loving nations of the world hate our guts the way we throw our military power in their face. I think we ought to back off for awhile.

This is the second time in two days that I have wanted to PR you, but been forbidden because I have to spread some of that sh$t around. ;)

Don't forget the next President will likely nominate 2 or 3 Supreme Court judges, and McCain is pro-life.

The best chance to overturn Roe v Wade will be in the next 8 years.

Now where have I heard that one before? Oh yeah, that is what they convinced me of in 2004. Fool me once... ain't gonna happen again.


02-07-2008, 06:37 PM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

We can't afford Hillary or Obama Bin Laden. The Deomcrats got the House and the Senate and already the economy has gone in the toilet, imagine what will happen if Hillary or Obama Bin Laden get the Presidency, were screwed.

02-07-2008, 06:39 PM
Well... I'm too "left brainded" to be pragmatic. I don't want to have to chose between what I see as the lessor of two evils. I want to vote for someone that I see as fully representing my values, not the other way around... or just "close." All this talk about "hold your nose and vote," and "party loyalty." Where has john mccain's "party loyalty" been if I'm going to be asked for mine?

I guess we disagree on Iraq too. Just another reason I can't support mccain.

Hillary and Obama disagree on Iraq as well. If you disagree with Iraq you support terrorism, PERIOD.

02-07-2008, 06:40 PM
We can't afford Hillary or Obama Bin Laden. The Deomcrats got the House and the Senate and already the economy has gone in the toilet, imagine what will happen if Hillary or Obama Bin Laden get the Presidency, were screwed.

We ALWAYS get screwed ! Who are you kidding? AIPAC seems to always do pretty well tho.

02-07-2008, 07:19 PM
Raymond is supporting Juan McCain because his kolo and vraki NM does.

02-07-2008, 10:59 PM
Raymond is supporting Juan McCain because his kolo and vraki NM does.

i thought he has been fairly strong against mclame

02-07-2008, 11:23 PM
You have to be pretending if you think he's a true conservative.

And I don't believe we should have gone into Iraq in the first place. Second, not only have we already been there too long, but third and forth, we can't afford to be there any longer, and we don't have the personal in the military to keep this up. We need to get out of Iraq and quit this war mongering. That does not mean surrender. If we're attacked again, we fight. But no more of this occupying and nation building. It's against our constitution, and we can't afford it. No wonder half the piece loving nations of the world hate our guts the way we throw our military power in their face. I think we ought to back off for awhile.

Really? Hmmm, lets just for get about the hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children who died because of their religion or not wanting to have sex with Saddam or his sons or not win the olympics for Iraq. What about the materials Saddam had to build WMD's? What about the money and equipment he funneled to terrorists and other enemies of the USA, what about Saddam's outright applaud and gratitude for AQ after the 9/11 attacks? What about Saddam trying to control the Middle East? Do I need to keep going?

What about the fact that every candidate you supported or donated money to supported the War and the Surge as one of their top causes?

Senator McCain promises to nominate Conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, which means that we will take the Supreme Court. Hillary has already stated that if she gets the White House that she will name none other then Bill Clinton as a Justice. Obama has vowed to name Liberals as well.

Senator McCain has also vowed to eliminate Pork spending and he has faught it his whole career.

No matter how you word it, if you don't vote for Senator McCain in the election your voting for Hillary or Obama Bin Laden.

Also like Avatar said, when Senator McCain get's elected you can still get Conservatives to retake the House and the Senate which will block any so called Liberal move that he tries to make, although you may not want that because you Sir are a Liberal.

You don't make sense and it seems like your off your meds again. You keep complaining about how people are Conservitives everytime they disagree with you but the moment you don't get your way you throw a big shit fit temper tantrum and say your leaving the party, that is a typical Liberal move. You don't support the war, Liberal. Your ok with Marijuana, Liberal. Need I keep going?

02-07-2008, 11:30 PM
From the look of things...I think the Republican party has decided to sell out their souls and views in either thinking that's how they are going to get more votes, or their now only in for their power and their saying screw the little people and their going to go with socialism just like the Democrats..

I feel conservatives are no longer welcome in the Republican party and it started with President Bush and will be complete with McCain.. and will have to make a split and start their own party...

No matter...we are in for a world of hurt in the next four yrs...

If I voted for McCain and that's a big IF...it would be only to save our troops from a devastating defeat that the Democrats would do to them if they were elected...other than that...McCain can go to hell...

02-07-2008, 11:39 PM
From the look of things...I think the Republican party has decided to sell out their souls and views in either thinking that's how they are going to get more votes, or their now only in for their power and their saying screw the little people and their going to go with socialism just like the Democrats..

I feel conservatives are no longer welcome in the Republican party and it started with President Bush and will be complete with McCain.. and will have to make a split and start their own party...

No matter...we are in for a world of hurt in the next four yrs...

If I voted for McCain and that's a big IF...it would be only to save our troops from a devastating defeat that the Democrats would do to them if they were elected...other than that...McCain can go to hell...

just curious if the american people have decided mccain is the correct republican to lead their views.....how has the party sold out.....if the people say the party is mccain....the party has two choices ... adapt or die.....

02-07-2008, 11:39 PM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

holy crap, I thought you were against mccain yesterday. even told OCA.

may have been said, but I'm saying it again:

Learned. Mistakes. From. Come on acts, he just won a major event that he failed at so miserably before. Let me ask you this:

If I tell you to eat shit, and make you do it-then I get into a position where you basically have no choice but to like me -- and then I say: acts, I want to make everything ok, how about it. buddies, friends, vote for me.

Would you do it?

yes or no

02-07-2008, 11:43 PM
just curious if the american people have decided mccain is the correct republican to lead their views.....how has the party sold out.....if the people say the party is mccain....the party has two choices ... adapt or die.....

don't think so. remember (just kidding) in the 1800's when the repubs actually were the libs. party platforms switched. this country has been dominated by a two party platform, some say it is good, I have often thought so, now, I don't think so. Maybe we need a third platform. Enough of the two party platform.

It starts with us and its starts with our votes.

I'm sure ross perot said something similar, but never give up, this two party system results in this effd up selection.

02-08-2008, 12:09 AM
don't think so. remember (just kidding) in the 1800's when the repubs actually were the libs. party platforms switched. this country has been dominated by a two party platform, some say it is good, I have often thought so, now, I don't think so. Maybe we need a third platform. Enough of the two party platform.

It starts with us and its starts with our votes.

I'm sure ross perot said something similar, but never give up, this two party system results in this effd up selection.

gotta back you up on that one---As I have aged I have come to realize that the practical difference between the two is negligible. They may be different in theory but the difference is cancelled out by checks and balances, war, economy, etc. There HAS to be some people who can operate outside of this bi-lateral box. We're stagnating.

02-08-2008, 12:13 AM
gotta back you up on that one---As I have aged I have come to realize that the practical difference between the two is negligible. They may be different in theory but the difference is cancelled out by checks and balances, war, economy, etc. There HAS to be some people who can operate outside of this bi-lateral box. We're stagnating.

that is because we keep electing politicians.....when we elect people things happen.....

02-08-2008, 12:15 AM
gotta back you up on that one---As I have aged I have come to realize that the practical difference between the two is negligible. They may be different in theory but the difference is cancelled out by checks and balances, war, economy, etc. There HAS to be some people who can operate outside of this bi-lateral box. We're stagnating.

Gonna run with it


you bring a point that MC wins because he is centrist, in essence, bringing to the "boxes" that dillo mentioned above" together, thus producing dillo's "bi-lateral box."

do you think a bi lateral box is a good thing for this country?

02-08-2008, 12:32 AM
Gonna run with it


you bring a point that MC wins because he is centrist, in essence, bringing to the "boxes" that dillo mentioned above" together, thus producing dillo's "bi-lateral box."

do you think a bi lateral box is a good thing for this country?

i have no idea what a bi lateral box is......

i do know this......clinton took us left after reagan bush.....bush took us hard right afetr clinton.....america is tired of the pubs.....america in my opinion is not a conservative nation .... thinck about it.....america was created because conservative rules and leadership became opressive.....america also does not want to be socialist or communist....america seeks the middle....it seeks the best of both with none of the worst...it seeks the ideal.....america fled the extreme and fights wars against them....

02-08-2008, 07:04 AM
i have no idea what a bi lateral box is......

i do know this......clinton took us left after reagan bush.....bush took us hard right afetr clinton.....america is tired of the pubs.....america in my opinion is not a conservative nation .... thinck about it.....america was created because conservative rules and leadership became opressive.....america also does not want to be socialist or communist....america seeks the middle....it seeks the best of both with none of the worst...it seeks the ideal.....america fled the extreme and fights wars against them....

I would say you are right about being in the middle.....the reason politics is so volatile right now is that we aren't a conservative nation, or a liberal nation.....as the last couple of elections have shown we have pretty much a 50/50 split between them......

when I see the approval ratings for government I would say that the one underlying consensus you can find among a large majority of Americans is dissatisfaction with political parties on both sides......

how is it that Obama was able to shake up Hillary, who everyone has assumed for eight years would walk into both the nomination and the presidency......how is it that McCain, who satisfies none of those who are outspoken about their Republicanism now is the sole frontrunner for the nomination?......

because the majority of Americans are sick to death of Democrats and sick to death of Republicans

red states rule
02-08-2008, 07:23 AM
The republican party, and all conservatives cannot afford, hillary or obama

Both will: raise taxes, surrender in iraq, do nothing about the border,

John mccain will: lower taxes, close the border, and win the war on terrorism

He has made many mistakes, but i would rather have a man who admits his mistakes, then a president, who cant.

He has learned from his mistakes, and he cares about those /repects those who disagree with him

Mccain is honest, consistent, but still willing to change course, if he believes after counsel with fellow conservatives, that a correction needs to be made

He has listened to the will of the people, and will do whatever is neccesary to make america better, not make it worse with a democrat

I urge you to support john mccain

McCain does not stand a chance of winning. He is being led to slaughter by the liberal media and the left

I will NEVER vote for him - he is a liberal. Period

Like with Pres Peanut Carter, we will have to pay the price of 4 years of libs running things

And like Pres Peanut, for the third time, a sitting President will be fired by the voters, and a real conservative President will have to clean up the mess

With me, it is principals before winning

02-08-2008, 07:50 AM
McCain does not stand a chance of winning. He is being led to slaughter by the liberal media and the left

I will NEVER vote for him - he is a liberal. Period

Like with Pres Peanut Carter, we will have to pay the price of 4 years of libs running things

And like Pres Peanut, for the third time, a sitting President will be fired by the voters, and a real conservative President will have to clean up the mess

With me, it is principals before winningI owe you a dozen reps for this post! There is going to be a landslide for the Democratic Party this election, the Senate will be overwhelmingly Democratic and the House likewise because all the conservatives will not come out to vote for a liberal.

There is no excuse to vote for a liberal, you cannot put an R behind a liberals name and still vote like he is a Republican. The only way McCain can win or the House and Senate pick up Republican seats is to make public statements of exactly what he will do... lose the smirk like he has some KY jelly and is getting ready to cram something up your butt.

Going to be a landslide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Republicans can return to the polls in 2010 to elect some House/Senate members that will help control Clinton.

The only way McCain can win is if Obama gets shot and all of his supporters think Clinton had something to do with it, and that is the only way!

red states rule
02-08-2008, 07:54 AM
I owe you a dozen reps for this post! There is going to be a landslide for the Democratic Party this election, the Senate will be overwhelmingly Democratic and the House likewise because all the conservatives will not come out to vote for a liberal.

There is no excuse to vote for a liberal, you cannot put an R behind a liberals name and still vote like he is a Republican. The only way McCain can win or the House and Senate pick up Republican seats is to make public statements of exactly what he will do... lose the smirk like he has some KY jelly and is getting ready to cram something up your butt.

Going to be a landslide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Republicans can return to the polls in 2010 to elect some House/Senate members that will help control Clinton.

The only way McCain can win is if Obama gets shot and all of his supporters think Clinton had something to do with it, and that is the only way!

Well, where is the rep? :laugh2:

I will not vote for someone I do not respect and admire. McCain is the drunk bus driver, and he is driving the bus straight for the cliff

McCain tells us who oppose him to "calm down" - well I will not clam down and I will not support him

If we have to pay the price of 4 years of libs fucking everything up - so be it. I only hope the terrorists will not use the Dems appeasement policies to hit us again like they did on 9-11

02-08-2008, 08:14 AM
If we have to pay the price of 4 years of libs fucking everything up - so be it.

It remains to be seen if you will pay the price or not. I predict you'll welch on our bet!:laugh2:

02-08-2008, 08:22 AM
It remains to be seen if you will pay the price or not. I predict you'll welch on our bet!:laugh2:I don't understand your statement or your signature? About your signature... http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=efe9b7f59a94dcb777caa 2a4f92142ea

While Iranian youth are nationalistic they love the American lifestyle and democracy!

red states rule
02-08-2008, 08:30 AM
I don't understand your statement or your signature? About your signature... http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=efe9b7f59a94dcb777caa 2a4f92142ea

While Iranian youth are nationalistic they love the American lifestyle and democracy!

I bet MM $500 the Republicans would win either the WH, or gain seats in the House or Senate

The money was to go to the charity of our choice. Now MM says he wants the cash, and not to a charity

You must consider the source when trying to understand his posts

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 11:17 AM
I would say you are right about being in the middle.....the reason politics is so volatile right now is that we aren't a conservative nation, or a liberal nation.....as the last couple of elections have shown we have pretty much a 50/50 split between them......

I wouldn't agree with that entirely. I'd say the republican party is still a good two thirds conservative, because Huckabee and Romney split that vote right down the middle, and mccain squeaked by with the left over moderate and more liberal vote, and that is precisely why mccain can't win the general election. He does not have, nor will he get, the conservative vote. You may as well get used to saying President clinton.

Unless, mccain somehow does convince enough republicans to vote for him. In that case my friend, you are absolutely correct. America will no longer be a majority conservative nation. It will be full of sell outs, compromisers and liberals like nm and his $8 an hour rent a pig job claiming to be conservatives while voting for republican candidates that have twenty year track records of being anything but. As I stated in another thread, the republican party has a deep fracture in it. One I don't think can be mended. Too many people have been pushed away with this coming of the liberal mccain.

02-08-2008, 11:28 AM
I don't think America is a liberal nation. America is a Progressive Conservative Nation. Most Americans are conservative in their viewpoints on life matters and politics. We want everything "right now", it is a fast world and the press loves to beat up on anyone who can't deliver fast.

The war in Iraq was too damned slow, not too deadly, too slow... if we had went in and kicked ass, bombed cities into rubble and demoralized the people we would be on our way out of there long ago with a small security force to keep the neighbors strait.

The majority of Americans wanted a decisive victory in Iraq and it wasn't offered but instead we waffled to the Muslim Street worrying about how they viewed Americans... We should have kicked ass and buried any SOB not in uniform under pig guts and drenched all bullets in Jewish blood to assure the Muslim Street that all their fighters would rot in hell.

02-08-2008, 11:46 AM
I wouldn't agree with that entirely. I'd say the republican party is still a good two thirds conservative

??...compared to what?.....the Republican party is 100% conservative and the Democratic party is 100% liberal....and the forty percent of the US population between them vacilates between conservative and liberal, shifting the balance of power back and forth between one decade and the next....

shucks if you compare us to European politics both the Democrats and Republicans are conservative.....if you compare us with South Korea or Japan, both Republicans and Democrats look about as liberal as you can imagine.....

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:10 PM
??...compared to what?.....the Republican party is 100% conservative and the Democratic party is 100% liberal....and the forty percent of the US population between them vacilates between conservative and liberal, shifting the balance of power back and forth between one decade and the next....

shucks if you compare us to European politics both the Democrats and Republicans are conservative.....if you compare us with South Korea or Japan, both Republicans and Democrats look about as liberal as you can imagine.....

I wasn't comparing it to anything. I think the republican party is 2/3 conservative and 1/3... other. Other being those who are NOT true to all the conservative beliefs, and are willing to vote for people that aren't either. Hence mccain.

02-08-2008, 12:17 PM
I wasn't comparing it to anything. I think the republican party is 2/3 conservative and 1/3... other. Other being those who are NOT true to all the conservative beliefs, and are willing to vote for people that aren't either. Hence mccain.

I'm not so sure you have not gotten your thirds mixed up. At the moment it appears more like 1/3 conservative, 2/3 other.


Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 12:26 PM
I'm not so sure you have not gotten your thirds mixed up. At the moment it appears more like 1/3 conservative, 2/3 other.


Not when you look at the facts. mccain was in a race against two other people. Those two other people split the conservative vote, and mccain squeaked by on the moderate vote. Had either Romney or Huckabee been in that race last Tuesday alone against mccain, mccain would have had his ass handed him. I think Romney knows this. That's why he dropped out. He knows that Huckabee, if he stays in, will be a total thorn in mccains side, because he'll probably win everything left, making mccain spend a lot more money than he'd planned on right up to the convention.

02-08-2008, 01:53 PM
Other being those who are NOT true to all the conservative beliefs

omigorsh, Pale....you know as well as I do that I can come up with "conservative beliefs" that you don't agree with, in fact we have argued about some of them here......you are NOT the arbiter of all that which is 'conservative'......there is no way you can pretend that McCain is in the same political camp as Hillary or Obama, let alone the likes of Ted Kennedy or some NOW activist.....

02-08-2008, 01:57 PM
omigorsh, Pale....you know as well as I do that I can come up with "conservative beliefs" that you don't agree with, in fact we have argued about some of them here......you are NOT the arbiter of all that which is 'conservative'......there is no way you can pretend that McCain is in the same political camp as Hillary or Obama, let alone the likes of Ted Kennedy or some NOW activist.....

He is more Liberal then Hillary, Edwards and Obama Bin Laden combined!

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 02:00 PM
omigorsh, Pale....you know as well as I do that I can come up with "conservative beliefs" that you don't agree with, in fact we have argued about some of them here......you are NOT the arbiter of all that which is 'conservative'......there is no way you can pretend that McCain is in the same political camp as Hillary or Obama, let alone the likes of Ted Kennedy or some NOW activist.....

He may not be in their camp full time, but he's spent plenty of time there PmP. He even contemplated changing party's at one point, and he's the most despised senator in the republican party for it. He may not be a full fledged liberal, but he's not a full fledged conservative either.

02-08-2008, 03:37 PM
that is because we keep electing politicians.....when we elect people things happen.....

now that is a great point!


unfortunately, i think ron paul is the only true "people" the rest are politicians

02-08-2008, 04:09 PM
i thought he has been fairly strong against mclame

So I misread the opening post in this thread?

02-08-2008, 04:14 PM
I feel conservatives are no longer welcome in the Republican party and it started with President Bush and will be complete with McCain.. and will have to make a split and start their own party...

You are just now realizing this? It started in 1990 when Bush I went along with the Demo congress and raised taxes after his "no new taxes" pledge, continued with the "contract with America" which went largely unfulfilled and has been kicked into high gear with the disaster of the current administation and will be completed by the liberal McCain who has never met a lib he wouldn't sleep with and is a vociferous opponent of free speech.

Its so sad.....really, Ronnie is crying.

02-08-2008, 04:20 PM
Makes me so sad on here to read conservatives will vote for someone no matter his factual views and record are contrary to what he is campaigning on just so that someone with an R next to their name gets elected and even though this R has slept with some of the biggest libs in Congress more times than can be counted.

This is exactly why conservatives are leaving the Republican party in droves, Repubs run on conservative principles but once elected govern as libs.

Fuck Republicans.

02-08-2008, 04:23 PM
So I misread the opening post in this thread?

i already recanted

02-08-2008, 04:25 PM
i already recanted

Just saw it Yurt, my bad.

02-08-2008, 04:26 PM
Just saw it Yurt, my bad.

cool, i actually jumped into the thread without reading the OP when i posted that

02-08-2008, 04:57 PM
Yes, McCain would be preferable to having Obama or Clinton in the White House, but I'm not going to continue to give my vote to the Republican party just because they're better than the alternative. I want them to start picking real men with real values that are really conservative so that I can actually get excited about backing their candidate, rather than voting for another one of their crap candidates because 'he's electable,' which is just a fancy way of saying 'he's liberal, but not as much as those other guys.'

McCain voted against the first freedom, that being the freedom to say whatever is on your mind without fear of government retribution. For that reason, he will never get a single vote out of me, no matter what the alternative is, unless I hear him recant McCain-Feingold, and I don't see that happening as, even in the backlash from that legislation, he has stated that having a 'clean' election process is more important to him than upholding the First Amendment.

red states rule
02-08-2008, 10:57 PM
Yes, McCain would be preferable to having Obama or Clinton in the White House, but I'm not going to continue to give my vote to the Republican party just because they're better than the alternative. I want them to start picking real men with real values that are really conservative so that I can actually get excited about backing their candidate, rather than voting for another one of their crap candidates because 'he's electable,' which is just a fancy way of saying 'he's liberal, but not as much as those other guys.'

McCain voted against the first freedom, that being the freedom to say whatever is on your mind without fear of government retribution. For that reason, he will never get a single vote out of me, no matter what the alternative is, unless I hear him recant McCain-Feingold, and I don't see that happening as, even in the backlash from that legislation, he has stated that having a 'clean' election process is more important to him than upholding the First Amendment.

McCain is a gift to the Dems. The gift will be unwraped in November

02-08-2008, 11:02 PM
Yes, McCain would be preferable to having Obama or Clinton in the White House, but I'm not going to continue to give my vote to the Republican party just because they're better than the alternative. I want them to start picking real men with real values that are really conservative so that I can actually get excited about backing their candidate, rather than voting for another one of their crap candidates because 'he's electable,' which is just a fancy way of saying 'he's liberal, but not as much as those other guys.'

McCain voted against the first freedom, that being the freedom to say whatever is on your mind without fear of government retribution. For that reason, he will never get a single vote out of me, no matter what the alternative is, unless I hear him recant McCain-Feingold, and I don't see that happening as, even in the backlash from that legislation, he has stated that having a 'clean' election process is more important to him than upholding the First Amendment.

I couldn't have said it better myself. A vote for McCain is a vote for liberalism.