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View Full Version : Mexican President: Illegals Rescued by Elections

02-07-2008, 06:50 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:10 PM

By: Newsmax Staff Article Font Size

Eying the results so far in the U.S. presidential primary race, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said he is hopeful that the next administration in Washington will usher in reforms that would legalize the status of Mexican immigrants.

“It seems to me that the most radical and anti-immigrant candidates have been left behind and have been put in their place by their own electorate,” Calderon told the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, the day after the Super Tuesday primaries.

“My hope is that whoever the next president is, and whoever is in the new Congress, will have a broader and more comprehensive view” of the immigration problem.

Calderon said he took heart from the Super Tuesday results, but did not mention specific candidates, the Times reported.

Calderon is about to embark on a 5-day U.S. trip that will end in California, where he is scheduled to meet with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and migrant groups.

Calderon said one goal of his U.S. trip would be to generate support for immigration reform that would permit millions of Mexican to work in the U.S.

He also told the Times that Americans would “sooner or later” come to understand that the health of the American economy is linked to integration with Mexico and “greater freedom in labor markets.”


02-07-2008, 06:58 PM
Right on, Mexico dude.

02-07-2008, 07:12 PM
What I think that is really funny is that immigration was supposed to be by far the #1 issue and deciding factor in this election..........now its rarely mentioned except for when they are tired of talking about the economy and health care.

If it were the #1 pressing issue McCain would not be winning REPUBLICAN primaries.

Hugh Lincoln
02-07-2008, 08:35 PM
What I think that is really funny is that immigration was supposed to be by far the #1 issue and deciding factor in this election..........now its rarely mentioned except for when they are tired of talking about the economy and health care.

If it were the #1 pressing issue McCain would not be winning REPUBLICAN primaries.

There is no escaping the fact that McCain supports amnesty, and he is getting lots of support. But who the fuck is supporting this asshole, I mean, besides the media and the NYT? I don't need convincing that a lot of Republicans are fucking idiots (see GWB, twice), but where are the conservatives? Is conservatism dead?

02-07-2008, 08:43 PM
Is conservatism dead?

Quite possibly it is.

Pale Rider
02-07-2008, 08:59 PM
What I think that is really funny is that immigration was supposed to be by far the #1 issue and deciding factor in this election..........now its rarely mentioned except for when they are tired of talking about the economy and health care.

If it were the #1 pressing issue McCain would not be winning REPUBLICAN primaries.

mccain has been skating along getting the liberal vote while the conservative vote has been split between Romney and Huckabee. Had either one of those last two not been in the race, mccain would be the one dropping out right now, not Romney. mccain does NOT have the conservative vote.

You're going to get your wish OCA... hillary will take the white house. But don't doubt for one second that illegal aliens aren't forefront on conservatives minds.

02-07-2008, 09:04 PM
mccain has been skating along getting the liberal vote while the conservative vote has been split between Romney and Huckabee. Had either one of those last two not been in the race, mccain would be the one dropping out right now, not Romney. mccain does NOT have the conservative vote.

You're going to get your wish OCA... hillary will take the white house. But don't doubt for one second that illegal aliens aren't forefront on conservatives minds.

Its not my wish my friend its that I saw the writing on the wall early on, my wish is for a true conservative in the mold of Reagan to come out from wherever he lurks, hell i'd support the hell out of that person despite my immigration views.

02-07-2008, 10:38 PM
Right on, Mexico dude.


like fer shore

02-08-2008, 01:15 AM
The Mexicans are going to miss their friend and supporter in the White House.


02-08-2008, 01:20 AM
The Mexicans are going to miss their friend and supporter in the White House.


Dont' be silly Gabby---there's a whole mess of them that wanna do the Mexicans the same favor.

red states rule
02-08-2008, 07:09 AM
Quite possibly it is.

With the prospect of McCain, Hillary, or Obama taking the WH, I can see a new credit card issued for illegals

The "Amigo Express" card. When you use it you get points good toward amnesty, in state tuiyion, SS benefits, earned income tax credit, and other benefits usually reserved for US citizens

Pale Rider
02-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Its not my wish my friend its that I saw the writing on the wall early on, my wish is for a true conservative in the mold of Reagan to come out from wherever he lurks, hell i'd support the hell out of that person despite my immigration views.
I didn't... you are a true prophet OCA.

Dont' be silly Gabby---there's a whole mess of them that wanna do the Mexicans the same favor.
Including mcamnesty, who's one of the ring leaders.