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View Full Version : Romney "Ineffective Candidate". Who Knew?

02-08-2008, 01:58 AM
I wouldn't buy a used car from him.

"Kris Alingod - AHN News Writer
Omaha, NE (AHN) - Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) reacted to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's statement that he was ending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to avoid a Democratic "surrender to terror," by saying that the Republican hopeful was "an ineffective candidate."

Initially refusing to comment on Romney's exit from the presidential race, Obama then said to a follow-up question while talking to reporters on a flight to Nebraska on Thursday that Romney's statement was "the kind of poorly thought out comment that led him to drop out."

"It's a classic attempt to appeal to people's fears that will not work in this campaign. I think that's part of the reason he was such an ineffective candidate," Obama said. "No Democrat has suggested that we surrender to terrorism. Democrats have suggested that we start withdrawing out of Iraq so we can focus our attention on terrorism."

"It's a classic example of trying to conflate the war against real enemies with the failed strategy of the Bush Administration in Iraq. It's those sort of glib statements that I think got Romney consistently in trouble in this race," he added.

Romney, who fared poorly on Super Tuesday, announced at the the Conservative Political Action Committee earlier that day that he was "stepping aside" from the presidential rare because he did not want to "forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Sen. Clinton or Obama would win."

"In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," Romney said.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is widely expected to take the party nomination with Romney out of the picture; Obama said that he was "in a stronger position" than Clinton against McCain."

More: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009966316

The shrimpiness of the pukes is beginning to make even me sick.

02-08-2008, 02:56 AM
I wouldn't buy a used car from him.

"Kris Alingod - AHN News Writer
Omaha, NE (AHN) - Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) reacted to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's statement that he was ending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to avoid a Democratic "surrender to terror," by saying that the Republican hopeful was "an ineffective candidate."

Initially refusing to comment on Romney's exit from the presidential race, Obama then said to a follow-up question while talking to reporters on a flight to Nebraska on Thursday that Romney's statement was "the kind of poorly thought out comment that led him to drop out."

"It's a classic attempt to appeal to people's fears that will not work in this campaign. I think that's part of the reason he was such an ineffective candidate," Obama said. "No Democrat has suggested that we surrender to terrorism. Democrats have suggested that we start withdrawing out of Iraq so we can focus our attention on terrorism."

"It's a classic example of trying to conflate the war against real enemies with the failed strategy of the Bush Administration in Iraq. It's those sort of glib statements that I think got Romney consistently in trouble in this race," he added.

Romney, who fared poorly on Super Tuesday, announced at the the Conservative Political Action Committee earlier that day that he was "stepping aside" from the presidential rare because he did not want to "forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Sen. Clinton or Obama would win."

"In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," Romney said.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is widely expected to take the party nomination with Romney out of the picture; Obama said that he was "in a stronger position" than Clinton against McCain."

More: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009966316

The shrimpiness of the pukes is beginning to make even me sick.

Obama Bin Laden is an ineffective Senator, ineffective candidate, ineffective man and ineffective human being. That Niglet will never be elected President.

Although one thing is clear both contenders are afraid of running against Senator John McCain. :laugh2:

02-08-2008, 03:29 AM
Do you like entertaining yourself, nm? I hope so. I don't see many here that agree with that ignorant ideology. Those that do, please check in!!!!!!!

Obama Bin Laden is an ineffective Senator, ineffective candidate, ineffective man and ineffective human being. That Niglet will never be elected President.

Although one thing is clear both contenders are afraid of running against Senator John McCain. :laugh2:

John McCain is an American Hero. Doesn't that make you ashamed to even call yourself an American citizen?

02-08-2008, 04:14 AM
the media is not focusing enough on what obama stands for, and he doesnt have a lot of expierience.

02-08-2008, 04:16 AM
AS far as mccain goes, hero yes, good record on illegal immigration, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one :laugh2:

Do you like entertaining yourself, nm? I hope so. I don't see many here that agree with that ignorant ideology. Those that do, please check in!!!!!!!

John McCain is an American Hero. Doesn't that make you ashamed to even call yourself an American citizen?

02-08-2008, 04:29 AM
Obama has far more experience than the msm gives him credit for. Do you not research things for yourself, martin?

the media is not focusing enough on what obama stands for, and he doesnt have a lot of expierience.

02-08-2008, 04:33 AM
Sorry 'bout that, martin. Comprehensive immigration reform will become law much to your consternation. You gotta quit listening to the fearmongers. My Irish ancestors certainly did!!!!!!!!!!!

AS far as mccain goes, hero yes, good record on illegal immigration, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one :laugh2:

02-08-2008, 04:36 AM
I will now lol

obama has 10 years political expierience

romney has 4 years political expierience

do you believe we should only count political expierience?

Obama has far more experience than the msm gives him credit for. Do you not research things for yourself, martin?

02-08-2008, 04:37 AM
its not the same, your ancestoers learned english and assimilated, and their was no federal government saying you cant come, no real border either.

now, we have a border, which the mexican government and people dont give a shit about

Sorry 'bout that, martin. Comprehensive immigration reform will become law much to your consternation. You gotta quit listening to the fearmongers. My Irish ancestors certainly did!!!!!!!!!!!

02-08-2008, 04:58 AM
My ancestors were slaves and later on sharecroppers, martin. Many of their kin are still detested in the northeast. Just who the hell are you trying to kid?

its not the same, your ancestoers learned english and assimilated, and their was no federal government saying you cant come, no real border either.

now, we have a border, which the mexican government and people dont give a shit about

What do you mean by "real border"? Only in your ugliest of imaginations could you come up with such an excuse.

02-08-2008, 05:12 AM
Hyphenated Americans who feel they shouldn't have to become a AMERICAN...

Will be the death of this country...and I see it happening sooner than later...

We are now the Hyphenated United States of America..

Multiculturalism was a bonus at one time here, but now it's become a whinny bunch of which group can claim the worst offends that is done to them...

We enjoyed a country where we wanted freedoms............. now???