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02-08-2008, 11:00 PM


red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:06 PM


Fox News does report what the liberal media will not

02-08-2008, 11:10 PM
I can't believe they did that again! They did that with Larry Craig i think, put a D by his name saying he was a Democrat instead of republican, and they did it with that other guy too....what was his name, the guy that liked teen boys, oh...Foley, they label him with a D also!

It's really sad, and funny at the same time that they do these kind of things and think it will really matter.... this is why i still think it could be the subconscious of their techy responsible for the type overs and headings, verses a deliberate deception by the station, but who knows? :)


red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:12 PM
I can't believe they did that again! They did that with Larry Craig i think, put a D by his name saying he was a Democrat instead of republican, and they did it with that other guy too....what was his name, the guy that liked teen boys, oh...Foley, they label him with a D also!

It's really sad, and funny at the same time that they do these kind of things and think it will really matter.... this is why i still think it could be the subconscious of their techy responsible for the type overs and headings, verses a deliberate deception by the station, but who knows? :)


McCain is a lib - he might as well join your party and make it official

Perhaps Fox News has a scoop here

02-08-2008, 11:16 PM
McCain is a lib - he might as well join your party and make it official

Perhaps Fox News has a scoop here

Hey Rsr!

We don't want him!:laugh2:

At least, "I" don't want him! lol


red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:19 PM
Hey Rsr!

We don't want him!:laugh2:

At least, "I" don't want him! lol


Hey JD

You can have McCain - he fits right in with your party and what they want to do America

red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:25 PM
and Fox Business Network had this gem the liberal media is ignoring. How much more in taxes will the Dems want to pay for these NEW programs?

BMI’s Gainor Criticizes Media for Coverage of ‘Flash, Not Substance’
By Nathan Burchfiel | February 8, 2008 - 16:41 ET
In an appearance on the Fox Business Network February 8, Business & Media Institute Vice President Dan Gainor criticized the media's refusal to fully report the costs associated with campaign promises being made by presidential candidates.

"You would actually think the media had talked about how much it's going to cost," Gainor said of the hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending promised by the candidates. "And in fact it's quite the opposite."

Aside from some coverage of Sen. Hillary Clinton's massive universal health care coverage proposal, much of her $217 billion in promises has gone unreported. The same goes for Sen. Barack Obama, who leads all candidates with $287 billion in new proposals, according to estimates from the National Taxpayers Union Foundation.

When FBN host David Asman asked if the recently narrowed field would lead to more in-depth coverage, Gainor expressed pessimism. "I wish we would, but I doubt it. When you look at how the networks have covered even the debates ... consistently you have journalists focusing on the horse race and much less on the specific issues."

"The novelty of a couple people asking the occasional economic questions on what amount to specialized sort of wonky programs on Saturday, or Sunday mornings," Gainor said of Sunday shows like NBC's "Meet the Press" and ABC's "This Week," "that's not what the mainstream press are really focusing on. They're focusing far too much on the flash, not the substance."

Gainor called on members of the media to start challenging the candidates on some of their more expensive proposals and promises.


02-08-2008, 11:28 PM
Hey JD

You can have McCain - he fits right in with your party and what they want to do America
Bet you end up voting for him, cuz you will see him as the lesser of 2 evils type thing!!!! Gotta be honest with yourself on this and just admit that one now! :laugh2:

And I will probably end up doing the same, voting democratic no matter my displeasure in the choice, as the lesser of two evils.....

it really is a sick kind of thing....the way we have been convinced beyond reasonable doubt of the "other side's" evil....yet....yet I like you and you like me, but you are suppose to be "evil" and i am suppose to be an "evil liberal" to you?

I think one too many generalizations are made about both "liberals" and "Repubs" to fill up a jellybean jar, and that in "real life", are far from the truth....


red states rule
02-08-2008, 11:33 PM
Bet you end up voting for him, cuz you will see him as the lesser of 2 evils type thing!!!! Gotta be honest with yourself on this and just admit that one now! :laugh2:

And I will probably end up doing the same, voting democratic no matter my displeasure in the choice, as the lesser of two evils.....

it really is a sick kind of thing....the way we have been convinced beyond reasonable doubt of the "other side's" evil....yet....yet I like you and you like me, but you are suppose to be "evil" and i am suppose to be an "evil liberal" to you?

I think one too many generalizations are made about both "liberals" and "Repubs" to fill up a jellybean jar, and that in "real life", are far from the truth....



The only way I would is if you took me to a bar a few hours before voting and "helped" me to vote afterwards

JD, McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts, he wants to close GITMO and give terrorists access to the Federal courts, he is taking away 1st admendment rights with his "campaighn finance reform" bill, he is for amnesty for illegals, and he thinks the government can change the Earth's climate

Sounds like a liberal to me

Those are the facts JD

02-09-2008, 12:00 AM

The only way I would is if you took me to a bar a few hours before voting and "helped" me to vote afterwards

JD, McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts, he wants to close GITMO and give terrorists access to the Federal courts, he is taking away 1st admendment rights with his "campaighn finance reform" bill, he is for amnesty for illegals, and he thinks the government can change the Earth's climate

Sounds like a liberal to me

Those are the facts JD

practice getting out your checkbook and writing a five followed by two zeroes. :laugh2:

02-09-2008, 08:01 AM
Hey Rsr!

We don't want him!:laugh2:

At least, "I" don't want him! lol


You don't want him because you know that come November when he runs against either Obama or Hillary, you win no matter what. Excellent strategy for the liberals. They've planted both GWB and him deep in the Republican Party and now there's not a darned thing America can do about it. We've made a sharp left turn and there is no where to make a U-Turn.

We're screwed and the right, me included, were to blind to see the freight train that hit us square on. We're screwed.


Gotta hand it to ya though. It worked. :clap:


red states rule
02-09-2008, 08:05 AM
You don't want him because you know that come November when he runs against either Obama or Hillary, you win no matter what. Excellent strategy for the liberals. They've planted both GWB and him deep in the Republican Party and now there's not a darned thing America can do about it. We've made a sharp left turn and there is no where to make a U-Turn.

We're screwed and the right, me included, were to blind to see the freight train that hit us square on. We're screwed.


Gotta hand it to ya though. It worked. :clap:


and watch the liberal media turn on McCain soon. The same libs who were singing his praises on the talk shows will take out the knives

And MCCain will be stunned and will not understand what is happening

02-09-2008, 08:09 AM
You don't want him because you know that come November when he runs against either Obama or Hillary, you win no matter what. Excellent strategy for the liberals. They've planted both GWB and him deep in the Republican Party and now there's not a darned thing America can do about it. We've made a sharp left turn and there is no where to make a U-Turn.

We're screwed and the right, me included, were to blind to see the freight train that hit us square on. We're screwed.


Gotta hand it to ya though. It worked. :clap:


HUH? uh oh, here we go again with you blaming "the other side" for your choice in a candidate....hahahaha, is that what your comment was all about?

GWB screwed things up for the republicans, not a single Dem had to do a thing.....

give him a hand!


and good morning immie....


red states rule
02-09-2008, 08:10 AM
HUH? uh oh, here we go again with you blaming "the other side" for your choice in a candidate....hahahaha, is that what your comment was all about?

GWB screwed things up for the republicans, not a single Dem had to do a thing.....

give him a hand!


and good morning immie....


Dems have screwed things up for their own party without any help from the Republicans JD

Pres Bush is around 33% approval, while the Dem run Congress in around 20%

02-09-2008, 08:17 AM
and watch the liberal media turn on McCain soon. The same libs who were singing his praises on the talk shows will take out the knives

And MCCain will be stunned and will not understand what is happening

Won't happen until after the conventions and he has the nomination sewn up. At that point, it doesn't matter and they will begin trying to convince the world that John McCain is a conservative, was a conservative and always will be a conservative.

HUH? uh oh, here we go again with you blaming "the other side" for your choice in a candidate....hahahaha, is that what your comment was all about?

My choice? My side? hahahaha, you know full well, (well as well as you can know anything about anyone chatting with them on the internet) I left the Republican Party about 2 years ago. I didn't make this choice but then it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

I've NEVER liked John McCain. It even has very little to do with his political stance, too. The man is a crybaby. Had he been President on 9/11, he would have been crying to the world rather than claiming to defend this country. I can't blame him though. I think that the VC took his backbone before he was rescued. It must have been extremely difficult to have gone through what he went through in Viet Nam, but I believe that he came home a changed man and that change was not for the better. I respect the service that he gave to this country, but I believe that the defense of this country takes some courage and I don't believe that he holds that courage any longer.


02-09-2008, 08:18 AM
Dems have screwed things up for their own party without any help from the Republicans JD

Pres Bush is around 33% approval, while the Dem run Congress in around 20%

Good morning rsr, (my thoughts and prayers are with you)

I pretty much agree, the Dems have made the bed they are sleeping in, and the Repubs have done the same....in other words, no need to point fingers at "the other side", they each have done it to themselves.


red states rule
02-09-2008, 08:22 AM
Good morning rsr, (my thoughts and prayers are with you)

I pretty much agree, the Dems have made the bed they are sleeping in, and the Repubs have done the same....in other words, no need to point fingers at "the other side", they each have done it to themselves.


JD, the Dems ran against what the Republicans were doing (and rightly so)

Yet they are doing the same things. Increased pork, perks, and pissing through our tax money. Dems even voted to KEEP the pork flowing (and another pay raise)

Dems still are pushing for surrendner in Iraq despite the huge wins our troops are scoring

And they still bellow how we need ot hand over more of our money in higher taxes

Liberal logic?

BTW, thank you for your prayers JD. I will win this fight

02-09-2008, 10:38 AM
JD, the Dems ran against what the Republicans were doing (and rightly so)

Yet they are doing the same things. Increased pork, perks, and pissing through our tax money. Dems even voted to KEEP the pork flowing (and another pay raise)

Dems still are pushing for surrendner in Iraq despite the huge wins our troops are scoring

And they still bellow how we need ot hand over more of our money in higher taxes

Liberal logic?

BTW, thank you for your prayers JD. I will win this fight

The dems are doing all of these bad things and the best the GOP can come up with is mcclame.
I guess FOX does know something...

they know that the republican party is in a state of dis-array and they can thank dubya for that.

red states rule
02-09-2008, 10:41 AM
The dems are doing all of these bad things and the best the GOP can come up with is mcclame.
I guess FOX does know something...

they know that the republican party is in a state of dis-array and they can thank dubya for that.

Dems are outspending the previous Republican Congress, and the pork continues to flow. Meanwhile, Hillary and Obama have about $800 billion in new spending ideas. How are they going to pay for it Dr John?

McCain is a piss poor choice - much like Kerry was for your side in 04

If Pres Bush is so bad, what does the 20% approval rating for your Dem run Congress tell ou. (Pres Bush is about 10 points higher)

02-09-2008, 11:16 AM
Dems are outspending the previous Republican Congress, and the pork continues to flow. Meanwhile, Hillary and Obama have about $800 billion in new spending ideas. How are they going to pay for it Dr John?

McCain is a piss poor choice - much like Kerry was for your side in 04

If Pres Bush is so bad, what does the 20% approval rating for your Dem run Congress tell ou. (Pres Bush is about 10 points higher)

you are actually crowing about Bush's approval rating? :laugh2:

here's a clue: Bush's terrible performance as president is going to cost your party the white house, and will cost it seats in both houses of congress, and will cost YOU $500!

red states rule
02-09-2008, 11:18 AM
you are actually crowing about Bush's approval rating? :laugh2:

here's a clue: Bush's terrible performance as president is going to cost your party the white house, and will cost it seats in both houses of congress, and will cost YOU $500!

Considering it is 10 points higher then your Dem run Congress - he can't be all that bad

If I lose, name your charity

02-09-2008, 11:23 AM
Considering it is 10 points higher then your Dem run Congress - he can't be all that bad

If I lose, name your charity

Like I said...he's bad enough to have fucked his-and your-party badly for 2008.

And if you lose, I'll give you my post office box for you to send the check to. Our bet had NOTHING to do with "charity" and I proved that already.

You either pay ME, or you will be a fucking welcher.

red states rule
02-09-2008, 11:46 AM
Like I said...he's bad enough to have fucked his-and your-party badly for 2008.

And if you lose, I'll give you my post office box for you to send the check to. Our bet had NOTHING to do with "charity" and I proved that already.

You either pay ME, or you will be a fucking welcher.

You have proved nothing, and now you are having a temper tantrum

02-09-2008, 11:55 AM
You have proved nothing, and now you are having a temper tantrum

I most certainly did prove it. I posted the link to USMB where you made the bet...where YOU said that YOU would donate your winnings to your local animal shelter and where I said I would do no such thing. I even told you what golf clubs I would buy.... you did not retract the bet.

but you are gonna welch. I know you are.

and you neg rep me for showing what a liar YOU are. what a pussy!

02-09-2008, 01:51 PM
Considering it is 10 points higher then your Dem run Congress - he can't be all that bad

If I lose, name your charity

Oh, it is still bad.

How much does Bush pay you for being his number 1 cheerleader?
I never said that congress was good but you, on the other hand, love that damn 30% rating for dubya. :lame2:
I guess the GOP is gonna ride that overwhelming approval rate right into the White House!
OH, I guess the repubs will take control of Congress again, too!


red states rule
02-09-2008, 05:26 PM
Oh, it is still bad.

How much does Bush pay you for being his number 1 cheerleader?
I never said that congress was good but you, on the other hand, love that damn 30% rating for dubya. :lame2:
I guess the GOP is gonna ride that overwhelming approval rate right into the White House!
OH, I guess the repubs will take control of Congress again, too!


and being a typical lib, you rant and rave against the Republlicans and their habits - while your Dems are doing the same and you are silent on their actions

If not for double standards, libs would have no standards at all

02-09-2008, 05:34 PM
The dems are doing all of these bad things and the best the GOP can come up with is mcclame.
I guess FOX does know something...

they know that the republican party is in a state of dis-array and they can thank dubya for that.

the gop did not pick mccain the american people are.....are you disapointed that the american people did not pick a more far right candidate like paul or huckabee or romney.....seems those right of far left decided rather quickly who they wanted to lead the country....meanwhile those left of left argue over who will be better at taking form the rich and giving to the poor .... who is more socialist and who can abandon the iraqi people quicker .....

red states rule
02-09-2008, 05:40 PM
the gop did not pick mccain the american people are.....are you disapointed that the american people did not pick a more far right candidate like paul or huckabee or romney.....seems those right of far left decided rather quickly who they wanted to lead the country....meanwhile those left of left argue over who will be better at taking form the rich and giving to the poor .... who is more socialist and who can abandon the iraqi people quicker .....

I wonder of Dr John actually supports what his candidates and party are supporting?

Obama wants a $1 trillion Social Security tax increase

Charlie Rangal wants a $1 trillion tax increase. He calls it "the mother of all tax reform"

Hillary and Obama are up to about $800 billion in new spending ideas, and for surrender/appeasement to terrorists

02-09-2008, 05:49 PM
I wonder of Dr John actually supports what his candidates and party are supporting?
Obama wants a $1 trillion Social Security tax increase
Charlie Rangal wants a $1 trillion tax increase. He calls it "the mother of all tax reform"
Hillary and Obama are up to about $800 billion in new spending ideas, and for surrender/appeasement to terrorists

i really find it hard to believe that people want their taxes to go up.....that they want more programs to teach americans if they do nothing in life they will be taken care of....the the government know better how to run your life than you do....that relocating all or iraqi forces to afganistan will fix the problem in the middle east.....that spending more money on pork will deduce the deficit.....

their argument will be bush did this too so why can't we....

red states rule
02-09-2008, 05:55 PM
i really find it hard to believe that people want their taxes to go up.....that they want more programs to teach americans if they do nothing in life they will be taken care of....the the government know better how to run your life than you do....that relocating all or iraqi forces to afganistan will fix the problem in the middle east.....that spending more money on pork will deduce the deficit.....

their argument will be bush did this too so why can't we....

Never try to understand a liberal and how their thought process works. It will only give you a headache

02-09-2008, 06:03 PM
I wonder of Dr John actually supports what his candidates and party are supporting?

Obama wants a $1 trillion Social Security tax increase

Charlie Rangal wants a $1 trillion tax increase. He calls it "the mother of all tax reform"

Hillary and Obama are up to about $800 billion in new spending ideas, and for surrender/appeasement to terrorists
would you be happy if your taxes went down because the Dems spent less on the military industrial complex or spent less on the Defense budget that has gone up maybe 300% since Bush took office?

Is everything about taxes and tax breaks?


red states rule
02-09-2008, 06:09 PM
would you be happy if your taxes went down because the Dems spent less on the military industrial complex or spent less on the Defense budget that has gone up maybe 300% since Bush took office?

Is everything about taxes and tax breaks?


JD, given the pork and perks the Dems are using our money for - there is alot of money they could give back to the people who sent it in

Dems even voted to KEEP the pork flowing

I voted for Pres Bush in 2004 for 2 reasons - 4 more years of tax cuts and dead terrorists

02-09-2008, 06:14 PM
would you be happy if your taxes went down because the Dems spent less on the military industrial complex or spent less on the Defense budget that has gone up maybe 300% since Bush took office?

Is everything about taxes and tax breaks?


if you own a large business that employs hundreds.....

tell me what could the government do to encourage you to expand your business and add jobs.....

increase taxes on you your employees your company and your products and increase reulations....


to put it another way.....will you work harder for me if i give you a bonus and raise or cut your salary and ask you to pay for your own health care.....or better yet cut your salary and give the excess to that moron in accounting and make you pay for her healthcare

red states rule
02-09-2008, 06:22 PM
if you own a large business that employs hundreds.....

tell me what could the government do to encourage you to expand your business and add jobs.....

increase taxes on you your employees your company and your products and increase reulations....


to put it another way.....will you work harder for me if i give you a bonus and raise or cut your salary and ask you to pay for your own health care.....or better yet cut your salary and give the excess to that moron in accounting and make you pay for her healthcare

To llberals, tax cuts "for the ruich" are obscene

But taking 33% in taxes out of a working persons paycheck is a sign of compassion

02-09-2008, 08:18 PM
and being a typical lib, you rant and rave against the Republlicans and their habits - while your Dems are doing the same and you are silent on their actions

If not for double standards, libs would have no standards at all

I don't like pork...I have stated that before, in threads that you have responded to but you conveniently forget that.
You are the one who ignores what is going on. Every once in a while you state how you are against the repub pork but you praise every thing they do.
It's really quit simple for you--- repubs can do nothing wrong and dems can't do anything right.

Your party and your party's voters have chosen a liberal candidate... A lame one, but a liberal just the same.
A beatable one, too.

02-09-2008, 08:23 PM
the gop did not pick mccain the american people are.....are you disapointed that the american people did not pick a more far right candidate like paul or huckabee or romney.....seems those right of far left decided rather quickly who they wanted to lead the country....meanwhile those left of left argue over who will be better at taking form the rich and giving to the poor .... who is more socialist and who can abandon the iraqi people quicker .....

American people, registerd as republicans (since they don't let independents vote in many of their primaries) chose mclame-sounds like th GOP has chosen to go left.

..and as far as abandoning the Iraqi people--should we do what the GOP's chosen candidate, mclame wants and stay for 100 years???

red states rule
02-10-2008, 06:49 AM
I don't like pork...I have stated that before, in threads that you have responded to but you conveniently forget that.
You are the one who ignores what is going on. Every once in a while you state how you are against the repub pork but you praise every thing they do.
It's really quit simple for you--- repubs can do nothing wrong and dems can't do anything right.

Your party and your party's voters have chosen a liberal candidate... A lame one, but a liberal just the same.
A beatable one, too.

I have said many times how Republuicans blew it when they were running Congress

What I am seeing, is the same people who correctly bahes Republicans are giving Dems a pass for doing the same things Republicans did

Meanwhile, while the spending, pork, and perks rise - these same people are backing the candidates that want a $1 trillion tax increase

Should Dems win in November, I see another Pres Peanut Carter economy coming our way. Dems will get their huge tax increase, will attack Wall street, will target corporations, and the economy will tank

Meanhwile, the terrorists will be giddy - they know Dems will not stand up to them, and will bend over backwards to appease them

02-10-2008, 07:15 AM
The terrorists love it because they know that our military is getting weaker every day. Bush and his fellow repubs won't even equip them properly so they are doing well with less.

Bush probably planned it that way---by the time he's out of office, our military will be weakened, we can't properly defend ourselves from another attack, so when the saudis (bush family friends) send MORE terrorists, like the 9/11 ones, he can blame the dems.
Hell, the repubs blame everything on the dems anyway.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:18 AM
The terrorists love it because they know that our military is getting weaker every day. Bush and his fellow repubs won't even equip them properly so they are doing well with less.

Bush probably planned it that way---by the time he's out of office, our military will be weakened, we can't properly defend ourselves from another attack, so when the saudis (bush family friends) send MORE terrorists, like the 9/11 ones, he can blame the dems.
Hell, the repubs blame everything on the dems anyway.

Oh so we are losing in Iraq?

My with such an ill equiped military, they sure are kicking the terrorists ass

02-10-2008, 07:20 AM
The terrorists love it because they know that our military is getting weaker every day. Bush and his fellow repubs won't even equip them properly so they are doing well with less.

Bush probably planned it that way---by the time he's out of office, our military will be weakened, we can't properly defend ourselves from another attack, so when the Saudis (bush family friends) send MORE terrorists, like the 9/11 ones, he can blame the dems.
Hell, the repubs blame everything on the dems anyway.

I guess that must of been the reason when they bombed the world trade center the fist time under Clinton.....humm what yr was that, i forget..You know it was because of Clinton that we had 9/11......right?? :poke:

02-10-2008, 07:22 AM
Oh so we are losing in Iraq?

My with such an ill equiped military, they sure are kicking the terrorists ass

You don't read very well, do you? Where does it say that we are losing in Iraq???

Just think how many AMERICAN soldiers would still be alive if the republican controlled congress had given them the dollars for the proper armor.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:22 AM
I guess that must of been the reason when they bombed the world trade center the fist time under Clinton.....humm what yr was that, i forget..:poke:

They were lashing out at what Bush 41 did - at least that is what the left might say

02-10-2008, 07:24 AM
I guess that must of been the reason when they bombed the world trade center the fist time under Clinton.....humm what yr was that, i forget..:poke:

Gosh I wonder who the president was when the 9/11 attacks happened??

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:28 AM
Gosh I wonder who the president was when the 9/11 attacks happened??

and unlike Clinton, pres Bush responded and is taking the fight to the terrorists

What do Dems do? Wave the white flag and promise to cut and run from the fight

02-10-2008, 07:28 AM
Gosh I wonder who the president was when the 9/11 attacks happened??

don't leave out the whole statement you made...
Originally Posted by DrJohn
The terrorists love it because they know that our military is getting weaker every day. Bush and his fellow repubs won't even equip them properly so they are doing well with less.

Bush probably planned it that way---by the time he's out of office, our military will be weakened, we can't properly defend ourselves from another attack, so when the Saudis (bush family friends) send MORE terrorists, like the 9/11 ones, he can blame the dems.
Hell, the repubs blame everything on the dems anyway.

I guess that must of been the reason when they bombed the world trade center the fist time under Clinton.....humm what yr was that, i forget..You know it was because of Clinton that we had 9/11......right??

gosh..I wonder who was president when we had the First World trade center bombing.....????????????

you want to play.........I'll play..

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:31 AM
gosh..I wonder who was president when we had the First World trade center bombing.....????????????

Maybe he has what is common with libs

Selective memory loss

Hillary had the same problem when she was placed under oath during the 8 years of Bill

02-10-2008, 07:31 AM
Gosh I wonder why Bush didn't take the fight to the Saudis since the 9/11 terrorists were mainly composed of people from that country.

oh, his family gets $$$ from them

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:33 AM
Gosh I wonder why Bush didn't take the fight to the Saudis since the 9/11 terrorists were mainly composed of people from that country.

oh, his family gets $$$ from them

Mainman must have taught you the Liberal 2 step

When you are boxed in - start dancing around and avoid the incoming facts

02-10-2008, 07:35 AM
Maybe he has what is common with libs

Selective memory loss

Hillary had the same problem when she was placed under oath during the 8 years of Bill

too funny.

You seem to suffer from the republican disease......
blame everything on the dems.

Well, come November when the American people elect a Democratic because they are sickof what the repubs have done the last 8 years, maybe you'll see.

Don't forget that your own party is going more to the left every day.
Probably because of allthe good things the current admin had accomplished.

02-10-2008, 07:37 AM
Gosh I wonder why Bush didn't take the fight to the Saudis since the 9/11 terrorists were mainly composed of people from that country.

oh, his family gets $$$ from them

:laugh2:go and check out who financed the Clinton Library...besides China..

02-10-2008, 07:37 AM
Mainman must have taught you the Liberal 2 step

When you are boxed in - start dancing around and avoid the incoming facts

and you have learned from Bush-- take faulty 'intelligence', sell it as fact, and then blame the dems for beleiving it.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:37 AM
too funny.

You seem to suffer from the republican disease......
blame everything on the dems.

Well, come November when the American people elect a Democratic because they are sickof what the repubs have done the last 8 years, maybe you'll see.

Don't forget that your own party is going more to the left every day.
Probably because of allthe good things the current admin had accomplished.

and once again, can you tell us what your party has accomplished during their year in power?

I am worried what Dems will accomplish. It will be as bad as what an all lliberal government did during the Pres Peanut Carter years

More taxes, more spending, and a crashing economy

02-10-2008, 07:40 AM
and once again, can you tell us what your party has accomplished during their year in power?

I am worried what Dems will accomplish. It will be as bad as what an all lliberal government did during the Pres Peanut Carter years

More taxes, more spending, and a crashing economy

Maybe they can get rid of this record debt that the repubs saddled us with when they controlled everything for six years.

I know, I know, you're going to say that bush is addressing that---- with his new record setting budget proposal!

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:42 AM
Maybe they can get rid of this record debt that the repubs saddled us with when they controlled everything for six years.

I know, I know, you're going to say that bush is addressing that---- with his new record setting budget proposal!

How are they going to do that when your 2 candidates are proposing about $800 billion in new spending?

Their tax increases will reduce revenue since it will kill incentive for business to expand and grow

02-10-2008, 07:42 AM
Maybe they can get rid of this record debt that the repubs saddled us with when they controlled everything for six years.

I know, I know, you're going to say that bush is addressing that---- with his new record setting budget proposal!

And how do you propose your Democrats do that??

I'd really to like know your plan...

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:43 AM
And how do you propose your Democrats do that??

I'd really like to your plan...

Tax and spend - that is all Dems know how to do

If it does not work they will blame Pres Bush, Bush 41, and if necessary, Pres Reagan

02-10-2008, 07:43 AM
:laugh2:go and check out who financed the Clinton Library...besides China..

So that excuses the fact that the saudis have a sitting POTUS' s family on their pocket???


And that the repubs go to war against the saudi enemy instead of putting all of our efforts in afghanistan???

We'd probably have bin laden by now if the Bushies didn't have business dealinngs with his family.

02-10-2008, 07:46 AM
And how do you propose your Democrats do that??

I'd really to like know your plan...

I'm not rsr---I don't have a plan. But of course he repubs don't have one that is working, either.

We'll leave that to the American-citizen-elected-democratic administration.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:46 AM
I'm not rsr---I don't have a plan. But of course he repubs don't have one that is working, either.

We'll leave that to the American-citizen-elected-democratic administration.

Nice duck and dodge Dr John

02-10-2008, 07:48 AM
Nice duck and dodge Dr John

Since thats coming from the master of that manuver, I'll take that as a compliment.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:50 AM
Since thats coming from the master of that manuver, I'll take that as a compliment.

I ave posted facts about how your side is doing the same bad things the previous Congress was doing - and you make excuses for them

The Dems plans for trillions in tax increases and appeasement to terrorists seems to be fine with you

02-10-2008, 07:54 AM
I ave posted facts about how your side is doing the same bad things the previous Congress was doing - and you make excuses for them

The Dems plans for trillions in tax increases and appeasement to terrorists seems to be fine with you

So bush's constant capitulating to the saudis isn't appeasement??

You must love him.

I love the fact that y'all keep harping on the Carter admin but you leave out the fact that the last democrat to sit in the WH left us with a balanced budget.

02-10-2008, 07:56 AM
So that excuses the fact that the Saudis have a sitting POTUS' s family on their pocket???


And that the repubs go to war against the Saudi enemy instead of putting all of our efforts in Afghanistan???

We'd probably have bin laden by now if the Bushies didn't have business dealings with his family.

how old are you??

Clinton was handed Bin Laden's head on a silver platter, but his wonderful advisers told him they didn't have enough to take him, plus they didn't want to stir the pot in the middle east...even after they tried to blow up the world trade center the first time...

well guess what.....it didn't work did it......we had 9/11 you idiot...

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:58 AM
So bush's constant capitulating to the saudis isn't appeasement??

You must love him.

I love the fact that y'all keep harping on the Carter admin but you leave out the fact that the last democrat to sit in the WH left us with a balanced budget.

It was a projected balanced budget - and the national debt grew under Clinton

Pres Bush inherited his recession, and brought the economy back with his tax cuts

02-10-2008, 08:01 AM
how old are you??

Clinton was handed Bin Laden's head on a silver platter, but his wonderful advisers told him they didn't have enough to take him, plus they didn't want to stir the pot in the middle east...even after they tried to blow up the world trade center the first time...

well guess what.....it didn't work did it......we had 9/11 you idiot...

typical republican 'debating'.
Call someone you disagree with names.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 08:02 AM
typical republican 'debating'.
Call someone you disagree with names.

I see you ducked the fact how Bill turned down the offer

02-10-2008, 08:04 AM
typical republican 'debating'.
Call someone you disagree with names.

awww...nothing more intelligent to say because you don't really know what your talking about......

so the next step is waaaaaaaaaaa...they called me a name...

I understand...

02-10-2008, 08:17 AM
Oh well....I guess I'll go to bed now still waiting for some intelligent response from the Dr. John.....but he might have to go to Google and try to find an answer, and hey, I understand.......life's a bitch...especially when you try to present yourself as a person who knows something ...........and literally knows nothing...:coffee:

red states rule
02-10-2008, 08:23 AM
Oh well....I guess I'll go to bed now still waiting for some intelligent response from the Dr. John.....but he might have to go to Google and try to find an answer, and hey, I understand.......life's a bitch...especially when you try to present yourself as a person who knows something ...........and literally knows nothing...:coffee:

Stephanie, some libs have a stroke when confronted with facts, others lash out with hate filled responses, others go away and come back later

Time will tell what happened to the DR

02-10-2008, 08:25 AM
Stephanie, some libs have a stroke when confronted with facts, others lash out with hate filled responses, others go away and come back later

Time will tell what happened to the DR

I really should be more gentle.......I keep telling myself that...:laugh2:

red states rule
02-10-2008, 08:27 AM
I really should be more gentle.......I keep telling myself that...:laugh2:

Stehpanie, you are as mean and cruel as a purring kitten

02-10-2008, 08:32 AM
Stehpanie, you are as mean and cruel as a purring kitten

Yeah..if I like you...... you can pet me...If I don't.......... I'll scratch ya....

I'm off to beddy bye....it's late here for me....:cheers2:

02-10-2008, 09:01 AM
if you own a large business that employs hundreds.....

tell me what could the government do to encourage you to expand your business and add jobs.....

increase taxes on you your employees your company and your products and increase reulations....


to put it another way.....will you work harder for me if i give you a bonus and raise or cut your salary and ask you to pay for your own health care.....or better yet cut your salary and give the excess to that moron in accounting and make you pay for her healthcare

good morning!

okkkkkkkkkk....i understand ALL of this manu, so how about answering my post that you quoted, questions....?


02-10-2008, 09:07 AM
would you be happy if your taxes went down because the Dems spent less on the military industrial complex or spent less on the Defense budget that has gone up maybe 300% since Bush took office?

Is everything about taxes and tax breaks?


Here's how I see it, I am willing to pay taxes for those things that 'the people' or states cannot do on their own, ie., provide for the common defense, make war/treaties, build/maintain interstate commerce/roads, etc.

In the areas where the local governments/states can provide/oversee areas of public good; ie., schools, records, intrastate infrastructure, etc., I want the feds out.

So yes, there was a serious need to up the spending on defense, at the same time there are many areas where brakes are needed, (entitlements), and cuts are warranted; education, new attempts to add to entitlements, etc.

02-10-2008, 10:17 AM
Here's how I see it, I am willing to pay taxes for those things that 'the people' or states cannot do on their own, ie., provide for the common defense, make war/treaties, build/maintain interstate commerce/roads, etc.

In the areas where the local governments/states can provide/oversee areas of public good; ie., schools, records, intrastate infrastructure, etc., I want the feds out.

So yes, there was a serious need to up the spending on defense, at the same time there are many areas where brakes are needed, (entitlements), and cuts are warranted; education, new attempts to add to entitlements, etc.I pretty much have evolved in to having the same kind of opinion as yours regarding all of this and primarily because i have been spending time going over and studying our constitution...

HOWEVER, I don't believe we should give a blank check for military spending either.... I believe we could add up 100% or all the pork money spent, all of the federal educational money spent, all of the General Assistance(welfare) money spent for the last TWO DECADES and still not come up with the WASTE in our Military spending....

Just a couple of examples:

Rumsfeld Sept 10, 2001: The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 TRILLION CBS NEWS: The War on Waste

On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war. Not on foreign terrorists, "the adversary's closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucracy," he said.

He said money wasted by the military poses a serious threat.

"In fact, it could be said it's a matter of life and death," he said.

Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11-- the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten.

Just last week President Bush announced, "my 2003 budget calls for more than $48 billion in new defense spending."

More money for the Pentagon, CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports, while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.

"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

Minnery, a former Marine turned whistle-blower, is risking his job by speaking out for the first time about the millions he noticed were missing from one defense agency's balance sheets. Minnery tried to follow the money trail, even crisscrossing the country looking for records.

"The director looked at me and said 'Why do you care about this stuff?' It took me aback, you know? My supervisor asking me why I care about doing a good job," said Minnery.


and things like this....

Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds
Pentagon, Bremer dispute inspector general's report
Monday, January 31, 2005 Posted: 0412 GMT (1212 HKT)

Paul Bremer received a Presidential Medal of Freedom in December for his work in Iraq.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

"Severe inefficiencies and poor management" by the Coalition Provisional Authority has left auditors with no guarantee the money was properly used," the report said.

continued Here:


and there is tons and tons more and it has been going on FOREVER in our country, not just this administration, though because we are in a war, there is alot more money involved that can be wasted so his administration would be higher in waste for that alone.....

I think we need to be diligent in following where the money goes, how the money is spent, in ALL areas of our government, including the Defense budget.

When i was in the Corporate world working there was no time to diddle daddle around with the small areas of business that were inefficient UNTIL we took care of the BIG GUNs that were inefficient....Time is limited and you focus on what is going to make the biggest impact FIRST....

And if this is applied to our gvt and their WASTE or inefficiencies, then i think we should be going after with a vengence and a fine tooth comb, all Defense/Pentagon areas of our budget to look for the enormous waste potential first....and get our ducks in order and then move on to the next largest area of waste.

It is almost like a slight of hand is going on....alot of barking about killing all of the "pork" which adds up to only 1% of the entire budget spent, while 30% of the money given to Defense is being wasted or unaccounted for or whatever, ya know?

Anyway, that's my two cents on this....


02-10-2008, 10:25 AM
I pretty much have evolved in to having the same kind of opinion as yours regarding all of this and primarily because i have been spending time going over and studying our constitution...

HOWEVER, I don't believe we should give a blank check for military spending either.... I believe we could add up 100% or all the pork money spent, all of the federal educational money spent, all of the General Assistance(welfare) money spent for the last TWO DECADES and still not come up with the WASTE in our Military spending....

Just a couple of examples:

and things like this....

and there is tons and tons more and it has been going on FOREVER in our country, not just this administration, though because we are in a war, there is alot more more involved that can be wasted so his administration would be higher in waste for that alone.....

I think we need to be diligent in following where the money goes, how the money is spent, in ALL areas of our government, including the Defense budget.

When i was in the Corporate world working there was no time to diddle daddle around with the small areas of business that were in efficient UNTIL we took care of the BIG GUNs that were inefficient areas....Time is limited and you focus on what is going to make the biggest impact FIRST....

And if this is applied to our gvt and their WASTE or inefficiencies, then i think we should be going after with a vengence and a fine tooth comb, all Defense/Pentagon areas of our budget to look for the enormous waste potential first....and get our ducks in order and then move on to the next largest area of waste.

It is almost like a slight of hand is going on....alot of barking about killing all of the "pork" which adds up to only 1% of the entire budget spent, while 30% of the money given to Defense is being wasted or unaccounted for or whatever, ya know?

Anyway, that's my two cents on this....


I would not argue there is waste and special interests in military. However, it seems all the more important to root those out, address them, and still bring the Navy up to speed in replacing warships and other updates where necessary. It's not the increases or spending, it's how it's being done.

02-10-2008, 12:43 PM
and watch the liberal media turn on McCain soon. The same libs who were singing his praises on the talk shows will take out the knives

And MCCain will be stunned and will not understand what is happening Not so sure Juan McLiberal wont switch party's if he gets elected President

02-11-2008, 01:39 AM
ive seen in on both sides.

typical republican 'debating'.
Call someone you disagree with names.

red states rule
02-11-2008, 06:18 AM
Not so sure Juan McLiberal wont switch party's if he gets elected President

I want to see who picks as his VP

Lieberman perhaps?