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Pale Rider
02-09-2008, 12:51 PM
Gloves Off: The Dem Plan to Hit McCain

By: Jeanne Cummings
Feb 8, 2008 05:49 AM EST

With John McCain poised to win the Republican nomination, Democrats are already gathering ammunition to use against him in the general election.

In more than a few instances, the best fodder has been provided by the candidate himself.

A case in point: As the economy was rising late last year as a major issue for voters, McCain in New Hampshire delivered this grenade, with its pin still in it: "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should," he said. "I've got Greenspan's book."

Those are not the only words that will come back to haunt him in November.

From the economy to Iraq to immigration to abortion, the Arizona senator's lengthy voting record and his primary season offerings to the Republican Party's conservative wing provide a deep vein for opposition researchers to mine for shifting positions and policy inconsistencies.


02-09-2008, 01:29 PM
Watching the news today it seems they, the Dems may kill each other or be forced to run with each other as prez and vprez... either way half of the dems will be pissed leaving a very weak McCain able to strole into the Whitehouse...

I don't see a Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama ticket ... one has to die by the hands of a Republican for the Dems to rally around one of the finalists.

McCain can't hook up with the Huckster and the religious folks and the conservatives won't turn out so the turn out could be extremely low on both sides.

02-09-2008, 01:30 PM
wtf, dude.....why don't you find someone to be FOR and give the AGAINST a rest......

02-09-2008, 01:41 PM
wtf, dude.....why don't you find someone to be FOR and give the AGAINST a rest......There is no one in the running to be FOR unless you like the idea of Mexico and America becoming one nation. Romney was the last hope and now all any sane person can do is to downgrade the candidates and hope congress will not pass illegal immigration amnesty legislation for fear they will be fired when their phones won't stop ringing.

Pale Rider
02-09-2008, 01:56 PM
wtf, dude.....why don't you find someone to be FOR and give the AGAINST a rest......

Aaaahh... I don't know who you were addressing, since you didn't use the quote function, but I started the thread, so I'll respond...

... find someone to be for... hmmm... well, it seems like something I really shouldn't have to do if someone would have been paying attention, but I'll recap, I was "for" Tom Tancredo. I was "for" Duncan Hunter. I was "for" Fred Thompson. I was "for" Mitt Romney. I am still "for" Ron Paul. The only people I have been against is the liberals, clinton, obama bin laden, and mcamnesty. That's more FOR than AGAINST. People should pay attention, then we wouldn't have to go over these kinds of things twice.

02-09-2008, 02:11 PM
wtf, dude.....why don't you find someone to be FOR and give the AGAINST a rest......


02-09-2008, 09:01 PM

27 anti-McCain threads a day is enough.....

02-09-2008, 09:29 PM
27 anti-McCain threads a day is enough.....

a McCain fan huh..

well... not all of us are..:poke:

02-09-2008, 10:36 PM
27 anti-McCain threads a day is enough.....

why? why does 27 bother you?

02-09-2008, 10:59 PM
a McCain fan huh..

well... not all of us are..:poke:

I voted for Romney in the Michigan primary, but this McCain bashing is starting to suck, big time.....you people are like fecking little children......

02-09-2008, 11:00 PM
why? why does 27 bother you?

/sigh....insert random large number that suits you.....

02-09-2008, 11:01 PM
/sigh....insert random large number that suits you.....

the threads don't bother, so no number is suitable

02-09-2008, 11:05 PM
I disagree.....one thread about hating McClain is debating....a dozen repeating the same complaints makes you a bunch of whiney little twits.......

02-09-2008, 11:05 PM
I voted for Romney in the Michigan primary, but this McCain bashing is starting to suck, big time.....you people are like fecking little children......

I voted for Romney too. I do not care for McCain, but I look at the WOT, judges, entitlements and have to decide: Obama or McCain. I'll probably follow his mother's advice (http://leadusforward.wordpress.com/2008/01/27/mccains-mother-instructs-base-to-hold-their-nose/) come November.

Black Lance
02-09-2008, 11:22 PM
Aaaahh... I don't know who you were addressing, since you didn't use the quote function, but I started the thread, so I'll respond...

... find someone to be for... hmmm... well, it seems like something I really shouldn't have to do if someone would have been paying attention, but I'll recap, I was "for" Tom Tancredo. I was "for" Duncan Hunter. I was "for" Fred Thompson. I was "for" Mitt Romney. I am still "for" Ron Paul. The only people I have been against is the liberals, clinton, obama bin laden, and mcamnesty. That's more FOR than AGAINST. People should pay attention, then we wouldn't have to go over these kinds of things twice.

I tried to rep you, but I have to spread some more around first. My sentiments exactly.

02-09-2008, 11:41 PM
I disagree.....one thread about hating McClain is debating....a dozen repeating the same complaints makes you a bunch of whiney little twits.......

why are you whining about this?

Pale Rider
02-10-2008, 02:31 AM
I disagree.....one thread about hating McClain is debating....a dozen repeating the same complaints makes you a bunch of whiney little twits.......

The only whiny little twit in this thread is you. If you don't like the anti mccain threads, DON'T FUCKING READ THEM! For Christ sake man.... get off the rag.

02-10-2008, 05:44 AM
The only whiny little twit in this thread is you. If you don't like the anti mccain threads, DON'T FUCKING READ THEM! For Christ sake man.... get off the rag.

oh let's be honest, Pale....you haven't got the wits to understand politics, you read something somewhere that makes you hate McCain, so you've obsessed about him....you really haven't stopped to think about whether or not he will be a good president, you're just pissey because you haven't gotten your way....so, you've started something like a dozen anti-McCain threads so you can express your petty petulance.....

sheer volume alone makes you a whiney little twit, but your unthinking repetitive nothingness demonstrates that you are a liberal's wet dream......a conservative who votes without his brain......

02-10-2008, 06:43 AM
oh let's be honest, Pale....you haven't got the wits to understand politics, you read something somewhere that makes you hate McCain, so you've obsessed about him....you really haven't stopped to think about whether or not he will be a good president, you're just pissey because you haven't gotten your way....so, you've started something like a dozen anti-McCain threads so you can express your petty petulance.....

sheer volume alone makes you a whiney little twit, but your unthinking repetitive nothingness demonstrates that you are a liberal's wet dream......a conservative who votes without his brain......

You are so wrong dear....we conservative do understand McCain more than anyone...we didn't even need Rush to tell us...

So twit for twit.......McCain can kiss my twit...:cheers2:

look at the polling....McCain had hardly won with the conservatives....you think the moderates and independents who voted for him in the primaries are going to vote for him in the General.......wise up...

02-10-2008, 06:52 AM
Rush,,,,,rush,,,,who brought Rush into this conversation?

You are so wrong dear....we conservative do understand McCain more than anyone...we didn't even need Rush to tell us...

So twit for twit.......McCain can kiss my twit...:cheers2:

look at the polling....McCain can't win with the conservatives....you think the moderates and independents who voted for him in the primaries are going to vote for him in the General.......wise up...

Apparently in your lonely moments in Alaska the talk radio entertainer gives you comfort. I can't fault you for that.

At this point in the mathematical scheme of things McCain can't be beat. Live with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-10-2008, 06:57 AM
Rush,,,,,rush,,,,who brought Rush into this conversation?

Apparently in your lonely moments in Alaska the talk radio entertainer gives you comfort. I can't fault you for that.

At this point in the mathematical scheme of things McCain can't be beat. Live with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you care.....are you voting for McCain??

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:04 AM
Well, Obama has fired a shot at McCain

Age Card: Obama Hails McCain's 'Half-Century' of Service
By Mark Finkelstein | February 9, 2008 - 23:09 ET

Want to know how Barack Obama would intend to run against John McCain? Consider this line from Obama's speech to the Jefferson-Jackson dinner this evening in Virginia:

This week, this week, we found out that the presumptive nominee of the Republican party will be Senator John McCain [scattered boos in the audience.] Now, I believe John McCain is a good man and a genuine American hero. And we honor his half-century of service to this nation.

Subtle, Barack, subtle. Look for Obama to try to help McCain up onto the debating platform and pull out his chair.


02-10-2008, 07:14 AM
Well, Obama has fired a shot at McCain

Age Card: Obama Hails McCain's 'Half-Century' of Service
By Mark Finkelstein | February 9, 2008 - 23:09 ET

Want to know how Barack Obama would intend to run against John McCain? Consider this line from Obama's speech to the Jefferson-Jackson dinner this evening in Virginia:

This week, this week, we found out that the presumptive nominee of the Republican party will be Senator John McCain [scattered boos in the audience.] Now, I believe John McCain is a good man and a genuine American hero. And we honor his half-century of service to this nation.

Subtle, Barack, subtle. Look for Obama to try to help McCain up onto the debating platform and pull out his chair.


the fix was in.......the Republican deserve to lose..

they put up some 70 yr old vindictive old man who was 'the maverick' against his own party, and then expect him to win against a so called 'woman' and a half-black-half white(yet he calls himself BLACK) candatiate........:laugh2:

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:16 AM
the fix was in.......the Republican deserve to lose..

they put up some 70 yr old vindictive old man who was 'the maverick' against his own party, and then expect him to win against a so called 'woman' and a half-black-half white(yet he calls himself BLACK) candatiate........:laugh2:

I have to agree with you

Get ready for 4 years of what we went through with Pres Peanut Carter

We will have 4 years to find the person who will lead our aprty and clean up the mess left behind by a tax and spend liberal President

02-10-2008, 07:44 AM
Tax and spend liberal president? Interesting. Has there ever been a more spending president than gwb or a more irresponsible ideology of a president than any Republican? The Dems always take the fall for the irresponsibilities of the reich wingers. We're a compassionate bunch but those games are over. The American people know exactly who drove us into this bottomless pit.

I have to agree with you

Get ready for 4 years of what we went through with Pres Peanut Carter

We will have 4 years to find the person who will lead our aprty and clean up the mess left behind by a tax and spend liberal President

You are correct. There is certainly a mess to be cleaned up by someone and I hope that someone is you.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 07:46 AM
Tax and spend liberal president? Interesting. Has there ever been a more spending president than gwb or a more irresponsible ideology of a president than any Republican? The Dems always take the fall for the irresponsibilities of the reich wingers. We're a compassionate bunch but those games are over. The American people know exactly who drove us into this bottomless pit.

You are correct. There is certainly a mess to be cleaned up by someone and I hope that someone is you.

Oh, it was right wingers who were responsible for Pres Peanut's economy?

Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 04:20 AM
oh let's be honest, Pale....you haven't got the wits to understand politics, you read something somewhere that makes you hate McCain, so you've obsessed about him....you really haven't stopped to think about whether or not he will be a good president, you're just pissey because you haven't gotten your way....so, you've started something like a dozen anti-McCain threads so you can express your petty petulance.....

sheer volume alone makes you a whiney little twit, but your unthinking repetitive nothingness demonstrates that you are a liberal's wet dream......a conservative who votes without his brain......

Ya know what Pmp... I'm just going to let you wallow in your own SHIT here... because there seems to be a movement on the board to clean things up, and you're going to have a hard time with that. So, I'll let you hang yourself.

Get back to me when you can talk like your parents actually taught you something.

red states rule
02-11-2008, 05:56 AM
Meanwhile, the liberal media will give glowing coverage to the debate going on in Republican party - then the attacks on McCain will begin

Newsweek Cover Story Stokes Conservative Hatred for McCain
By Noel Sheppard | February 10, 2008 - 11:04 ET

Is Newsweek's February 18 cover story about conservative hatred for Republican presidential candidate John McCain a preview of how the mainstream media will attack the Arizona senator if he wins the nomination?

Before you answer, consider first the cover pictured to the right, with an obviously concerned McCain looking up at top conservative personalities amid the headline, "There Will Be Blood."

Not too subtle, is it?

Neither was the content of the article

for the complete article




02-11-2008, 06:06 AM
Ya know what Pmp... I'm just going to let you wallow in your own SHIT here... because there seems to be a movement on the board to clean things up, and you're going to have a hard time with that. So, I'll let you hang yourself.

Get back to me when you can talk like your parents actually taught you something.

hopefully that movement will persuade you to combine all your anti-McCain vitriol into a single thread.....

as far as my parents' teaching, I try to avoid their political lessons.....my mother still thinks Carter was the best president we ever had....I chalk it up to senility, after all, she IS 88....

No, I had to figure out how to be a conservative on my own....I didn't get it from my parents, I didn't get it from a radio or television show, I did it by studying politics and society......which is why I am able to distinguish between connservativism and the facade that occasionally passes for it in your posts......

red states rule
02-11-2008, 07:36 AM
There are some out there who thinks McCain can win in Novemeber. As long as the Dems are spending money going after each other, it may help McCain

Getting to 270
Can John McCain win in November?
February 11, 2008
The conventional wisdom is that Republicans start at a serious disadvantage in trying to hold the White House. A still-unpopular war and a softening economy certainly represent challenges. So far, most of the enthusiasm in the primaries has been on the Democratic side, with some 13 million voters casting Democratic ballots and fewer than 9 million picking a GOP one.

But despite these obstacles, John McCain will now begin to assemble his fall election team with surprisingly good poll results. The average of all the recent national polls summarized by RealClearPolitics.com show the Arizona senator leading Hillary Clinton by 47% to 45% and trailing Barack Obama by only 44% to 47%. Both results are within the statistical margin of error for national polls, so it's fair to say Mr. McCain starts out with an even chance of winning.

How could that be? The answer is that the same maverick streak and occasional departures from conservative orthodoxy that make conservatives queasy have the opposite effect on independents and even some Democrats. Mr. McCain's favorable numbers with independents exceed those of Barack Obama, who has emphasized his desire to work across party lines.

for the complete article

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120268013352957191.html?mod=opinion_journal_poli tical_diary

Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 12:49 PM
hopefully that movement will persuade you to combine all your anti-McCain vitriol into a single thread.....

as far as my parents' teaching, I try to avoid their political lessons.....my mother still thinks Carter was the best president we ever had....I chalk it up to senility, after all, she IS 88....

No, I had to figure out how to be a conservative on my own....I didn't get it from my parents, I didn't get it from a radio or television show, I did it by studying politics and society......which is why I am able to distinguish between connservativism and the facade that occasionally passes for it in your posts......

If the administration of this board tells me quit posting articles that purport dirt on mccain, then I'll do it. But I think that's really the purpose of the board, and the idea is utterly rediculous.

And you're about as conservative as the man in the moon, and that is why I know you love mccain. You're both a couple of smart assed, hot headed, RINO's.

02-11-2008, 01:40 PM
If the administration of this board tells me quit posting articles that purport dirt on mccain, then I'll do it. But I think that's really the purpose of the board, and the idea is utterly rediculous.

And you're about as conservative as the man in the moon, and that is why I know you love mccain. You're both a couple of smart assed, hot headed, RINO's.

Pale doesn't like me....


red states rule
02-12-2008, 06:36 AM
If the administration of this board tells me quit posting articles that purport dirt on mccain, then I'll do it. But I think that's really the purpose of the board, and the idea is utterly rediculous.

And you're about as conservative as the man in the moon, and that is why I know you love mccain. You're both a couple of smart assed, hot headed, RINO's.

Hey PR, more on how those who oppose McCain need to shut up and accept it

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120277844588960675.html?mod=opinion_main_comment aries

02-12-2008, 06:57 AM
excellent article, RSR.....I particularly liked this line "some of the transient notions of what makes a conservative"......made me think of Pale, right off......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:01 AM
excellent article, RSR.....I particularly liked this line "some of the transient notions of what makes a conservative"......made me think of Pale, right off......

The author is telling us to forget our principals and what we believe in - just win the election

02-12-2008, 07:03 AM
What does it matter...according to the Mechanics...he has it sown up without the conservative....we have been told we are not up with the times, and we are purist, and bla and bla and bla...

so I say.......Good luck Sen. McCain.....:cheers2:

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:06 AM
What does it matter...according to the Mechanics...he has it sown up without the conservative....we have been told we are not up with the times, and we are purist, and bla and bla and bla...

so I say.......Good luck Sen. McCain.....:cheers2:

The only way McCain might get some of the conservative vote wil depend on who he picks as his VP

McCain has stuck his thumb in the eye of the conservative base so many times, I do not know if that will work

02-12-2008, 07:09 AM
The author is telling us to forget our principals and what we believe in - just win the election

no, the author is actually telling you that your "principles" are not legitimate conservative principles.....but just some silly crap you made up while pretending you were conservative.....

02-12-2008, 07:11 AM
The only way McCain might get some of the conservative vote wil depend on who he picks as his VP

the problem with that argument is that McCain already has the majority of the conservative vote, he just doesn't have much of the vote of "youfolks" who seem to belong to some nebulous "better than conservatives" party.......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:11 AM
no, the author is actually telling you that your "principles" are not legitimate conservative principles.....but just some silly crap you made up while pretending you were conservative.....

Yea, protecting the borders, free speech, enforcing our laws, and wanting lower taxes were never conservative principals

02-12-2008, 07:13 AM
no, the author is actually telling you that your "principles" are not legitimate conservative principles.....but just some silly crap you made up while pretending you were conservative.....

Yep......you say so....:cheers2:

02-12-2008, 07:15 AM
Yea, protecting the borders, free speech, enforcing our laws, and wanting lower taxes were never conservative principals

and unbelievably, there are some idiots out there pretending McCain isn't in favor of those things.......

02-12-2008, 07:15 AM
Yep......you say so....:cheers2:

actually, it was the author of the article....I just agree with him.....don't want to be accused of plagiarism......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:17 AM
and unbelievably, there are some idiots out there pretending McCain isn't in favor of those things.......

McCain is on record for amnesty, his campaign finance reform bill is an assualt of free speech, and he opposed the Bush tax cuts (twice), and is for closing GITMO and giving terrorists access to the Fedral Courts

I would like to ask Sen McCain is he would have waterboarded Atta on 9/1/2001

02-12-2008, 07:19 AM
McCain is on record for amnesty, his campaign finance reform bill is an assualt of free speech, and he opposed the Bush tax cuts (twice), and is for closing GITMO and giving terrorists access to the Fedral Courts

I would like to ask Sen McCain is he would have waterboarded Atta on 9/1/2001

so... you are NOT going to vote for Senator McCain?

02-12-2008, 07:21 AM
the McCain hard hitters are here....

How Dare you all have disagreements with the god.....

Get back in line.....and shut the fuck up....:laugh2:

02-12-2008, 07:22 AM
McCain is on record for amnesty
there is the perfect example......

the less intelligent element of the Republican party has decided that "no amnesty" is a conservative issue.....

bullshit....conservatives have always been in favor of open immigration and liberals have always been in favor of job protectionism....

for some reason, the idiots of the world have decided that if you are in favor of protecting the border, but not opposed to "amnesty" you aren't conservative enough to lead the party.....

if you idiots get over that, we might make some progress here......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:26 AM
there is the perfect example......

the less intelligent element of the Republican party has decided that "no amnesty" is a conservative issue.....

bullshit....conservatives have always been in favor of open immigration and liberals have always been in favor of job protectionism....

for some reason, the idiots of the world have decided that if you are in favor of protecting the border, but not opposed to "amnesty" you aren't conservative enough to lead the party.....

if you idiots get over that, we might make some progress here......

Conservatives are for LEGAL immigration

People like McCain believe the government can fight "climate change" and change weather patterns with more government money and regulation. Yes, we can changes the heavens above us

but the government can't build a fence and secure our borders

You seem to be in that group of people

And lets not forget McCain leading the gang of 14. He was willing to toss some of Pres Bush's nominees under the bus to appease the Dems

02-12-2008, 07:29 AM
The gang of 14 should be hailed as saviors of the republican party. If the filibuster rules had been removed from the senate under frist, you all would be impotent now.

02-12-2008, 07:29 AM
there is the perfect example......

the less intelligent element of the Republican party has decided that "no amnesty" is a conservative issue.....

bullshit....conservatives have always been in favor of open immigration and liberals have always been in favor of job protectionism....

for some reason, the idiots of the world have decided that if you are in favor of protecting the border, but not opposed to "amnesty" you aren't conservative enough to lead the party.....

if you idiots get over that, we might make some progress here......

Yeah...so the invasion of our country right before our eyes from the Mexico border.......is ok with you......

Nothing like taking over a country without firing a shot...and laugh at their citizens sitting there like sitting ducks...

and then when we speak up about it......we are called evey vile name in the book...

got ya...

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:31 AM
The gang of 14 should be hailed as saviors of the republican party. If the filibuster rules had been removed from the senate under frist, you all would be impotent now.

Dems always bellow about counting every vote - except when they know they will lose the vote

Dems refused to allow an up and down vote because they knew they would lose.

The nerve of Pres Bush wanting a vote on his nominees

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:32 AM
Yeah...so the invasion of our country right before our eyes from the Mexico border.......is ok with you......

Nothing like taking over a country without firing a shot...and laugh at their citizens sitting there like sitting ducks...

and then when we speak up about it......we are called evey vile name in the book...

got ya...

That sums most McCain supporters

02-12-2008, 07:38 AM
Dems always bellow about counting every vote - except when they know they will lose the vote

Dems refused to allow an up and down vote because they knew they would lose.

The nerve of Pres Bush wanting a vote on his nominees
like I said, you should be thanking the gang of 14 for stopping Frist from using the nuclear option...if he had, you would not have been able to stop all that legislation in the senate this past year.

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:41 AM
like I said, you should be thanking the gang of 14 for stopping Frist from using the nuclear option...if he had, you would not have been able to stop all that legislation in the senate this past year.

Dems were blocking most of the bills, and were buying time for the election. Now Dems are whining how they can't get anything done

Dems for the first time in about 100 years were saying they would use a fillabuster to block a Judge.

McCain rode in on his white horse and sided with the Dems

02-12-2008, 07:46 AM
Dems were blocking most of the bills, and were buying time for the election. Now Dems are whining how they can't get anything done

Dems for the first time in about 100 years were saying they would use a fillabuster to block a Judge.

McCain rode in on his white horse and sided with the Dems

do you think that Mitch McConnell is happy today that he has the filibuster as an option?

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:49 AM
do you think that Mitch McConnell is happy today that he has the filibuster as an option?

The gang of 14 was for Judges only. Dems will not even bring Pres Bush's choices up for a vote

So much for the Dems promise to work with Republicans. Of cousre Dems have not kept to many of their promises anyway

02-12-2008, 07:49 AM
And lets not forget McCain leading the gang of 14. He was willing to toss some of Pres Bush's nominees under the bus to appease the Dems

another example of the stupidity of those who pretend they are conservatives.....the gang of 14 STOPPED liberal filibusters that were blocking conservative judicial appointments.......and idiots who don't understand conservativism don't understand that......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:51 AM
[quote]And lets not forget McCain leading the gang of 14. He was willing to toss some of Pres Bush's nominees under the bus to appease the Dems[/quote\

another example of the stupidity of those who pretend they are conservatives.....the gang of 14 STOPPED liberal filibusters that were blocking conservative judicial appointments.......and idiots who don't understand conservativism don't understand that......

and McCain agreed some of Pres Bush's nominees would be tossed out

02-12-2008, 07:52 AM
The gang of 14 was for Judges only. Dems will not even bring Pres Bush's choices up for a vote

So much for the Dems promise to work with Republicans. Of cousre Dems have not kept to many of their promises anyway

the gang of 14 stopped Bill Frist from changing the rules of the senate and eliminating filubusters. that's a fact.

and I ask you, do you think that McConnell is glad today that Frist was stopped from doing that?

02-12-2008, 07:52 AM
Yeah...so the invasion of our country right before our eyes from the Mexico border.......is ok with you......

not what I said and it's an amateur debating trick to try to pretend that I did.....my position on immigration has been laid out in full on several threads, so I will assume you know what it really is....don't misrepresent it......

"amnesty" has nothing to do with border security....it's nothing but racism and job protectionism........neither of which are conservative principles.....

02-12-2008, 07:53 AM

and McCain agreed some of Pres Bush's nominees would be tossed out

and in so doing, he SAVED the filibuster so that his party would have it available when they lost the senate - which happened a lot quicker than anyone expected!

02-12-2008, 07:54 AM

and McCain agreed some of Pres Bush's nominees would be tossed out

bullshit.....and why the crap is the board posting that idiotic comment as if it were mine?......

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:55 AM
[QUOTE=red states rule;199988]

and in so doing, he SAVED the filibuster so that his party would have it available when they lost the senate - which happened a lot quicker than anyone expected!

McCain sided with Chuck Schumer and as a result several conservative judicial nominees, most notably Miguel Estrata, are not sitting on the federal court of appeals today.

02-12-2008, 07:55 AM
[quote]And lets not forget McCain leading the gang of 14. He was willing to toss some of Pres Bush's nominees under the bus to appease the Dems[/quote\

another example of the stupidity of those who pretend they are conservatives.....the gang of 14 STOPPED liberal filibusters that were blocking conservative judicial appointments.......and idiots who don't understand conservativism don't understand that......

yeah...and what did they have to sell their soul for it??

You can call people all the names you want...

Keeping on keeping on....:cheers2:

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:55 AM

yeah...and what did they have to sell their soul for it??

You can call people all the names you want...

Keeping on keeping on....:cheers2:

Where is the Gang of 14 now?...Bush still has nominees backed up that the Democrats are refusing to give hearings on so where are they now?

02-12-2008, 07:57 AM
McCain sided with Chuck Schumer and as a result several conservative judicial nominees, most notably Miguel Estrata, are not sitting on the federal court of appeals today.

but McConnell still has the filibuster. that is the point. do you think that Mitch is GLAD that he can filibuster democratic legislation? yes or no

red states rule
02-12-2008, 07:58 AM
[QUOTE=red states rule;199993]

but McConnell still has the filibuster. that is the point. do you think that Mitch is GLAD that he can filibuster democratic legislation? yes or no

How can a fillabuster be used when Dems are not having votes?

02-12-2008, 08:01 AM
Where is the Gang of 14 now?...Bush still has nominees backed up that the Democrats are refusing to give hearings on so where are they now?

just off the top of my head, I suspect that the inability to get nominees approved at the moment is more a result of the Democrats having a majority in Congress, than it is the result of the gang of 14......or do you blame McCain for the Democrats controlling Congress too?

red states rule
02-12-2008, 08:05 AM
just off the top of my head, I suspect that the inability to get nominees approved at the moment is more a result of the Democrats having a majority in Congress, than it is the result of the gang of 14......or do you blame McCain for the Democrats controlling Congress too?

I thought McCain was the guy who could bring the 2 parties together. Or is McCain able to bring the 2 sides together when he caves and gives the Dems what they want?

02-12-2008, 08:08 AM
not what I said and it's an amateur debating trick to try to pretend that I did.....my position on immigration has been laid out in full on several threads, so I will assume you know what it really is....don't misrepresent it......

"amnesty" has nothing to do with border security....it's nothing but racism and job protectionism........neither of which are conservative principles.....

yeah..nothing like our country being overrun from a unprotected border and illegal immigrants syphoning our health and welfare off the backs of us hard working legal citizens...

How dare us ask for anything more.......that is not a conservative...

I understand..:cheers2:

02-12-2008, 08:08 AM
How can a fillabuster be used when Dems are not having votes?

wow. the effective use of the filibuster in being able to prolong debate is why they are not votes.

do you understand how a filibuster works? do you understand that Mitch McConnell thanks his lucky stars that the gang of 14 was able to keep Frist from exercising the nuclear option?

red states rule
02-12-2008, 08:09 AM
yeah..nothing like our country being overrun from a unprotected border and illegal immigrants syphoning our health and welfare off the backs of us hard working legal citizens...

I understand..:cheers2:

The numbers on illegals

From the L.A Times:

1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County
has 10 million people) are working for cash and not
paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly
illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are
for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los
Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County
are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose
births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California
detention centers are Mexican nationals here

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles
County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los
Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of
the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties
are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish

10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak
English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million
people in L.A.County).


red states rule
02-12-2008, 08:11 AM
wow. the effective use of the filibuster in being able to prolong debate is why they are not votes.

do you understand how a filibuster works? do you understand that Mitch McConnell thanks his lucky stars that the gang of 14 was able to keep Frist from exercising the nuclear option?

They are not even getting out of committee

From McCain's buddy Chucky Schumer


02-12-2008, 08:12 AM
They are not even getting out of committee

From McCain's buddy Chucky Schumer


you didn't answer my question; Let me ask it again and this time, quit dodging and ducking and just answer it:

do you think that Mitch McConnell thanks his lucky stars that the gang of 14 was able to keep Frist from exercising the nuclear option?

yes or no

02-12-2008, 08:14 AM
They are not even getting out of committee

From McCain's buddy Chucky Schumer


gosh...do you think that filibusters are only used for presidential nominations?

you DO...don't you?????:lol:

red states rule
02-12-2008, 08:14 AM
you didn't answer my question; Let me ask it again and this time, quit dodging and ducking and just answer it:

do you think that Mitch McConnell thanks his lucky stars that the gang of 14 was able to keep Frist from exercising the nuclear option?

yes or no

You are the one ducking the facts. Dems will not bring the Judges out of committee - and where in the gang of 14 now?

02-12-2008, 08:17 AM
We will soon be called.....Amermexida..........or America........fill in the blank..

It was a stealth takeover where they didn't even have to fire a shot...

The plan worked...

It was nice knowing ya........

see ya...:salute:

02-12-2008, 09:41 AM
yeah..nothing like our country being overrun from a unprotected border and illegal immigrants syphoning our health and welfare off the backs of us hard working legal citizens...

How dare us ask for anything more.......that is not a conservative...

I understand..:cheers2:

we could have solved the illegal immigration problem two years ago, except for those who couldn't tolerate brown people moving into the country legally to find work.......and THAT is not conservative......

02-12-2008, 10:12 AM
we could have solved the illegal immigration problem two years ago, except for those who couldn't tolerate brown people moving into the country legally to find work.......and THAT is not conservative......Blue Dog Democrats and Republicans support this bill and immigration reform. http://hotair.com/archives/2007/06/19/house-dems-to-push-enforcement-first-immigration-bill/ The majority of the House and Senate do not support amnesty but the Democratic leadership will not allow the issue to go forward.

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 02:11 PM
we could have solved the illegal immigration problem two years ago, except for those who couldn't tolerate brown people moving into the country legally to find work.......and THAT is not conservative......

I don't think there's anybody here that's ever said they had a problem with a foreigner that's come to this country legally, for whatever reason.

Toleration has nothing to do with it. That's just a buzz word used to derail the real issue, which is "the rule of law."

02-12-2008, 04:27 PM
I don't think there's anybody here that's ever said they had a problem with a foreigner that's come to this country legally, for whatever reason.

no, but YOU have stated that you are opposed to increasing legal immigration....and the current levels of 65k a year are not enough.......

That's just a buzz word used to derail the real issue, which is "the rule of law."

lol, as if "rule of law" wasn't a buzz word.....

02-12-2008, 05:37 PM
no, but YOU have stated that you are opposed to increasing legal immigration....and the current levels of 65k a year are not enough.......

lol, as if "rule of law" wasn't a buzz word.....

But many that are strongly against illegal immigration, also support increasing legal immigration, as for me I haven't a problem with putting the 1m Mexicans allowed in legally to 1.5 million, as long as whatever standards are required are kept. I also think that the Eastern European numbers should be increased, perhaps more dramatically. With that said, those that employ illegals should be fined and jailed, if repeating.

red states rule
02-13-2008, 06:06 AM
Back to the subhect at habd, CNN is "reporting" what Republicans will do to the Dem

Blitzer Raises Specter of GOP Going 'Willie Horton' Against Obama
By Brent Baker | February 13, 2008 - 02:37 ET
The Democratic presidential nomination process isn't even over, yet on Tuesday CNN's Wolf Blitzer raised the media's favorite shorthand for vicious Republicans never forgotten from 1988, a name journalists can be counted on to resurrect every election season in order to discredit criticism of a liberal candidate, as he asked a guest how “worried” he was about Republicans energizing “elements of racism” by producing “Willie Horton kind of commercials...potentially against Barack Obama?” This, just a week after possible racism by Democratic voters was suggested by Obama's ten-point loss in California's primary after polls showed him up by 13 points. Columnist Bob Novak observed: “The way Obama lost California raises the specter of the dreaded Bradley Effect.”

Blitzer's question came during an interview on The Situation Room with conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder, author of 'Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card -- and Lose,' which Elder explained makes the case for how “white racism is no longer a major problem in America anymore.” Blitzer wondered: “Why do Republicans have so much trouble attracting African-American support?” Elder replied by pointing out how “Republicans, as a percentage of the party, more of them voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats. Al Gore's dad voted against it” and “those who founded the Klan were, in fact, Democrats, and one of their goals was to stop the spread of Republicanism.” But instead of pursuing that sordid history, Blitzer launched into his questions about Republicans using racism to defeat Obama.
