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View Full Version : The NRCC, FBI and the FEC

02-09-2008, 01:06 PM

It seems the National Republican Congressional Committee (its the group that helps republicans get elected to congress) has a treasurer who was so reluctant to have the audit of their finances that he falsified an audit to fool the committee head ,The FBI and the Federal Election Committee.

This same guy has worked with many of the republican groups like the swift boat vets.

The FBI is now all over this one and it may time out right at election time producing some really nasty stories of Republican corruption.

I wonder if the scandal surrounding a certain Religious Right college is connected?

02-09-2008, 01:16 PM
yes they are evil......

btw where did hillary get 5 million dollars of personal funds?

02-09-2008, 01:26 PM
This will shed a bright light on an entity which is trying to get Republicans relected as we speak.

If indeed they have been funneling illegal money to Republican campaigns they will not be able to do so in the up coming election which very well may increase the democratic numbers in the congress and give us a Democratic President at the same time.

This could be an utter devastation to the Republican party because they could then have the numbers needed to truely investigate the entire party including all the Bush endevors which they have fought so hard to stay competely secret.

yes they are evil......

btw where did hillary get 5 million dollars of personal funds?

Bill Clintons speechs.

02-09-2008, 01:28 PM
no brighter than the criminals contributing to hillary or bill laundering 20 million from uae to hillaries campaign.....

02-09-2008, 01:34 PM
The media have been all over any discrepancies by the Clintons for years.

The FBI never seems to feel they have to investigate the Clintons in connection with them huh?

The FBI is now investigating this and you can pretend its OK because someone bad gave to Clinton but in reality they are two separate issues and they dont cancel each other out.

The FBI will still investigate it and it will still make it much harder to replace the Rs who are leaving with new Rs huh?

Your party is in big trouble no matter what goes down here.

02-09-2008, 04:13 PM
I guess corruption is OK as long as it R corruption?

02-09-2008, 04:22 PM
I guess corruption is OK as long as it R corruption?

of course----you didn't know that rule ??? :laugh2:

02-09-2008, 04:33 PM
I guess corruption is OK as long as it R corruption?

Post some of the readily available proof on democrat corruption and we can speak of that too.

Oh, my bad, it's apparently against your religion! Last time we went down this road and I posted that data you disappeared! And at least my data was PROOF of wrongdoing and was part of the record. You simply find anything you can and latch onto it like a retarded leech.

02-09-2008, 04:48 PM
The media have been all over any discrepancies by the Clintons for years.

The FBI never seems to feel they have to investigate the Clintons in connection with them huh?

The FBI is now investigating this and you can pretend its OK because someone bad gave to Clinton but in reality they are two separate issues and they dont cancel each other out.

The FBI will still investigate it and it will still make it much harder to replace the Rs who are leaving with new Rs huh?

Your party is in big trouble no matter what goes down here.

so what you are saying is the fbi are in the clintons pocket....and i don't have a party....

02-09-2008, 05:10 PM
This corruption is not going to go away because you insult me and say "oh yeah the dems did something bad once".

This guy forged an audit of the top money source for the republicans in the entire congress.

The FBI is investigating it and its going to effect the elections in Nov. in many ways.

These are facts and no matter how much you hate them and or me they wont dissapear.

Sir Evil
02-09-2008, 05:13 PM
This corruption is not going to go away because you insult me and say "oh yeah the dems did something bad once".

Once? Damn those dems are just a honest bunch....:rolleyes:

02-09-2008, 05:17 PM
This corruption is not going to go away because you insult me and say "oh yeah the dems did something bad once".

This guy forged an audit of the top money source for the republicans in the entire congress.

The FBI is investigating it and its going to effect the elections in Nov. in many ways.

These are facts and no matter how much you hate them and or me they wont dissapear.

Shut up, you repetitive dumbass. You could write anything here, from the sky is blue to the POTUS was assassinated and I wouldn't believe it coming from you. You have proven time and time again that you jump on any story you can if it shines republicans in a bad light, whether facts have emerged yet or not, and whether an investigation has been completed or not.

When and if an investigation is completed, and someone from the republican party has been convicted of wrongdoing, I'll be happy to be the first to condemn their actions.

But until then, I'll be damned if I'll be getting my news and talking points from someone who has such a hard time doing the work of a grammar school student, which is spelling properly and formulating sentences and paragraphs.

Again, you are a hack, and an illiterate one.

02-09-2008, 05:19 PM
Once? Damn those dems are just a honest bunch....:rolleyes:

Once? LOL I provided a list for her of no less than 20 Dems who not only were caught wrongdoing in the past 10 years, but were convicted! Do you know what she said about that list? Neither do I, the hack disappeared like a turd that wasn't ready to come out yet! :laugh2:

02-09-2008, 05:21 PM
Once? Damn those dems are just a honest bunch....:rolleyes:

I disagree with you. Democrats are not any less prone to corruption than any other group of people.

The dem platform makes them less desirable to buy.

The republican platform is already partially in line with the aims of the people who buy out our congress critters. This makes them a bigger target of the buyers. They can hide being bought unlike a Dem who votes in the interests of the purchasing corporations or wealthy people are much easier to spot by their constituients and will be voted out more often.

02-09-2008, 05:22 PM
This corruption is not going to go away because you insult me and say "oh yeah the dems did something bad once".

This guy forged an audit of the top money source for the republicans in the entire congress.

The FBI is investigating it and its going to effect the elections in Nov. in many ways.

These are facts and no matter how much you hate them and or me they wont dissapear.

... saying the uae is laundering campaign money through bill clinton to hilliary is insulting you?....how egocentric are you....holy crap.....

02-09-2008, 05:22 PM
I disagree with you. Democrats are not any less prone to corruption than any other group of people.

The dem platform makes them less desirable to buy.

The republican platform is already partially in line with the aims of the people who buy out our congress critters. This makes them a bigger target of the buyers. They can hide being bought unlike a Dem who votes in the interests of the purchasing corporations or wealthy people are much easier to spot by their constituients and will be voted out more often.

Then why have so many Dems been found to be corrupt in the past 10 years?

Sir Evil
02-09-2008, 05:23 PM
I disagree with you. Democrats are not any less prone to corruption than any other group of people.

The dem platform makes them less desirable to buy.

The republican plateform is already partially in line with the aims of the people who buy out our congress critters. This makes them a bigger target of the buyers. They can hide being bought ulike a Dem who votes in the interests of the purchasing corporations or wealthy people are much easier to spot by their constituients and will be voted out more often.

There all dishonest bastards regardless of reason. Now if you would just realize that you may find more to life than bashing republicans on a messageboard.

02-09-2008, 05:24 PM
There all dishonest bastards regardless of reason. Now if you would just realize that you may find more to life than bashing republicans on a messageboard.

She does have a life. Once every 4 hours or so she disengages to change her Depends and watch Wapner. And yes, she buys her Depends at K-Mart!

02-09-2008, 05:25 PM
I disagree with you. Democrats are not any less prone to corruption than any other group of people.

The dem platform makes them less desirable to buy.

The republican platform is already partially in line with the aims of the people who buy out our congress critters. This makes them a bigger target of the buyers. They can hide being bought unlike a Dem who votes in the interests of the purchasing corporations or wealthy people are much easier to spot by their constituients and will be voted out more often.

uh the pubs support big business....capitalisim and the individual ....the dems condem big business....want socialisim and the collective to decide fot the individual.....seems those with money would want to bribe your lot....

funny how the dems talk tough when the are not in control.....then fall right in line with the satus quo once they are in charge.....

makes you wonder if thou doest protest too much...

Sir Evil
02-09-2008, 05:26 PM
She does have a life. Once every 4 hours or so she disengages to change her Depends and watch Wapner. And yes, she buys her Depends at K-Mart!


02-09-2008, 05:36 PM
Hmmm all the comments on this thread keep being personal attacks instead of adressing the subject at hand.

So does that mean you wish you had never been told of this news and these facts?

Why would you not want this corruption stopped?

They are selling out YOU as much as they are selling out anyone in this country.

Maybe you need to think a little harder on this one?

When was the last time you started a thread about republican corruption?

I have started threads about Dem corruption on every site I have ever been on including this one.

02-09-2008, 05:40 PM
Shut up, you old retard. Come back when the investigation is complete. All you have thus far is just more of your republican bashing and not one thing more. When the investigation is complete, and if any repubs are found guilty of wrongdoing, I'll be the first to condemn them. Wow, now I'm repeating myself for the disabled! LOL

Please, see a psychiatrist and have your brain healed before continuing to post here. I'm afraid your disease may spread to those of use here who aren't intellectually challenged.

Has your brain been dormant for so long that you are incapable of addressing the dems corruption, which stands 100% contrary to what you have stated in this thread? Why have there been so many found guilty in the past 10 years alone of various forms of wrongdoing?

02-09-2008, 05:58 PM
It is an already established fact that they treasurer of the NRCC falsified the audit.

This is what you are ignoring so that you can engauge in petty namecalling.

Why do you care more about your party than the laws?

02-09-2008, 06:11 PM
From your own article:

But it may take four to six weeks for a forensic audit of the NRCC to be completed, one senior Republican lawmaker said, and until then, it is unclear what, if any, wrongdoing occurred or the scope of potential losses to the committee.

So why not wait until the investigation is complete before making accusations and passing things off as fact?

Why aren't you so active in condemning the corrupted dems, and specifically those who have already been found guilty of their crimes?

02-09-2008, 06:15 PM
From your own article:
So why not wait until the investigation is complete before making accusations and passing things off as fact?
Why aren't you so active in condemning the corrupted dems, and specifically those who have already been found guilty of their crimes?

because it is so much more fun to jump to conclusions.....

02-09-2008, 06:28 PM
Why are not one of you even recognizing a proven Crime has already taken place?

It is a crime for him to forge these documents.

Many of you talk of things dems are claimed to have done when they have been investigated and cleared.

This is a proven crime and is under investigation as we speak.

Why do you keep refering to other things which are settled and refuse to address the issue of the thread?

02-09-2008, 06:34 PM
Why are not one of you even recognizing a proven Crime has already taken place?

It is a crime for him to forge these documents.

Many of you talk of things dems are claimed to have done when they have been investigated and cleared.

This is a proven crime and is under investigation as we speak.

Why do you keep refering to other things which are settled and refuse to address the issue of the thread?

Please point me to the page outlining the charges brought forth thus far. Surely with so many agencies looking into this, if a crime was already committed and proven, charges have been brought against the perp.

The things I listed about dems weren't investigated and cleared, they have admitted to wrongdoing or have been convicted of their crimes. My list didn't include accusations an innuendo, nothing but proven crimes that have been finalized.

02-09-2008, 06:50 PM
If their cases were done and they were punished than good.

What do they have to do with this case?

There are ongoing cases of dem corruption which many of you feel free to comment on like the Jeffords case.

This is news , this is a political chat site.

Why will no one here just discuss this case instead of trying to deflect it with old cases as if they cancel this story out.

When they police catch someone red handed in a crime which may have other crimes attached to them they investigate them and then charge the person with all the crimes right?

That is what is going on here. If you would go back and read the original post you will realize it is a FACT the guy forged the audit. It was the Republican director of the NRCC who turned him in for the crime (good for that honest man) of forging it.

Do you really think it should never be spoken of until the case is closed?

It seems the same rules dont apply when its a democrat in trouble.

02-09-2008, 07:03 PM
Most of us choose to save our debating for those with comprehension above the 4th grade level.

You don't look to discuss, you look solely to place blame on republicans. You're like a record stuck looping through the oompa loompa song, only slightly more irritating.

02-09-2008, 07:09 PM
Who on here is doing nothing but insulting Jim?

This is current political news.

This is a political chat site.

If I had not posted this you would know less facts about your own party and country.

You hate getting educated about wrong doing from your side.

Many here ignore any bad news about the republican party.

It still exsists even if you people ignore it.

02-09-2008, 07:12 PM
Who on here is doing nothing but insulting Jim?

This is current political news.

This is a political chat site.

If I had not posted this you would know less facts about your own party and country.

You hate getting educated about wrong doing from your side.

Many here ignore any bad news about the republican party.

It still exsists even if you people ignore it.

Sorry, couldn't read that. Please try again when you think you are capable of writing sentences and paragraphs like an adult. If you are unable to do so, and still wish to get replies from people that are to your liking, I can recommend you to a children's site more suitable for you.

02-09-2008, 07:19 PM
I understand, you are incapable of responding in any comprehensive manner to the facts presented in this article.

02-09-2008, 07:26 PM
I understand, you are incapable of responding in any comprehensive manner to the facts presented in this article.

That's it, you have me pegged! You're obviously too smart for all of us here. You win. Republicans are all bad and evil, Democrats are all good upstanding citizens who will save our country from the oil stealing, baby killing Republicans.

We concede.

Now go change your depends, you stupid old hag, the stench is becoming overbearing in here.

02-09-2008, 08:52 PM
I understand, you are incapable of responding in any comprehensive manner to the facts presented in this article.

everyone in your country is guilty till proven innocent huh.....all you have is allegations......no one is guilty of anything yet.....

02-09-2008, 11:17 PM
None of the insults make this news story go away now do they.

02-10-2008, 12:10 AM

It seems the National Republican Congressional Committee (its the group that helps republicans get elected to congress) has a treasurer who was so reluctant to have the audit of their finances that he falsified an audit to fool the committee head ,The FBI and the Federal Election Committee.

This same guy has worked with many of the republican groups like the swift boat vets.

The FBI is now all over this one and it may time out right at election time producing some really nasty stories of Republican corruption.

I wonder if the scandal surrounding a certain Religious Right college is connected?

I would like to take this opportunity to address this issue you have brought to our attention.

I wonder if a certain religious right college is connected too. When do you think we will find out the truth ?

02-10-2008, 12:45 AM
None of the insults make this news story go away now do they.

I understand, you are incapable of responding in any comprehensive manner to the facts presented in this article
