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View Full Version : Interesting Discussion on Super Delegates and the Electoral College

02-10-2008, 11:08 AM
Many of the comments are worth reading. There are links. Main point, the democrats are questioning the rules their party set up, BEFORE the primary season:


02-14-2008, 11:02 PM
Many of the comments are worth reading. There are links. Main point, the democrats are questioning the rules their party set up, BEFORE the primary season:


and here we go:


February 15, 2008
Black Leader Pulls Support From Clinton

MILWAUKEE — Representative John Lewis, an elder statesman from the civil rights era and one of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, said Thursday night that he planned to cast his vote as a superdelegate for Senator Barack Obama in hopes of preventing a fight at the Democratic convention.

“In recent days, there is a sense of movement and a sense of spirit,” said Mr. Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who endorsed Mrs. Clinton last fall. “Something is happening in America and people are prepared and ready to make that great leap.”

Mr. Lewis, who carries great influence among other members of Congress, disclosed his decision in an interview in which he said that as a superdelegate, he could not go against the wishes of the voters of his district, who overwhelmingly supported Mr. Obama.

“I’ve been very impressed with the campaign of Senator Obama,” Mr. Lewis said. “He’s getting better and better every single day.”...

02-15-2008, 11:04 AM
Obama '08 -- Out of spite!

red states rule
02-16-2008, 06:06 AM
Many of the comments are worth reading. There are links. Main point, the democrats are questioning the rules their party set up, BEFORE the primary season:


After the 2000 election, Hillary wanted to dump the Electoral College and let the popular vote decide the outcome of elections

Now when her ass is losing, she wants to change the rules, and forget about the popular vots in this election

I am amazed how many people want 4 more years of Clinton corruption, and double standards

02-16-2008, 03:25 PM
I am currently not a big fan of the primary system because of the process. I like the idea of playoffs (if you will paradon a football addict getting a quickfixxxxx) leading up to the big bowl.

I like the idea of the parties making thier own rules as well. I just don't like the process as it is today. I am working on a suggestion letter for the DNC/RNC as we speak. Well not as we speak. More like as time and my grandkid permit. As you know, one cannot ignore a baby who has spit the plug out and wants to be held. :laugh2:

02-16-2008, 11:02 PM
This is as good a place as any to discuss how the primary system works or how you think it should work.

Am I the only one who is dissatisfied with the primary process to elect a President? Is there a way to keep it around that will address shortcomings and hopefully produce a pair of worthy candidates? If you have a better idea I would love to hear it. For now, here is mine.

I don’t mind spreading the states out over a period of months. But it seems that right now certain states are spread out far enough that some are disenfranchised. At the moment, Texas will be a key state for the Dems. But, if you are Republican your candidate is already virtually locked in. Basically, under the current system, if your favorite candidate drops out, you may lose the option of helping him or her. I hope to address that here.

More here (http://blog.debatepolicy.com/2008/02/17/pyramid-scheme/#more-47)

02-16-2008, 11:22 PM
This is as good a place as any to discuss how the primary system works or how you think it should work.

Am I the only one who is dissatisfied with the primary process to elect a President? Is there a way to keep it around that will address shortcomings and hopefully produce a pair of worthy candidates? If you have a better idea I would love to hear it. For now, here is mine.

I don’t mind spreading the states out over a period of months. But it seems that right now certain states are spread out far enough that some are disenfranchised. At the moment, Texas will be a key state for the Dems. But, if you are Republican your candidate is already virtually locked in. Basically, under the current system, if your favorite candidate drops out, you may lose the option of helping him or her. I hope to address that here.

More here (http://blog.debatepolicy.com/2008/02/17/pyramid-scheme/#more-47)

With all due respect would you be saying the same thing had Mr. Romney or Mr. Huckabee done better in the primary, or, are you just pissed off that two like minded candidates basically cost each other votes and a third dog won the race?

Remember the song........Sometimes you win...sometimes you lose. It wasn't their time Peg. Fact is........the best chance of winning comes with not quite the best candidate and sometimes that hgas to be the game in order to advance. You know the deal. McCain can and probably will win. That might not be just the way swe would want the pie to look but it's a darn sight better than a big fat slice of Hildabeast Creme Pie. 10-4?

Have a good one! Good to talk to you.

02-17-2008, 12:46 AM
Emmet, did you actually click the link and read the entire thing? Tell me what you thought of the ideas. Am I nuts or not? Enquiring minds wanna know.

Yeah I would be saying the same thing. I intend to vote for Ron Paul no matter how the primary goes. At my blog there are several posts that spell it out for you.

>Why I support Ron Paul (http://the--realist.blogspot.com/2008/01/open-letter-to-republicans.html)
Why I oppose John McCain (http://the--realist.blogspot.com/2008/02/open-letter-to-local-gop.html)
The Realist (http://www.the--realist.blogspot.com)

Good to see ya.