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View Full Version : What's so bad about conservatism?

02-11-2008, 02:40 AM
A serious question for the liberals:

What's so bad about conservatism?

What's so bad about a limited government based on the Constitution?

What's so bad about protecting innocent life?

What's so bad about allowing people to keep their own money?

What's so bad about encouraging people to succeed through their thrift and industry?

What's so bad about being free to choose what we eat, how much we weigh, and what exercise we do?

What's so bad about allowing people to try and fail?

What is so bad about exercising our religion freely?

What's so bad about saying what we think and believe?

What's so bad about not wanting the government in our lives?

What's so bad about fighting for our country?

What's so bad about family values?

In general, what's so bad about freedom?