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View Full Version : *Does Paul Think He really Has A Chance?*

02-11-2008, 07:09 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. If he does, he is fooling himself.
2. Does he think he will get a VP slot?
3. If so he is crazier than I thought.
4. He's third man out.
5. I don't think he has much of a delegate count.
6. How does he expect to win then?
7. A sane person would start asking themselves, "Do I have any chance in hell in winning this thing?"
8. But not even his staff is brave enough to ask him to stand down.
9. And whats weird we are not hearing any of the media asking him to stop.
10. When the media are not asking for him to stand down, and your odds are obvious less than zero in taking this thing, somethings up.
11. There are two *Non~Conservatives* in this race, Ron Paul is one of them.
12. Just what *Party* this guy is really in, is yet to be determined, if their is a Party location available for him, is the Independent Party really a Party?


02-11-2008, 11:46 AM
no. thats why he is running for reelection to Congress. he simply wants to get his message out. and i fully support him in doing that.

02-11-2008, 05:43 PM
Paul came out and said he's focusing on getting reelected to his Congessional seat, and that he's not running as a third party candidate.

02-11-2008, 10:05 PM
no. thats why he is running for reelection to Congress. he simply wants to get his message out. and i fully support him in doing that.

Paul has said that he is remaining in the race so he can present his points at the convention.
Paul has about as much of a chance of winning as Huckabee does.

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Paul has said that he is remaining in the race so he can present his points at the convention.
Paul has about as much of a chance of winning as Huckabee does.

Ya know what though... it's going to be real funny when Huckabee wins everything left on the republican side and mccain never hits 1091 delegates. Hmmm... wonder who Romney and Paul would give their delegates to then...

02-12-2008, 05:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. If he does, he is fooling himself.
2. Does he think he will get a VP slot?
3. If so he is crazier than I thought.
4. He's third man out.
5. I don't think he has much of a delegate count.
6. How does he expect to win then?
7. A sane person would start asking themselves, "Do I have any chance in hell in winning this thing?"
8. But not even his staff is brave enough to ask him to stand down.
9. And whats weird we are not hearing any of the media asking him to stop.
10. When the media are not asking for him to stand down, and your odds are obvious less than zero in taking this thing, somethings up.
11. There are two *Non~Conservatives* in this race, Ron Paul is one of them.
12. Just what *Party* this guy is really in, is yet to be determined, if their is a Party location available for him, is the Independent Party really a Party?


No he doesn't. He is making a statement and he is doing a good job of it. I may hate the man and think he is nuts but I do have to give him credit for not quitting and standing by his principals.

02-12-2008, 05:36 PM
Ya know what though... it's going to be real funny when Huckabee wins everything left on the republican side and mccain never hits 1091 delegates. Hmmm... wonder who Romney and Paul would give their delegates to then...

Do the math, it is impossible for Hucklebee to get the deligates he needs to win. He knows this and has stated it and everyone else has as well. I don't see why people like Hucklebee over McCain as he has done a lot more to enable illegal immigration then Senator McCain has ever dreamed of.

02-12-2008, 05:37 PM
Paul came out and said he's focusing on getting reelected to his Congessional seat, and that he's not running as a third party candidate.

Yes but he has stated that he hasn't and wont drop out of the race.

02-13-2008, 02:01 AM
Yes but he has stated that he hasn't and wont drop out of the race.

He suspended his campaign. Same thing that Mitt Romney did.

Are you really that dumb? No wonder no one on this board respects you.