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02-11-2008, 01:26 PM
Voluntary program is issue in community

As Boston police prepare to go into some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, knock on doors of private houses, and ask if they can search for illegal guns without a warrant, officials are trying to pitch the idea of the plan as friendly cooperation to residents who still see it as a threatening intrusion.

A friendly looking logo - a drawing of a house surrounded by the sun - adorns the brochure police have drafted to explain and promote the initiative, "Safe Homes." Photos of officers playing baseball with children and chatting with teenagers dot the pamphlet. Twice, police have taken calls from listeners on a black radio station in Roxbury.

By the time they start going door to door next month, police hope they will have reassured clergy, neighborhood leaders, and parents who still see the program as a way to violate the privacy of residents in neighborhoods with a large population of minority-group members and and immigrants.

"There is a big trust issue," said Deputy Superintendent Gary French, who will oversee the Safe Homes program. "I think a lot of people think there's going to be some kind of behind-the-scenes hook to this, and there really isn't. The reality of it is it's strictly a program aimed at getting guns out of the hands of juveniles."

Police plan to search for weapons in four Dorchester and Roxbury neighborhoods by late February or early March. Relying on the tips from schools, community organizations, and parents, they will look in the rooms of any children whose parents or guardians give consent to the search, French said. (The program does not apply to anyone over 18, because they are legally adults and parents can no longer give consent to a search of their rooms.)

Ten officers and a sergeant assigned to the city's schools have been trained to conduct the searches. Most of them speak a second tongue, Spanish or Cape Verdean Creole.

To further put residents at ease, officers will wear civilian clothes and try to look like office workers on casual Friday rather than FBI agents, French said. "They won't go in there in a three-piece suit."

read the rest..

02-11-2008, 01:28 PM
Worthless, they're just trying to trick people in to cooperating who don't know they really have to have a warrant to do such a search.

02-11-2008, 01:31 PM
they're asking for consent, not tricking, you don't need a warrent when you have that. i can see where they are going with this idea and it atleast sounds nice.

02-11-2008, 02:20 PM
they're asking for consent, not tricking, you don't need a warrent when you have that. i can see where they are going with this idea and it atleast sounds nice.

So, what happens when they find an illegal gun in a home when there is consent to search? How about if they find any other contraband?

I'm sorry. I'm a law abiding citizen. I don't have illegal guns, drugs nor anything else that I know of in my house that could be considered illegal, but I would not voluntarily allow them to search my house like this.

Can you imagine what these citizens are going to say when the cops come into their homes and trash the homes leaving drawers laying everywhere, clothing thrown about all over the room, trash thrown on the floor, food taken out of the refrigerator and left wherever the cops leave it?

But, then I suppose when the first sweep is complete they will return with warrants for those who refused to comply and leave those homes in even worse shape.

This is what happens when we give them an inch.


02-11-2008, 02:21 PM
So, what happens when they find and illegal gun in a home when there is consent to search? How about if they find any other contraband?

I'm sorry. I'm a law abiding citizen. I don't have illegal guns, drugs nor anything else that I know of in my house that could be considered illegal, but I would not voluntarily allow them to search my house like this.

Can you imagine what these citizens are going to say when the cops come into their homes and trash the homes leaving drawers laying everywhere, clothing thrown about all over the room, trash thrown on the floor, food taken out of the refrigerator and left wherever the cops leave it?

But, then I suppose when the first sweep is complete they will return with warrants for those who refused to comply and leave those homes in even worse shape.

This is what happens when we give them an inch.


I'm with you, this is a bad idea all the way around.

02-11-2008, 02:28 PM
that is why i bolded sounds. i ain't agreeing with it, and i agree with the inch thing, whats next then if we let them do this one thing? would almost have to do a "guns only" search

i can also understand how they wanna get illegally had guns off the street. what would you sugesst they do? random searches of ppl walking becasue of the area that they are in? then you have profiling issues.

02-11-2008, 02:30 PM
I don't care how they come dressed and just how voluntary this is supposed to be...

They knock on my door, it will be slammed in their face...

02-11-2008, 02:37 PM
I don't care how they come dressed and just how voluntary this is supposed to be...

They knock on my door, it will be slammed in their face...

With a plan like this, they may as well hand out brownshirts for the agents to wear.

02-11-2008, 02:44 PM
So basically they want to take any guns that aren't licensed????

I will not license our gun or let anyone have it, even if they ask nice.

02-11-2008, 02:48 PM
that is why i bolded sounds. i ain't agreeing with it, and i agree with the inch thing, whats next then if we let them do this one thing? would almost have to do a "guns only" search

i can also understand how they wanna get illegally had guns off the street. what would you sugesst they do? random searches of ppl walking becasue of the area that they are in? then you have profiling issues.

I caught the "sounds" in your post. It really does sound like a good idea. I said that I don't think I have anything illegal in my house. I have a 15 year old son that I trust a lot, but who knows, too many parents of 15 year old boys have found out the hard way that their kids were into things they didn't know about. It seems pretty harmless to think about the police searching the kids room... that is until they find something or think they have!

What do I suggest they do? Well, I would suggest they abide by the Constitution. That document has supported this country very well for going on 250 years. Seems like a bad idea to "terminate" it now.


Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 02:59 PM
I don't care how they come dressed and just how voluntary this is supposed to be...

They knock on my door, it will be slammed in their face...

I wouldn't even open the door.

02-11-2008, 03:00 PM
So basically they want to take any guns that aren't licensed????

I will not license our gun or let anyone have it, even if they ask nice.

i don't think they are talking shotguns and rifles. but handguns since they are supposed to be licensed.

to immie-

I understand completely what you mean. wouldn't be a nice way to find out something like that about your kids.

and to me this is kinda where it gets tricky. if the gun is supposed to be licensed, then is it unconstitutional to take it away? i don't know. i can see both sides of the coin with that one.