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View Full Version : Who'd be the LAST person from dp you'd want to hang out with? :)

02-11-2008, 02:34 PM
Who'd be the LAST person from dp you'd want to hang out with? :)

My list - from the top of my head -


From what i've seen he hates this country the most.... and is greatly at odds with everything that is right...

On 2nd thought... maybe he's the person I SHOULD hang out with... Christ does tell us about "doing things unto the least of these"...

Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 02:36 PM
Joe Steel
Sir Evil

02-11-2008, 02:38 PM
Well I don't wana hang with none of ya'll so.......

Sir Evil
02-11-2008, 02:47 PM
Joe Steel
Sir Evil


I'm all broken up about this. What, because I don't wear tight leathers with my ass hanging out grooving to the village people I'm no good?


Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 03:00 PM

I'm all broken up about this. What, because I don't wear tight leathers with my ass hanging out grooving to the village people I'm no good?


OCA got run off for doing just what you're doing now. But, your brother owns the board, so I guess you feel you can get away with anything.

Sir Evil
02-11-2008, 03:03 PM
OCA got run off for doing just what you're doing now. But, your brother owns the board, so I guess you feel you can get away with anything.

I guess but last I looked OCA was still here. Just quit crying already mangina.:laugh2:

02-11-2008, 03:09 PM
Well I don't wana hang with none of ya'll so.......

So, you're going to go post in your blog, AKA Rant of the Week thread? You know you love us, don't lie. :D

02-11-2008, 03:29 PM
Who'd be the LAST person from dp you'd want to hang out with? :)

My list - from the top of my head -


From what i've seen he hates this country the most.... and is greatly at odds with everything that is right...

On 2nd thought... maybe he's the person I SHOULD hang out with... Christ does tell us about "doing things unto the least of these"...

how fortunate for both of us!

02-11-2008, 03:32 PM
So, you're going to go post in your blog, AKA Rant of the Week thread? You know you love us, don't lie. :D
Ahhh I do love ya'll but only as net buddies who read my board blog thread and give me tention.

02-11-2008, 03:32 PM
how fortunate for both of us!


I wouldnt hang out with oca or shattered :dance:

02-11-2008, 03:37 PM
OCA got run off for doing just what you're doing now. But, your brother owns the board, so I guess you feel you can get away with anything.

OCA got run off?????????????????????

Are you fucking drunk brother? I didn't and have zero plans of going anywhere, its business as usual for me here.

02-11-2008, 03:39 PM

I wouldnt hang out with oca or shattered :dance:

Well gee, I think I have wood at that thought!

02-11-2008, 03:52 PM
Who'd be the LAST person from dp you'd want to hang out with? :)

Crappy topic, because it's likely that more than half the members here are nothing like their online personas.

02-11-2008, 05:20 PM
Crappy topic, because it's likely that more than half the members here are nothing like their online personas.
That may be true but remember that leaves the other half being JUST like their internet personas..................:poke:

The scary part is which half is real and which is fake.......:coffee:

02-11-2008, 05:37 PM

I wouldnt hang out with oca or shattered :dance:

...and the fox didn't want the grapes, either...

IOW, it's easy to despise what you can't get...

02-11-2008, 05:46 PM
OCA got run off?????????????????????

Are you fucking drunk brother? I didn't and have zero plans of going anywhere, its business as usual for me here.

If by "business as usual", you mean going back to the way you were a long time ago, and sticking to debates, then you're correct. If you are thinking that you will continue to stink the board up with feuds and derailing threads, you are sorely mistaken.

02-11-2008, 05:59 PM
If by "business as usual", you mean going back to the way you were a long time ago, and sticking to debates, then you're correct. If you are thinking that you will continue to stink the board up with feuds and derailing threads, you are sorely mistaken.

I don't do the latter so no idea what you are talking about. I bring an unusual but extraordinary mix of sarcastic debate that many when confounded by that are quick to easily dismiss it as simply flame when nothing could be farther from the truth. It has also been my recent experience to find out that those who are confounded will also pull lies out of thin air in order to discredit me, interesting.

I also don't suffer fools and lessers lightly, I don't think others should too.

So thats my take on it.

02-11-2008, 06:05 PM
Anyway, I think Darin and I are the only ones here who have hung out with each other after we met on the board.

I could be wrong but I don't remember anyone else talking about meeting another member unless they already knew that member before they joined the board.

02-11-2008, 06:21 PM
I don't do the latter so no idea what you are talking about. I bring an unusual but extraordinary mix of sarcastic debate that many when confounded by that are quick to easily dismiss it as simply flame when nothing could be farther from the truth. It has also been my recent experience to find out that those who are confounded will also pull lies out of thin air in order to discredit me, interesting.

I also don't suffer fools and lessers lightly, I don't think others should too.

So thats my take on it.

Should feuds erupt or threads get derailed, they will be moderated. If the members involved continue after that, then they will be moderated. If someone wants to throw a flame around here and there, I have no problem with that, as I can do so myself. But I'm not going to tolerate anyone following members around the board and hounding their every word at every opportunity. There's quite a difference between tossing a jab every now and again as opposed to make it your only reason for being here.

02-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Should feuds erupt or threads get derailed, they will be moderated. If the members involved continue after that, then they will be moderated. If someone wants to throw a flame around here and there, I have no problem with that, as I can do so myself. But I'm not going to tolerate anyone following members around the board and hounding their every word at every opportunity. There's quite a difference between tossing a jab every now and again as opposed to make it your only reason for being here.

Let me preface this in that I don't freely choose this thread to air my beef but i've little choice in the matter.

Why you choose to see that it was, in the matter of Jacko, Jacko himself who caused those two now closed threads to devolve into shit is beyond me, I simply stated my opinion, continued to state my opinion without going personal and BOOM! Jacko goes personal, so I returned fire and was attacked with what amounted to and in reality were basically baldfaced lies. Now thats ok but when Jacko was pulling shit out of his bunghole and flinging it in desperation I would've thought that no matter what you think of me you would've acknowledged that what I was saying about me being a mod etc. etc. and my being shitcanned was factually true since really we two were the only ones involved in the conversations at that time and Jacko didn't have shit to do with anything.........guess I was wrong.

Now in reference to Acts, he's a gimp, he makes foolish statements on subjects he knows little if anything about, he wants to be like the big boys but when the big boys come to play he cries like a hurt schoolgirl and starts threads about personal insults as if he doesn't throw shit around. I won't sit by while this fuck makes veiled references about me and others, I will respond in kind no matter if he's mentally challenged or not, if he wants to play let him stop his references to me or else not cry when the hammer comes down.

In short I would suggest that someone get Acts to get his meds under control, because banning be damned, I will not sit idly by while he creates threads with thinly veiled references to me.

Now as to the "shooting mental defects" statement made by me.........you're either bullshitting me that you don't know that was ann absurdity in response to an absurdity or you didn't give a shit to research where it came from and just saw a chance to try and come down on me......which was it?

02-11-2008, 07:25 PM
Apparently you're under the misconception that I give a shit about why you go after people, or feel that I need to answer to you. You're wrong on both accounts.

I stated what I needed to say. Thread issues will be moderated. Those who continue to push after that will be moderated themselves.

02-11-2008, 09:53 PM
In case anyone is wondering, OCA is on a 7 day hiatus, which will be extended MUCH longer if he keeps up his antics.

He couldn't leave well enough alone with this locked thread and decided to inform me that he WILL NOT listen to me and "it will be business as usual whether I give a shit or not."

I rarely throw around the fact that I own this board, but I do, and I'll be damned if anyone is going to tell me that they'll do whatever they please here whether I like it or not.

Just thought I would give an explanation in case anyone saw he was banned.