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View Full Version : Democrats want your children

02-11-2008, 06:08 PM
I'm looking at the platforms of both Clinton and Obama and they are both advocating universal pre K. They don't indoctrinate children enough and now they want to start at an even younger age?

If we are going to fight for the freedom we hold dear, we have to start by fighting to keep our children from the clutches of the government.

02-11-2008, 06:33 PM
I'm looking at the platforms of both Clinton and Obama and they are both advocating universal pre K. They don't indoctrinate children enough and now they want to start at an even younger age?

If we are going to fight for the freedom we hold dear, we have to start by fighting to keep our children from the clutches of the government.

Heather's two mommies seems to top the list of required readings. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't have a huge hang up regarding gays, but I do cut the line at using institutions to indoctrinate alternative lifestyles.

I'm all for school districts helping children with learning disabilities or from impoverished backgrounds get a hand up in schools. Providing pre-K for my kids, no thanks. I did what my kids needed and all that can afford it should do what they think is best for them.

Pale Rider
02-11-2008, 10:13 PM
There is no way I'd send a kid of mine to public school in this day and age. I'd home school.

02-11-2008, 10:20 PM
Nah. We libs want OUR children. We want them to be properly educated.
One of the reasons why my husband and I chose our future home is the excellent public school system. If your schools aren't as good, work to make them better.
With public schools, you have a voice in what and how your children are taught. Private schools tell you what they will be teaching. You write them a check and STFU.

02-12-2008, 12:04 PM
I'm looking at the platforms of both Clinton and Obama and they are both advocating universal pre K. They don't indoctrinate children enough and now they want to start at an even younger age?

If we are going to fight for the freedom we hold dear, we have to start by fighting to keep our children from the clutches of the government.

Most children are in daycare and preschool these days, a child going into kindergarten is expected to already know their ABC's. Most districts want the children learning to read by the time the year is up.

I don't think it should be mandatory by any means to send a child to daycare or preschool, but since the vast majority already are in a program what's the problem??????

My question is, if they're advocating it are they going to help pay for it, and I don't mean only the poor kids. The gov. already has programs for them.

02-12-2008, 12:09 PM
Good points, Trigg. Every parent should have the right to decide what is best for their child.

02-12-2008, 12:13 PM
Nah. We libs want OUR children. We want them to be properly educated.
One of the reasons why my husband and I chose our future home is the excellent public school system. If your schools aren't as good, work to make them better.
With public schools, you have a voice in what and how your children are taught. Private schools tell you what they will be teaching. You write them a check and STFU.

do you have kids in public school?

02-12-2008, 12:45 PM
Nah. We libs want OUR children. We want them to be properly educated.
One of the reasons why my husband and I chose our future home is the excellent public school system. If your schools aren't as good, work to make them better.
With public schools, you have a voice in what and how your children are taught. Private schools tell you what they will be teaching. You write them a check and STFU.

if you wanted them properly educated, you wouldnt hand them to the government at such young ages.

02-12-2008, 06:23 PM
I went to a public school

My husband went to a public school

My children go to a public school

I paid for my children to go to a pre-school at a church, most in my area are at churches. There was no religion taught at the school. The pre-school my sisters kids go to is run by a private institution, what gov. intervention are you guys talking about???

02-12-2008, 06:32 PM
do you have kids in public school?

:laugh2: That is what I was going to ask. The public schools do not take 'input' regarding curriculum, no matter how well meaning. If you are in a district where liberalism reigns, you are not going to change it, barring their doing something unconstitutional. Same on the other extreme.

Private schools, especially parochial schools, are operating on a shoestring. If the parents want something, it's probably going to happen. Doesn't matter if it's adding or dropping a sport; being more 'inclusive'; giving more or less homework; calling a snow day. The parents rule.

02-12-2008, 06:36 PM
:laugh2: That is what I was going to ask. The public schools do not take 'input' regarding curriculum, no matter how well meaning. If you are in a district where liberalism reigns, you are not going to change it, barring their doing something unconstitutional. Same on the other extreme.

Private schools, especially parochial schools, are operating on a shoestring. If the parents want something, it's probably going to happen. Doesn't matter if it's adding or dropping a sport; being more 'inclusive'; giving more or less homework; calling a snow day. The parents rule.

exactly.....my daughter goes to private school....since we foot the bill directly they listen to us and respond......my son goes to public school and since i foot the bill both directly and indirectly they politley tell me to shove it...which is why i also send my son to sylvan and sunday school.....

02-12-2008, 09:10 PM
The act of willingly taking your children, the most precious thing you have ever held in your hands, and turning them over to the same government that thought up the IRS to educate them is the most grievous act of child abuse any parent can commit short of permanent disability or murder. Physical abuse temporarily harms the body, but entrusting your child's education to the government will adversely affect him for the rest of his life.

For those who can't afford private school and, for whatever reason, cannot homeschool, the scenario is even worse. The government removes your child from you by force for several hours a day and places that child in an institution of indoctrination that sometimes presents an illusion of control and, on rare occasions, even indulges the parents enough to let them vote on school uniform or mascot policies.

I will sell off my internal organs and live in a shack before I willingly allow any child of mine to attend a so-called 'public' school, and I will not cease fanatical advocation of school choice, or better yet, privatization with subsidization, until it either becomes a reality or I lack the voice to do so.

If this country ever reaches the point where parents are denied even the options of homeschooling or private schooling, I will gladly join in the violent overthrow of the federal government.

I also firmly believe that the teachers' unions are a greater long term threat to this country than Islamic terrorism. A terrorist's nuke can take out a city, but the country will heal. Teachers' unions, as they stand now, systematically destroy the intellect of the entire country, a wound that could take generations to heal, assuming it's ever allowed to in the first place.