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View Full Version : I notice....

02-12-2008, 01:31 AM
Certain people on the board have been ganged up on...

Most notoriously Maineman and psychoblues, but it has happened to other too, and not just those with liberal view points

Can we cut the crap and debate like adults instead of acting like were guests on the jerry springer show?

02-12-2008, 12:12 PM
Can we cut the crap and debate like adults instead of acting like were guests on the jerry springer show?

Pot and kettle! Pot and kettle! :laugh2:

02-12-2008, 12:22 PM
We need a larger gang of liberals so we can spread the debate around. If everyone that gangs up on the liberals had more liberals to debate with they could gang up on us.

Perhaps those who are being ganged up on don't know anyone to invite to the site that shares their positions. I would recommend all liberals invite those who share their positions to debate here since this seems to be a target rich environment of conservatives.

02-12-2008, 12:23 PM
Speaking of needing more liberals, has anyone seen Obama08 lately?

Pale Rider
02-12-2008, 01:26 PM
We need a larger gang of liberals so we can spread the debate around. If everyone that gangs up on the liberals had more liberals to debate with they could gang up on us.

Perhaps those who are being ganged up on don't know anyone to invite to the site that shares their positions. I would recommend all liberals invite those who share their positions to debate here since this seems to be a target rich environment of conservatives.

It's been my experience, and I've been on Jim's boards for years, that it doesn't really matter much how many liberals we get all at once, they just don't seem to last. Liberals argue with their emotions. Conservatives argue with facts. Conservatives seem to inevitably win all the debates, that pisses off the liberals and then they turn mean, then they get banned. Seems to happen like that every time. Seems like the only place liberals can last is a place like moveon.org or the DU, where everybody agrees with their moon bat ideas and conservatives get banned just for being conservative.

However, I give the liberals we have here a lot of credit. They hang around and espouse their thoughts knowing what the opposition is here. I think they do that because they're genuinely interested in what the other side has to say. That's a decent person I think. At least they want to listen.

mfm, gabby, LN... yeah they're self proclaimed liberals. So what? And yes I've had runs in with all of them. But... BUT... I've found that if you keep your smart ass comments to yourself and debate with these people like an adult, they're very capable of debating you in return in the same manner.

Sir Evil
02-12-2008, 02:11 PM
Certain people on the board have been ganged up on...

Most notoriously Maineman and psychoblues, but it has happened to other too, and not just those with liberal view points

Can we cut the crap and debate like adults instead of acting like were guests on the jerry springer show?

It happens when discussing such topics as politics & religion Martin, even more so when there are two clear cut sides.

those who can't stand the heat are manginas!